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Errata Fixed in Unicode 5.0.0

This page contains the definitive listing of all errata of record since the publication of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.1 and considered resolved by the release of Unicode Version 5.0. These errata are listed by date in the table below. For prior errata resolved in Unicode 4.1 and earlier, see Errata Fixed in Unicode 4.1.0.

For errata still pending subsequent to the release of Unicode 5.0.0, see the list of current Updates and Errata.

Date  Summary 
2006-Jun-19 In the code charts for Unicode Version 2.0 through 4.1.0, the representative glyphs for U+0485 and U+0486 were based on an incomplete understanding of their typical appearance. The previous glyphs are shown on the left, the revised glyphs are shown on the right.

old   new


2006-May-18 In the code charts for Unicode Version 3.0 through 4.1.0, the representative glyphs for U+0340 and U+0341 are shown as different from their canonical equivalents U+0300 and U+0301. The incorrect glyphs are shown on the left, the corrected glyphs are shown on the right.

old   new

The code charts contain an annotation stating that U+0340 and U+0341 have special kerning behavior. That is incorrect, instead, both these characters and their canonical equivalents have special kerning behavior in specific language contexts.

2005-October-19 The Unicode 4.1.0 version of the extracted data file, DerivedLineBreak.txt, has an error in the derivation of the Line_Break property listing for Hangul syllables. It incorrectly lists all Hangul syllables as having lb=H2, when instead they should have a mixture of lb=H2 or lb=H3. The correct values for Hangul syllables are listed in LineBreak.txt.
2005-August-29 The status section of the Unicode 4.1.0 version of UAX#14: Line Breaking Properties (date: 2005-03-29) incorrectly reflected the status of this document . A corrected version was placed online (date: 2005-08-29).

There are several errors in the numbers provided for the allocation of code points in Tables D-2, D-3, and D-4 (p. 1356 of Unicode 4.0).

1. Format characters were mistakenly counted twice by including them in the "Alphabetics, Symbols" row. The corrected counts for "Alphabetics, Symbols" are:

Table D-2: 4,738 (1.0), 6,292 (1.1), 6,493 (2.0), 6,495 (2.1), 10,212 (3.0), 10,214 (3.1), 11,169 (3.2), 11,618 (4.0).

Table D-3: 1,586 (3.1), 1,586 (3.2), 2,360 (4.0).

2. A longstanding off-by-one error exists in the count for Unicode 1.1. The corrected totals for Unicode 1.1 are:

Tables D-2 & D-4: Graphic characters 34,152, Code points assigned to abstract characters 40,633, Designated code points 40,635, Undesignated code points 24,901.

3. There was an off-by-two addition error for certain totals for Unicode 4.0. The corrected totals for Unicode 4.0 are:

Table D-2: Code points assigned to abstract characters 57,129, Designated code points 59,211, Undesignated code points 6,325.


In the code charts for Unicode Version 1.1 through 4.1.0, the representative glyph for U+0D66 resembled the glyph for Malayalam fraction one quarter. It is being corrected to better match current practice. The incorrect glyph is shown on the left, the corrected glyph is shown on the right.

 Old glyph for U+0D66   New glyph for U+0D66  


In the code charts for Unicode versions 3.0 through 4.1.0, the representative glyph for U+17D2 KHMER SIGN COENG should have been shown with a dashed box to indicate the fact that the character is ordinarily invisible. In the code charts for Unicode 4.1.0 the representative glyph for U+10A3F KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA should have been shown with a glyph matching that of U+17D2 to indicate the related function of these characters. The corrected glyphs are shown on the right.

Glyphs for Invisible Viramas

2005-August-09 In the code charts for Unicode 1.1 through 4.1.0 the representative glyphs for several Arabic characters reflected an incomplete understanding of their origin and use. Recent evidence has established that these characters usually occur with different shapes. The table below lists the incorrect glyphs on the left and the corrected glyphs on the right.

Glyphs for Arabic Marks

2005-August-08 The middle column in figure 14-7 on p. 380 in The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 is incorrect. In the examples shown the NFC form should be identical to the NFD form.
2005-July-16 In the code charts for Versions 2.0 through 4.1.0 the glyph shown for U+33AC SQUARE GPA was inconsistent with the compatibility decomposition of the character into <square> 0047 G   0050 P  0061 a. The incorrect glyph is shown at left. The corrected glyph is shown at right. The corrected glyph also matches the appearance of the character in the source standards from which it was derived.


