SPEC(R) CINT2006 Summary Hewlett-Packard Company ProLiant DL360 G7 (2.93 GHz, Intel Xeon X5670) Fri Apr 2 16:46:28 2010 CPU2006 License: 3 Test date: Apr-2010 Test sponsor: Hewlett-Packard Company Hardware availability: Jun-2010 Tested by: Hewlett-Packard Company Software availability: Sep-2009 Base Base Base Peak Peak Peak Benchmarks Copies Run Time Rate Copies Run Time Rate -------------- ------ --------- --------- ------ --------- --------- 400.perlbench 24 750 313 S 24 637 368 S 400.perlbench 24 771 304 S 24 626 375 S 400.perlbench 24 756 310 * 24 633 370 * 401.bzip2 24 1060 219 * 24 1014 228 * 401.bzip2 24 1063 218 S 24 1015 228 S 401.bzip2 24 1055 219 S 24 1013 229 S 403.gcc 24 804 240 S 24 786 246 S 403.gcc 24 787 246 S 24 800 241 S 403.gcc 24 802 241 * 24 797 242 * 429.mcf 24 709 309 S 12 304 360 S 429.mcf 24 708 309 * 12 303 361 * 429.mcf 24 707 310 S 12 303 361 S 445.gobmk 24 702 359 S 24 646 389 S 445.gobmk 24 703 358 * 24 644 391 S 445.gobmk 24 705 357 S 24 646 390 * 456.hmmer 24 462 485 S 12 211 531 S 456.hmmer 24 462 485 * 12 211 531 * 456.hmmer 24 461 485 S 12 211 531 S 458.sjeng 24 874 332 S 24 794 366 S 458.sjeng 24 867 335 S 24 796 365 S 458.sjeng 24 869 334 * 24 796 365 * 462.libquantum 24 632 787 S 24 632 787 S 462.libquantum 24 631 788 * 24 630 789 S 462.libquantum 24 630 790 S 24 631 788 * 464.h264ref 24 1189 447 S 24 1102 482 S 464.h264ref 24 1169 454 S 24 1142 465 S 464.h264ref 24 1179 451 * 24 1136 468 * 471.omnetpp 24 628 239 * 24 628 239 * 471.omnetpp 24 628 239 S 24 628 239 S 471.omnetpp 24 629 238 S 24 629 238 S 473.astar 24 793 212 S 24 724 233 * 473.astar 24 795 212 * 24 724 233 S 473.astar 24 796 212 S 24 726 232 S 483.xalancbmk 24 461 359 S 24 461 359 S 483.xalancbmk 24 462 359 S 24 462 359 S 483.xalancbmk 24 461 359 * 24 461 359 * ============================================================================== 400.perlbench 24 756 310 * 24 633 370 * 401.bzip2 24 1060 219 * 24 1014 228 * 403.gcc 24 802 241 * 24 797 242 * 429.mcf 24 708 309 * 12 303 361 * 445.gobmk 24 703 358 * 24 646 390 * 456.hmmer 24 462 485 * 12 211 531 * 458.sjeng 24 869 334 * 24 796 365 * 462.libquantum 24 631 788 * 24 631 788 * 464.h264ref 24 1179 451 * 24 1136 468 * 471.omnetpp 24 628 239 * 24 628 239 * 473.astar 24 795 212 * 24 724 233 * 483.xalancbmk 24 461 359 * 24 461 359 * SPECint(R)_rate_base2006 333 SPECint_rate2006 356 HARDWARE -------- CPU Name: Intel Xeon X5670 CPU Characteristics: Intel Turbo Boost Technology up to 3.33 GHz CPU MHz: 2933 FPU: Integrated CPU(s) enabled: 12 cores, 2 chips, 6 cores/chip, 2 threads/core CPU(s) orderable: 1,2 chips Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core Secondary Cache: 256 KB I+D on chip per core L3 Cache: 12 MB I+D on chip per chip Other Cache: None Memory: 48 GB (12x4 GB DDR3-10600R CL9) Disk Subsystem: 1x146 GB 10K 2.5" SAS Other Hardware: None SOFTWARE -------- Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 Advanced Platform, Kernel 2.6.18-164.el5 Compiler: Intel C++ Compiler 11.1 for Linux Build 20090827 Package ID: l_cproc_p_11.1.056 Auto Parallel: No File System: ext3 System State: Run level 3 (multi-user) Base Pointers: 32-bit Peak Pointers: 32/64-bit Other Software: Microquill SmartHeap V8.1 Binutils Submit Notes ------------ The config file option 'submit' was used. numactl was used to bind copies to the cores Operating System Notes ---------------------- 'ulimit -s unlimited' was used to set the stacksize to unlimited prior to run Platform Notes -------------- BIOS configuration: HP Power Profile set to Maximum Performance Thermal Configuration set to Increased Cooling Memory Speed with 2 DIMMs per Channel set to 1333Mhz Maximum Data Reuse set to Disabled Base Compiler Invocation ------------------------ C benchmarks: icc C++ benchmarks: icpc Base Portability Flags ---------------------- 400.perlbench: -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX_IA32 