SPECweb2005 Result ================================================================================ || Dell: PowerEdge 2950 || SPECweb2005 = 16830 Accoria Networks: Rock Web Server v1.4.0 (x86_6 || 4) || Accoria Networks: Rock JSP/Servlet Container v1 || SPECweb2005_Banking = 33250 .2.0 (x86_64) || || SPECweb2005_Ecommerce = 20500 || SPECweb2005_Support = 15500 || ================================================================================ Submitter: Dell, SPEC License #: 55, Test date: Nov-2006 ================================================================================ PERFORMANCE Banking | Simultaneous | Test | Aggregate QOS Compliance | Validation | | User Sessions | Iteration | Good Tolerable Fail | Errors | |---------------|-----------|---------------------------|------------| | | 1 | 98.7% 99.7% 0.3% | 296 | | |-----------|---------------------------|------------| | 33250 | 2 | 96.6% 99.9% 0.1% | 0 | | |-----------|---------------------------|------------| | | 3 | 96.1% 99.9% 0.1% | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecommerce | Simultaneous | Test | Aggregate QOS Compliance | Validation | | User Sessions | Iteration | Good Tolerable Fail | Errors | |---------------|-----------|---------------------------|------------| | | 1 | 99.2% 99.8% 0.2% | 46 | | |-----------|---------------------------|------------| | 20500 | 2 | 98.9% 99.5% 0.5% | 70 | | |-----------|---------------------------|------------| | | 3 | 99.6% 99.9% 0.1% | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Support | Simultaneous | Test | Aggregate QOS Compliance | Validation | | User Sessions | Iteration | Good Tolerable Fail | Errors | |---------------|-----------|---------------------------|------------| | | 1 | 99.7% 100.0% 0.0% | 0 | | |-----------|---------------------------|------------| | 15500 | 2 | 96.3% 100.0% 0.0% | 0 | | |-----------|---------------------------|------------| | | 3 | 96.4% 100.0% 0.0% | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ CONFIGURATION Availability Dates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backend Simulator Sep-2005 SUT Hardware Dec-2006 Web Server Software Sep-2006 Sep-2006 Operating System Mar-2006 Other Components Mar-2006 (Java) System Under Test (SUT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # of SUTs 1 Vendor Dell Model PowerEdge 2950 Processor Intel Xeon processor X5355 Processor Speed (MHz) 2660 # Processors 8 cores, 2 chips, 4 cores/chip Primary Cache 32KB(I) + 32KB(D) on chip, per core Secondary Cache 4MB on chip, per chip Other Cache N/A Memory 32GB (8x4GB) 667MHz ECC CL5 DDR2 FB-DIMM Disk Subsystem 4 x 73GB 15K RPM SAS, 55 x 36GB 15K RPM Fibre Channel Disk Controllers Integrated PERC5i/SAS, Emulex LPe-1150-E Fibre Channel Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS Update 3 (default kernel 2.6.9-34.ELsmp) File System ext2 Other Hardware 2 x PowerConnect 5224, PowerConnect 2624, 3 x PowerConnect 5012, Dell/EMC CX3-40 SAN Array Other Software Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_04-b05). Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_04-b05, mixed mode) Web Server Software -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vendor Accoria Networks Name/Version Rock Web Server v1.4.0 (x86_64) Dynamic Scripts JSP Server Cache N/A Log Mode Rock Binary CLF Script Engine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vendor Accoria Networks Name/Version Rock JSP/Servlet Container v1.2.0 (x86_64) Dynamic Scripts JSP Server Cache N/A Log Mode Common Log Format SUT Network -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # of Controllers 2 Network Controllers 2 x Intel PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Gigabit Server Adapter # of Networks 8 Network Type Gigabit Ethernet Network Speed 1 Gb/s MSL (sec) 30 (Non RFC1122) Time-Wait (sec) 60 (Non RFC1122) MTU Size 1500 Client Systems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # of Clients 16 16 Model PowerEdge 1850 PowerEdge 1650 Processor Intel Xeon Processor 3.60 GHz Intel Pentium III 1.4GHz Processor Speed (MHz) 3600 1400 # Processors 2 2 Memory 2GB ECC DDR2 SDRAM 2GB PC133 SDRAM Network Controller Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Operating System Windows Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Professional JVM Version Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05) Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_01-b08) JIT Version Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_01-b08, mixed mode Other Hardware N/A N/A Other Software N/A N/A Backend Simulator (BESIM) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # of Simulators 1 Model PowerEdge 1850 Processor Intel Xeon 3.60GHz Processor Speed (MHz) 3600 # of Processors 2 Memory 8GB ECC DDR2 SDRAM Network Controller Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS Update 3 (default kernel 2.6.9-34.ELsmp) File System ext2 Web Server Rock Web Server v1.4.0 (x86_64) Server Scripts ISAPI Other Hardware N/A Other Software N/A ================================================================================ COMMON NOTES SUT Notes --------- * OS and logs on 4-disk RAID-0 stripe; 55 disk RAID-0 stripe on Dell/EMC CX3-40 SAN Array for fileset * Enabled 'Snoop Filter' in BIOS * First PowerConnect 5224 is subnet 1 and has 4 clients * PowerConnect 2624 is subnet 2 which has 4 clients and the Besim connection * First PowerConnect 5012 is subnet 3 and has 4 clients * Second PowerConnect 5012 is subnet 4 and has 4 clients * Second PowerConnect 5224 is segmented into 3 VLAN's and has subnets 5,6,7 with 4 clients each * Third PowerConnect 5012 is subnet 8 and has 4 