Quote: I am interested in evolution and in the proliferation of poetries.
Quote: Readers of contemporary poetry have been taught to say that poems are about, if anything, themselves, the process of their creation, their relationship to language or tradition or culture, or something similarly abstruse.
Quote: Any serious attempt to assess poetry's current position will need to proceed in unorthodox ways — not out of intellectual perversity but from sheer necessity —
Quote: Tales from W.T. Pfefferle's year-long journey around the country assembling material for his new book project, Poets on Place.
Quote: Ekphrasis, alternately spelled ecphrasis, is a term used to denote poetry or poetic writing concerning itself with the visual arts, artistic objects, and/or highly visual scenes.
It's clear that free verse has much to learn from the sonnet tradition. I would assert, however, that the reverse is true as well: the sonnet has much to learn from the predominant (one might almost say hegemonic) mode of American poetry, from free verse.