
Microsoft Releases and Patents 'Python In Excel' 66

Longtime Slashdot reader theodp writes: Python in Excel is now generally available for Windows users of Microsoft 365 Business and Enterprise," Microsoft announced in a Monday blog post. "Last August, in partnership with Anaconda, we introduced an exciting new addition to Excel by integrating Python, making it possible to seamlessly combine Python and Excel analytics within the same workbook, no setup required. Since then, we've brought the power of popular Python analytics libraries such as pandas, Matplotlib, and NLTK to countless Excel users." Microsoft also announced the public preview of Copilot in Excel with Python, which will take users' natural language requests for analysis and automatically generate, explain, and insert Python code into Excel spreadsheets.

While drawing criticism for limiting Python execution to locked-down Azure cloud containers, Python in Excel has also earned accolades from the likes of Python creator Guido van Rossum, now a Microsoft Distinguished Engineer, as well as Pandas creator Wes McKinney.

Left unmentioned in Monday's announcement is that Microsoft managed to convince the USPTO to issue it a patent in July 2024 on the Enhanced Integration of Spreadsheets With External Environments (alt. source), which Microsoft explains covers the "implementation of enhanced integrations of native spreadsheet environments with external resources such as-but not limited to-Python." All of which may come as a surprise to software vendors and individuals that were integrating Excel and external programming environments years before Microsoft filed its patent application in September 2022.

Ellison Declares Oracle 'All In' On AI Mass Surveillance 112

Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison envisions AI as the backbone of a new era of mass surveillance, positioning Oracle as a key player in AI infrastructure through its unique networking architecture and partnerships with AWS and Microsoft. The Register reports: Ellison made the comments near the end of an hour-long chat at the Oracle financial analyst meeting last week during a question and answer session in which he painted Oracle as the AI infrastructure player to beat in light of its recent deals with AWS and Microsoft. Many companies, Ellison touted, build AI models at Oracle because of its "unique networking architecture," which dates back to the database era.

"AI is hot, and databases are not," he said, making Oracle's part of the puzzle less sexy, but no less important, at least according to the man himself - AI systems have to have well-organized data, or else they won't be that valuable. The fact that some of the biggest names in cloud computing (and Elon Musk's Grok) have turned to Oracle to run their AI infrastructure means it's clear that Oracle is doing something right, claimed now-CTO Ellison. "If Elon and Satya [Nadella] want to pick us, that's a good sign - we have tech that's valuable and differentiated," Ellison said, adding: One of the ideal uses of that differentiated offering? Maximizing AI's pubic security capabilities.

"The police will be on their best behavior because we're constantly watching and recording everything that's going on," Ellison told analysts. He described police body cameras that were constantly on, with no ability for officers to disable the feed to Oracle. Even requesting privacy for a bathroom break or a meal only meant sections of recording would require a subpoena to view - not that the video feed was ever stopped. AI would be trained to monitor officer feeds for anything untoward, which Ellison said could prevent abuse of police power and save lives. [...] "Citizens will be on their best behavior because we're constantly recording and reporting," Ellison added, though it's not clear what he sees as the source of those recordings - police body cams or publicly placed security cameras. "There are so many opportunities to exploit AI," he said.

Fake Python Coding Tests Installed Malicious Software Packages From North Korea (scmagazine.com) 22

"New malicious software packages tied to the North Korean Lazarus Group were observed posing as a Python coding skills test for developers seeking a new job at Capital One, but were tracked to GitHub projects with embedded malware," reports SC magazine: Researchers at ReversingLabs explained in a September 10 blog post that the scheme was a follow-on to the VMConnect campaign that they first identified in August 2023 in which developers were lured into downloading malicious code via fake job interviews.
More details from The Hacker News These packages, for their part, have been published directly on public repositories like npm and PyPI, or hosted on GitHub repositories under their control. ReversingLabs said it identified malicious code embedded within modified versions of legitimate PyPI libraries such as pyperclip and pyrebase... It's implemented in the form of a Base64-encoded string that obscures a downloader function, which establishes contact with a command-and-control server in order to execute commands received as a response.