clients * Prime client connected to all subnets * System has the PCI-X riser option * 32GB (8x4GB) 667MHz memory available from your Dell sales representative, SKU# 311-6327 Operating System Notes ---------------------- * ulimit -n 1024000, sets number of open files, default 1024 * File systems mounted with 'noatime,noacl' to disable access time updates and control lists * irq_balancer daemon disabled, default enabled * fs.file-max = 500000, increases number of open file handles kernel allocates, default 1024 * net.core.optmem_max = 10000000, maximum amount of option memory buffers, default 20480 * net.core.rmem_default = 10000000, default recv socket buffer size, default 135168 * net.core.rmem_max = 10000000, maximum recv socket buffer size, default 131071 * net.core.wmem_default = 10000000, default send socket buffer size, default 135168 * net.core.wmem_max = 10000000, maximum send socket buffer size, default 131071 * net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 2000000, sets TCP time-wait buckets pool size, default 180000 * net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 30000000 30000000 30000000, sets min/pressure/max TCP buffer space, default 392192 392704 393216 * net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 30000000 30000000 30000000, sets min/default/max TCP read buffer, default 4096 87380 174760 * net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 30000000 30000000 30000000, sets min/pressure/max TCP write buffer, default 4096 16384 131072 * net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0, turns TCP timestamps off, default 1 * net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 12000, max number of remembered connection requests, default 1024 * net.core.somaxconn = 10000, size of listen que for accepting new TCP connections, default 128 * net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1, forward across subnets, default 0 * net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 400000, maximum length of the input queues for the processors, default 300 * TSO enabled on all interfaces, default disabled * ulimit -u 1024000, sets number of user processes, default 135168 * e1000 v6.3.9 installed from Intel website, InterruptThrottleRate=3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000,3000 in /etc/modprobe.conf * Each NIC IRQ bound to separate logical CPU, default round-robin Web Server Software Notes ------------------------- * server_log /www/httpd.log * validate_static 14400, the interval in seconds which httpd checks whether a page has been modified or not, default 0 * validate_httpmod -1, disables HTTP module modification validation, default 0 * connection_timeout 600, connection inactivity timeout, default 60 * keepalive_max 100000, max. keepalive requests on a connection, default 100 * header_etag_on 0, disables etag header in HTTP replies, default 1 * header_server_on 0, disables server header in HTTP replies, default 1 * tcp_send_buf_size 1048576, sets socket send buffer size * log_buf_size 1048576, sets access log buffer size, default 65536 * direct_io 1, uses direct IO when possible HTTP Script Notes ----------------- * SPEC-provided JSP scripts used without modification Client Notes ------------ * Registry tunes: (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices) * - TcpipParametersMaxUserPort=0xfffe, sets maximum open ports to 65534 * - TcpipParametersTcpTimedWaitDelay=60, sets TIME_WAIT parameter to 60 seconds (non-RFC 1122), default 240 * - TcpipParametersMaxFreeTWTcbs=100000, sets maximum number of TIME_WAIT TCBs * - TcpipParametersTcpWindowSize=65535, sets TCP send/receive window size, default 8192 * Notes common to all clients BESIM Notes ----------- * System Notes: * ulimit -n 1024000, sets number of open files, default 1024 * File systems mounted with 'noatime,noacl' to disable access time updates and control lists * fs.file-max = 500000, increases number of open file handles kernel allocates, default 1024 * net.core.optmem_max = 10000000, maximum amount of option memory buffers, default 20480 * net.core.rmem_default = 10000000, default recv socket buffer size, default 135168 * net.core.rmem_max = 10000000, maximum recv socket buffer size, default 131071 * net.core.wmem_default = 10000000, default send socket buffer size, default 135168 * net.core.wmem_max = 10000000, maximum send socket buffer size, default 131071 * net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 2000000, sets TCP time-wait buckets pool size, default 180000 * net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 30000000 30000000 30000000, sets min/pressure/max TCP buffer space, default 392192 392704 393216 * net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 30000000 30000000 30000000, sets min/default/max TCP read buffer, default 4096 87380 174760 * net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 30000000 30000000 30000000, sets min/pressure/max TCP write buffer, default 4096 16384 131072 * net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0, turns TCP timestamps off, default 1 * net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 12000, max number of remembered connection requests, default 1024 * net.core.somaxconn = 10000, size of listen que for accepting new TCP connections, default 128 * net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1, forward across subnets, default 0 * net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 400000, maximum length of the input queues for the processors, default 300 * Rock tunes (httpd/conf/httpd_besim.conf): * server_log /www/httpd.log * validate_static -1, the interval in seconds which