SPECjbb2005 bops = 26328087, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 411376
SGI Altix UV 1000 (32 blade)
Oracle Corporation Oracle Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM on Linux, version 1.6.0_21 Performance Release
SPEC license # 4, Tested by: SGI, Test date: Sep 7, 2010
Multi JVM Mode
JVM run JVM Scores
1 414654
2 413529
3 406319
4 413599
5 415877
6 408199
7 413141
8 409290
9 408537
10 403027
11 414248
12 413958
13 413442
14 413258
15 416452
16 411043
17 408400
18 414959
19 414702
20 409849
21 411427
22 414936
23 407202
24 410306
25 406101
26 409960
27 408563
28 410291
29 407913
30 410234
31 406656
32 409839
33 411212
34 409306
35 413546
36 413389
37 412447
38 417334
39 409292
40 411429
41 412980
42 410422
43 415084
44 412196
45 412681
46 408648
47 410548
48 408049
49 414461
50 414641
51 412736
52 410544
53 414260
54 411588
55 408273
56 411644
57 412638
58 415377
59 411580
60 411014
61 405998
62 413942
63 414406
64 406511
SPECjbb2005 bops=26328087, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=411376
Vendor SGI | Vendor Oracle Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.sgi.com | Vendor URL http://www.oracle.co
Model Altix UV 1000 (32 | m
blade) | JVM Version Oracle Java
Processor Intel Xeon X7560 | HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit
(Intel Turbo Boost | Server VM on Linux,
Technology up to | version 1.6.0_21
2.666GHz) | Performance Release
MHz 2266 | Command Line numactl
# of Chips 64 | --physcpubind=${y}-$
# of Cores 512 | {y2},${y3}-${y4}
# of Cores/Chip 8 | --localalloc --
HW Threads Yes | $JAVA_HOME/bin/java
Procs avail to 1024 | -Xms26624m
Java | -Xmx26624m
Memory (MB) 4194304 | -Xmn24576m
Memory Details 8 GB ECC DDR3-1066 | -XX:+AggressiveOpts
DIMMs (DIMM PC3 | -XX:+UseBiasedLockin
8500R 0700J00 8GB | g
SNS2RX4) filling all | -XX:+UseStringCache
slots | -XX:+OptimizeStringC
L1 Cache 32kBI + 32kBD on | oncat
chip per core | -XX:+UseCompressedSt
L2 Cache 256kB unified on | rings
chip per core | -XX:+UseParallelOldG
Other Cache 24MB (I+D) on chip | C
per chip | -XX:ParallelGCThread
Filesystem ext3 | s=8
Disks 1 x 300 GB 10k RPM | -XX:+UseLargePages
SAS (classes + OS) | -XX:LargePageSizeInB
Other H/W | ytes=2m
| -XX:+UseCompressedOo
| ps
| -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch
| -XX:AllocatePrefetch
| Distance=192
| -XX:AllocatePrefetch
| Lines=4
| -XX:SurvivorRatio=68
| -XX:TargetSurvivorRa
| tio=90
| -XX:InlineSmallCode=
| 5500
| -XX:MaxInlineSize=22
| 0
| -XX:FreqInlineSize=2
| 500
| -XX:LoopUnrollLimit=
| 45
| -XX:InitialTenuringT
| hreshold=12
| -XX:MaxTenuringThres
| hold=15 -cp
| jbb.jar:check.jar
| spec.jbb.JBBmain
| -propfile
| SPECjbb.props -id
| $id
| Initial Heap Mem 26624
| (MB)
| Max Heap Mem 26624
| (MB)
| JVM addressing 64
| bits
| JVM CLASSPATH jbb.jar:check.jar
| JVM /root/jdk1.6.0_21/jr
| BOOTCLASSPATH e/lib/amd64/server:/
| root/jdk1.6.0_21/jre
| /lib/amd64:/root/jdk
| 1.6.0_21/jre/../lib/
| amd64:/opt/sgi/mpt/m
| pt-2.01/lib:/usr/jav
| a/packages/lib/amd64
| :/usr/lib64:/lib64:/
| lib:/usr/lib
| OS Version SuSE Linux
| Enterprise Server 11
| SP1
| (
| 3.1.PTF-default)
| Other S/W
| AOT Compilation Details
| Operating system tunings
- mount
| -t hugetlbfs nodev
| /mnt/hugepages
- echo 908736 >
| /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
| Command line options are described
| under
| http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E1
| 7409_01/javase/6/docs/index.html and
| at
| http://java.sun.com/javase/technologi
| es/hotspot/vmoptions.jsp
| configured to use one JVM per NUMA
| node (8 cores).
