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Highlights from IUC 29 Conference

March 6-8, 2006, San Francisco, CA USA

If you weren’t able to attend IUC 29, here’s what you missed!

The 29th Internationalization & Unicode Conference drew a good crowd from diverse backgrounds who were eager to network and exchange ideas. The tutorials on Monday were well attended and the technically sophisticated audience challenged the presenters with excellent and thoughtful questions, leading to a lively discussion. The exchange of ideas continued during the breaks and at the first packed conference reception, sponsored by Google. The evening was rounded out by birds-of-a-feather special interest gatherings.

Kicking off the first day of general sessions, Tuoc Luong, Executive Vice President, Engineering & Technology, Ask Jeeves, Inc. gave the keynote presentation, “Going Global with a Search Engine.” (Keynote presentations will be made available on this website.) During the second and third days of the conference, attendees learned about such diverse topics as “Microsoft Office 12 - Internationalization Expanded,” and “A Case Study in Web Internationalization: Using the CLDR Online With PHP.”

The attendees mingled in the exhibit area for the conference reception on Tuesday night, featuring exhibits by Gold Sponsors Google, and Basis Technology, as well as Silver Sponsor IBM, Media Sponsors Multilingual Computing and the Localisation Research Centre. Organizational sponsors LISA and GALA joined exhibitors Business Search Technologies Corporation, Idiom Technologies, Microsoft, PDFlib GmbH and Tavultesoft. In between bites of California sushi, spinach puffs and scallops wrapped in bacon, attendees saw technology demonstrations and picked up some cool conference goodies (the lighted pens from Microsoft and the blinking Google pins were particular favorites along with the tee-shirts provided by Attendees were also able to preview the forthcoming book on Unicode 5.0 and get copies of the Unicode guide.

The second day began with a keynote presentation by Colonel Daniel L. Scott, Assistant Commandant, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center on “Unicode as a ‘Unifying Force’ in Language Education,” and continued with a plenary presentation by Charles Bigelow, Vice President, Bigelow & Holmes Inc. on “The Effect of Unicode on Type Design.” A full afternoon of presentations followed.

The Program Committee for the 30th Internationalization & Unicode Conference will be issuing a call for participation shortly. Please stay tuned for more information and we hope to see you in the fall.

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Object Management Group, (OMG) organizes the Internationalization and Unicode Conferences around the world under an exclusive license granted by the Unicode Consortium. Personal information provided to OMG via this website is subject to OMG’s Privacy Policy. All responsibility for conference finances and operations is borne by OMG. The independent conference board provides technical review of the program and papers. All inquiries regarding the Internationalization and Unicode Conferences should be addressed to  Copyright 2006 Object Management Group. All Rights Reserved.