Sun Blade 6275 M2 Multi-Node Platform Additional Info

This flags file provides additional information about how the Sun Blade 6275 M2 was tested with multiple nodes active, using a perl procedure to distribute jobs across cores.

System and Other Tuning Information

The procedure The config file option 'submit' was used, along with to distribute jobs to two nodes of Sun Blade X6275 M2 server module. It also uses 'numactl' to bind processes to cores. The procedure is below.


use strict;
use Cwd;

# Particular testbed used today:
my @nodes = qw ( saevayuc6b17 saevayuc6b16 );

# Processor description: 
# Intel WSM-EP chip has 6 cores, each cores with HT on, can run 2 threads.
my @cores                = qw ( 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 23 );  # When assigning,

my $rundir        = getcwd;
my $copynum       = shift @ARGV;
my $sub=0;

my $copynum = $copynum + 1;

my $node          =  ($copynum % 2); #even on node-0

if ($node == 0) {  $sub = 2 ; } else { $sub =1 ;}

my $copy_on_node  =  int (($copynum - $sub) / 2);

if ($copy_on_node < 0) {  $copy_on_node = $copy_on_node * -1; }

my $processor_num    = $copy_on_node ;

open DOBMK, "> dobmk" or die "Eh?";
print DOBMK "cd $rundir\n";
print DOBMK "taskset -c $cores[$processor_num] @ARGV \n"; 
close DOBMK;
system 'chmod +x dobmk';
system  'ssh', "-n", $nodes[$node], "bash", "$rundir/dobmk";