Tested by SGI
SPEC License 4
Test Location Fremont, CA
Test Date Sep 7, 2010
JVM available Sep-2010
H/w available Jun-2010
OS available Sep-2010
Other s/w
JVM 1 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44513
2 87660
3 137963
4 180304
5 222914
6 264000
7 307609
8 348035
9 362189
10 373255
11 387388
12 398822
13 408589
14 417305
15 424834
* 16 433072
* 17 405199
* 18 409237
* 19 412554
* 20 413495
* 21 425247
* 22 424073
* 23 424590
* 24 425326
* 25 405667
* 26 406725
* 27 408971
* 28 409332
* 29 411651
* 30 413450
* 31 415462
* 32 405064
Throughput 414654
JVM 2 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44183
2 86673
3 134264
4 174332
5 209660
6 261937
7 303410
8 335577
9 349644
10 361130
11 375974
12 387498
13 401068
14 410952
15 418850
* 16 429224
* 17 409119
* 18 408295
* 19 410681
* 20 416720
* 21 419696
* 22 422699
* 23 422051
* 24 421460
* 25 408981
* 26 407336
* 27 406374
* 28 407773
* 29 409826
* 30 410990
* 31 413903
* 32 404861
Throughput 413529
JVM 3 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44411
2 85738
3 136170
4 179591
5 220997
6 261301
7 301398
8 340216
9 354303
10 366346
11 379352
12 390557
13 399180
14 408525
15 416033
* 16 423847
* 17 397782
* 18 400040
* 19 402308
* 20 403842
* 21 414173
* 22 417978
* 23 416144
* 24 416829
* 25 398397
* 26 397337
* 27 398472
* 28 402995
* 29 402981
* 30 409377
* 31 409145
* 32 395773
Throughput 406319
JVM 4 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44648
2 87904
3 138562
4 180915
5 223276
6 263523
7 306917
8 347111
9 362221
10 372850
11 387075
12 398498
13 408045
14 416171
15 423945
* 16 431208
* 17 406856
* 18 411891
* 19 410479
* 20 413723
* 21 420988
* 22 424352
* 23 424322
* 24 423187
* 25 407088
* 26 405393
* 27 407935
* 28 406569
* 29 406871
* 30 412304
* 31 412623
* 32 405387
Throughput 413599
JVM 5 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44391
2 86924
3 137560
4 179988
5 222631
6 263213
7 307999
8 348022
9 364063
10 374423
11 388275
12 399056
13 410126
14 418365
15 426125
* 16 433685
* 17 405685
* 18 410366
* 19 412341
* 20 413916
* 21 423251
* 22 427329
* 23 427169
* 24 426517
* 25 409670
* 26 410195
* 27 408255
* 28 405253
* 29 412480
* 30 416292
* 31 415728
* 32 411785
Throughput 415877
JVM 6 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44307
2 86342
3 136654
4 179640
5 220223
6 260837
7 304451
8 343869
9 358065
10 370236
11 383084
12 394756
13 403184
14 413716
15 421562
* 16 428252
* 17 401893
* 18 403438
* 19 407474
* 20 409769
* 21 418345
* 22 420081
* 23 418159
* 24 418317
* 25 407386
* 26 372243
* 27 402956
* 28 402872
* 29 407811
* 30 408150
* 31 411475
* 32 400765
Throughput 408199
JVM 7 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44514
2 87143
3 137783
4 181616
5 222130
6 262812
7 307116
8 346069
9 360320
10 372397
11 385724
12 396987
13 406762
14 416485
15 423208
* 16 430237
* 17 405638
* 18 406901
* 19 410032
* 20 411195
* 21 421011
* 22 423377
* 23 421507
* 24 422113
* 25 410657
* 26 406975
* 27 404659
* 28 407811
* 29 411283
* 30 412264
* 31 413113
* 32 404630
Throughput 413141
JVM 8 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44280
2 86191
3 136775
4 178330
5 220115
6 262012
7 303103
8 341266
9 356403
10 368020
11 380764
12 392670
13 402038
14 412476
15 419779
* 16 426176
* 17 402260
* 18 404290
* 19 405804
* 20 410427
* 21 414794
* 22 418641
* 23 419103
* 24 418156
* 25 404462
* 26 401089
* 27 403823
* 28 403274
* 29 406110
* 30 408817
* 31 412910
* 32 397792
Throughput 409290
JVM 9 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44080
2 85993
3 136043
4 178786
5 218649
6 258151
7 302417
8 341129
9 355255
10 368005
11 380518
12 391325
13 401236
14 411649
15 418759
* 16 424428
* 17 400156
* 18 403242
* 19 406882
* 20 407804
* 21 415790
* 22 419437
* 23 417086
* 24 417556
* 25 401865
* 26 402292
* 27 403590
* 28 402057
* 29 406873