httpd checks whether a page has been modified or not, -1 never checks, default 0 * validate_httpmod -1, disables HTTP module modification validation, default 0 * header_etag_on 0, disables etag header in HTTP replies, default 1 * header_server_on 0, disables server header in HTTP replies, default 1 * log_buf_size 1048576, sets access log buffer size, default 65536 * tcp_send_buf_size 102400, sets socket send buffer size * keepalive_max 10000000, max. keepalive requests on a connection, default 100 * connection_timeout 36000, connection inactivity timeout, default 60 * Web server instance: * host server:81 * document_root /www * access_log /www/access.log * error_log /www/error.log * access_log_format commonlog * / * cgi_type isapi * cgi_where internal * Using supplied besim_isapi included with Rock Web Server Other Notes ----------- * None ================================================================================ Banking Run Details Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |login | 1858001 | 1819533 31448 6988 |account_summary | 1307770 | 1292941 9815 4999 |check_detail_html | 732110 | 721408 7420 3268 |bill_pay | 1193704 | 1179977 8979 4719 |add_payee | 95715 | 94598 741 374 |payee_info | 68704 | 67801 607 293 |quick_pay | 573332 | 564212 6574 2533 |billpay_status | 190187 | 187928 1506 749 1 |chg_profile | 104968 | 103734 835 397 |post_profile | 75648 | 74890 496 262 |req_checks | 104667 | 100568 3472 625 |post_chk_order | 75257 | 74352 623 281 |req_xfer_form | 148624 | 147049 1007 565 |post_fund_xfer | 107132 | 105898 841 391 |logout | 530040 | 523571 4042 2303 |check_image | 1464706 | 1463706 654 296 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 8630565 | 8522166 79060 29043 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |login | 33,459.7 | 9,921.3 | 1.042 | 34883 |account_summary | 38,786.1 | 5,646.3 | 0.727 | 28205 |check_detail_html | 30,338.1 | 2,776.8 | 0.816 | 24778 |bill_pay | 36,499.5 | 4,775.4 | 0.716 | 26134 |add_payee | 37,574.7 | 395.8 | 0.718 | 27014 |payee_info | 48,686.9 | 468.9 | 0.915 | 44589 |quick_pay | 38,354.2 | 2,982.1 | 0.885 | 33978 |billpay_status | 43,934.6 | 983.4 | 0.768 | 33777 1 |chg_profile | 51,442.6 | 705.3 | 0.853 | 43892 |post_profile | 49,478.6 | 432.1 | 0.754 | 37311 |req_checks | 63,070.8 | 1,424.1 | 1.409 | 88883 |post_chk_order | 43,589.5 | 389.7 | 0.776 | 33832 |req_xfer_form | 32,991.7 | 516.2 | 0.687 | 22690 |post_fund_xfer | 35,545.7 | 412.6 | 0.707 | 25161 |logout | 68,360.4 | 6,136.1 | 1.106 | 75627 |check_image | 53,478.9 | 2,367.6 | 0.197 | 10559 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 40,333.6 | - | - Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |login | 1730378 | 1626033 102660 1685 |account_summary | 1217453 | 1198833 16342 2278 |check_detail_html | 681357 | 642163 37526 1668 |bill_pay | 1111105 | 1093893 15177 2035 |add_payee | 89123 | 87802 1158 163 |payee_info | 63950 | 62337 1484 129 |quick_pay | 533456 | 502242 29906 1308 |billpay_status | 176849 | 174209 2305 335 2 |chg_profile | 97599 | 95878 1542 179 |post_profile | 70270 | 69500 652 118 |req_checks | 97281 | 50456 46592 233 |post_chk_order | 69917 | 68864 931 122 |req_xfer_form | 138323 | 136341 1725 257 |post_fund_xfer | 99696 | 98304 1220 172 |logout | 493667 | 488159 4752 756 |check_image | 1363708 | 1362500 1096 112 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 8034132 | 7757514 265068 11550 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |login | 21,569.0 | 5,902.4 | 1.616 | 34875 |account_summary | 21,144.1 | 3,358.4 | 1.333 | 28204 |check_detail_html | 15,367.6 | 1,651.3 | 1.612 | 24779 |bill_pay | 19,588.4 | 2,840.1 | 1.334 | 26134 |add_payee | 20,368.4 | 235.5 | 1.326 | 27016 |payee_info | 29,282.9 | 278.9 | 1.522 | 44591 |quick_pay | 21,013.3 | 1,772.9 | 1.617 | 33980 |billpay_status | 25,316.6 | 584.3 | 1.334 | 33779 2 |chg_profile | 31,826.2 | 419.0 | 1.379 | 43892 |post_profile | 30,677.5 | 256.4 | 1.216 | 37309 |req_checks | 44,647.1 | 845.7 | 1.990 | 88885 |post_chk_order | 25,316.7 | 231.4 | 1.336 | 33834 |req_xfer_form | 17,110.2 | 307.0 | 1.326 | 22688 |post_fund_xfer | 18,966.2 | 245.3 | 1.326 | 25159 |logout | 57,465.3 | 3,652.6 | 1.316 | 75648 |check_image | 33,143.5 | 1,408.3 | 0.318 | 10558 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 23,989.6 | - | - Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |login | 1727293 | 1607316 118369 1608 |account_summary | 1215663 | 1196146 17519 1998 |check_detail_html | 680298 | 634285 44429 1584 |bill_pay | 1108408 | 1090548 16002 1858 |add_payee | 88877 | 87570 1165 142 |payee_info | 63832 | 62049 1650 133 |quick_pay | 532371 | 495735 35369 1267 |billpay_status | 176215 | 173514 2410 291 3 |chg_profile | 97413 | 95720 1539 154 |post_profile | 70200 | 69421 690 89 |req_checks | 97263 | 47204 49814 245 |post_chk_order | 69956 | 68780 1053 123 |req_xfer_form | 138157 | 136062 1865 230 |post_fund_xfer | 99522 | 97966 1370 186 |logout | 492408 | 486905 4845 658 |check_image | 1361764 | 1360738 977 49 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 8019640 | 7709959 299066 10615 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |login | 21,326.8 | 5,834.0 | 1.635 | 34873 |account_summary | 20,883.5 | 3,320.9 | 1.350 | 28205 |check_detail_html | 15,173.1 | 1,632.6 | 1.633 | 24778 |bill_pay | 19,351.1 | 2,805.6 | 1.350 | 26134 |add_payee | 20,114.2 | 232.6 | 1.343 | 27019 |payee_info | 28,959.2 | 275.7 | 1.539 | 44593 |quick_pay | 20,738.4 | 1,752.0 | 1.638 | 33979 |billpay_status | 25,018.3 | 576.5 | 1.350 | 33779 3 |chg_profile | 31,539.3 | 414.1 | 1.391 | 43893 |post_profile | 30,380.6 | 253.7 | 1.228 | 37308 |req_checks | 44,275.7 | 837.3 | 2.007 | 88885 |post_chk_order | 24,988.1 | 229.2 | 1.353 | 33833 |req_xfer_form | 16,893.2 | 303.6 | 1.343 | 22691 |post_fund_xfer | 18,698.8 | 242.5 | 1.345 | 25159 |logout | 57,102.6 | 3,607.7 | 1.324 | 75647 |check_image | 32,737.1 | 1,392.7 | 0.322 | 10559 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 23,710.9 | - | - BANKING NOTES SUT Notes --------- * Banking CHECK_IMAGE_SUBDIRS = 100, default 10 Web Server Software Notes ------------------------- * Rock tunes (httpd/conf/banking.conf): * cache_replacement random, policy for file replacement, default random * port_getn 1, how many IO events to retrieve from the OS at one time, default 64 * servlet_session_count 57917, the maximum number of concurrent user sessions at any time, default 23191 * servlet_session_timeout 800, user session timeout value, default 600 * Worker thread configuration: * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * Web server instance: * host server0:443 * document_root /www * ssl_key_file /root/httpd/etc/key-cert/rock1024.key * ssl_cert_file /root/httpd/etc/key-cert/rock1024.certificate * access_log /www/access.log * error_log /www/error.log * access_log_format commonlog_binary * default_mime_type text/html * file /bankjsp * cgi_type gateway * cgi_listener localhost/8080 * gateway_connection_max 2000, max number of connections to JSP, default 10 * export JAVA_OPTS=-Xms4000m -Xmx4000m -Xss512k -Xcompactexplicitgc, optimize garbage collection for applications, set JVM heap size to 4GB, set stack size to 512k * Rock JSP tunes (jrock/conf/specweb2005.xml) * server_log server.log, name of server log * listener 8080, port to listen for connections * keepalive_max 0, max number of keepalive requests, 0 unlimited, default 100 * connection_timeout 0, time a connector will wait to be present, 0 unlimted, default 60 seconds * admin_address localhost/8000, administrator port * docroot /www/bank/app * context_path /bankjsp * session_timeout 600, time until an inactive session is reclaimed, default 800 seconds * 1024-bit SSL key generated by the Rock web interface administration tool ================================================================================ Errors for Banking Workload Quality of Service Errors ------------------------- * No QOS Errors Found Validation Errors ----------------- * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client2 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client3 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client4 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client8 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client9 - login * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client10 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client11 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client12 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client15 - login * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - login * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - login * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client20 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client26 - login * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client29 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client30 - login * 5 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client31 - login * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client32 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client3 - account_summary * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client8 - account_summary * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client13 - account_summary * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client16 - account_summary * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - account_summary * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - account_summary * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - account_summary * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - account_summary * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client28 - account_summary * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client32 - account_summary * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client5 - check_detail_html * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client7 - check_detail_html * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client12 - check_detail_html * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client13 - check_detail_html * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client16 - check_detail_html * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - check_detail_html * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - check_detail_html * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client28 - check_detail_html * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client29 - check_detail_html * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client31 - check_detail_html * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client1 - bill_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client2 - bill_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client3 - bill_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client4 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client7 - bill_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client9 - bill_pay * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client10 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client11 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client14 