The Application Performance Characterization Project Committee Rules

Version 3.3
Last Updated: 09/09/2020

  1. Overview

    1. General Philosophy
      1. All rules declared in "The Graphics and Workstation Performance Group (SPEC/GWPG): Rules For Project Groups document (known hereafter as the GWPG Project Groups Ruleset) apply, unless specifically overruled by a rule in this document.
      2. Rules declared in this document shall apply in addition to the rules declared in the GWPG Project Groups Ruleset.
    2. General Philosophy
      1. The Application Performance Characterization Project of SPEC/GWPG (henceforth abbreviated as SPECapc) believes the user community will benefit from an objective series of tests that are application-based, which can serve as a common reference and be considered as part of an evaluation process.
      2. The SPECapc seeks to develop benchmarks for generating accurate application-level graphics performance measures in an open, accessible and well-publicized manner.
      3. The SPECapc wishes to contribute to the coherence of the field of application performance measurement and evaluation so that vendors will be better able to present well-defined performance measures and customers will be better able to compare and evaluate vendors' products and environments.
      4. The SPECapc will provide formal beta benchmarks to members and final benchmark releases to the public in a timely fashion.
      5. Hardware and software used to run the SPECapc benchmarks must provide a suitable environment for running typical workloads for the applications for which benchmarks are provided.
      6. SPECapc reserves the right to adapt its benchmarks as it deems necessary to preserve its goal of fair and useful benchmarking (e.g. remove benchmark, modify benchmark code or data, etc). If a change is made to the suite, SPECapc will notify the appropriate parties (i.e. SPECapc members and users of the benchmark) and SPECapc will re-designate the benchmark by changing its name and/or version. In the case that a benchmark is removed in whole or in part, SPECapc reserves the right to republish in summary form "adapted" results for previously published systems, converted to the new metric. In the case of other changes, such a republication may necessitate re-testing and may require support from the original test sponsor.

    3. Overview of Optimizations
      1. SPECapc is aware of the importance of optimizations in producing the best system performance. SPECapc is also aware that it is sometimes hard to draw an exact line between legitimate optimizations that happen to benefit SPECapc benchmarks and optimizations that specifically target SPECapc benchmarks. However, with the list below, SPECapc wants to increase awareness of implementers and end-users to issues of unwanted benchmark-specific optimizations that would be incompatible with SPECapc's goal of fair benchmarking.
      2. To ensure that results are relevant to end-users, SPECapc expects that the hardware and software implementations used for running SPECapc benchmarks adhere to a set of general rules for optimizations.�

    4. General Rules for Optimization
      1. Optimizations must generate correct images for the application under test, for both the benchmark case and similar cases. Correct images are those deemed by the SPECapc committee to be sufficiently adherent to the respective graphics API specification for the targeted application.
      2. Optimizations must not have an adverse effect on system stability. A published SPEC APC result carries an implicit claim that the performance methods employed are more than just "prototype" or "experimental" or "research" methods. It is a claim that there is a certain level of maturity and general applicability in its methods.
      3. Optimizations must improve performance for a class of workloads where the class of workloads must be larger than a single SPECapc benchmark or SPECapc benchmark suite.
      4. No pre-computed (e.g. driver-cached) images, geometric data, or state may be substituted within an SPECapc benchmark in order to detect the benchmark (e.g. pattern matching of command stream or recognition of benchmark's name).�
      5. Optimizations must be generally available and supported by the providing vendor.
      6. In the case where it appears that the guidelines in this document have not been followed, SPECapc members will follow the SPEC Violations Determination, Penalties and Remedies Document guidelines to bring resolution to the matter.

  2. Benchmarks

    1. Benchmark Definition
      1. Benchmark components are defined as
        1. Specific version of the application
        2. Application models and/or scenes
        3. Benchmark scripts and framework
        4. Launch GUI and associated benchmark definition files
        5. Benchmark run rules

    2. Benchmark Acceptance
      1. New or modified benchmark components require a 2/3-majority vote of the SPECapc electorate to be accepted for publication.
      2. Selection of the specific version of the application used for a benchmark (datecode, service pack, etc) is chosen by majority vote.
      3. A minimum 3-week review period is required for new or significantly modified benchmark components.
      4. At the end of the review period a vote will be called to approve the proposed changes.
      5. An amendment to a benchmark component during the review period must be unanimously accepted. If not, the review period shall be restarted.