* 30 408343
* 31 408143
* 32 399588
Throughput 408537
JVM 10 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44470
2 85069
3 135160
4 177590
5 219119
6 259749
7 299445
8 339439
9 352805
10 364825
11 378475
12 388839
13 398328
14 407114
15 415044
* 16 423019
* 17 397022
* 18 399157
* 19 402558
* 20 404742
* 21 380758
* 22 413979
* 23 416552
* 24 411691
* 25 399826
* 26 397042
* 27 398852
* 28 397991
* 29 402001
* 30 404792
* 31 406477
* 32 395009
Throughput 403027
JVM 11 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44583
2 88254
3 138182
4 181543
5 222999
6 265566
7 306177
8 346336
9 360879
10 371711
11 385340
12 397133
13 406622
14 416219
15 422697
* 16 430904
* 17 405595
* 18 408727
* 19 411586
* 20 412203
* 21 422037
* 22 423009
* 23 422593
* 24 422424
* 25 407704
* 26 408445
* 27 406935
* 28 405881
* 29 412613
* 30 415327
* 31 418365
* 32 407860
Throughput 414248
JVM 12 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44411
2 86922
3 137438
4 181263
5 222221
6 263828
7 306333
8 346828
9 361511
10 373041
11 386062
12 397071
13 406167
14 417246
15 423760
* 16 430855
* 17 405606
* 18 407955
* 19 410239
* 20 412783
* 21 423691
* 22 422389
* 23 423957
* 24 421477
* 25 408668
* 26 407538
* 27 405584
* 28 407418
* 29 411213
* 30 413851
* 31 417032
* 32 407027
Throughput 413958
JVM 13 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43750
2 86109
3 136382
4 178238
5 219908
6 260724
7 305845
8 345753
9 360448
10 372073
11 385900
12 396515
13 405704
14 416698
15 423394
* 16 431331
* 17 405598
* 18 406983
* 19 408769
* 20 412320
* 21 423006
* 22 423144
* 23 423242
* 24 422406
* 25 407128
* 26 406109
* 27 407030
* 28 408092
* 29 411392
* 30 411660
* 31 415605
* 32 404699
Throughput 413442
JVM 14 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44382
2 87024
3 137722
4 180893
5 220940
6 263555
7 306360
8 346672
9 360852
10 372299
11 386076
12 397354
13 405558
14 417018
15 423948
* 16 431512
* 17 407164
* 18 408847
* 19 409080
* 20 412884
* 21 423621
* 22 424355
* 23 421208
* 24 422333
* 25 408746
* 26 406835
* 27 403665
* 28 407112
* 29 409144
* 30 409870
* 31 413456
* 32 405557
Throughput 413258
JVM 15 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44760
2 84243
3 138639
4 183499
5 226036
6 267204
7 309411
8 350446
9 365346
10 378179
11 390744
12 402873
13 410479
14 420501
15 428638
* 16 432382
* 17 413962
* 18 413229
* 19 416494
* 20 385817
* 21 426981
* 22 427423
* 23 427453
* 24 422029
* 25 413152
* 26 412026
* 27 412758
* 28 411903
* 29 415555
* 30 418492
* 31 419899
* 32 410135
Throughput 416452
JVM 16 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44292
2 86156
3 136878
4 178386
5 221400
6 261987
7 304507
8 344118
9 358415
10 370250
11 382787
12 394616
13 403198
14 413153
15 421024
* 16 425115
* 17 403789
* 18 404714
* 19 408830
* 20 412337
* 21 420788
* 22 419139
* 23 421423
* 24 420646
* 25 403616
* 26 403233
* 27 405014
* 28 406049
* 29 407869
* 30 411421
* 31 412361
* 32 401390
Throughput 411043
JVM 17 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43869
2 85509
3 134988
4 178048
5 219392
6 259624
7 302569
8 341935
9 355599
10 367125
11 380874
12 391697
13 400091
14 410560
15 417509
* 16 425049
* 17 398851
* 18 401088
* 19 402440
* 20 406598
* 21 416799
* 22 418642
* 23 418983
* 24 418036
* 25 403195
* 26 402777
* 27 401865
* 28 403617
* 29 406369
* 30 408595
* 31 410497
* 32 399396
Throughput 408400
JVM 18 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44581
2 88282
3 138682
4 180673
5 223680
6 264586
7 306934
8 347957
9 361483
10 373928
11 387164
12 399026
13 407453
14 416554
15 425173
* 16 432866
* 17 406350
* 18 408680
* 19 411755
* 20 414815
* 21 424680
* 22 425382
* 23 424610
* 24 424567
* 25 409970
* 26 407640
* 27 407986
* 28 409190
* 29 411430
* 30 414050
* 31 415236
* 32 405100
Throughput 414959
