CPU2006 Flag Description
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ASUS Z170MPLUS motherboard (Intel Core i5-6500)

Test sponsored by Intel Corporation

Copyright © 2006 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Base Compiler Invocation

C benchmarks

C++ benchmarks

Peak Compiler Invocation

C benchmarks (except as noted below)

C++ benchmarks (except as noted below)

Base Portability Flags




Peak Portability Flags








Base Optimization Flags

C benchmarks

C++ benchmarks

Peak Optimization Flags

C benchmarks







C++ benchmarks



Base Other Flags

C benchmarks


Peak Other Flags

C benchmarks


Implicitly Included Flags

This section contains descriptions of flags that were included implicitly by other flags, but which do not have a permanent home at SPEC.

Commands and Options Used to Submit Benchmark Runs

submit= specperl -e "system sprintf qq{start /b /wait /affinity %x %s}, (1<<$SPECCOPYNUM), qq{ $command } "
When running multiple copies of benchmarks, the SPEC config file feature submit is used to cause individual jobs to be bound to specific processors. This specific submit command is used for Windows.
Here is a brief guide to understanding the specific command which will be found in the config file:

Shell, Environment, and Other Software Settings

Specify stack size to be allocated for each thread.
Syntax: KMP_AFFINITY=[<modifier>,...]<type>[,<permute>][,<offset>]
The value for the environment variable KMP_AFFINITY affects how the threads from an auto-parallelized program are scheduled across processors.
It applies to binaries built with -openmp and -parallel (Linux and Mac OS X) or /Qopenmp and /Qparallel (Windows).
    granularity=fine Causes each OpenMP thread to be bound to a single thread context.
    compact Specifying compact assigns the OpenMP thread <n>+1 to a free thread context as close as possible to the thread context where the <n> OpenMP thread was placed.
    scatter Specifying scatter distributes the threads as evenly as possible across the entire system.
permute: The permute specifier is an integer value controls which levels are most significant when sorting the machine topology map. A value for permute forces the mappings to make the specified number of most significant levels of the sort the least significant, and it inverts the order of significance.
offset: The offset specifier indicates the starting position for thread assignment.

Please see the Thread Affinity Interface article in the Intel Composer XE Documentation for more details.

Example: KMP_AFFINITY=granularity=fine,scatter
Specifying granularity=fine selects the finest granularity level and causes each OpenMP or auto-par thread to be bound to a single thread context.
This ensures that there is only one thread per core on cores supporting HyperThreading Technology
Specifying scatter distributes the threads as evenly as possible across the entire system.
Hence a combination of these two options, will spread the threads evenly across sockets, with one thread per physical core.

Example: KMP_AFFINITY=compact,1,0
Specifying compact will assign the n+1 thread to a free thread context as close as possible to thread n.
A default granularity=core is implied if no granularity is explicitly specified.
Specifying 1,0 sets permute and offset values of the thread assignment.
With a permute value of 1, thread n+1 is assigned to a consecutive core. With an offset of 0, the process's first thread 0 will be assigned to thread 0.
The same behavior is exhibited in a multisocket system.
Sets the maximum number of threads to use for OpenMP* parallel regions if no other value is specified in the application. This environment variable applies to both -openmp and -parallel (Linux and Mac OS X) or /Qopenmp and /Qparallel (Windows). Example syntax on a Linux system with 8 cores: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8

Flag description origin markings:

[user] Indicates that the flag description came from the user flags file.
[suite] Indicates that the flag description came from the suite-wide flags file.
[benchmark] Indicates that the flag description came from a per-benchmark flags file.

The flags file that was used to format this result can be browsed at

You can also download the XML flags source by saving the following link:

For questions about the meanings of these flags, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org
Copyright 2006-2015 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Tested with SPEC CPU2006 v1.2.
Report generated on Tue Nov 17 19:17:47 2015 by SPEC CPU2006 flags formatter v6906.