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client16 - bill_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - bill_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client19 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client20 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client29 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client30 - bill_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client32 - bill_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client20 - add_payee * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client28 - add_payee * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client2 - payee_info * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client16 - payee_info * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - payee_info * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client4 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client5 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client7 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client8 - quick_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client26 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client29 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client30 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client31 - quick_pay * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client32 - quick_pay * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client6 - billpay_status * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client12 - billpay_status * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - billpay_status * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client14 - chg_profile * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client31 - chg_profile * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client5 - req_checks * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - req_checks * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client26 - post_chk_order * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - req_xfer_form * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client31 - req_xfer_form * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client32 - req_xfer_form * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client11 - post_fund_xfer * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - post_fund_xfer * 5 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client1 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client2 - logout * 5 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client3 - logout * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client4 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client5 - logout * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client6 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client7 - logout * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client8 - logout * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client9 - logout * 6 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client10 - logout * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client11 - logout * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client12 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client13 - logout * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client14 - logout * 9 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client15 - logout * 5 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client16 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - logout * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - logout * 8 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client19 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client20 - logout * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client21 - logout * 6 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client22 - logout * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client23 - logout * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client24 - logout * 5 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - logout * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client26 - logout * 5 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client28 - logout * 9 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client29 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client30 - logout * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client31 - logout * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client32 - logout * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client4 - check_image * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client5 - check_image * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client7 - check_image * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client12 - check_image * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client13 - check_image * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client14 - check_image * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client16 - check_image * 8 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client17 - check_image * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - check_image * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - check_image * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client26 - check_image * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - check_image * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client28 - check_image * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client29 - check_image * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client30 - check_image * 8 