Dell Computer Corporation
Dell Dimension XPS (120MHz)

SPECfp95 2.92
SPECfp_base95 2.26

Benchmark # and Name Reference Time Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
101.tomcatv 370011603.197994.63
102.swim 860023813.6110428.25
103.su2cor 14009841.427621.84
104.hydro2d 240013351.8012921.86
107.mgrid 250020891.2013901.80
110.applu 220018741.179282.37
125.turb3d 410016462.4915152.71
141.apsi 21008012.627742.71
145.fpppp 960022874.2027283.52
146.wave5 30009793.079473.17
SPECfp_base95 2.26
SPECfp95 2.92

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 14
Tested By: Intel
Test Date: Sep-95
Hardware Avail: Jun-95
Software Avail: Feb-96

Hardware Information:
Model Name: XPS
CPU: 120MHz Pentium Processor
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPU(s): 1
Primary Cache: 8KBI+8KBD
Secondary Cache: 512KB(I+D) (burst)
Other Cache: None
Memory: 64MB (EDO)
Disk Subsystem: 2x973MB Seagate ST 31250W
Other Hardware: AHA 2940W PCI SCSI

Software Information:
Operating System: UnixWare 2.0, SDK
Compiler: Intel FORTRAN Reference Compiler 2.2 Beta
File System: ufs, vxfs (/tmp as 8MB /tmpfs)
System State: Single user (root + killall)

Flags: Base: -tp p5 -ipo -pc 64 -nofdiv_check
101: -tp p5 -ipo -mem -pad -distype -fcon -pc 64 -nofdiv_check
102: -tp p5 -ipo -pad -fcon -pc 64 -nofdiv_check
103: Pass1: -tp p5 -prof_gen -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB
Pass2: -tp p5 -ip -mem -mil1 -pad -fcon -pc 64 -nofdiv_check -prof_use -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB
104: Pass1: -tp p5 -prof_gen -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB
Pass2: -tp p5 -nofdiv_check -ip -mem -mil1 -pc 64 -prof_use -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB
107: -tp p5 -pad -fcon -pc 64 -nofdiv_check
110: -ipo -mem -mP2OPT_opt_bblock_stat_limit=10000 -pc 64 -nofdiv_check
125: -tp p5 -ip -mem -mil1 -pad -fcon -pc 64 -nofdiv_check
141: Pass1: -tp p5 -w -prof_gen -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB
Pass2: -tp p5 -nofdiv_check -pc 64 -prof_use -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB
145: -tp p5 -ipo  -pc 64 -nofdiv_check
146: Pass1: -tp p5 -prof_gen -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB
Pass2: -tp p5 -nofdiv_check -ipo -mem -pad -distype -pc 64 -prof_use -ircdb_dir /tmp/IRCDB

If you wish to print this information we highly recommend using the postscript reporting page.

This page was generated with runspec 95.55.

For more information contact:
10754 Ambassador Drive, Suite 201 Manassas, VA, 22110