Portability: 178.galgel: -e -fixed
Base C flags: -fast -xcrossfile -xprofile -xalias_level=std
Base F90 flags: -fast -xcrossfile -xprofile
168.wupwise: -fast -xcrossfile -stackvar -xregs=syst
171.swim: -fast -xchip=ultra2
172.mgrid: f77 -fast -xregs=syst
173.applu: f77 -fast -Qoption iropt -Adata_access,-Mt6000,-Mm12000,-Mr40000,-Ma400,-whole
177.mesa: -fast -xcrossfile -xalias_level=strong -xprofile
178.galgel: -fast -xcrossfile -xregs=syst -xprofile -dn
179.art: -fast -xalias_level=strong -xdepend -xregs=syst -xprofile -dn -lmopt
183.equake: -fast -xalias_level=strong -xdepend -xprofile -lmopt
187.facerec: -fast -xcrossfile -stackvar -xprofile
188.ammp: -fast -xcrossfile -xalias_level=strong -xdepend -xregs=syst -W2,-whole -xprofile
189.lucas: -fast -qoption f90comp -array_pad_rows,1024 -Qoption iropt -whole -xprofile
191.fma3d: -fast -xcrossfile -stackvar -xprofile
200.sixtrack: -fast -xcrossfile -xprofile
301.apsi: -fast -qoption f90comp -expansion -xprofile
Note: ONESTEP=yes in base and peak for all benchmarks.
Stack size set to unlimited by: ulimit -s unlimited
Note: Forte Developer 6 update 1 patches include:
For results with recommended patch 111228-01 and obp 4.0.40 (or later),
see publication in July-2001