unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below. Although it is not known what changed in the Skype for Windows, we can only assume that the application has become better.

Skype for Windows

File size:

59.2 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:

2 525


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Files /Skype.exe [+57.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar [+580.75KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/Processing.NDI.Lib.x86.dll [-1.38KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RTMPLTFM.dll [+186.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmCodecs.dll [+17.99KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmControl.dll [-0.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmMediaManager.dll [+5.38KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmPal.dll [+10.38KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/TxNdi.dll [-1.38KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/sharing-indicator.node [+1.99KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/skypert.dll [+11.51KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/slimcore.node [-16.47KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/ssScreenVVS2.dll [+0.49KB]
Files /third-party_attributions.html [-0.13KB]
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ConversationArchivedAnnouncement:
= Conversation {conversationName} archived.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ConversationUnarchivedAnnouncement:
= Conversation {conversationName} unarchived
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ConversationHiddenAnnouncement:
= Conversation {conversationName} hidden.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ConversationUnhiddenAnnouncement:
= Conversation {conversationName} unhidden
Strings ArchiveConversation_DialogTitle:
= Archive conversation
Strings ArchiveConversation_DialogBody:
= This conversation will remain archived until a new message arrives. Use search to find it again.
Strings ArchiveConversation_ToastMessage:
= Conversation archived
Strings ArchiveConversation_ToastUndoLabel:
= Undo
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_AccessibilityActionReactivate:
= Reactivate {skypeNumber}
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_AccessibilityActionExtend:
= Extend {skypeNumber}
Strings CallControls_RemoveFromCall:
= Remove from call
Strings CallControls_ShowFullVideo:
= Show full video
Strings CallControls_ShowCroppedVideo:
= Show cropped video
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_HoldCallAnnouncement:
= Call on hold
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_ResumeCallAnnouncement:
= Call resumed
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_ScreenShareStartAnnouncement:
= Screen share started
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_ScreenShareEndAnnouncement:
= Screen share ended
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_Credit_Short:
= Skype Credit - {price}/min
Strings CallCard_CallNoAnswerStatusMessage:
= No answer
Strings CallCard_CallFailedStatusMessage:
= Call failed
Strings CallCard_CallRejectedStatusMessage:
= Call rejected
Strings CallPanel_FinalizingRecording:
= Finalizing your call recording...
Strings CallRecordingLearnMorePanel_TitleText:
= Call recordings
Strings CallRecordingLearnMorePanel_DescriptionText:
= Be sure to save any call recordings you'd like to keep as they're only available for {numberOfDays} days.
Strings CallRecordingLearnMorePanel_CloseButtonAccessibilityTitle:
= Close learn more.
Strings CapturePanel_NoCameraWarning:
= Your camera is not available while in a video call.
Strings CapturePreview_SprinklesLocationPermissionLabel:
= Grant Skype location permission to see more stickers.
= Enjoy more filters and effects by granting Skype permission to use your location.
Strings CapturePreview_KeepVideoMessage:
= Keep video message
Strings CapturePreview_CancelVideoMessage:
= Cancel video message
= Discard video message
Strings CapturePreview_DiscardVideoMessageText:
= Do you want to discard your video message and record a new one?
= Are you sure you want to discard your video message?
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchConversationPlaceholder:
= Search in conversation
Strings ConversationsListItem_FavoriteAddedAnouncement:
= {displayName} added to favorites
Strings ConversationsListItem_FavoriteRemovedAnouncement:
= {displayName} removed from favorites
Strings ConversationsListItem_UnblockContactAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= {displayName} unblocked
Strings ConversationsListItem_ArchiveItemLabel:
= Archive conversation
Strings ConversationsListItem_HideItemLabel:
= Hide conversation
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_Title_1:
= Save money with better rates
= We have low cost calling plans available for most countries around the globe
Strings FeedbackMechanism_IncludeLogsAndScreenshotButton:
= Include screenshot & logs
Strings FeedbackMechanism_ExcludeLogsAndScreenshotButton:
= Don't include screenshot & logs
Strings FeedbackMechanism_ReportAProblemDialogContent:
= Including log files and screenshots will help the Skype engineering team investigate your problem. These may contain personally identifiable information.
Strings FeedbackMechanism_ReportAProblemDialogContentSecondary:
= The next screen is where you will enter the description of your problem.
Strings FeedbackMechanism_ReportAProblemDialogTitle:
= Report a problem
Strings TodoAddin_ShareTaskFolder:
= Share task folder
Strings Global_ContactMoreButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= {displayName} more
Strings Global_PageWillReload:
= Oops, it looks like something went wrong. Click OK to automatically reload Skype for Web.
Strings HideConversation_DialogTitle:
= Hide conversation
Strings HideConversation_DialogBody:
= This conversation will remain hidden until a new message arrives. Use search to find it again.
Strings HideConversation_ToastMessage:
= Conversation hidden
Strings HideConversation_ToastUndoLabel:
= Undo
Strings InfoPanel_CloseTabLabel:
= Close tab
Strings InfoPanel_ArchiveConversationButtonLabel:
= Archive conversation
Strings InfoPanel_HideConversationButtonLabel:
= Hide conversation
Strings LogoutNotifier_UserLoggedOut:
= You’ve been signed out of Skype, launch the app to sign back in.
= You've been signed out of Skype. Launch the app to sign back in.
Strings MessageComposer_RecordButtonMobileAccessibilityHint:
= Double tap to start recording
Strings MyProfilePanel_RemoveAvatarTitle:
= Are you sure you want to remove your photo?
= Remove profile picture
Strings MyProfilePanel_RemoveAvatarDescription:
= Are you sure you want to remove your profile picture?
Strings MyProfilePanel_UpdateProfilePictureLabel:
= Update profile picture
Strings Notifications_CallUserAgain:
= {user} is now active on Skype. Try calling again?
Strings PSTNConversation_InviteButtonLabel:
= Invite to Skype
Strings PSTNConversation_InviteLabel:
= Invite to Skype to call for free
Strings PSTNConversation_AddCreditButtonLabel:
= Add credit
Strings PSTNConversation_UseSkypeCreditToCallLabel:
= Use Skype Credit to call this number
Strings PSTNConversation_CallNumberButtonLabel:
= Call number
Strings PSTNConversation_CallFundedBy_Credit:
= Skype Credit - {price}/min
Strings PSTNConversation_FreeCallLabel:
= This call is free
Strings QuickCallPanel_AddToCallText:
= Done
= Add
Strings QuickCallPanel_AddToCallButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Done.
= Add.
Strings QuickCallPanel_AddToCallAnnouncement:
= {count, plural, =1{Adding 1 person to the call} other{Adding {count} people to the call}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AddPhotoLabel:
= Add photo
Strings SkypeUserListItem_RingButtonLabel:
= Ring
Strings InviteShare_GroupSharingHint:
= Share your group's link with anyone on or off Skype to join the group easily.
= Add anyone to the group by sharing this link with them - even if they're not on Skype.
Strings ShareWithPanel_MessagePlaceHolder:
= Type message here...
= Type a message here (optional)
Strings ShareWithPanel_SentLabel:
= Sent
Strings ShareWithPanel_VideoPreviewInfo:
= Video
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectInAppNotificationText:
= Let's set up your computer to read and reply to your SMS messages.
Strings UnansweredCallActions_TrySkypeToPhoneButton:
= Try Skype to Phone
Strings VideoNode_CallRecordingAvailabilityMessage:
= Recordings are available for {numberOfDays} days
Strings VideoNode_CallRecordingLearnMoreLinkText:
= Learn more
Strings CallRecorderToast_StartingRecordingText:
= Starting recording...
Strings Plugin_Saved:
= Task saved in Microsoft To-Do. Tap to open.
= View in Microsoft To-Do
Strings CallCard_CallStartedStatusMessageUpper:
Strings CallCard_CallEndedStatusMessageUpper:
Strings CallCard_CallMissedStatusMessageUpper:
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallStartedStatusMessageUpper:
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallEndedStatusMessageUpper:
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallMissedStatusMessageUpper:
Strings CapturePanel_FaceEffectsTitle:
= Enable face effects
Strings CapturePanel_FaceEffectsAccessibilityLabel:
= Enable face effects
Strings CapturePanel_FaceEffectsDownloadError:
= Unable to download the effect. Please try again later.
Strings CaptureFaceMasksMenu_GestureMenuTitle:
= Face effects gesture menu
Strings FaceMask_CancelEffect:
= Cancel current effect
Strings FaceMask_UnnamedEffect:
= Unnamed effect
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_NewSettingsDescriptionText:
= To help find your friends, we will periodically sync and store your contacts. You can change your privacy settings in Profile > Settings > Privacy, including how people can find you.
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_SubTitle:
= Go to to discover the calling options

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 1 +1 0
    Lisa S (karma: +4),
    where are the privacy settings and how do I adjust the timeline for my chat history?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Unfortunately, this feature is not supported in Skype 8.

      I recommend you to send feedback to developers and ask them to implement this feature in the new Skype. Please read here how to do it.
  2. 0 0 0
    Henry Kamphof (karma: +7),
    Hi Microsoft,

    This version of Skype was just downloaded about several hours ago.

    It is sad to report that this version is still not compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 15. I have brought this to the attention of Skype on at least 6 occasions and have spoken to Microsoft officials.

    Please give me a call as to when these 2 programs will be compatible at 3***9
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Hello! Please note that this is an unofficial blog of Skype, and I do not work either at Microsoft. Therefore, if you want to send feedback to Skype developers, use the built-in form or visit official site.
  3. 0 0 0
    Adminny (karma: 0),
    Here is new

    [Updated ]
    It's Skype Preview version. I don't do you publish info about Preview or Final only.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Yes, I publish only stable versions.
  4. 0 0 0
    Schwartz (karma: +3),
    New Skype (ver.
    How do I suppress the conversation history?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      The only thing you can do is to delete conversations (check this for details: How to delete conversation in Skype 8).
  5. 0 0 0
    Cori (karma: 0),
    How do I search in conversation on Skype version
    On the previous versions, I was simply using CTRL+F and it worked.
    Not anymore unfortunately.

    Thank you!
  6. 0 0 0
    costin (karma: 0),
    Annoying, ugly, annoying, ugly, annoying Skype ver.

    1. How can I getrid of my profile icon from Skype window ( I know my name and my icon !!!!!!) ?
    2. I don't want Skype to suggest with whom I shell chat. Can I getrid of suggestion ?
    3. I don't want to see icons near contact names, how to do that ?
    4. I don't want my chat window to be seen from the other corner of the room, can I resize it ?

    Thank you for your answers and for this site. Keep up with great job !
  7. 0 0 0
    David J. (karma: +3),
    How do I resend a contact request on Skype for Windows.

    David J.

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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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