Welcome To Johor Bahru Campus
Fairview International School Johor began on the 14th of January 2008 with around 25 students, 5 teachers and 1 staff member. The levels offered at that time were Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 10 classes. Being a purely CIE centre then, Fairview Johor followed the Cambridge International curriculum and prepared its students for the International General Certificate for Secondary Education (IGCSE) and General Certificate of Education (GCE) 'O' Level examinations at the end of Year 11.
Situated in the secure confines of the Johor Land Complex at the suburban neighbourhood of Bandar Dato' Onn, sorrounded by a sea of greenery, Fairview Johor has become a close-knit community school readily accessible via the North-South Highway and strategically located in the midst of several large townships. The student population of just 25 has multiplied and currently stands at just over 350 students. Our small student population has allowed for students and teachers to forge close relationships with one another in their individual journeys of discovery.
Early in 2010, Fairview Johor expressed interest in the International Baccalaureate programmes and was given its candidacy status in August 2010 by the International Baccalaureate Organisation(IBO) for both the Primary and the Middle Years Programmes. During this period, Fairview Johor offered all of the levels from Creche' to Grade 11 comprising the Early Years, Primary and Middle Years Programme.
In July 2012, Fairview Johor has been authorised to offer the Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the IB and in April 2013, authorisation to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP) was given. Being the first IB World School in the south of Malaysia, Fairview Johor is firmly committed to quality international education.
No longer are we gasping for space but desperate for ideas on how to use all the available space efficiently and effectively. Students have ample space for group activities both inside and outside the classroom. On an average day, one might see dance rehearsals taking place in the dedicated dance room while team members from another group is seen tuning up their aesthetic movements along the corridor; 10 feet away would be the Science room and students would be discussing how best to address the stated problem for their assessments.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title="What Makes Us Special"]Fairview International School, currently with more than 2500 students is a network of four IB World schools strategically located in Malaysia. With the focus on an education for a better world encompassing academic excellence through inquiry and conceptual understanding, nurturing sound values and higher order thinking skills, Fairview forges ahead in realising the potential of each child that embarks on the journey of education discovery in Fairview.
A home away from home to over 60 countries, Fairview is set to expand its educational reach across the globe by building a strong international network of 15 IB World schools across Asia, Australia and the UK in the upcoming years.
Fairview International School is a member of Fairview Global, a growing regional network of international schools dedicated to enriching learning in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
Since 2014 Fairview International School’s Johor Bahru campus is now permanently located in Bandar Dato Onn. This first fully-owned campus features Multi purpose hall, classrooms, auditorium, playing fields, sports halls contained within a sprawling modern complex.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title="Message From Principal"]Ms. Nava
(Principal, Johor Bahru)
It gives me great pleasure to share a few thoughts on this platform.
Fairview Johor (FISJ) an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School stands proud with in a new purpose built campus in the midst of the bustling Tebrau area in Bandar Dato Onn. Easily accessible from Singapore and within minutes of the Senai International Airport, FISJ has attracted a fairly balanced diversity in student population.
Our main focus is to provide a rich academic curriculum and thus our advent into IB. Using the UK National Curriculum as our solid base and the IB curriculum framework to envelope it, we have devised a learning journey that matters to our digital age students. Students no longer need to rely on one author’s perspective and memories textbooks to ace examinations. Students in Fairview are exposed to a myriad approaches to learning, learn life skills rather than to score in examinations, share and collaborate in learning while at the same time take responsibility for their own learning. Action and service form an integral component of the curriculum and the whole school community share in the learning experience.
‘An instrument a child’ – all students must learn a musical instrument as part of the curriculum.
‘Edu Resort’ –styled along the lines of an Outward Bound adventure, students experience a week in our very own beach resort in Port Dickson, Malaysia.
Expeditions – Bi Annual overseas expeditions for Middle school students build in them life skills of survival, camaraderie spirit, independence, taking calculated risks, caring, sharing, open mindedness and of course being reflective.
Stress is placed on co-curricular activities and healthy competitions among other schools are encouraged. We offer a widespread range of uniformed group, clubs and games for all children ranging from the Primary Years to the Middle Years.
We believe that the community must be part of the learning process of the students. Parents join in classroom learning experiences with students, partake in events and initiate activities that would be beneficial to the learning journey. Coffee mornings, carnival, National Days, traditional festivals and other special days or events, like Pink Month, 30 hour fast for World Vision and various other charitable activities are heavily patronized by our parent community.
Our academic staff strength boasts of PhD and Masters Holders in education and hail from a number off countries. All staff have to attend weekly professional development sessions apart from the mandatory workshops conducted by the IB Office.
As the ONLY IB World School in Johor for the Primary Years and Middle Years Programme, I am proud to say that we have established a niche in IB education for the past 7 years not just for the 21st century and beyond but in general for a better world.
I am truly proud of our achievements and we will continue to strive for the best in education for our children.
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What is the Primary Years Programme?
The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. It is defined by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored using knowledge and skills derived from six subject areas, with a powerful emphasis on inquiry- based learning
The central purpose of the PYP is to develop the attributes and traits identified in the IB Learner Profile. Students are encouraged to become: inquirers, thinkers, communicators, courageous, and to be knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, balanced and reflective. They develop these attributes within the classroom, during assemblies, on the playground, and while participating in Fairview’s many after-school activities. We encourage our whole community to develop these attributes, so students, parents, teachers and staff should also be showing these characteristics at home.
