Lev Dymchenko <levdym [at] virtualray.ru>
Computer games. Artificial Intelligence. Path finding.
471.astar (pronounced: A-star) is derived from a portable 2D path-finding library that is used in game's AI. This library implements three different path-finding algorithms: First is the well known A* algorithm for maps with passable and non-passable terrain types. Second is a modification of the A* path finding algorithm for maps with different terrain types and different move speed. Third is an implementation of A* algorithm for graphs. This is formed by map regions with neighborhood relationship. The library also includes pseudo-intellectual functions for map region determination.
The input file is a map in binary format. The program also accepts typical map region size which is used in region-based path finding algorithm and density for randomly created forest-style test maps. The program also reads the number of ways to simulate.
The program outputs the number of existing ways and the total way length to validate correctness.
Last updated: $Date: 2011-08-16 18:23:17 -0400 (Tue, 16 Aug 2011) $