JVM 19 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44180
2 87303
3 136861
4 179022
5 220519
6 263155
7 304457
8 344444
9 357802
10 371324
11 384912
12 395884
13 405036
14 417329
15 422900
* 16 431309
* 17 404200
* 18 407846
* 19 409565
* 20 411399
* 21 424524
* 22 423522
* 23 425542
* 24 424465
* 25 410060
* 26 408309
* 27 407216
* 28 410145
* 29 412293
* 30 414351
* 31 416602
* 32 408583
Throughput 414702
JVM 20 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44379
2 86593
3 136725
4 178206
5 220964
6 261782
7 304502
8 344041
9 357787
10 370022
11 382926
12 393932
13 402129
14 412481
15 420500
* 16 426569
* 17 401050
* 18 403919
* 19 405555
* 20 407220
* 21 417848
* 22 421614
* 23 420140
* 24 419479
* 25 404335
* 26 405660
* 27 402918
* 28 404868
* 29 406887
* 30 408844
* 31 409127
* 32 401406
Throughput 409849
JVM 21 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44619
2 86806
3 137889
4 178769
5 222878
6 263670
7 307799
8 347426
9 361800
10 373376
11 386504
12 395268
13 404655
14 414807
15 421007
* 16 426635
* 17 405765
* 18 404937
* 19 408924
* 20 410746
* 21 418395
* 22 420172
* 23 419309
* 24 420766
* 25 404308
* 26 403529
* 27 407150
* 28 406099
* 29 407684
* 30 411914
* 31 414106
* 32 403827
Throughput 411427
JVM 22 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44385
2 86619
3 137705
4 179300
5 219925
6 263193
7 305694
8 345820
9 360065
10 372320
11 386363
12 397283
13 406376
14 418080
15 423780
* 16 432672
* 17 404833
* 18 408402
* 19 413223
* 20 415118
* 21 425320
* 22 425799
* 23 426194
* 24 425184
* 25 410549
* 26 406337
* 27 407362
* 28 405990
* 29 412181
* 30 413101
* 31 414009
* 32 407636
Throughput 414936
JVM 23 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44170
2 86356
3 136757
4 180862
5 219701
6 261380
7 305284
8 345077
9 358162
10 371130
11 383224
12 394265
13 402880
14 412160
15 419720
* 16 426151
* 17 402225
* 18 402660
* 19 403145
* 20 411990
* 21 416762
* 22 419599
* 23 416531
* 24 415475
* 25 405743
* 26 372965
* 27 398554
* 28 403105
* 29 405488
* 30 409298
* 31 412573
* 32 400163
Throughput 407202
JVM 24 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44392
2 86268
3 136593
4 179250
5 221267
6 261224
7 304002
8 343054
9 357972
10 370061
11 383559
12 394867
13 403187
14 414365
15 421448
* 16 428703
* 17 400118
* 18 404369
* 19 403269
* 20 409700
* 21 419205
* 22 421522
* 23 421977
* 24 419139
* 25 404660
* 26 403904
* 27 404937
* 28 405071
* 29 407482
* 30 408603
* 31 411408
* 32 401130
Throughput 410306
JVM 25 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43821
2 85431
3 135527
4 178599
5 219575
6 259351
7 297494
8 338206
9 352761
10 364673
11 377856
12 390218
13 399615
14 409289
15 416811
* 16 425143
* 17 398613
* 18 399018
* 19 402892
* 20 408073
* 21 417659
* 22 417545
* 23 417830
* 24 417965
* 25 401904
* 26 402567
* 27 400000
* 28 403671
* 29 407091
* 30 377097
* 31 409061
* 32 397591
Throughput 406101
JVM 26 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44292
2 85585
3 135397
4 177014
5 218353
6 258003
7 301001
8 340897
9 355219
10 367622
11 380893
12 392386
13 401369
14 411638
15 419293
* 16 427669
* 17 402458
* 18 402825
* 19 406666
* 20 413368
* 21 415829
* 22 420286
* 23 419204
* 24 419122
* 25 405427
* 26 402182
* 27 404427
* 28 403237
* 29 405799
* 30 410705
* 31 411570
* 32 398550
Throughput 409960
JVM 27 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43840
2 86167
3 135679
4 177945
5 218982
6 260330
7 303391
8 342446
9 357143
10 368917
11 381887
12 392005
13 402169
14 411107
15 420042
* 16 425909
* 17 402411
* 18 400525
* 19 403308
* 20 412036
* 21 419684
* 22 416169
* 23 418556
* 24 417540
* 25 403654
* 26 399749
* 27 401585
* 28 401319
* 29 406669
* 30 408977
* 31 409147
* 32 398337
Throughput 408563
JVM 28 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43934
2 85824
3 136091
4 176976
5 217543
6 259427
7 302238
