This flags file provides additional information about how the Sun Blade X6275 was tested with multiple nodes active, using a perl procedure to distribute jobs across cores.
The rsh command was enabled using these commands:
svcadm enable svc:/network/shell:default svcadm enable svc:/network/login:rlogin
The procedure was used to distribute jobs across the two nodes. The procedure is below.
#!/bin/perl use strict; use Cwd; # Particular testbed used today: my @nodes = qw ( r4s3b1 r4s3b13 ); # Processor description: # Intel Nehalem chip has 4 cores, each cores with HT on, can run 2 threads. my @cores = qw ( 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 ); # When assigning, my $rundir = getcwd; my $copynum = shift @ARGV; my $sub=0; my $copynum = $copynum + 1; my $node = ($copynum % 2); #even on node-0 if ($node == 0) { $sub = 2 ; } else { $sub =1 ;} my $copy_on_node = int (($copynum - $sub) / 2); if ($copy_on_node < 0) { $copy_on_node = $copy_on_node * -1; } my $processor_num = $copy_on_node ; open DOBMK, "> dobmk" or die "Eh?"; print DOBMK "cd $rundir\n"; print DOBMK 'echo -n "`hostname` " >> pbind.out' , "\n"; print DOBMK "/usr/sbin/pbind -b $cores[$processor_num] \$\$ >> pbind.out\n"; print DOBMK 'sh -c "' . join(' ', @ARGV) . '"' . "\n"; close DOBMK; system 'rsh', "-n", $nodes[$node], "bash", "$rundir/dobmk";