2005-June-19 In the code charts for Version 4.1.0, the glyph for U+1234 ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE SEE was inadvertently shown as if it was the same as the glyph for another Ethiopic character (U+1246).  Code charts for Unicode, Version 4.0 and earlier show the correct glyph:

 Glyph of U+1234
2005-June-10 In Section 9.6, Tamil, of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0, p. 243, there is a ligation rule for U+0BB0 U+0BBA Tamil Ra TAMIL LETTER RA. In fact this rule is not mandatory, but depends on typographical practice. The text of the standard will be corrected to indicate that various governmental bodies mandate no change to the shape of TAMIL LETTER RA in these ligatures, and to indicate that predominant usage in some countries, such as Malaysia and Singapore, is to use the unchanged form of TAMIL LETTER RA in these ligatures.
2005-May-13 The text of version 4.1.0 of UAX#14: Line Breaking Properties is inconsistent with the property file http://www.unicode.org/Public/4.1.0/ucd/LineBreak.txt. The data file should have listed 1735 PHILIPPINE SINGLE PUNCTUATION and 1736 PHILIPPINE DOUBLE PUNCTUATION with line break class BA. The UAX should have listed 17D8 KHMER SIGN  BEYYAL and 17DA KHMER SIGN KOOMUUT with line break class BA.
2005-May-12 The glyphs for U+10D9F BYZANTINE MUSICAL SYMBOL AGOGI GORGI and U+10D9C BYZANTINE MUSICAL SYMBOL AGOGI ARGI have been swapped in all versions of Unicode prior to and including 4.1.0. The incorrect glyphs for the pair are shown on the left, the corrected glyphs are shown on the right. The correction ensures that the glyphs match the character identity as defined by the character names.

Incorrect glyphs for U1D09C and 1D09F   Corrected glyphs for U1D09C and 1D09F

2005-April-22 The text of Unicode 4.1.0 at http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode4.1.0/#NotableChanges notes in the section "Significant Character Additions," subsection "Additions for Biblical Hebrew": "Five new Hebrew characters have been added in Unicode 4.1 for special usage in Biblical Hebrew text." This is incorrect. The character U+05BA HEBREW POINT HOLAM HASER FOR VAV has not been added for Version 4.1. However, it is currently proposed for addition to Version 5.0. In the same subsection, the paragraph starting "The vowel point holam..." should be disregarded, as it refers to the holam haser for vav, which has not yet been added.

The Unicode Character Database in http://www.unicode.org/Public/4.1.0/ucd/DerivedAge.txt, as well as the Character Code Charts at http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/Unicode-4.1/U41-0590.pdf correctly show the addition of only four characters for biblical Hebrew in Version 4.1.

2005-April-18 On p. 239 of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0, the first sentence of the paragraph on Ordering in Gurmukhi is corrected to read, "U+0A73 GURMUKHI URA and U+0A72 GURMUKHI IRI are the first and third 'letters' of the Gurmukhi syllabary, respectively." The first bullet below that paragraph is also corrected to reflect this order.
2005-March-21 On p. 113 of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0  in the middle of the page above Table 5-2, the UTF-16 representation for the example of Ugaritic letter delta is incorrectly cited as <DC00 DF84>. It should be <D800 DF84>, and the text of the sentence should thus read: "In UTF-16, the supplementary character for Ugaritic would, of course, be represented as a surrogate pair: <D800 DF84>.
2004-November-29 On p. 231 of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 under the subheading "Other Languages," the following sentence should be deleted: "Sindhi makes use of U+0974 DEVANAGARI LETTER SHORT YA." The reference to U+0974 was to an unapproved proposal; no character is actually encoded at U+0974.
2004-October-04 In the last row of Table 9-4 on p. 235 of Unicode 4.0, the nominal form of DA is missing between the arrow and  the text “(dya)” and only the post-base form of YA is shown. This row should instead look like this:

Corrected row for Table 9-4

2003-November-18 In Table 8-11 (Dual-joining) on p. 211 of Unicode 4.0, the following characters are missing:
In Table 8-12 (Right-joining) on p. 211, the following characters are missing:

Note: The joining types for these characters are correctly designated in ArabicShaping.txt in the Unicode Character Database.

