
Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund

[Picture] [Text hotlink]

Picture Hotlink

If you would like to link from your website to the scholarship fund at the Carl Brandon Society website, you may copy the following html code and paste it into your web page:


<a href=""
width=125 height=186 hspace=10 vspace=10 border=5
alt="Octavia E. Butler -- Photo by Leslie
Howle" title="Link to Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund"></a>


The result should look and behave like this:

Octavia E. Butler -- Photo by Leslie Howle

Text Hotlink

If you would like to link from your website to the scholarship fund at the Carl Brandon Society website, you may copy the following html code and paste it into your web page:


<a href=""
target="_blank">Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund</a>


The result should look and behave like this:

Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund

If you encounter any difficulties, please email

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