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Top U.S. Airports for Regional Departures

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To find out which airline is flying at each airport and more about their code-share relationships and safety records, click on the airport. It will direct you to the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University, which has compiled a database of airlines complete with business relationships, safety data and traffic statistics.

 AirportcodeRegional DeptTotal DeptPer. Regional  AirportcodeRegional DeptTotal DeptPer. Regional
1Albany NYALB1,5532,19370.8% 26Memphis TNMEM6,2618,43074.3%
2Atlanta (Intl) GAATL19,79944,01945.0% 27Miami (Intl) FLMIA1,98111,51517.2%
3Baltimore (Intl) MDBWI1,64810,30816.0% 28Milwaukee WIMKE3,7986,05062.8%
4Boston (IntI) MABOS5,88115,21838.6% 29Minneapolis/St. Paul (IntI) MNMSP8,35018,74944.5%
5Buffalo (Intl) NYBUF1,5623,34246.7% 30Nashville (intl) TNBNA2,4155,70742.3%
6Charleston SCCHS1,5211,87081.3% 31Nantucket MAACK2,4872,53598.1%
7Charlotte NCCLT1186520,28558.5% 32New York (Kennedy) NYJFK4,43218,62223.8%
8Chicago (O'Hare) ILORD18,54535,48152.3% 33New York (Laguardia) NYLGA8,29915,91752.1%
9Cincinnati (Intl) OHCVG7,7199,14684.4% 34Newark/New York (Liberty) NJEWR7,38317,03443.3%
10Cleveland (Intl) OHCLE6,5598,42477.9% 35NorfoIk/Va Bch/Wmbg VAORF1,9212,56974.8%
11Columbus (intl) OHCMH3,0404,57366.5% 36Philadelphia (Intl) PAPHL10,38719,33853.7%
12Dallas/FtWorth (Intl) TXDFW9,51726,97035.3% 37Phoenix (Intl) AZPHX3,48816,90820.6%
13Dayton (Intl) OHDAY1,6462,06179.9% 38Pittburgh (Intl) PAPIT2,7224,78256.9%
14Denver (Intl) CODEN10,84426,79840.5% 39Portland ORPDX4,0047,72851.8%
15Des Moines IADSM1,5951,71093.3% 40Providence RIPVD1,4762,86951.4%
16Detroit (Metro Wayne) MIDTW10,24518,81054.5% 41Raleigh/Durham NCRDU3,2065,95653.8%
17Ft. Lauderdale (Intl) FLFLL1,4968,85516.9% 42Richmond/Wmbg VARIC1,9422,71771.5%
18Greensboro/HPt/Win-Salem NCGSO1,7791,81098.3% 43Rochester NYROC1,6942,26974.7%
19Grenville/Spartanburg SCGSP1,4511,451100.0% 44Salt Lake City UTSLC8,36813,53061.8%
20Houston (G. Bush Intl) TXIAH13,08423,20856.4% 45San Francisco (Intl) CASFO4,26315,90326.8%
21Indianapolis ININD3,0995,03761.5% 46Sattle/Tacoma (IntI) WASEA4,68214,60532.1%
22Kansas City (Intl) MOMCI2,5096,22840.3% 47St. Louis (lntl) MOSTL4,1008,45948.5%
23Knoxville TNTYS1,7611,77999.0% 48Syracuse NYSYR1,4741,84080.1%
24Los Angeles (Intl) CALAX5,18122,71822.8% 49Washington (DuIIes Intl) DClAD7,43712,92057.6%
25Louisville KYSDF2,0012,62876.1% 50Washington (Reagan Nati) DCDCA6,60511,92555.4%

Departure data source: Regional Airline Association, 2009

posted february 9, 2010

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albany atlanta baltimore boston boston buffalo charleston charlotte chicago cinccinnati cleveland columbus dallas dayton denver des moines detroit ft lauderdale greensboro greenville houston indianapolis kansas city knoxville los angeles louisville memphis miami milwaukee minnesota nantucket nantucket nashville new york jfk new york jfk new york lga new york lga newark norfolk philladelphia phoenix pittsburgh portland providence providence raleigh richmond rochester salt lake city san francisco seattle tacoma st. louis syracuse washington dca washington dca washington iad washington iad