In one instance of the coding assignment identified by the software supply chain firm, the threat actors sought to create a false sense of urgency by requiring job seekers to build a Python project shared in the form of a ZIP file within five minutes and find and fix a coding flaw in the next 15 minutes. This makes it "more likely that he or she would execute the package without performing any type of security or even source code review first," Zanki said, adding "that ensures the malicious actors behind this campaign that the embedded malware would be executed on the developer's system."

Tom's Hardware reports that "The capacity for exploitation at that point is pretty much unlimited, due to the flexibility of Python and how it interacts with the underlying OS. This is a good time to refer to PEP 668 which enforces virtual environments for non-system wide Python installs."

More from The Hacker News Some of the aforementioned tests claimed to be a technical interview for financial institutions like Capital One and Rookery Capital Limited, underscoring how the threat actors are impersonating legitimate companies in the sector to pull off the operation. It's currently not clear how widespread these campaigns are, although prospective targets are scouted and contacted using LinkedIn, as recently also highlighted by Google-owned Mandiant.

The Rust Foundation is Reviewing and Improving Rust's Security (i-programmer.info) 22

The Rust foundation is making "considerable progress" on a complete security audit of the Rust ecosystem, according to the coding news site I Programmer, citing a newly-released report from the nonprofit Rust foundation: The foundation is investigating the development of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) model for the Rust language, including the design and implementation for a PKI CA and a resilient Quorum model for the project to implement, and the report says that language updates suggested by members of the Project were nearly ready for implementation.

Following the XZ backdoor vulnerability, the Security Initiative has focused on supply chain security, including work on provenance-tracking, verifying that a given crate is actually associated with the repository it claims to be. The top 5,000 crates by download count have been checked and verified.

Threat modeling has now been completed on the Crates ecosystem. Rust Infrastructure, crates.io and the Rust Project.

Two open source security tools, Painter and Typomania, have been developed and released. Painter can be used to build a graph database of dependencies and invocations between all crates within the crates.io ecosystem, including the ability to obtain 'unsafe' statistics, better call graph pruning, and FFI boundary mapping. Typomania ports typogard to Rust, and can be used to detect potential typosquatting as a reusable library that can be adapted to any registry.

They've also tightened admin privileges for Rust's package registry, according to the article. And "In addition to the work on the Security Initiative, the Foundation has also been working on improving interoperability between Rust and C++, supported by a $1 million contribution from Google."

According to the Rust foundation's technology director, they've made "impressive technical strides and developed new strategies to reinforce the safety, security, and longevity of the Rust programming language." And the director says the new report "paints a clear picture of the impact of our technical projects like the Security Initiative, Safety-Critical Rust Consortium, infrastructure and crates.io support, Interop Initiative, and much more."

JavaScript, Python, Java: Redmonk's Programming Language Ranking Sees Lack of Change (redmonk.com) 30

Redmonk's latest programming language ranking (attempting to gauge "potential future adoption trends") has found evidence of "a landscape resistant to change." Outside of CSS moving down a spot and C++ moving up one, the Top 10 was unchanged. And even in the back half of the rankings, where languages tend to be less entrenched and movement is more common, only three languages moved at all... There are a few signs of languages following in TypeScript's footsteps and working their way up the path, both in the Top 20 and at the back end of the Top 100 as we'll discuss shortly, but they're the exception that proves the rule.

It's possible that we'll see more fluid usage of languages, and increased usage of code assistants would theoretically make that much more likely, but at this point it's a fairly static status quo. With that, some results of note:

- TypeScript (#6): technically TypeScript didn't move, as it was ranked sixth in our last run, but this is the first quarter in which is has been the sole occupant of that spot. CSS, in this case, dropped one place to seven leaving TypeScript just outside the Top 5. It will be interesting to see whether or not it has more momentum to expend or whether it's topped out for the time being.