The PYP is all about inquiry: the process through which a learner moves from his or her current level of understanding to a new and deeper level. Our students will be :
- Exploring, wondering and questioning
- Collecting data and reporting findings
- Taking and defending a position
- Using critical thinking skills to understand a concept
- Making and testing theories
- Experimenting and playing with possibilities
- Solving problems in a variety of ways
Using inquiry-based learning, the PYP is able to engage and challenge students who have many diverse perspectives, values, cultural backgrounds, and languages.
The PYP is flexible enough to accommodate the demands of most national or local curriculums and provides the best preparation for students to engage in the IB Middle Years Programme.
At Fairview International School Johor, the PYP will:
- Be for students from Crèche to Grade 6
- Be trans-disciplinary, in that it fosters the development of the whole child, addressing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs
- At the same time give children a strong foundation in all of the major areas of knowledge: mathematics, social studies, drama, language, music, arts, science, and physical education
- Strive to help children develop an international perspective – to become aware of the points of view of people in other parts of the world
- Study a second language (Malay/Mandarin) and gain an understanding of the cultures in which the language is spoken
Primary Years Programme Student Council
Aim :
Student Council is a student-based civic organization designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students. Student Council is the heart of students’ involvement and becoming aware of student needs and opinions.
Objectives :
- To emulate the IB Learner Profile, Attitudes and Global Citizenship.
- Promote good leadership qualities among students.
- Involve all students in sharing ideas to make our school the best it can be.
- Promote school spirit.
- Give all students practice in democracy in action.
- Provide service to groups in our school and community.
Responsibilities :
Students must be very responsible people who are willing to work hard. As student council members you will be called to serve other students by representing their issues. The council does not have the power to change policies, only to voice student opinion.
Student council involves many community minded projects :
- (Phase 1) School beautification. Clean up, Essential Agreement, Library duties, painting, repairing, and students led assembly.
- (Phase 2) Community Service. Food drives, recycling projects, Eco School project, fund raising.
Celebration of Learning
In Fairview International School Johor, Celebration of Learning (COL) is held at the end of each unit of inquiry to allow our students to share their learning across the subject areas with their parents and with their peers. Through student-led conferences, students take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents and by demonstrating their understanding. During these events, students take initiative in discussing and in reflecting upon samples of work that they have previously chosen to share with their parents. The students also identify strengths and areas for improvement. These events are normally the most awaited and most exciting experience for every PYP student, teacher and parent.



Co-curricular activities (CCAs) are an integral part of our students’ holistic education. Through CCA, students discover their interests and talents while developing values and competencies that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world. CCA also promotes friendships among students from diverse backgrounds as they learn, play and grow together. Participation in CCA fosters social integration and deepens students’ sense of belonging, commitment and sense of responsibility to school, community and the world.
Every PYP student from Grade 3 to 6 takes part in one CCA taken once a week. For this academic year, here are the selection of CCA activities that PYP students can choose from:
- Swimming.
- Badminton.
- Culinary.
- Arts and Crafts.
- Speech and Drama.
- Dance Troupe.
- Rhythm Band.
Each CCA is being moderated by one Fairview teacher and may sometimes have a coach. CCA takes place after school every Wednesday.


There are two assemblies in school. Monday Assembly is a whole school event wherein students from all levels meet up at the MPH. This is conducted every Monday from 7.20am to 7.50am.
PYP assemblies are conducted once a month, usually on a Friday. Students are given this platform to share their learning with other students. Learner profile and attitudes are highlighted and when reflected by students, are acknowledged. World days, cultural festivals and National days are celebrated in our effort to inculcate international mindedness and to promote similarities as well as differences in recognition of our shared humanity.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title="PYP Brain Food"]PYP BRAIN FOOD BREAK
The PYP children enjoy two break sessions- one from 9.30 am to 10.00 am and another Brain Food Break at about noon. Kindly note that only fruits, vegetables, nuts( not granola bars) and milk are permissible to be consumed during the Brain Food break as it is only for 10 minutes and students are expected to be in their class.
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The MYP is designed for students aged 11 to 16. It provides a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement - essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders.
The MYP is flexible enough to accommodate most national or local curriculum requirements. It builds upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and prepares students to meet the academic challenges of the IB Diploma Programme (DP) and the IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC).
The IB Middle Years Programme :
- Addresses holistically students' intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being.
- Provides students opportunities to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skillsthey need in order to manage complexity and take responsible action for the future
- Ensures breadth and depth of understanding through study in eight subject groups.
- Requires the study of at least two languages (language of instruction and additional language of choice) to support students in understanding their own cultures and those of others.
- Empowers students to participate in service within the community.
- Helps to prepare students for further education, the workplace.
Co-curricular activities (CCAs) MYP
Co-curricular activities (CCAs) are an integral part of our students’ holistic education. Through CCA, students discover their interests and talents while developing values and competencies that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world. CCA also promotes friendships among students from diverse backgrounds as they learn, play and grow together. Participation in CCA fosters social integration and deepens students’ sense of belonging, commitment and sense of responsibility to school, community and the world.
Every MYP student from Grade 7 to Grade 9 takes part in one CCA taken once a week. For this academic year, here are the selection of CCA activities that MYP students can choose from:
- St. John’s Ambulance Malaysia (FISJ Division)
- Table Tennis
- Basketball
- Self- Defense
- Netball
- Futsal
Each CCA is being moderated by one Fairview teacher and may sometimes have a coach. CCA takes place after school every Wednesday.