kelly lenox allan
While looking at this photograph the palpable presence of an unseen someone kept tugging at me. I wanted to give voice to her – I only hope she doesn't mind.
While looking at this photograph the palpable presence of an unseen someone kept tugging at me. I wanted to give voice to her – I only hope she doesn't mind.
Kelly Lenox Allan has poems and translations in MARGIN, Big Bridge, RHINO, nidus, Gobshite Quarterly, Switched-On Gutenberg, Poet Lore, Ellipsis and forthcoming in Hubbub. Her chapbook Chasms (PM Books), translations of the Slovene poet Barbara Korun, was published in 2003; other translations appear in Voice in the Body (Ljubljana: Litterae Slovenicae, 2006) and Six Slovenian Poets (Lancaster, England: Arc Publications). She is a contributing editor for Hunger Mountain.