8 342762
9 357251
10 369643
11 382565
12 392590
13 404030
14 413139
15 421856
* 16 427882
* 17 405453
* 18 404179
* 19 404114
* 20 412714
* 21 418420
* 22 418387
* 23 420038
* 24 419082
* 25 403168
* 26 402543
* 27 403437
* 28 402978
* 29 408186
* 30 408859
* 31 413264
* 32 402248
Throughput 410291
JVM 29 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44160
2 85370
3 134980
4 176461
5 216712
6 258972
7 302176
8 342675
9 356355
10 367719
11 381377
12 392433
13 401233
14 410931
15 417375
* 16 425170
* 17 400950
* 18 400779
* 19 402285
* 20 404103
* 21 414774
* 22 418754
* 23 418793
* 24 416947
* 25 401070
* 26 402970
* 27 403907
* 28 401881
* 29 405592
* 30 406617
* 31 411461
* 32 398471
Throughput 407913
JVM 30 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44417
2 87139
3 132307
4 178434
5 221918
6 261432
7 304812
8 345272
9 359375
10 370048
11 384795
12 394255
13 403139
14 413002
15 418699
* 16 426205
* 17 401381
* 18 404982
* 19 405033
* 20 410232
* 21 418038
* 22 418819
* 23 418041
* 24 418053
* 25 404443
* 26 403092
* 27 402589
* 28 405274
* 29 408717
* 30 412669
* 31 413799
* 32 402610
Throughput 410234
JVM 31 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43875
2 84993
3 134616
4 174807
5 216801
6 258009
7 298801
8 338600
9 353454
10 365421
11 378822
12 387937
13 399579
14 409160
15 414859
* 16 424438
* 17 397559
* 18 399896
* 19 400506
* 20 405211
* 21 416368
* 22 417560
* 23 417899
* 24 417189
* 25 399104
* 26 400295
* 27 398975
* 28 402153
* 29 405275
* 30 406541
* 31 407781
* 32 396402
Throughput 406656
JVM 32 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43975
2 86037
3 136428
4 179696
5 219352
6 261713
7 303573
8 343620
9 358458
10 370388
11 384637
12 393758
13 404368
14 414213
15 421531
* 16 427859
* 17 405223
* 18 401389
* 19 408922
* 20 414663
* 21 419074
* 22 421343
* 23 423320
* 24 422593
* 25 403262
* 26 403144
* 27 375392
* 28 407935
* 29 408931
* 30 409425
* 31 411362
* 32 403432
Throughput 409839
JVM 33 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44126
2 85188
3 135327
4 177607
5 219207
6 260064
7 303815
8 342457
9 356118
10 368659
11 382242
12 393889
13 402885
14 413005
15 421326
* 16 428465
* 17 401141
* 18 405074
* 19 406995
* 20 414605
* 21 415469
* 22 422322
* 23 420182
* 24 421925
* 25 405337
* 26 404648
* 27 405378
* 28 405871
* 29 411129
* 30 408937
* 31 412722
* 32 400400
Throughput 411212
JVM 34 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44390
2 87209
3 136276
4 179073
5 220924
6 262298
7 302994
8 342717
9 356990
10 368848
11 382424
12 393958
13 402332
14 412769
15 420458
* 16 427338
* 17 401315
* 18 403461
* 19 407021
* 20 406929
* 21 418517
* 22 418411
* 23 419684
* 24 418691
* 25 402889
* 26 401401
* 27 403147
* 28 404016
* 29 406468
* 30 411290
* 31 407723
* 32 399900
Throughput 409306
JVM 35 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44157
2 85815
3 136419
4 178845
5 220049
6 263614
7 304337
8 344682
9 359343
10 371926
11 385248
12 396626
13 405542
14 416863
15 422970
* 16 431923
* 17 403617
* 18 408026
* 19 405651
* 20 414090
* 21 421169
* 22 423955
* 23 424984
* 24 424853
* 25 407264
* 26 406142
* 27 408369
* 28 409253
* 29 410210
* 30 411568
* 31 415193
* 32 404006
Throughput 413546
JVM 36 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44307
2 86616
3 137898
4 180318
5 221945
6 261658
7 306848
8 347364
9 361368
10 372512
11 386845
12 396260
13 407426
14 417239
15 424572
* 16 429947
* 17 407764
* 18 406890
* 19 411924
* 20 416676
* 21 423515
* 22 420111
* 23 423268
* 24 422452
* 25 404458
* 26 406947
* 27 407212
* 28 405176
* 29 410413
* 30 412329
* 31 413555
* 32 404977
Throughput 413389
JVM 37 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 43962
2 86001
3 136790
4 179454
5 219710
6 260833
7 305173
8 344517
9 358745
10 371661
11 384815
12 395315
13 405721
14 415733
15 422999
* 16 429634