    3. Benchmark Code Versioning
      1. SPECapc benchmarks use the following version coding: M.m.p (e.g. SPECapcSM�for Creo 3.0 v1.0.1) M is the major release number, m is the minor release number and p is the patch level.
        1. The major release number is only incremented when large amounts of code are changed and the scripting language is dramatically changed as a result — backward compatibility is highly unlikely when moving scripts or data sets between major releases (e.g. running v2 scripts on a v3 executable would almost certainly fail).
        2. The minor release number is incremented if some small set of code is replaced or removed - but the standard, unchanged scripts and data sets, as a whole, must run on the new version (but perhaps with different performance).
        3. Patch releases can contain additions of new properties and additions of new attributes or functionality. These are typically used for bug fixes, small enhancements and so forth.

    4. Benchmark Release
      1. When there is a new major release of a benchmark, submissions using the previous release will be accepted for at least one submission cycle.
      2. When a superseded benchmark is retired, the associated run rules and results will be archived along with the benchmark information page.

  3. Benchmark Run Rules

    1. General Benchmark Run Rules
      1. The system under test must correctly perform all of the operations being requested by the application by the benchmark.
      2. No changes to any files associated with the benchmark are permitted.
      3. The entire display must be available for use by the application and benchmark.
      4. The color depth used must be at least 24 bits (true color), with at least 8 bits of red, 8 bits of green and 8 bits of blue.
      5. The display resolution must be at least 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels.
      6. Screen resolution must be large enough to run the individual tests at their requested window size, with no reduction or clipping of the test window.
      7. Windows created by the benchmark must not be obscured by anything other than other elements created by the benchmark.
      8. Screen DPI scaling must be set to 100% on Microsoft Windows, and no UI or other window elements, including the task bar, may occlude the viewport rendering context
      9. It is not permissible to override the intended behavior of the application through any means including, but not limited to, registry settings or environment variables.
      10. No interaction is allowed with the system under test during the benchmark.
      11. The system under test cannot skip frames during the benchmark run.
      12. It is not permissible to change the system configuration during the running of a given benchmark. For example, one cannot power off the system, make some changes, then power back on and run the rest of the benchmark.
      13. Results submitted must be obtained using the scripts, models, and application revisions which are specified for that submission cycle by the SPECapc.
      14. Tests may be run with or without a desktop/window manager if the application allows this, but must be run on some native windowing system.
      15. Virtualized configurations, defined as any operating system configuration running on a Hyper Visor or virtualization layer of any kind, must include the word "virtualized" in the comment field of the config.txt file. This information must be populated before the execution of the benchmark to ensure the results reflect this attribute.
      16. Virtualized configurations as defined above must also include a declaration of the transport layer name and version used by the virtualization software in parenthesis after the graphics accelerator listed in the Graphics Accelerator field of the Graphics Hardware Configuration section of the result file.
      17. Virtualized configurations as defined above must also include a declaration of the Hyper Visor name and version used by the virtualization software in parenthesis after the model listed in the Model field of the System Hardware Configuration section of the result file.
      18. All configurations shall include a link (URL) to a publicly-accessible device driver package used to generate the submission.

  4. Submission and Review Rules

    1. Submission Content Rules
      1. These rules are specific to SPECapc and shall apply in addition to the Submission Content Rules in the GWPG Project Group Rules.
      2. The submission upload is defined in the benchmark-specific section for each specific SPECapc benchmark.

    2. Submission Process Rules
      1. These rules are specific to SPECapc and shall apply in addition to the Submission Process Rules in the GWPG Project Groups Ruleset.
      2. The submission zip file name must contain apc_<application benchmark name>, contain all lower-case letters and not contain "." except prior to the zip file extension. The initial file version is v0. Resubmitted files must increment the version number. Example <company>

    3. Review Period Rules
      1. These rules are specific to SPECgpc and shall apply in addition to the Submission Process Rules in the GWPG Project Groups Ruleset.
      2. Reviewers will decide if the image quality and results of the submission are sufficiently correct with respect to the intent of the application provider to satisfy the intended application use.

