 |
// PoV-Ray 3.7 Scene File "TBTSFH.pov"
// author: B. Gimeno
// date: August-September 2018
// Work in progress, not finished
Some slashes and comment blocks added to the code to speed up tests.
No radiosity and no focal blur here. On your own and risk.
Intel® Core™ i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 8
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Render Time:
Photon Time: No photons
Radiosity Time: 0 hours 24 minutes 1 seconds (1441.334 seconds)
using 8 thread(s) with 11340.966 CPU-seconds total
Trace Time: 6 hours 1 minutes 38 seconds (21698.912 seconds)
using 8 thread(s) with 172774.191 CPU-seconds total
#version 3.7;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }}
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "shapes2.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
#include "rad_def.inc"
global_settings {
radiosity {
#default {finish{ambient 0}}
#declare Camera_Number = 1 ;
// camera
#switch ( Camera_Number )
#case (0)
#declare Camera_Location = < 0.00, 1.00,-40.00> ; // front view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 1.00, 0.00> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 15 ;
#case (1)
#declare Camera_Location = <25.0 , 20.0 ,-25.0> ; // diagonal view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 15 ;
#case (2)
#declare Camera_Location = < 3.0, 1.0 , 0.0> ; // right side view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.0, 1.0, 0.0> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 90 ;
#case (3)
#declare Camera_Location = < 0.00, 5.00, 0+0.000> ; // top view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 0.00, 0+0.001> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 90 ;
#declare Camera_Location = < 0.00, 1.00, -6> ; // front view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 1.00, 0.00> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 75 ;
#end // of "#switch ( Camera_Number )"
camera{ // ultra_wide_angle // orthographic
location Camera_Location
right x*image_width/image_height
angle Camera_Angle
look_at Camera_Look_At
// camera with focal blur:
camera{ perspective // default
location Camera_Location
angle Camera_Angle
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at Camera_Look_At
// focal blur settings:
focal_point < 0.00, 1, 0.10>
aperture .9 // 0.05 ~ 1.5
blur_samples 300 // 4 ~ 100
confidence 0.9 // 0 ~ 1
variance 1/512 // 1/64 ~ 1/1024 ~
} //---------------------------------
// sun -------------------------------------------------------------------
light_source{<-500,2000,-2000> color rgb<1,1,1>*0.9} // sun
light_source{ Camera_Location color rgb<0.9,0.9,1>*0.1 shadowless}// flash
// sky -------------------------------------------------------------------
background {colour Black}
plane { <0,1,0>, 0
number_of_sides 3
number_of_tiles 1
pattern 1
exterior 2
interior 1
form 0
color_map{[0.000 color rgbt<1,1,1,0>]
[0.950 color rgbt<1,1,1,0>]
[0.960 color rgbt<0.6,0.5,0.5,0>]
[1.000 color rgbt<0.6,0.5,0.5,0>]
frequency 1
turbulence 0
scale 1.25
finish {reflection .25}
#macro CW_angle (COLOR,A)
#local RGBFT = color COLOR;
#local R = (RGBFT.red);
#local G = (RGBFT.green);
#local B = (RGBFT.blue);
#local Min = min(R,min(G,B));
#local Max = max(R,max(G,B));
#local Span = Max-Min;
#local H = CRGB2H (<R,G,B>, Max, Span);
#local S = 0; #if (Max!=0) #local S = Span/Max; #end
#local Pg = <H+A,S,Max,(RGBFT.filter),(RGBFT.transmit)> ;
#local HSVFT = color Pg ;
#local H = (HSVFT.red);
#local S = (HSVFT.green);
#local V = (HSVFT.blue);
#local SatRGB = CH2RGB(H);
#local RGB = ( ((1-S)*<1,1,1> + S*SatRGB) * V );
rgb <RGB.red,RGB.green,RGB.blue>
//rgb <RGB.red,RGB.green,RGB.blue,(HSVFT.filter),(HSVFT.transmit)>
//---------------------------- objects in scene ----------------------------
#macro TBTSFH (
union {
#local mn_n_r = 0 ;
#while (mn_n_r<mn_n)
#local mj_n_r = 0 ;
#while (mj_n_r<mj_n)
#local sd1 = seed ((mn_n_r+19)+(mj_n_r*73)) ;
#macro P (X,Y,minor_r2)
// Point of origin
#local p0 = <0,0,0>;
// Transfer to radius minorA + radio minor_r2
#local pf = ((minor_rA-minor_rB)/mj_n)*(mj_n_r+Y) ;
#local pa = transform {translate <0,0,minor_rA+(pf)+minor_r2>} ;
#local p2 = vtransform (p0,pa);
// Transfer to lumps along minor radius
#local pb = transform {translate