- Kotlin (#14) / Scala (#14): both of these JVM-based languages jumped up a couple of spots — two spots in Scala's case and three for Kotlin. Scala's rise is notable because it had been on something of a downward trajectory from a one time high of 12th, and Kotlin's placement is a mild surprise because it had spent three consecutive runs not budging from 17, only to make the jump now. The tie here, meanwhile, is interesting because Scala's long history gives it an accretive advantage over Kotlin's more recent development, but in any case the combination is evidence of the continued staying power of the JVM.

- Objective C (#17): speaking of downward trajectories and the 17th placement on this list, Objective C's slide that began in mid-2018 continued and left the language with its lowest placement in these rankings to date at #17. That's still an enormously impressive achievement, of course, and there are dozens of languages that would trade their usage for Objective C's, but the direction of travel seems clear.

- Dart (#19) / Rust (#19): while once grouped with Kotlin as up and coming languages driven by differing incentives and trends, Dart and Rust have not been able to match the ascent of their counterpart with five straight quarters of no movement. That's not necessarily a negative; as with Objective C, these are still highly popular languages and communities, but it's worth questioning whether new momentum will arrive and from where, particularly because the communities are experiencing some friction in growing their usage.

It's important to remember Redmonk's methodology. "We extract language rankings from GitHub and Stack Overflow, and combine them for a ranking that attempts to reflect both code (GitHub) and discussion (Stack Overflow) traction. The idea is not to offer a statistically valid representation of current usage, but rather to correlate language discussion and usage in an effort to extract insights into potential future adoption trends."

Having said that, here's the current top ten in Redmonk's ranking:
  1. JavaScript
  2. Python
  3. Java
  4. PHP
  5. C#
  6. TypeScript
  7. CSS
  8. C++
  9. Ruby
  10. C

Their announcement also notes that at the other end of the list, the programming language Bicep "jumped eight spots to #78 and Zig 10 to #87. That progress pales next to Ballerina, however, which jumped from #80 to #61 this quarter. The general purpose language from WS02, thus, is added to the list of potential up and comers we're keeping an eye on."


Google Tests Desktop Windowing For Android Tablets (theverge.com) 30

Google is testing a "desktop windowing" feature for Android tablets that "will let you resize apps freely and arrange them on your screen at will," reports The Verge. It's currently available as a developer preview. From the report: Currently, apps on Android tablets open in full-screen by default. When the new mode is enabled, each app will appear in a window with controls that allow you to reposition, maximize, or close the app. You'll also see a taskbar at the bottom of your screen with your running apps. [...] Once the feature is rolled out to everyone, you can turn it on by pressing and holding the window handle at the top of an app's screen. If you have a keyboard attached, you can also use the shortcut meta key (Windows, Command, or Search) + Ctrl + Down to activate desktop mode. (You can exit the mode by closing all your active apps or by dragging a window and dragging it to the top of your screen.)

Google notes that apps locked to portrait orientation are still resizable, which might make things look a bit weird if certain apps aren't optimized. However, Google plans to address this in a future update by scaling the UI of non-resizable apps while maintaining their aspect ratio.


Android Apps Can Now Block Sideloading, Force Downloads Through Google Play (androidauthority.com) 56

Android Authority's Mishaal Rahman reports: There are many reasons why you may want to sideload apps on your Android phone, but there are also good reasons why developers would want to block sideloading. A sideloaded app won't contribute to the developer's Play Store metrics, for one, but it also prevents the developer from curating which devices can use their app. Improperly sideloaded apps can also crash due to missing assets or code, or they might be missing certain features because you installed the wrong version for your device. Whatever the reason may be, developers who want to stop you from sideloading their apps now have an easier way to do so thanks to the Play Integrity API.