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client31 - check_image * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client32 - check_image ================================================================================ Ecommerce Run Details Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |index | 450878 | 446803 3069 1002 |search | 226678 | 225113 1168 395 |browse | 404376 | 399776 3669 925 |browse_productline| 345202 | 341192 3314 682 |productdetail | 275853 | 274487 815 549 |customize1 | 581046 | 576541 2912 1591 1 |customize2 | 308002 | 305439 1667 892 |customize3 | 211733 | 207797 3064 865 |cart | 182270 | 181664 601 4 |login | 129956 | 128830 821 303 |shipping | 122178 | 121930 246 1 |billing | 116179 | 115925 253 0 |confirm | 87011 | 86714 142 155 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 3441362 | 3412211 21741 7364 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |index | 90,256.6 | 12,275.6 | 1.545 | 139500 |search | 98,030.4 | 8,620.5 | 1.987 | 194855 |browse | 92,709.4 | 12,607.5 | 1.723 | 159747 |browse_productline| 95,598.5 | 13,453.3 | 2.088 | 199685 |productdetail | 52,339.3 | 2,903.0 | 1.030 | 53921 |customize1 | 96,582.0 | 18,767.0 | 1.713 | 165491 1 |customize2 | 96,348.1 | 9,904.6 | 1.710 | 164768 |customize3 | 94,196.4 | 7,348.5 | 1.887 | 177829 |cart | 95,462.3 | 2,636.3 | 0.776 | 74109 |login | 80,304.8 | 1,231.7 | 0.604 | 48562 |shipping | 93,084.2 | 1,028.0 | 0.463 | 43112 |billing | 90,714.7 | 757.2 | 0.368 | 33395 |confirm | 85,275.2 | 546.1 | 0.377 | 32155 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 92,079.4 | - | - Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |index | 448674 | 444056 2579 2031 |search | 225699 | 223938 882 877 |browse | 402946 | 398367 2709 1860 |browse_productline| 344187 | 339677 2999 1507 |productdetail | 275045 | 272605 1180 1256 |customize1 | 579465 | 573043 3004 3406 2 |customize2 | 307326 | 303457 1770 2086 |customize3 | 211067 | 205437 3751 1867 |cart | 181851 | 181110 714 23 |login | 129365 | 127551 1200 614 |shipping | 121684 | 121289 395 0 |billing | 115692 | 115297 394 0 |confirm | 86641 | 86117 236 288 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 3429642 | 3391944 21813 15815 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |index | 88,351.7 | 11,970.1 | 1.579 | 139523 |search | 96,982.1 | 8,409.3 | 2.009 | 194856 |browse | 91,035.6 | 12,306.4 | 1.754 | 159722 |browse_productline| 94,350.0 | 13,142.3 | 2.116 | 199691 |productdetail | 50,174.5 | 2,841.1 | 1.076 | 54020 |customize1 | 94,548.9 | 18,336.5 | 1.750 | 165489 2 |customize2 | 93,961.0 | 9,682.3 | 1.753 | 164763 |customize3 | 90,735.7 | 7,176.8 | 1.959 | 177825 |cart | 93,749.7 | 2,578.4 | 0.790 | 74151 |login | 72,538.6 | 1,205.6 | 0.671 | 48737 |shipping | 90,329.0 | 1,003.1 | 0.477 | 43113 |billing | 86,983.5 | 738.8 | 0.383 | 33395 |confirm | 77,133.0 | 532.7 | 0.416 | 32155 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 89,923.6 | - | - Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |index | 451309 | 449719 1062 528 |search | 227307 | 226599 498 210 |browse | 405097 | 403410 1228 459 |browse_productline| 345689 | 343264 2000 425 |productdetail | 276345 | 275579 461 305 |customize1 | 582795 | 580657 1280 858 3 |customize2 | 308774 | 307542 716 516 |customize3 | 212100 | 210126 1482 492 |cart | 182574 | 182496 78 0 |login | 130056 | 129596 292 168 |shipping | 122346 | 122346 0 0 |billing | 116325 | 116325 0 0 |confirm | 87204 | 87035 93 76 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 3447921 | 3434694 9190 4037 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |index | 91,445.9 | 12,417.4 | 1.525 | 139498 |search | 98,603.8 | 8,736.1 | 1.976 | 194858 |browse | 93,743.1 | 12,764.8 | 1.704 | 159759 |browse_productline| 96,173.7 | 13,615.3 | 2.076 | 199688 |productdetail | 53,480.0 | 2,943.5 | 1.009 | 54003 |customize1 | 97,749.0 | 19,023.1 | 1.693 | 165492 3 |customize2 | 97,556.1 | 10,034.8 | 1.688 | 164770 |customize3 | 95,811.8 | 7,439.7 | 1.856 | 177839 |cart | 96,504.7 | 2,670.4 | 0.768 | 74157 |login | 85,107.5 | 1,244.2 | 0.569 | 48503 |shipping | 94,695.3 | 1,040.4 | 0.455 | 43113 |billing | 92,854.7 | 766.2 | 0.359 | 33396 |confirm | 89,448.3 | 553.1 | 0.359 | 32155 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 93,249.1 | - | - ECOMMERCE NOTES Web Server Software Notes ------------------------- * Rock tunes (httpd/conf/ecom.conf): * cache_replacement random, policy for file replacement, default random * cache_file_count 67179, estimated number of static cache files, default 27179 * port_getn 1, how many IO events to retrieve from the OS at one time, default 64 * servlet_session_count 57917, the maximum number of concurrent user sessions at any time, default 23191 * servlet_session_timeout 800, user session timeout value, default 600 * Worker thread configuration: * worker worker * worker worker * worker worker * worker worker * worker worker * worker worker * worker worker * worker worker * Web server instance: * host server0:443 * document_root /www * ssl_key_file /root/httpd/etc/key-cert/rock1024.key * ssl_cert_file /root/httpd/etc/key-cert/rock1024.certificate * access_log /www/access_ssl.log * error_log /www/error_ssl.log * access_log_format commonlog_binary * default_mime_type text/html * file /ecomjsp * cgi_type gateway * cgi_listener localhost/8080 * host server0:80 * document_root /www * access_log /www/access.log * error_log /www/error.log * access_log_format commonlog_binary * default_mime_type text/html * file /ecomjsp * cgi_type gateway * cgi_listener localhost/8080 * gateway_connection_max 1000, max number of connections