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SEATURTLE.ORG's Maptool allows you to enter or upload sets of longitude/latitude points and place them on a high-quality, detailed map in any part of the world. Points can be drawn with a variety of shapes and may be connected by a trackline. Maptool output includes multiple layers, markers and line styles.

World Map
see Dodge KL, Galuardi B, Miller TJ, Lutcavage ME (2014) Leatherback Turtle Movements, Dive Behavior, and Habitat Characteristics in Ecoregions of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91726, and 100s of other publications that have used Maptool.

Maptool uses GMT v5.4.3 (The Generic Mapping Tool) created by Paul Wessel (UHawaii) and Walter Smith (NOAA/NESDIS/NODC).