The Google Play Integrity API is an interface that helps developers "check that interactions and server requests are coming from [their] genuine app binary running on a genuine Android device." It looks for evidence that the app has been tampered with, that the app is running in an "untrustworthy" software environment, that the device has Google Play Protect enabled, and more. If you've heard of or dealt with SafetyNet Attestation before on a rooted phone, then you're probably already familiar with Play Integrity, even if not by that name. Play Integrity is the successor to SafetyNet Attestation, only it comes with even more features for developers.

As is the case with SafetyNet Attestation, developers call the Play Integrity API at any point in their app, receive what's called an integrity verdict, and then decide what they want to do from there. Some apps call the Play Integrity API when they launch and block access entirely depending on what the verdict is, while others only call the API when you're about to perform a sensitive action, so they can warn you that you shouldn't proceed. The Play Integrity API makes it easy for apps to offload the determination of whether the device and its software environment are "genuine," and with the latest update to the API, apps can now easily determine whether the person who installed them is "genuine" as well.
"As Google continues to bolster Play Integrity's detection mechanisms and add new features, it's going to become harder and harder for power users to justify rooting Android," concludes Rahman. "At the same time, regular users will be better protected from potentially risky and fraudulent interactions, so it's clear that Play Integrity will continue to be adopted by more and more apps."

Oracle Is Designing a Data Center That Would Be Powered By Three Small Nuclear Reactors 96

With electricity demand from AI becoming so "crazy," Oracle's Larry Ellison announced the company is designing a data center that will be powered by three small nuclear reactors capable of providing more than a gigawatt of electricity. "The location and the power place we've located, they've already got building permits for three nuclear reactors," Ellison said. "These are the small modular nuclear reactors to power the data center. This is how crazy it's getting. This is what's going on." CNBC reports: Small modular nuclear reactors are new designs that promise to speed the deployment of reliable, carbon-free energy as power demand rises from data centers, manufacturing and the broader electrification of the economy. Generally, these reactors are 300 megawatts or less, about a third the size of the typical reactor in the current U.S. fleet. They would be prefabricated in several pieces and then assembled on the site, reducing the capital costs that stymie larger plants.

Right now, small modular reactors are a technology of the future, with executives in the nuclear industry generally agreeing that they won't be commercialized in the U.S. until the 2030s. There are currently three operational small modular reactors in the world, according to the Nuclear Energy Agency. Two are in China and Russia, the central geopolitical adversaries of the U.S. A test reactor is also operational in Japan.

'Oracle's Missteps in Cloud Computing Are Paying Dividends in AI' (msn.com) 26

Oracle missed the tech industry's move to cloud computing last decade and ended up an also-ran. Now the AI boom has given it another shot. WSJ: The 47-year-old company that made its name on relational database software has emerged as an attractive cloud-computing provider for AI developers such as OpenAI, sending its long-stagnant stock to new heights. Oracle shares are up 34% since January, well outpacing the Nasdaq's 14% rise and those of bigger competitors Microsoft, Amazon.com and Google.

It is a surprising revitalization for a company many in the tech industry had dismissed as a dinosaur of a bygone, precloud era. Oracle appears to be successfully making a case to investors that it has become a strong fourth-place player in a cloud market surging thanks to AI. Its lateness to the game may have played to its advantage, as a number of its 162 data centers were built in recent years and are designed for the development of AI models, known as training.

In addition, Oracle isn't developing its own large AI models that compete with potential clients. The company is considered such a neutral and unthreatening player that it now has partnerships with Microsoft, Google and Amazon, all of which let Oracle's databases run in their clouds. Microsoft is also running its Bing AI chatbot on Oracle's servers.


Two Android Engineers Explain How They Extended Rust In Android's Firmware (theregister.com) 62

The Register reports that Google "recently rewrote the firmware for protected virtual machines in its Android Virtualization Framework using the Rust programming language." And they add that Google "wants you to do the same, assuming you deal with firmware."

A post on Google's security blog by Android engineers Ivan Lozano and Dominik Maier promises to show "how to gradually introduce Rust into your existing firmware," adding "You'll see how easy it is to boost security with drop-in Rust replacements, and we'll even demonstrate how the Rust toolchain can handle specialized bare-metal targets."

This prompts the Register to quip that easy "is not a term commonly heard with regard to a programming language known for its steep learning curve." Citing the lack of high-level security mechanisms in firmware, which is often written in memory-unsafe languages such as C or C++, Lozano and Maier argue that Rust provides a way to avoid the memory safety bugs like buffer overflows and use-after-free that account for the majority of significant vulnerabilities in large codebases. "Rust provides a memory-safe alternative to C and C++ with comparable performance and code size," they note. "Additionally it supports interoperability with C with no overhead."
At one point the blog post explains that "You can replace existing C functionality by writing a thin Rust shim that translates between an existing Rust API and the C API the codebase expects." But their ultimate motivation is greater security. "Android's use of safe-by-design principles drives our adoption of memory-safe languages like Rust, making exploitation of the OS increasingly difficult with every release."

And the Register also got this quote from Lars Bergstrom, Google's director of engineering for Android Programming Languages (and chair of the Rust Foundation's board of directors). "At Google, we're increasing Rust's use across Android, Chromium, and more to reduce memory safety vulnerabilities. We're dedicated to collaborating with the Rust ecosystem to drive its adoption and provide developers with the resources and training they need to succeed.

"This work on bringing Rust to embedded and firmware addresses another critical part of the stack."

MIT CS Professor Tests AI's Impact on Educating Programmers (acm.org) 84

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: "The Impact of AI on Computer Science Education" recounts an experiment Eric Klopfer conducted in his undergrad CS class at MIT. He divided the class into three groups and gave them a programming task to solve in the Fortran language, which none of them knew. Reminiscent of how The Three Little Pigs used straw, sticks, and bricks to build their houses with very different results, Klopfer allowed one group to use ChatGPT to solve the problem, while the second group was told to use Meta's Code Llama LLM, and the third group could only use Google. The group that used ChatGPT, predictably, solved the problem quickest, while it took the second group longer to solve it. It took the group using Google even longer, because they had to break the task down into components.

Then, the students were tested on how they solved the problem from memory, and the tables turned. The ChatGPT group "remembered nothing, and they all failed," recalled Klopfer. Meanwhile, half of the Code Llama group passed the test. The group that used Google? Every student passed.

"This is an important educational lesson," said Klopfer. "Working hard and struggling is actually an important way of learning. When you're given an answer, you're not struggling and you're not learning. And when you get more of a complex problem, it's tedious to go back to the beginning of a large language model and troubleshoot it and integrate it." In contrast, breaking the problem into components allows you to use an LLM to work on small aspects, as opposed to trying to use the model for an entire project, he says. "These skills, of how to break down the problem, are critical to learn."


GitHub Actions Typosquatting: a High-Impact Supply Chain Attack-in-Waiting? (csoonline.com) 4

GitHub Actions let developers "automate software builds and tests," writes CSO Online, "by setting up workflows that trigger when specific events are detected, such as when new code is committed to the repository."

They also "can be reused and shared with others on the GitHub Marketplace, which currently lists thousands of public Actions that developers can use instead of coding their own. Actions can also be included as dependencies inside other Actions, creating an ecosystem similar to other open-source component registries." Researchers from Orca Security recently investigated the impact typosquatting can have in the GitHub Actions ecosystem by registering 14 GitHub organizations with names that are misspellings of popular Actions owners — for example, circelci instead of circleci, actons instead of actions, google-github-actons instead of google-github-actions... One might think that developers making typos is not very common, but given the scale of GitHub — over 100 million developers with over 420 million repositories — even a statistically rare occurrence can mean thousands of potential victims. For example, the researchers found 194 workflow files calling the "action" organization instead of "actions"; moreover, 12 public repositories started referencing the researchers' fake "actons" organization within two months of setting it up.

"Although the number may not seem that high, these are only the public repositories we can search for and there could be multiple more private ones, with numbers increasing over time," the researchers wrote... Ultimately this is a low-cost high-impact attack. Having the ability to execute malicious actions against someone else's code is very powerful and can result in software supply chain attacks, with organizations and users that then consume the backdoored code being impacted as well...

Out of the 14 typosquatted organizations that Orca set up for their proof-of-concept, GitHub only suspended one over a three-month period — circelci — and that's likely because someone reported it. CircleCI is one of the most popular CI/CD platforms.

Thanks to Slashdot reader snydeq for sharing the article.

Python, JavaScript, Java: ZDNet Calculates The Most Popular Programming Languages (zdnet.com) 39

Pundits aggregate results from multiple pollsters to minimize biases. So ZDNet tried the same approach, but aggregating rankings for the popularity of 19 top programming languages. Senior contributing editor David Gewirtz combined results from nine popularity rankings, including PYPL, the Tiobe index, GitHub's Usage 2023 summary report, and several rankings from Stack Overflow and from IEEE Spectrum.

The results? The top cluster contains Python, JavaScript, and Java. These are all very representative in the world of AI coding...

The next cluster contains the classic C-based languages [C++, C#, C], plus TypeScript (which is a more robust JavaScript variant) and SQL.

Below that are languages that were dominant a while ago, the web languages used to build and operate websites [HTML/CSS, PHP, Shell], followed by a range of other languages that are either growing in popularity (R, Dart) or dropping in popularity (Ruby). [Just above Ruby are Go, Rust, Kotlin, and Lua.]

Finally, at the bottom is Swift, Apple's language of choice. Objective-C, the previous language of Apple programming, has all but dropped off the list since Apple launched Swift. But while Apple boasts many developers, Swift is clearly not a standout in programmer interest... [T]here aren't a huge number of companies hiring Apple app developers, at least primarily. That's why Swift is relatively far down the chart. Objective-C is being replaced by Swift, and we can see it dropping right before our eyes.

"With the exception of Java, the C-family of languages still dominates," the article concludes, before adding that if you're only going to learn one language, "I'd recommend Python, Java, and JavaScript instead." But it also advises aspiring programmers to learn "multiple languages and multiple frameworks. Build things in the languages. Programming is not just an intellectual exercise. You have to actually make stuff....

"[L]earning how to learn languages is as important as learning a language — and the best way to do that is to learn more than one."
Open Source

Open Source Redis Fork 'Valkey' Has Momentum, Improvements, and Speed, Says Dirk Hohndel (thenewstack.io) 16

"Dirk Hohndel, a Linux kernel developer and long-time open source leader, wanted his audience at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2024 Summit China to know he's not a Valkey developer," writes Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols. "He's a Valkey user and fan." [Hohndel] opened his speech by recalling how the open source, high-performance key/value datastore Valkey had been forked from Redis... Hohndel emphasized that "forks are good. Forks are one of the key things that open source licenses are for. So, if the maintainer starts doing things you don't like, you can fork the code under the same license and do better..." In this case, though, Redis had done a "bait-and-switch" with the Redis code, Hohndale argued. This was because they had made an all-too-common business failure: They hadn't realized that "open source is not a business model...."

While the licensing change is what prompted the fork, Hohndel sees leadership and technical reasons why the Valkey fork is likely to succeed. First, two-thirds of the formerly top Redis maintainers and developers have switched to Valkey. In addition, AWS, Google Cloud, and Oracle, under the Linux Foundation's auspices, all support Valkey. When both the technical and money people agree, good things can happen.