2003-November-11 In Figure 2-11 on p. 28 of Unicode 4.0, in the 2nd row (UTF-16), 4th cell, the sequence should read D800 DF84, not DC00 DB84.
In Figure 2-12 on p. 34, in the 3rd row (UTF-16BE), 4th cell, the sequence should read D8 00 DF 84, not DC 00 DB 84. In the 4th row (UTF-16LE), 4th cell, the sequence should read 00 D8 84 DF, not 00 DC 84 DB.
2003-October-30 In The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0, the current documentation may give the mistaken impression that all characters with dotted-box glyphs have the General Category Cf. To clarify this, the following text should be added to the seventh paragraph on p. 414 ("Sometimes characters..."), so that the second sentence begins, "Examples are the space characters, and such characters as U+00AD". An additional sentence should also be added at the end of that paragraph reading, "This is not correlated with the General Category value of the character."
In Table 10-3, Myanmar Syllabic Structure, on p. 273, the glyph in the next to last row, dot below, is shown incorrectly. The hollow dot should be centered under the dotted circle.
In Figure 7-3 on p. 172, the glyph for the middle tone mark (second line of the figure) is incorrect. It should be U+0309 COMBINING HOOK ABOVE. The correct glyph can be found in the code charts.
2003-October-14 The alias for U+11B8 (its jamo short name) is incorrectly listed on p. 531 of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 as "M". Its correct value should be "B".
2003-October-3 On p. 179 of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0, the name of the character U+0406 CAPITAL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I is incorrectly cited as CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I.
2003-October-2 On page 57 of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0, under "References to the Unicode Standard," the citation to reference version 4.0 lists Reading, MA as the place of publication. It should instead list Boston, MA.

This change also affects the Unicode Web site pages explaining how to reference Version 4.0. The place of publication for 4.0 has been changed from Reading to Boston on http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode4.0.0/ and on http://www.unicode.org/standard/versions/components-4.0.0.html

2003-September-30 On page 353 of the Unicode Standard 4.0, at the end of the first paragraph, PRESCRIPTION TAKE is shown with the wrong code point. The correct code point is U+211E.
2003-September 16 In the second row of the Hanunóo column of Table 10-11 (p. 287 of Unicode 4.0), the leftmost glyph incorrectly shows the shape for /ya/ instead of the intended shape for /ga/.
2003-September-10 In Unicode 4.0, p. 122, line 11, subsection "Nonlinear Boundaries," the text should read "Use of nonlinear boundaries" rather than "Use of linear boundaries".
In Table 10-1 on p. 267, the Thai code point sequences in rows 7 and 8 are incorrect. Row 7 ku' should read "U+0E01 U+0E36" rather than "U+0E01 U+0E35"; Row 8 ku': should read "U+0E01 U+0E37" rather than "U+0E01 U+0E36".
In Table 10-2 on p. 269, the Lao code point sequences in rows 7 and 8 are incorrect. Row 7 ku' should read "U+0E81 U+0EB6" rather than "U+0E81 U+0EB5"; Row 8 ku': should read "U+0E81 U+0EB7" rather than "U+0E81 U+0EB6".

In Table 10-9 on p. 284, the Tai Le vowel sign "i" was omitted from the row of the table displaying the unmarked (tone 1) "ti" syllables.

On p. 272 the two occurrences of the Myanmar glyphs representing the word "krwe" shown in the paragraph beginning, "The Myanmar script..." and in the example below should use U+1031 rather than U+1004. A gif showing the correction will be posted here once available.

In Chapter 17, Han Radical-Stroke Index, the JIS X 0213 compatibility characters U+FA45..U+FA6A are misplaced because of an off-by-one error. The error will be addressed, when feasible, by regeneration of the online radical stroke index pages.

2003-August-27 U+180E MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR should be added to Table 6-2, p. 155 in Unicode 4.0.
2003-August-04 In Unicode 4.0, Table 8-7, p. 203, the Xn column glyph for QAF is the correct  glyph, but is shown in the wrong typeface.
Figure 11-8, p. 308. In example 10 in this figure, the two  ideographic description characters are reversed; they should be in the order 2FF3 2FF2. Also, in example 4 in this figure, an incorrect glyph for U+2FF1 is shown; it should appear as for U+2FF1 in examples 5 through 8.