<0,0,lumps_r*sind(((major_r_ends*lumps_n)/mj_n)*(mj_n_r+X+lumps_start))>} ;
#local p3 = vtransform (p2,pb);
// Transfer to the beginning of arc minor_r_begins
#local p31 = vrotate (p3,x*arc_minor_r_begins);
// Minor radius arc
#local p4 = vrotate (p31,x*((minor_r_ends/mn_n)*(mn_n_r+Y)));
// Torsion rotation lower radius
#local p45 = vrotate (p4,x*(torsion/mj_n)*(mj_n_r+X));
// Transfer to major radius and adjustment of change in the major
#local pd = ((major_rA-major_rB)/mj_n)*(mj_n_r+X) ;
#local pe = transform {translate <0,0,major_rA+pd>} ;
#local p6 = vtransform (p45,pe);
// Transfer to the beginning of arc major_r_begins
#local p7 = vrotate (p6,y*arc_major_r_begins);
// Major Radius arc
#local p8 = vrotate (p7,y*((major_r_ends/mj_n)*(mj_n_r+X)));
#switch (s_type)
#case (1) // cylinders
#switch (tessellation)
#case (1) // rectangular
union {
#local subdv_rx = 0 ; #while (subdv_rx<subdv)
#local subdv_ry = 0 ; #while (subdv_ry<subdv)
union {
sphere {P(subdv_rx,0,0),R}
sphere {P(0,subdv_ry,0),R}
cylinder {P(subdv_rx,0,0),P(subdv_rx+(1/subdv),0,0),R}
cylinder {P(0,subdv_ry,0),P(0,subdv_ry+(1/subdv),0),R}
pigment {White}
triangle {P(subdv_rx,subdv_ry,0),
triangle {P(subdv_rx+(1/subdv),subdv_ry,0),
triangle {P(subdv_rx+(1/subdv),subdv_ry+(1/subdv),0),
triangle {P(subdv_rx,subdv_ry+(1/subdv),0),
#if(mj_n_r=mj_n-1) // complete if mesh is at the end of X_r
sphere {P(subdv_rx+(1/subdv),0,0),R }
#if(mn_n_r=mn_n-1) // complete if mesh is at the end of Y_r
sphere {P(0,subdv_ry+(1/subdv),0),R}
#local subdv_ry = subdv_ry + (1/subdv) ; #end
#local subdv_rx = subdv_rx + (1/subdv) ; #end
texture {
pigment { CW_angle
translate <0,R+minor_rA+lumps_r,0>
#case (2) // hexagonal
union {
sphere {P(0,0,0),R }
cylinder {P(0,0,0),P(1/3,0,0),R}
cylinder {P(1/3,0,0),P(1/2,1/2,0),R}
cylinder {P(1/2,1/2,0),P(5/6,1/2,0),R}
cylinder {P(5/6,1/2,0),P(1,1,0),R}
cylinder {P(1,1,0),P(5/6,3/2,0),R}
cylinder {P(5/6,3/2,0),P(1/2,3/2,0),R}
cylinder {P(1/2,3/2,0),P(1/3,1,0),R}
cylinder {P(1/2,1/2,0),P(1/3,1,0),R}
triangle {P(0,0,0),P(1/3,0,0),P(1,0,0)}
triangle {P(1,0,0),P(.5,.5,0),P(1,1,0)}
triangle {P(1,1,0),P(.5,.5,0),P(0,1,0)}
triangle {P(0,1,0),P(.5,.5,0),P(0,0,0)}
translate <0,R+minor_rA+lumps_r,0>
#end // switch tesselation
#case (2) // sphere_sweep
#switch (tessellation)
#case (1) // rectangular
union {
union {
sphere_sweep {
cubic_spline 6,P(-1/3,0,0),R, P(0,0,0),R, P(1/3,0,0),R,
P(2/3,0,0),R, P(1,0,0),R, P(1+(1/3),0,0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
sphere_sweep {
cubic_spline 6, P(0,-1/3,0),R, P(0,0,0),R,P(0,1/3,0),R,
P(0,2/3,0),R, P(0,1,0),R, P(0,1+(1/3),0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
#if(mj_n_r=mj_n-1)// complete if mesh is at the end of X_r
sphere_sweep {
cubic_spline 6, P(1,-1/3,0),R, P(1,0,0),R,P(1,1/3,0),R,
P(1,2/3,0),R, P(1,1,0),R, P(1,1+(1/3),0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
#if(mn_n_r=mn_n-1)// complete if mesh is at the end of Y_r
sphere_sweep {
cubic_spline 6, P(-1/3,1,0),R, P(0,1,0),R,
P(1/3,1,0),R,P(2/3,1,0),R, P(1,1,0),R, P(1+(1/3),1,0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
texture {
pigment { White }
finish {reflection 0 metallic }
}// union sphere_sweep
#local subdv_rx = 0 ; #while (subdv_rx<subdv)
#local subdv_ry = 0 ; #while (subdv_ry<subdv)
bicubic_patch {
type 1
flatness 0.1
u_steps 4
v_steps 4
P((1/subdv)*subdv_rx,(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry),0), // row 1 col 1
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(1/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry),0),// row 1 col 2
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(2/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry),0),// row 1 col 3
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+1),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry),0), // row 1 col 4
P((1/subdv)*subdv_rx,(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(1/3)),0), // row 2 col 1
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(1/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(1/3)),0), //
row 2 col 2
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(2/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(1/3)),0), //
row 2 col 3
