'rxor.inc' is an implementation of a Vernam type cipher[a] in
a rotor-based machine, written in the SDL for POV version 3.7.
the cipher is "toy" in that it reads and writes data files with
comma-delimited text values, not binary. it also expects arrays
which match in size the input string lengths.
the usage of the "API" is demonstrated in the included example
scenes 'rx-enc.pov' and 'rx-dec.pov'.
there's no documentation, but the 'rxor.inc' and the 'rx-*.pov'
files are commented.
in addition, 'rxor.inc' also includes a random generator macro
which has an output range of 0..255. it requires the declaration
of a seed value >= 0 beforehand. the use is straightforward, and
only documented here:
#include "rxor.inc"
#declare Seed = 12345;
#for (I,0,99)
#debug concat("N: ",str(rxor_rand(Seed),0,0),"\n")
all macro and declared names begin with a 'rxor_' prefix.
users of an *NIX like[b] OS can use the 'rxorincdata.tcl' script
to create new ciphers, adding one-time pad[c] capability. :-)
this can be done by replacing lines 60 to 75 in (a copy of) the
include file with the script's output.
[a] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert_Vernam
[b] requires urandom(4).
[c] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-time_pad
enjoy, jr.
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