SPEChpc 2021™ Credits

$Id$ Latest: www.spec.org/hpg/hpc2021/Docs/

Goals and Challenges for the New Suite

As with the previous SPEC/HPG suites, the goal is to establish a suite of source code benchmarks to provide consistent, comparable measures of HPC focused parallel performance. The task is not simple.

Challenges include:

With SPEChpc™ 2021, the SPEC/HPG committee believes that it has come up with a benchmark suite that builds upon and improves the previous suites, to meet the current and next generations of computing.

The new suite:

The SPEC/HPG committee hopes that the updates will continue to to be useful for people designing and comparing computing systems.

As with previous suites, there have been numerous people whose contributions have affected the end results, especially given the long development time.

Thank you to Program Authors and Contributors

SPEC/HPG benchmarks are based primarily on real-world applications (rather than using loop kernels or artificial stress tests). We therefore -- most of all -- thank the authors of those real-world applications.

Thank you to contributors via the SPEC/HPG Benchmark Search Program, contributors who work for member companies, and to the many authors of open source software. They are listed in SPEChpc 2021 Licenses and in the documentation for individual benchmarks.

Thank you to SPEC

We would also like to thank:

Thank you to SPEC/HPG Subcommittee Contributors

These are the people who spent time finding and porting code, performed testing and analysis, participating in the debate and discourse on the processes, rules and content of the suite. Much appreciation is given for their willingness to spend their talents and time working on SPEChpc 2021 efforts and day to day SPEC work. Contributions included project leading benchmarks, providing regular testing reports, writing documentation or overseeing some aspect of the process. A little bit of each of these people can be found in the suite:

Alexander Bobyr
Swen Boehm
Bill Brantley
Holger Brunst
Aurelien Cavelan
Sunita Chandrasekaran
Jimmy Cheng
Mathew Colgrove
Tony Curtis
Christopher Daley
Mauricio Ferrato
Mayara Gimenes de Souza
Robert Henschel
Guido Juckeland
Jeffrey Kelling
Junjie Li
Kelvin Li
Ron Lieberman
Kevin McMahon
Egor Melnichenko
Mohamed Ayoub Neggaz
Hiroshi Ono
Carl Ponder
Dave Raddatz
Severin Schueller
Robert Searles
Fedor Vasilev
Veronica Melesse Vergara
Bo Wang
Bert Wesarg
Sandra Wienke
Miguel Zavala

Thank you for Technical Assistance

Thanks are due to those who provided specific technical assistance, for example helping with analysis, testing, or addressing specific implementation issues:

Florina Ciorba
Robert Dietrich
Johannes Doerfert
Donald Ferry
Jonas Hahnfeld
Oscar Hernandez
Wayne Joubert
Mark Mackey
Sunil Vijay Sathe
Christian Terboven
Rene Widera

Thank You to TU Dresden and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

A big thank you to TU Dresden for access to their Taurus system and Oak Ridge National Laboratory for access to their Summit system. Access to these systems allowed us to test SPEChpc at scale.

Thank You to Those Behind the scenes

Finally, we thank all of the people behind the scenes in the compiler groups, architecture groups, and performance groups who supported their work for SPEC at their respective companies.

The Bottom Line

Thank you for your contributions on a long road!

Mathew Colgrove, Release Manager, SPEChpc 2021
Junjie Li, Secretary, SPEC/HPG Committee
Dave Raddatz, Vice-Chair, SPEC/HPG Committee
Ron Lieberman, Chair, SPEC/HPG Committee

October 2021

SPEChpc™2021 Credits: Copyright © 2021 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC)