White Punks On Bordiga - essential reading. Tries to map out the limits of the scene.
Punk and Autonomia - the 1977 lines between punk in the UK and Autonomia in Italy.
Veg Wedge - New Musical Express article by Steven Wells written in the wake of the Conflict Brixton Academy gig/riot.
The Gathering of the 5000 - Conflict statement on the Brixton Academy gig.
Apostles Interview - from Homocore magazine.
Autonomy Centres, Riots and the Big Rammy - by Andy Martin.
Nostalgia in the U.K. - by the Bash Street Kids. Examines the effects of nostalgia for the 80s on the current anarchist scene.
A rather good Crass interview - from Mucilage zine.
Crass from a Trendy Christian Perspective (no, really) - by Tony Jasper.
Taking Revolution to the People - not exactly critical, more of an overview. Oh well!.
Country House Anarchy - The Crass house under threat. From The Guardian 5th January 2001.
Why Punk Is A Total Failure (1982).
Punk, anarchopunk and goth - More recent writing over at the uncarved blog
Beyond the Implode + Uncarved.org anarchopunk podcast
Punk Comics: A Series
Part 0: Situationist International
Part 1: Jamie Reid and the Sex Pistols
Part 2: The Apostles
Part 3: Crucial Youth and the straight edge movement
Part 4: Sham 69 and The Blaggers ITA
Oi! and Skinhead
Pseudo Skins! A look at authenticity and fakery in Oi, including a n in depth look at the Weetabix skinheads.
The Strange Case of Nicola Vincenzio Crane Overview of notorious gay nazi skinhead.