Approved Alternate Source: approved alternate source, seis2002-src_purdue-20050429.tar.bz2,
was used to fix Fortran standard violations
Flags (Fortran & C):
CPP Flags: -I. -C -P -traditional -DMPI -DSPEC_HPG_MPI
COPTIMIZE = -O3 -static -xW -axW -tpp7 -march=pentium4 -mcpu=pentium4
FOPTIMIZE = -O3 -mp -static -fp_port -I/opt/mpich-1.2.6/p4-intel/include
LDOPTIONS = -O3 -mp -static -L/opt/intel_cc_80/lib -lcxa
Submit command to run MPI application:
PBS Version: PBSPro
PBS Command to get resources (for cyclic allocation of processes):
qsub -I -q preemptx -lnodes=8:ppn=2,walltime=1:00:00
submit=mpiexec -n 16 $command
Cluster config:
Nodes and file server use NFS shared file system
Two CPUs per node, Hyper-Threading Technology enabled
File server:
2 x 3.06 GHz Intel Xeon processors
4 GB DDR PC2100 CL2.5 ECC Registered Memory
5 x 72 GB 10K RPM SCSI Drives
Hardware RAID-5 (Dell PERC/3Di option)
Debian Linux, 3.1 "sarge"
ext3 local file system
NFS shared file system
Network (for computation and file server):
Cisco 6509 Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Built-in Gigabit Ethernet Adapters
All BIOS parameters left with factory defaults.
For a description of Intel compiler flags,portability flags,
and system parameters used to generate this result,please refer
to PURDUE-20050329-INTEL-LINUX-XEON.txt in the flags directory