* 17 406061
* 18 406903
* 19 409905
* 20 416455
* 21 419174
* 22 418792
* 23 421318
* 24 421632
* 25 408188
* 26 404052
* 27 402889
* 28 406468
* 29 408790
* 30 411242
* 31 414793
* 32 405313
Throughput 412447
JVM 38 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44551
2 87791
3 138061
4 181159
5 223239
6 264726
7 307559
8 348308
9 363440
10 375545
11 387127
12 400237
13 409246
14 417877
15 426875
* 16 434707
* 17 409246
* 18 412276
* 19 414627
* 20 414193
* 21 422510
* 22 428726
* 23 426930
* 24 427076
* 25 411798
* 26 409683
* 27 411368
* 28 410730
* 29 415016
* 30 417399
* 31 417063
* 32 411332
Throughput 417334
JVM 39 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44405
2 86758
3 137408
4 179723
5 222187
6 263429
7 306296
8 342730
9 357391
10 369856
11 382817
12 394261
13 402011
14 412598
15 419919
* 16 426855
* 17 402219
* 18 405302
* 19 407310
* 20 409410
* 21 417241
* 22 419138
* 23 418991
* 24 417789
* 25 403473
* 26 403361
* 27 401327
* 28 402595
* 29 405408
* 30 408273
* 31 410937
* 32 398338
Throughput 409292
JVM 40 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44076
2 86384
3 136476
4 180680
5 221580
6 262472
7 303927
8 344354
9 358456
10 370659
11 383890
12 394652
13 404408
14 414601
15 420743
* 16 428288
* 17 401049
* 18 403238
* 19 406683
* 20 409415
* 21 420598
* 22 421167
* 23 422131
* 24 421739
* 25 404629
* 26 405408
* 27 407032
* 28 406001
* 29 408099
* 30 410431
* 31 413107
* 32 405274
Throughput 411429
JVM 41 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44723
2 87130
3 137027
4 179346
5 223140
6 262289
7 306762
8 346920
9 361462
10 373496
11 386905
12 396948
13 408443
14 415700
15 424544
* 16 430946
* 17 407772
* 18 409316
* 19 413592
* 20 417000
* 21 422744
* 22 422012
* 23 424253
* 24 425070
* 25 410102
* 26 403707
* 27 377128
* 28 406180
* 29 411955
* 30 414142
* 31 416822
* 32 407913
Throughput 412980
JVM 42 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44126
2 86243
3 135296
4 179237
5 218044
6 260333
7 303678
8 342560
9 356379
10 370062
11 382231
12 394164
13 403254
14 413443
15 420502
* 16 428664
* 17 401743
* 18 404661
* 19 407021
* 20 413608
* 21 417379
* 22 420371
* 23 421153
* 24 420540
* 25 400511
* 26 405289
* 27 401815
* 28 404872
* 29 404556
* 30 409265
* 31 412121
* 32 403601
Throughput 410422
JVM 43 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44760
2 87519
3 137821
4 181389
5 223477
6 264384
7 307753
8 348841
9 360526
10 374330
11 387658
12 397942
13 407999
14 416631
15 424191
* 16 430922
* 17 405096
* 18 410271
* 19 414367
* 20 416151
* 21 420877
* 22 424102
* 23 424136
* 24 423781
* 25 410956
* 26 408925
* 27 408035
* 28 411756
* 29 412619
* 30 410994
* 31 414825
* 32 408607
Throughput 415084
JVM 44 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44295
2 86288
3 136452
4 178529
5 220702
6 260324
7 303557
8 343437
9 358346
10 370255
11 383853
12 394871
13 403593
14 414810
15 420278
* 16 429893
* 17 401884
* 18 406711
* 19 407363
* 20 409054
* 21 422728
* 22 423160
* 23 422275
* 24 421657
* 25 405059
* 26 405988
* 27 403916
* 28 406312
* 29 410499
* 30 412543
* 31 414771
* 32 403529
Throughput 412196
JVM 45 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44243
2 86464
3 136679
4 179234
5 221421
6 261808
7 305136
8 344778
9 358330
10 370801
11 384960
12 396356
13 406092
14 415552
15 422827
* 16 429805
* 17 402620
* 18 406557
* 19 407764
* 20 416594
* 21 417281
* 22 423094
* 23 422913
* 24 422153
* 25 405819
* 26 405473
* 27 408787
* 28 406837
* 29 411248
* 30 412069
* 31 414951
* 32 401617
Throughput 412681
JVM 46 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44215
2 86552
3 136770
4 179854
5 219601
6 261504
7 303125
8 342726
9 356628
10 369075
11 382009
12 393408
13 402306
14 411921
15 418837
* 16 425591
* 17 399775
* 18 402594
* 19 404323
* 20 409224
* 21 412569
* 22 418676
* 23 417708