462.libquantum: -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX 483.xalancbmk: -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX Base Optimization Flags ----------------------- C benchmarks: -xSSE4.2 -ipo -O3 -no-prec-div -static -inline-calloc -opt-malloc-options=3 -opt-prefetch C++ benchmarks: -xSSE4.2 -ipo -O3 -no-prec-div -opt-prefetch -Wl,-z,muldefs -L/cpu2006/SmartHeap_8.1/lib -lsmartheap Base Other Flags ---------------- C benchmarks: 403.gcc: -Dalloca=_alloca Peak Compiler Invocation ------------------------ C benchmarks (except as noted below): icc 401.bzip2: /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/056/bin/intel64/icc 456.hmmer: /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/056/bin/intel64/icc 458.sjeng: /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/056/bin/intel64/icc C++ benchmarks: icpc Peak Portability Flags ---------------------- 400.perlbench: -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX_IA32 401.bzip2: -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 456.hmmer: -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 458.sjeng: -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 462.libquantum: -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX 483.xalancbmk: -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX Peak Optimization Flags ----------------------- C benchmarks: 400.perlbench: -xSSE4.2(pass 2) -prof-gen(pass 1) -ipo(pass 2) -O3(pass 2) -no-prec-div(pass 2) -static(pass 2) -prof-use(pass 2) -ansi-alias -opt-prefetch 401.bzip2: -xSSE4.2(pass 2) -prof-gen(pass 1) -ipo(pass 2) -O3(pass 2) -no-prec-div(pass 2) -static(pass 2) -prof-use(pass 2) -opt-prefetch -ansi-alias -auto-ilp32 403.gcc: -xSSE4.2 -ipo -O3 -no-prec-div -static -inline-calloc -opt-malloc-options=3 429.mcf: -xSSE4.2(pass 2) -prof-gen(pass 1) -ipo(pass 2) -O3(pass 2) -no-prec-div(pass 2) -static(pass 2) -prof-use(pass 2) -opt-prefetch 445.gobmk: -xSSE4.2(pass 2) -prof-gen(pass 1) -prof-use(pass 2) -O2 -ipo -no-prec-div -ansi-alias 456.hmmer: -xSSE4.2 -ipo -O3 -no-prec-div -static -unroll2 -ansi-alias -auto-ilp32 458.sjeng: -xSSE4.2(pass 2) -prof-gen(pass 1) -ipo(pass 2) -O3(pass 2) -no-prec-div(pass 2) -static(pass 2) -prof-use(pass 2) -unroll4 -auto-ilp32 462.libquantum: -xSSE4.2 -ipo -O3 -no-prec-div -static -opt-malloc-options=3 -opt-prefetch 464.h264ref: -xSSE4.2(pass 2) -prof-gen(pass 1) -ipo(pass 2) -O3(pass 2) -no-prec-div(pass 2) -static(pass 2) -prof-use(pass 2) -unroll2 -ansi-alias C++ benchmarks: 471.omnetpp: basepeak = yes 473.astar: -xSSE4.2(pass 2) -prof-gen(pass 1) -ipo(pass 2) -O3(pass 2) -no-prec-div(pass 2) -prof-use(pass 2) -ansi-alias -opt-ra-region-strategy=routine -Wl,-z,muldefs -L/cpu2006/SmartHeap_8.1/lib -lsmartheap 483.xalancbmk: basepeak = yes Peak Other Flags ---------------- C benchmarks: 403.gcc: -Dalloca=_alloca The flags files that were used to format this result can be browsed at http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-ic11.1-linux64-revF.html http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/HP-Intel-Linux-Settings-flags.20100511.01.html You can also download the XML flags sources by saving the following links: http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-ic11.1-linux64-revF.xml http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/HP-Intel-Linux-Settings-flags.20100511.01.xml SPEC and SPECint are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All other brand and product names appearing in this result are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions about this result, please contact the tester. For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org. Copyright 2006-2014 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation Tested with SPEC CPU2006 v1.1. Report generated on Wed Jul 23 06:58:11 2014 by CPU2006 ASCII formatter v6932. Originally published on 11 May 2010.