to JSP, default 10 * export JAVA_OPTS=-Xms4000m -Xmx4000m -Xss512k -Xcompactexplicitgc, optimize garbage collection for applications, set JVM heap size to 4GB, set stack size to 512k * Rock JSP tunes (jrock/conf/specweb2005.xml) * server_log server.log, name of server log * listener 8080, port to listen for connections * keepalive_max 0, max number of keepalive requests, 0 unlimited, default 100 * connection_timeout 0, time a connector will wait to be present, 0 unlimted, default 60 seconds * admin_address localhost/8000, administrator port * docroot /www/ecommerce/app * context_path /ecomjsp * session_timeout 600, time until an inactive session is reclaimed, default 800 seconds * 1024-bit SSL key generated by the Rock web interface administration tool ================================================================================ Errors for Ecommerce Workload Quality of Service Errors ------------------------- * No QOS Errors Found Validation Errors ----------------- * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client7 - index * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client15 - index * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client10 - search * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client22 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client23 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client1 - browse_productline * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client6 - browse_productline * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client10 - browse_productline * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client11 - browse_productline * 4 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client18 - browse_productline * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client28 - browse_productline * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client15 - productdetail * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client9 - customize1 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client14 - customize1 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client9 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client12 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client14 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client1 - customize3 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client7 - customize3 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client10 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client12 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client27 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client1 - cart * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - login * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client25 - shipping * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 1: client1 - billing * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client6 - index * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client11 - index * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client15 - index * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client18 - index * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client10 - search * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client16 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client18 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client22 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client26 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client30 - browse * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client10 - browse_productline * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client22 - browse_productline * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client20 - productdetail * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client32 - productdetail * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client16 - customize1 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client23 - customize1 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client25 - customize1 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client26 - customize1 * 5 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client29 - customize1 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client31 - customize1 * 3 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client6 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client10 - customize2 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client16 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client20 - customize2 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client23 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client24 - customize2 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client25 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client29 - customize2 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client5 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client6 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client10 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client11 - customize3 * 2 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client12 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client16 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client20 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client23 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client24 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client25 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client26 - customize3 * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client5 - cart * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client11 - cart * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client19 - cart * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client26 - cart * 1 Validation Errors for Iteration 2: client5 - billing ================================================================================ Support Run Details Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |home | 220564 | 220553 11 0 |search | 344080 | 344064 16 0 |catalog | 318099 | 318082 17 0 1 |product | 674178 | 672688 1473 17 |fileCatalog | 613502 | 611214 2284 4 |file | 368191 | 365707 2480 4 |download | 183822 | 182569 1242 11 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 2722436 | 2714877 7523 36 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |home | 81,656.8 | 886.6 | 0.745 | 60891 |search | 68,537.7 | 626.1 | 0.402 | 27565 |catalog | 75,579.7 | 731.7 | 0.461 | 34846 1 |product | 70,606.6 | 3,042.2 | 0.968 | 68357 |fileCatalog | 80,203.4 | 4,353.8 | 1.340 | 107506 |file | 82,520.8 | 3,052.2 | 1.521 | 125577 |download | 100,001.2 | 83,597.9 | 68.892 | 6889295 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 96,290.4 | - | - Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |home | 209096 | 209094 2 0 |search | 326548 | 326548 0 0 |catalog | 301637 | 301637 0 0 2 |product | 638893 | 612054 26817 22 |fileCatalog | 581487 | 547583 33894 10 |file | 348968 | 316776 32169 23 |download | 174299 | 172847 1372 80 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 2580928 | 2486539 94254 135 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |home | 57,301.5 | 805.4 | 1.062 | 60891 |search | 38,649.9 | 569.4 | 0.713 | 27564 |catalog | 49,358.3 | 664.9 | 0.705 | 34846 2 |product | 38,725.1 | 2,762.8 | 1.765 | 68359 |fileCatalog | 51,713.5 | 3,954.8 | 2.078 | 107512 |file | 55,564.6 | 2,772.2 | 2.260 | 125578 |download | 100,000.0 | 76,002.9 | 68.930 | 6893018 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 87,532.5 | - | - Iter-| | Total | QOS ation| Request Type | Reqs | Good Toler Fail -----|------------------|------------|------------------------------------ |home | 209461 | 209460 1 0 |search | 326956 | 326956 0 0 |catalog | 302113 | 302113 0 0 3 |product | 639568 | 612943 26625 0 |fileCatalog | 582095 | 548124 33970 1 |file | 349346 | 317458 31888 0 |download | 174610 | 173271 1263 76 |------------------|------------|------------------------------------ | TOTAL | 2584149 | 2490325 93747 77 Iter-| | Byte | Weighted | Avg Resp | Average ation| Request Type | Rate | ABR | (sec) | Bytes -----|------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- |home | 57,610.8 | 806.0 | 1.057 | 60895 |search | 38,943.6 | 569.5 | 0.707 | 27565 |catalog | 49,642.6 | 665.3 | 0.701 | 34847 3 |product | 39,008.4 | 2,762.8 | 1.752 | 68359 |fileCatalog | 52,012.2 | 3,954.6 | 2.066 | 107508 |file | 55,843.0 | 2,772.1 | 2.248 | 125573 |download | 100,000.1 | 76,148.6 | 69.013 | 6901311 |------------------|------------|------------|----------|---------- | TOTAL | - | 87,678.9 | - | - SUPPORT NOTES Web Server Software Notes ------------------------- * Rock tunes (httpd/conf/support.conf): * cache_replacement lru, policy for file replacement, default random * fast_read 1, improves IO performance when there is an IO bottleneck issue, default disabled * cache_file_max_size 4194304, largest file allowed in cache manager, default 2097152 * direct_io_size 1048576, read buffer size for direct IO, default 65536 * port_getn 1, how many IO events to retrieve from the OS at one time, default 64 * disk_worker_count 68, number of threads to read data from disk for large files, default 21 * servlet_session_count 37917, the maximum number of concurrent user sessions at any time, default 23191 * servlet_session_timeout 800, user session timeout value, default 600 * write_chunk_size 1048576, max. number of bytes to send to a client at one time, default 65536 * Worker thread configuration: * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * worker * Web server instance: * host server0:80 * document_root /www * access_log /www/access.log * error_log /www/error.log * access_log_format commonlog_binary * default_mime_type text/html * file /suppjsp * cgi_type gateway * cgi_listener localhost/8080 * gateway_connection_max 1000, max number of connections to JSP, default 10 * export JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2000m -Xmx2000m -Xss512k -Xcompactexplicitgc, optimize garbage collection for applications, set JVM heap size to 2GB, set stack size to 512k * Rock JSP tunes (jrock/conf/specweb2005.xml) * server_log server.log, name of server log * listener 8080, port to listen for connections * keepalive_max 0, max number of keepalive requests, 0 unlimited, default 100 * connection_timeout 0, time a connector will wait to be present, 0 unlimted, default 60 seconds * admin_address localhost/8000, administrator port * docroot /www/support * context_path /suppjsp * session_timeout 3600, time until an inactive session is reclaimed, default 800 seconds * session count 1, number of concurrent sessions, default 57951 * 1024-bit SSL key generated by the Rock web interface administration tool ================================================================================ Errors for Support Workload Quality of Service Errors ------------------------- * No QOS Errors Found Validation Errors ----------------- * No Validation Errors Found ================================================================================ For questions about this result, please contact the submitter: Dell Copyright (c) 2006 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation