When you try to start Skype 7, the following message appears:
Update Skype today
It looks like Skype hasn't been updated for some time. Ifs free, only takes a minute and comes with the latest features and security Updates.
What happens if I don't update now?
The next time you sign out or restart your Computer, you'll need to update Skype before you can sign back in.
Although the message gives hope that you can run this version without updating, in fact it is not - you need to either update the program or close it. Given this, it is safe to say that happened that was to happen
in September.
How to use classic Skype now?
If you are a fan of classic Skype, you can install
Skype This version still allows you to log in without any problems. True, this is most likely a temporary solution and sooner or later this trick will no longer work.
), #+3
), #+1212
), # ↑0
), # ↑0
), #"delight" is as much trouble as some of the recents, I'm done with Skype. There are other wonderful options nowadays!
), #+1212
), # ↑+56
), # ↑I switched to , running it in compatibility mode for Windows Vista. Working for now.
[Updated ]
Correction, no longer working after restarting PC. Getting logged out with the update prompt.
), # ↑+56
), # ↑+3
), #+27
), #As of today (25 March 2019), I am unable to sign in any longer using 7.40 (Mine is version.
Can someone confirm if 7.40 branch is officially disabled for further login trials?
I hated this way that Microsoft decided to choose.
Great site though here! Best regards.
), # ↑+27
), # ↑Can you confirm about 7.40? (Mine is
Can you also point out the parts that I may have missed?
Beat regards :)
), # ↑+1212
), # ↑+56
), # ↑+11
), # ↑Furthermore downgrading, even to, having it install on clean system/with/or without running DisableSkypeUpdater.vbs script -- this all did not help for my username.
I had no choice but to accept Skype 8.
I tried Miranda but it sucks visually.
I tried Pidgin -- its better but also makes problem with auto-login, has ugly look and feel for chat history (no colors).
), #Let me say something about Microsoft's crapware, Skype, which was great before Microsoft's acquisition.
During my usage period of Skype up to v7.40 since MS has taken it to ruin so badly, I never ever could beleive that Skype was behaving like a malware and a complete bloatware which silently downloads its own setup file (SkypeSetupFull.exe) into %temp% folder eventhough "Skype Updater" Windows Service is disabled. I beared this behaviour over the last few years as long as I was able to sign in fine. But then I learnt it even wasn't respecting user's settings ranging from turning off Automatic Updates to disabling Updater service and C2C IE add-on removal... It turned out a disaster. Now we cannot sign in any more...
As I pointed out, it even won't attempt and let us sign in with any version except based on the info here. It is a shame. I hate 8. Worse uninstalling it is really messy due to massive remnants left over Windows registry after regular uninstallation as Microsoft's uninstallation article just kidding us. I am so furious with MS and really stucked.
By the way Skaip.org is just great and I found many solid resources about Skype including download links.
Best regards.
), #Update now to continue using Skype
This version of Skype is no longer supported. Get the latest version of Skype to enjoy HD video calls, call recording, @mentions and much more.
Any chance for workaround ?
Thanks. ;-)
), #"Update now to continue using Skype
This version of Skype is no longer supported..."
Is there any way around this? I am using Skype 8 but it crashes continually and search does not work at all.
), #This version of Skype is no longer supported.
Unfortunately, the latest version of Skype is not compatible with your OS version. We recommend you upgrade your OS version to take advantage of all the exciting new features that the latest version of Skype has to offer.
Is there any version that would work ?
), #0
), #0
), #Any chance that there is still a working version of Skype 7 ??
Thanks by advance
), # ↑Not sure about logging in, since I'm already logged in from before.
), #What are the Skype alternatives?
), #+3
), #because by this I could make call with my sister m so please help me , thank you .
), # ↑+10
), #[Updated ]
Sorry typo. That should have said it displays a message it can't connect to Skype. Anyone know if they discontinued Android versions recently? I can't find any information on this.
), # ↑+10
), # ↑+1212
), # ↑+10
), # ↑+56
), # ↑I can log in (already logged in) and send messages but I'm no longer able to accept contact requests and can't communicate with new contacts due to messaging disabled error. I guess they are slowly killing it off.
), # ↑+56
), # ↑I already switched to 8, because I need to communicate with new contacts. It's terrible and I don't think I'll ever accept it, but for what I'm doing there is simply no better alternative.
), #+1
), #Is there any version hex edit trick (etc) to get around this? Like seriously, all I want is chat, voice call, screen-share. I know of Web Skype, but I don't think Web Skype supports screen-share. I really do not care about any exciting new features that newer versions of Skype wishes to force upon me.
Any advisement appreciated, thank you
), #If Microsoft hadn't made such silly decision to block older versions, there would be no major issue(s). Note that there is no technical limitation about it except Microsoft's marketing interests forcing higher versions unkindly, but Zoom would work fine on older system as old as XP SP3.
Best regards.