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+1),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(1/3)),0), // row 2
col 4
P((1/subdv)*subdv_rx,(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(2/3)),0), // row 3 col 1
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(1/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(2/3)),0), //
row 3 col 2
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(2/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(2/3)),0), //
row 3 col 3
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+1),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+(2/3)),0), // row 3
col 4
P((1/subdv)*subdv_rx,(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+1),0), // row 4 col 1
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(1/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+1),0), // row 4
col 2
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+(2/3)),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+1),0), // row 4
col 3
P((1/subdv)*(subdv_rx+1),(1/subdv)*(subdv_ry+1),0) // row 4 col 4
// end of bicubic_patch
#local subdv_ry = subdv_ry+1 ; #end // subdv_r loop-while
#local subdv_rx = subdv_rx+1 ; #end // subdv_r loop-while
texture {
pigment { CW_angle
finish {reflection 0 metallic }
translate <0,R,0>
translate <0,minor_rA+lumps_r,0>
#case (2) // hexagonal
union {
sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 4, P(-1/3,0,0),R, P(0,0,0),R,
P(1/3,0,0),R, P(2/3,0,0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 4, P(1/6,-1/2,0),R, P(1/3,0,0),R,
P(1/2,1/2,0),R, P(1/3,1,0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 4, P(1/6,1/2,0),R, P(1/2,1/2,0),R,
P(5/6,1/2,0),R, P(7/6,1/2,0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 4, P(2/3,0,0),R, P(5/6,1/2,0),R,
P(1,1,0),R, P(7/6,3/2,0),R tolerance
0.1 }
sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 4, P(7/6,1/2,0),R, P(1,1,0),R,
P(5/6,3/2,0),R, P(2/3,2,0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 4, P(2/3,0,0),R, P(1/2,1/2,0),R,
P(1/3,1,0),R, P(1/6,3/2,0),R
tolerance 0.1 }
union {
triangle {P(0,0,0),P(1/6,1/2,0),P(1/3,0,0)}
triangle {P(1/3,0,0),P(1/6,1/2,0),P(1/2,1/2,0)}
triangle {P(1/2,1/2,0),P(1/6,1/2,0),P(1/3,1,0)}
triangle {P(1/3,1,0),P(1/6,1/2,0),P(0,1,0)}
triangle {P(0,1,0),P(1/6,1/2,0),P(-5/6,1/2,0)}
triangle {P(-1/6,1/2,0),P(1/6,1/2,0),P(0,0,0)}
texture {
pigment { CW_angle
union {
triangle {P(1/2,1/2,0),P(5/6,1,0),P(5/6,1/2,0)}
triangle {P(5/6,1/2,0),P(5/6,1,0),P(1,1,0)}
triangle {P(1,1,0),P(5/6,1,0),P(5/6,3/2,0)}
triangle {P(5/6,3/2,0),P(5/6,1,0),P(1/2,3/2,0)}
triangle {P(1/2,3/2,0),P(5/6,1,0),P(1/3,1,0)}
triangle {P(1/3,1,0),P(5/6,1,0),P(1/2,1/2,0)}
texture {
pigment { CW_angle
translate <0,R,0>
translate <0,max(minor_rA,minor_rB)+lumps_r,0>
#local mj_n_r = mj_n_r +1 ;
#local mn_n_r = mn_n_r +1 ;
torus {max(major_rA,major_rB),max(minor_rA,minor_rB) translate
pigment {White}
object {TBTSFH (3, // major_rA, major radius at the beginning of the shape
3, // major_rB, major radius at the end of the shape
.75, // minor_rA, minor radius at the beginning of the shape
.75, // minor_rB, minor radius at the beginning of the shape
0,// minor_r2, (not in use) height above the surface of
the shape, used as alternative inner radius
90, // mj_n, number of cells around the greater radius
12, // mn_n, number of cells around the smaller radius
3, // lumps_n, number of protuberances around the
greater radius
.15, // lumps_r, maximum divergence of the protuberances
over minor radius
0, // lumps_start, (still not implemented)
protuberances start at
2, // s_type, choose between
// 1=cylinders+triangles
// 2=cubic_splines+bezier_patch
.015, // R, thickness of the cylinders that make up the grid
0, // arc_major_r_begins ; the arc formed by greater
radius starts at "degrees"
360, // major_r_ends ; the arc formed by greater radius
complete "n-degrees"
0, // arc_minor_r_begins ; the arc formed by smaller
radius starts at "degrees"
310, // minor_r_ends ; the arc formed by smaller radius
complete "n-degrees"
360*5, // degrees of torsion around the minor radius
5, // grid subdivision (lower-less grid quality ->
higher-parses as a dead tortoise)
1, // tesellation:
// 1 rectangular
// 2 hexagonal
texture {
pigment {White}
finish {reflection 0.35
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