* 24 416289
* 25 405360
* 26 403577
* 27 403583
* 28 403769
* 29 405324
* 30 407786
* 31 411049
* 32 399815
Throughput 408648
JVM 47 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44049
2 86062
3 136248
4 180247
5 221175
6 262444
7 304499
8 343838
9 357523
10 370169
11 382153
12 393390
13 403207
14 412783
15 420355
* 16 427219
* 17 401553
* 18 404436
* 19 410062
* 20 411337
* 21 419164
* 22 419844
* 23 420228
* 24 418565
* 25 404696
* 26 405264
* 27 403132
* 28 405501
* 29 407397
* 30 408685
* 31 410865
* 32 401372
Throughput 410548
JVM 48 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44157
2 86485
3 136520
4 178781
5 220500
6 260705
7 301922
8 339770
9 355644
10 367693
11 380899
12 392441
13 401996
14 411879
15 419647
* 16 426259
* 17 399975
* 18 402077
* 19 405108
* 20 409180
* 21 414029
* 22 417374
* 23 416160
* 24 417973
* 25 400357
* 26 398103
* 27 403810
* 28 403713
* 29 404735
* 30 409871
* 31 411315
* 32 396785
Throughput 408049
JVM 49 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44700
2 87737
3 137869
4 181949
5 223379
6 263333
7 304483
8 348001
9 361814
10 373867
11 387149
12 399138
13 407899
14 416807
15 425396
* 16 432168
* 17 406906
* 18 409882
* 19 409047
* 20 412506
* 21 425653
* 22 424095
* 23 426160
* 24 418876
* 25 407260
* 26 406519
* 27 404859
* 28 406352
* 29 415733
* 30 417720
* 31 417131
* 32 404976
Throughput 414461
JVM 50 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44325
2 86823
3 137646
4 180460
5 222047
6 263510
7 307016
8 346684
9 361216
10 373610
11 386158
12 398213
13 407421
14 415409
15 423880
* 16 432256
* 17 405306
* 18 407883
* 19 411160
* 20 416458
* 21 422204
* 22 423367
* 23 422612
* 24 424283
* 25 411206
* 26 407629
* 27 408197
* 28 411322
* 29 411053
* 30 413139
* 31 415592
* 32 405228
Throughput 414641
JVM 51 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44565
2 87725
3 137509
4 179944
5 222942
6 262928
7 305687
8 346894
9 360659
10 373300
11 386460
12 397147
13 406375
14 415018
15 422312
* 16 429356
* 17 406521
* 18 409611
* 19 413056
* 20 414835
* 21 417516
* 22 422437
* 23 422077
* 24 421716
* 25 407914
* 26 404864
* 27 406298
* 28 407717
* 29 409767
* 30 412295
* 31 407264
* 32 403271
Throughput 412736
JVM 52 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44546
2 87187
3 136892
4 179457
5 222536
6 263395
7 304851
8 344515
9 359215
10 370260
11 383371
12 394654
13 403928
14 413851
15 420198
* 16 425504
* 17 405674
* 18 406485
* 19 408830
* 20 410158
* 21 418975
* 22 419917
* 23 420080
* 24 419076
* 25 403987
* 26 403102
* 27 403827
* 28 403690
* 29 408064
* 30 408846
* 31 412734
* 32 400302
Throughput 410544
JVM 53 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44385
2 86525
3 137616
4 180015
5 221486
6 263096
7 306224
8 346288
9 360071
10 372980
11 386010
12 397071
13 406637
14 416475
15 423653
* 16 431880
* 17 407397
* 18 409837
* 19 410053
* 20 410273
* 21 422653
* 22 424722
* 23 423962
* 24 423833
* 25 408825
* 26 407840
* 27 406209
* 28 408915
* 29 411488
* 30 414080
* 31 416278
* 32 404173
Throughput 414260
JVM 54 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44388
2 86180
3 136331
4 178690
5 220079
6 257881
7 303924
8 343127
9 357777
10 371025
11 383630
12 395584
13 405013
14 415021
15 423688
* 16 430746
* 17 403485
* 18 405000
* 19 407902
* 20 409497
* 21 421111
* 22 421509
* 23 421185
* 24 421745
* 25 405702
* 26 405243
* 27 406755
* 28 404167
* 29 409234
* 30 409858
* 31 413921
* 32 399940
Throughput 411588
JVM 55 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44151
2 86029
3 136342
4 178529
5 220002
6 261508
7 304454
8 344051
9 358350
10 369919
11 382629
12 393577
13 402238
14 413354
15 420883
* 16 427694
* 17 401144
* 18 402321
* 19 404836
* 20 412628
* 21 417064
* 22 423141
* 23 417887
* 24 419141
* 25 407106
* 26 373413
* 27 403751
* 28 406303
* 29 404173
* 30 410111
* 31 410587
