The clipped_by statement is technically an object modifier but it provides a type of CSG similar to
CSG intersection. The syntax is:
clipped_by { UNTEXTURED_SOLID_OBJECT... } |
clipped_by { bounded_by }
Where UNTEXTURED_SOLID_OBJECT is one or more solid objects which have had no texture applied. For example:
object {
Every part of the object My_Thing that is inside the plane is retained while the remaining part is
clipped off and discarded. In an intersection object the hole is closed off. With clipped_by
it leaves an opening. For example the following figure shows object A being clipped by object B .
You may use clipped_by to slice off portions of any shape. In many cases it will also result in faster
rendering times than other methods of altering a shape. Occasionally you will want to use the clipped_by
and bounded_by options with the same object. The following shortcut saves typing and uses less memory.
object {
bounded_by { box { <0,0,0>, <1,1,1> } }
clipped_by { bounded_by }
This tells POV-Ray to use the same box as a clip that was used as a bound.