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to access the various parts and services that we offer.
The MEMORIES PAST AND PRESENT will be a e-mail resource of the Museum of the City of San Francisco. We are
looking for interesting narratives and materials on the history in the Bay Area. Modern day and past memories
will become our history in the future. We welcome tourist and locals to input their views. Leave a memory today with curator@sfmuseum.org.
For over fifty years, the staff of the Museum of the City of San Francisco has labored--with your help--to compile
the first-ever register of those who died in San Francisco's Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906. With your assistance,
however, today we can at last honor the lost citizenry, and recognize all of the victims of the 1906 calamity.
The City of San Francisco's official count of the dead was 478. The count is now over 3,000 and counting. See if your
family members are recognized, and watch for the next updated Great Register List at the end of 2021. The 1906 Great
Register Dead Study has been online since 1990. Gladys Hansen(1925-2017) my mother started this project in the early 1960’s.
The search continues. For over fifty years, the staff of the Museum of the City of San Francisco has labored--with your help--to
compile the first-ever register of those who died in San Francisco's Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906. With your assistance,
however, today we can at last honor the lost citizenry, and recognize all of the victims of the 1906 calamity.
Richard Hansen, Founder and Director
The Museum of the City of San Francisco.
E-mail us at curator@sfmuseum.org
Quotable San Francisco: Historic Moments in Memorable Words
By Terry Hamburg, Richard Hansen, Foreword by Carl Nolte
San Francisco surged from hamlet to boomtown overnight--the most meteoric "instant city" in history. From the Gold Rush
to the Tech Rush, it's been the site of daring innovations, counterculture upheavals and social rebellions that shaped
generations. Over the decades, residents have offered unique perspectives through journals, letters and newspapers, their
words bringing another time to life. Discover San Francisco through the eyes of miners and "ladies of the night." Relive
the experiences of robber barons and beatniks who flourished in a tiny corner of the world with fewer than one million souls.
With commentary, background and extraordinary images, historians Terry Hamburg and Richard Hansen guide you through these
colorful quotes, showing the city as it once was and what it aspired to be.
Carl Nolte
We hope you will enjoy our question and answer game Slivers of History. Please let us know Click Here
Slivers #1 Questions - PDF
Slivers #1 Answers - PDF
1906 Earthquake
Great Register
P.S. Please keep these wonderful and so informative 1906 stories coming.
Great Register 1906 List of Dead and Survivors
as of July 22, 2010. (updated!)
appreciation page, PLEASE donate now.
the City of San Francisco, sfmuseum.org, functions as a general multi-media
website utilizing text, graphics, and sounds. We are primarily a research
and educational site for scholars, young and old. Our site features the
interesting, the amusing, and the unusual in San Francisco's history.