The other reason is that Valkey already looks like it will be the better technical choice. That's because the recently announced Valkey 8.0, which builds upon the last open source version of Redis, 7.2.4, introduces serious speed improvements and new features that Redis users have wanted for some time. As [AWS principal engineer Madelyn] Olson said at Open Source Summit North America earlier this year, "Redis really didn't want to break anything." Valkey wants to move a bit faster. How much faster? A lot. Valkey 8.0 overhauls Redis's single-threaded event loop threading model with a more sophisticated multithreaded approach to I/O operations. Hohndel reported that on his small Valkey-powered aircraft tracking system, "I see roughly a threefold improvement in performance, and I stream a lot of data, 60 million data points a day."

The article notes that Valkey is already being supported by major Linux distros including AlmaLinux, Fedora, and Alpine.

VS Code Fork 'Cursor' - the ChatGPT of Coding? (tomsguide.com) 69

"Sometimes an artificial intelligence tool comes out of nowhere and dominates the conversation on social media," writes Tom's Guide.

"This week that app is Cursor, an AI coding tool that uses models like Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o to make it easier than ever to build your own apps," with the ability to "write, predict and manipulate code using nothing but a text prompt." Cursor is part development environment, part AI chatbot and unlike tools like GitHub Copilot it can more or less do all of the work for you, transforming a simple idea into functional code in minutes... Built on the same system as the popular Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Cursor has already found a fanbase among novice coders and experienced engineers...

Cursor's simplicity, working from a chat window, means even someone completely new to code could get a functional app running in minutes and keep building on it to add new features... The startup has raised over $400 million since it was founded in 2022 and works with various models including those from Anthropic and OpenAI... In my view, its true power is in the democratization of coding. It would also allow someone without much coding experience to build the tools they need by typing a few lines of text.

More from ReadWrite: Cursor, an AI firm that is attempting to build a "magical tool that will one day write all the world's code," has announced it has raised $60 million in its Series A funding round... As of August 22, the company had a valuation of $400 million, according to sources cited by TechCrunch...

Anysphere is the two-year-old startup that developed the app. Its co-founders are Michael Truell, Sualeh Asif, Arvid Lunnemark and Aman Sanger, who started the company while they were students at MIT... Using advanced AI capabilities, it is said to be able to finish, correct, and change AI code through natural language commands. It currently works with JavaScript, Python, and TypeScript, and is free for most uses. The pro plan will set you back $20 per month.

But how well does it work? Tom's Guide notes that after requesting a test app, "It generated the necessary code in the sidebar chat window and all I had to do was click Apply and then Accept. This added the code to a new Python file including all the necessary imports. It also gave me instructions on how to add modules to my machine to make the code work.

"As the chat is powered by Claude 3.5 Sonnet, you can just have it explain in more detail any element of the code or any task required to make it run..."

Andreessen Horowitz explains why they invested in the company: It's very clear that LLMs are a powerful tool for programmers, and that their coding abilities will improve over time. But it's also clear that for most coding tasks, the problem to solve is not how to make LLMs perform well in isolation, but how to make them perform well alongside a human developer. We believe, therefore, the interface between programmers and AI models will soon become one of the most important pieces of the dev stack. And we're thrilled to announce our series A investment...

Cursor is a fork of VS Code that's heavily customized for AI-assisted programming. It works with all the latest LLMs and supports the full VS Code plugin ecosystem. What makes Cursor special are the features designed to integrate AI into developer workflows — including next action prediction, natural language edits, chatting with your codebase, and a bunch of new ones to come... Our belief is that Cursor, distinctly among AI coding tools, has simply gotten it right. That's why, in a little over a year, thousands of users have signed up for Cursor, including at companies like OpenAI, Midjourney, Perplexity, Replicate, Shopify, Instacart, and many others. Users give glowing reviews of the product, many of them have started to pay for it, and they rarely switch back to other IDEs. Most of the a16z Infra team have also become avid Cursor users!

One site even argues that Cursor's coding and AI capabilities "should be a wake up call for Microsoft to make VS Code integration with GitHub Copilot a lot easier."

Thanks to Slashdot reader joshuark for sharing the article.

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