  5. SPECapc Benchmark Specific Rules and Procedures

    1. Autodesk 3ds max 2015
      1. The benchmark must be run using Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) applied. Do not install the 3ds Max Subscription Advantage Pack, as it will interfere with the operation and results of the benchmark.
      2. The default 3ds Max 2015 application settings must be used.
      3. The benchmark may only be run using Nitrous DX11 display driver.
      4. The display resolution must be at least 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels. If the system has an integrated display which cannot achieve 1920x1080 resolution, e.g., a notebook, the system�s maximum possible resolution must be used.
      5. Submissions can optionally be made at 4k resolutions.
      6. Submissions can optionally be made with AA modes greater than the default 0.
      7. This benchmark is only supported on systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 64-bit operating system.
      8. The 3dsmax 2015 benchmark should be run with at least 16GB of system memory installed.
      9. The application window must be fully visible and not be occluded by any other windows. Task-bar auto-hide must be enabled. Any windows on top of the application rendering window may interfere with the performance. The benchmark status window is an exception to this rule as it should not intersect the graphics rendering window.
      10. The results.txt file must be generated by the GwpgSystemInfo.exe found in the ./submissions directory.
      11. After completion of the benchmark the submitter should create a populated specAPC2015.xlsm  and results.txt files by following these steps:
        1. Copy <3dsmax 2015 install directory>/maxtest/submissions/GwpgSystemInfo.exe to the newly created TestResults folder.
        2. Copy <3dsmax 2015 install directory>/maxtest/submissions/specAPC2015.xlsm to the newly created TestResults folder.
        3. Open specAPC2015.xlsm with Office Excel 2007 or greater.  In the spreadsheet; press Enable Content and Select Test Results Folder buttons.
        4. Create a results.txt by running GwpgSystemInfo.exe
        5. Verify all prepopulated values in results.txt.
        6. Copy the scores from specAPC2015.xlsm Overview sheet into the results.txt file.
        7. Add appropriate values to the Submitter fields.
      12. The directory structure of the submission must be as follows:

      13. The submission file must be named where company is the member company or organization name in lower case and vN is the file version (e.g. The initial submission is v0. Resubmitted files must have the version number incremented.

    2. Autodesk Maya 2017
      1. The benchmark must be run using Autodesk Maya 2017 with Update 4 applied.
      2. The default Maya 2017 application settings must be used.
      3. The benchmark may only be run using the default display driver.
      4. The display resolution must be at least 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels. If the system has an integrated display which cannot achieve 1920x1080 resolution, e.g., a notebook, the system’s maximum possible resolution must be used.
      5. Submissions can optionally be made at 4k resolutions.
      6. Windows Display scaling in Windows 10 and DPI scaling in Windows 7 must be set to 100%.
      7. This benchmark is only supported on systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 64-bit operating system.
      8. The Maya 2017 benchmark should be run with at least 16GB of system memory installed.
      9. It is recommended that the system be rebooted before running the benchmark, and the application window must be fully visible and not be occluded by any other windows. Task-bar auto-hide must be enabled. Any windows on top of the application rendering window may interfere with the performance. The benchmark status window is an exception to this rule as it should not intersect the graphics rendering window.
      10. The submission must contain the entire results folder generated from running the benchmark. The results folder will be named results_[MSAA|noMSAA]_timestamp after a successful run of the benchmark. All fields in the "Submission Info" panel must be filled out prior to running the benchmark.
      11. The directory structure of the submission must be as follows:

      12. The submission file must be named where company is the member company or organization name in lower case and vN is the file version (e.g. The initial submission is v0. Resubmitted files must have the version number incremented

    3. PTC Creo 3.0
      1. The benchmark must be run using Creo 3.0 build M010.
      2. The Creo 3.0 benchmark is only supported on systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 64-bit operating system.
      3. Only submissions run on Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 64-bit operating system and with graphics cards supporting a minimum of 8X MSAA and Order Independent Transparency will be accepted for review.
      4. The display resolution must be at least 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels. If the system has an integrated display which cannot achieve 1920x1080 resolution, e.g., a notebook, the system's maximum possible resolution must be used.
      5. It is recommended that the Creo 3.0 benchmark be run with at least 8GB of RAM installed.
      6. The All_V25.txt, and apc.dat files must be used as-is and may not be modified or overridden.
      7. The benchmark may not use any other, config.sup,,, or protk.dat files. These files must be removed from the application install location and user folder before running the benchmark.
      8. The graphics card used must support a minimum of 8X MSAA and Order Independent Transparency for comparable results.
      9. The script file utilities\runbench.bat may be modified to accommodate an alternate install location for Creo 3.0. If modified, the modified version of runbench.bat must be included in the benchmark submission.
      10. The utilities\config.txt file must be edited to reflect the system configuration before running the benchmark.
      11. The submission must contain the result.txt, trail.txt, score-steps.txt, score.csv, apc.dat and *.tif files. These files may be found in the results directory after a successful run of the benchmark.
      12. There must be no license-related warnings in the trail.txt file.
      13. The directory structure of the submission must be as follows:

        .../company-name/system_1/creo3/runbench.bat (if modified, as required by rule i above)
        .../company-name/system_2/creo3/runbench.bat (if modified, as required by rule i above)
      14. The submission file must be named where company-name is the member company or organization name in lower case and vN is the file version (e.g. The initial submission is v0. Resubmitted files must have the version number incremented.

    4. Dassault Systemes Solidworks 2020

    5. Siemens PLM NX 9.0 and 10.0
      1. The benchmark must be run using Siemens PLM NX (MaintPack5) and/or NX (MaintPack1).
      2. The NX 9 and 10 license must include the NX Shape Studio or equivalent bundle for Advanced Studio rendering and be properly enabled by disabling all checkboxes except Disable Dynamic Update Shadows and Disable Dynamic Soft Shadows in the Studio Views section of the Visualization Performance Preferences General Graphics tab.
      3. The benchmark is only supported on systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 64-bit operating system.
      4. The display resolution must be at least 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels. If the system has an integrated display which cannot achieve 1920x1080 resolution, e.g., a notebook, the system�s maximum possible resolution must be used.
      5. All application settings must be the default settings outside of those documented in rule f and g and the benchmark setup guide.  See the document, SPECapc_NX9-10_BenchmarkSetup, included with the benchmark, for the full details of the benchmark setup.
      6. The "Fixed Frame Rate" setting must be globally disabled.
      7. The "Fit View to Stage" setting must be unchecked in the Advanced Studio Scene Editor Stage tab.
      8. Any application setting that is not the default or specified value must be documented in the Comments field of the "apcNxResults.html" file.
      9. Submissions run on Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 64-bit will be accepted for review. A submission must include a run with FSAA enabled and may optionally include a run with FSAA disabled.
      10. The submission must contain the entire results folder generated from running the benchmark. The results folder will be named results_sanx_nx[9|10]_[noaa|fsaa]_timestamp after a successful run of the benchmark. All fields in the "Submission Info" panel must be filled out prior to running the benchmark.
      11. The directory structure of the submission must be as follows:

      12. The submission file must be named company-name_apc_nx[9|10] where company-name is the member company or organization name in lower case and vN is the file version (e.g. The initial submission is v0. Resubmitted files must have the version number incremented.



V3.2: Adopted 3 December 2019 (add addition of Windows 10 submissions)
V3.1: Adopted 23 October 2019 (adds Solidworks 2019 benchmark)
V3.0: Adopted 13 July 2018 (update rules to current GWPG practices and add Solidworks 2017 benchmark)
v2.23: Adopted 27 September (adds Maya 2017 and deletes retired Maya 2012)
v2.22: Adopted 21 June 2016 (adds NX 9.0-10.0 and deletes retired NX 8.5)
v2.21: Adopted 30 June 2015 (adds SolidWorks 2015 and deletes retired SolidWorks 2013)
v2.20: Adopted 11 Dec 2014 (adds Creo 3.0 and deletes retired Creo 2.0 and Lightwave 9.6 benchmark)
v2.19: Adopted 28 July 2014 (adds 3ds Max 2015 and deletes retired 3ds Max 2011 benchmark)
v2.17: Adopted 20 February 2013 (adds SolidWorks 2013 and deletes retired SolidWorks 2007 benchmark)
v2.16: Adopted 6 August 2012 (PTC Creo 2 rule a. change, adds Maya 2012 and deletes retired Maya 2009 benchmark)
v2.15: Adopted 22 May 2012 (adds PTC Creo 2 and deletes retired WF2 benchmark)
v2.14: Adopted 30 March 2012 (adds Siemens NX 6 and deletes retired benchmark)
v2.13: Adopted 30 June 2011 (adds Autodesk 3ds max 2011 rules and deletes retired benchmarks)
v2.12: Adopted 24 June 2009 (adds Autodesk Maya 2009 rules)
v2.11: Adopted 12 March 2009 (adds Lightwave 9.6 rules, updates NX4 rules, adds non-interaction rule)
v2.10: Adopted 13 September 2007 (reflects GPC-to-GWPG transition, and adds NX4 rules)
v2.06: Adopted 13 July 2007
v2.05: Adopted 18 April 2007
v2.04: Adopted 06 February 2007
v2.03: Adopted  20 July 2006
v2.02: Adopted  27 April 2006 for 01 May 2006 publication
v2.01: Adopted  26 January 2006
v2.00: Adopted  26 January 2006