SPEC ACCEL Benchmark Description File

Benchmark Name


Benchmark Author

SP is from the "NPB3.3-SER" benchmark suite developed by NAS.

Ported to OpenACC by Mathew Colgrove.

Benchmark Program General Category

Scalar Penta-diagonal solver

Benchmark Description

This performs a synthetic CFD problem by solving multiple, independent systems of non diagonally dominant, scalar, pentadiagonal equations.

Input Description

The input dataset size is comprised of W, A through E classes. We have used 3 classes in our experiments.

Output Description

It prints out the 5x1 vector in u.

Programming Language


Threading Model


Known Portability Issues



  1. Information on NPB 3.3, including the technical report, the original specifications, source code, results and information on how to submit new results, is available at: http://www.nas.nasa.gov/Software/NPB/