* 32 399343
Throughput 408273
JVM 56 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44026
2 86136
3 136895
4 178764
5 221120
6 262076
7 303360
8 342297
9 358066
10 368959
11 382351
12 394243
13 403591
14 414141
15 422599
* 16 427417
* 17 404473
* 18 405739
* 19 410304
* 20 412100
* 21 417803
* 22 421047
* 23 420231
* 24 420237
* 25 405355
* 26 403206
* 27 403555
* 28 406616
* 29 407576
* 30 411282
* 31 416795
* 32 404222
Throughput 411644
JVM 57 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44263
2 86469
3 136427
4 178772
5 220385
6 260606
7 305642
8 345887
9 360099
10 372824
11 385490
12 396920
13 405889
14 416652
15 422710
* 16 430723
* 17 404225
* 18 407136
* 19 409255
* 20 415235
* 21 418571
* 22 422874
* 23 419961
* 24 421421
* 25 408955
* 26 404286
* 27 407375
* 28 406827
* 29 410606
* 30 411521
* 31 412326
* 32 403545
Throughput 412638
JVM 58 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44432
2 87209
3 138048
4 181204
5 223655
6 264427
7 304718
8 347947
9 362656
10 373832
11 386972
12 397843
13 408460
14 417670
15 424818
* 16 432275
* 17 406862
* 18 409379
* 19 414114
* 20 415364
* 21 424597
* 22 426206
* 23 424791
* 24 424507
* 25 408061
* 26 407403
* 27 407132
* 28 409583
* 29 411041
* 30 414620
* 31 416652
* 32 408823
Throughput 415377
JVM 59 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44316
2 86322
3 136621
4 178687
5 219783
6 261386
7 304913
8 343940
9 358875
10 370918
11 384058
12 395935
13 405258
14 415165
15 421491
* 16 430007
* 17 402334
* 18 405704
* 19 410129
* 20 409150
* 21 417816
* 22 423356
* 23 422467
* 24 421470
* 25 406737
* 26 406945
* 27 402594
* 28 406801
* 29 408550
* 30 410397
* 31 411077
* 32 401326
Throughput 411580
JVM 60 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44228
2 85991
3 136222
4 178071
5 220446
6 262032
7 305260
8 345323
9 359105
10 371322
11 384965
12 396391
13 406033
14 415740
15 422242
* 16 430297
* 17 403398
* 18 406064
* 19 412220
* 20 415708
* 21 387487
* 22 423638
* 23 419383
* 24 422840
* 25 407872
* 26 404943
* 27 406251
* 28 406794
* 29 408974
* 30 411467
* 31 413863
* 32 406034
Throughput 411014
JVM 61 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44275
2 86840
3 136835
4 179411
5 221078
6 261344
7 300924
8 342173
9 356368
10 368386
11 381157
12 391992
13 400687
14 410051
15 417555
* 16 425091
* 17 398364
* 18 402806
* 19 407325
* 20 409663
* 21 411244
* 22 418684
* 23 415210
* 24 416789
* 25 402188
* 26 400313
* 27 371920
* 28 404445
* 29 405194
* 30 406839
* 31 407977
* 32 397909
Throughput 405998
JVM 62 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44281
2 84242
3 137498
4 180616
5 220592
6 259792
7 305606
8 344526
9 360203
10 372505
11 386265
12 395616
13 406372
14 416558
15 423835
* 16 430381
* 17 409095
* 18 408210
* 19 411255
* 20 415852
* 21 422628
* 22 420986
* 23 423517
* 24 422927
* 25 409880
* 26 406253
* 27 405768
* 28 407797
* 29 410272
* 30 412553
* 31 413058
* 32 406575
Throughput 413942
JVM 63 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44470
2 86144
3 136919
4 180065
5 220997
6 261710
7 306583
8 345736
9 360078
10 372672
11 386412
12 398064
13 406756
14 417005
15 424269
* 16 432068
* 17 403876
* 18 408969
* 19 407972
* 20 415108
* 21 422042
* 22 425645
* 23 422605
* 24 423773
* 25 408050
* 26 408005
* 27 408307
* 28 409731
* 29 412513
* 30 414354
* 31 415724
* 32 406153
Throughput 414406
JVM 64 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 44042
2 85985
3 136013
4 178752
5 219471
6 258945
7 302338
8 341294
9 355835
10 368231
11 381456
12 392903
13 401923
14 411468
15 419044
* 16 426718
* 17 401364
* 18 400708
* 19 407866
* 20 408702
* 21 412328
* 22 418586
* 23 416682
* 24 418636
* 25 402270
* 26 399548
* 27 372198
* 28 400406
* 29 404013
* 30 408612
* 31 412184
* 32 399859
Throughput 406511
SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved