
Investigations into the challenges facing America’s education system, from dropout rates and school segregation, to troubled for-profit colleges and student debt.

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Watch FRONTLINE’s Reporting on Now Defunct Corinthian Colleges
In the wake of the Biden administration granting former Corinthian Colleges students nearly $6 billion in loan forgiveness, revisit “College, Inc.” and “A Subprime Education,” our documentaries covering for-profit colleges.
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Kids and Climate Change: Who's Learning What — or Not — and Why?
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November 12, 2021
Tampa Bay Charter Schools are Growing During the Coronavirus Pandemic
With more flexibility to adapt to pandemic conditions, some charters are filled to capacity as district schools struggle.
Tampa Bay Times
December 10, 2020
Cheat Codes: Students Search For Shortcuts as Virtual Schooling Expands
Cheating has always been an issue in schools, but there is little getting in the way for students today. Shared answers have become even more accessible as districts have adopted or expanded their use of popular online learning programs.
Oklahoma Watch
October 23, 2020
In Oklahoma, Online School's Operator Refuses to Release Spending Records. In California, Records Are Public
The company that manages Epic Charter Schools in Oklahoma refuses to provide state auditors details about how it spends millions of dollars provided by the state to pay for students’ extra activities.
August 3, 2020
In Oklahoma, Shift to Distance Learning Highlights Stark Inequity in Students’ Internet Connection
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May 5, 2020
In Shift, Key Climate Denialist Group Heartland Institute Pivots to Policy
The pivot comes at a paradoxical moment: There has never been more evidence that humans are altering the climate; nor has Heartland’s message to the contrary ever enjoyed a more sympathetic ear in the White House.
November 2, 2018
Debt Relief For Defrauded Students Has Stalled, Inspector General Says
Nearly a year since President Trump took office, the Education Department has yet to give final sign off on any claims for loan forgiveness submitted by students who've been defrauded by their college or university, says an inspector general report.
December 13, 2017
DeVos is Questioned About Campaign to Influence Climate Change Education
Four Democratic senators have asked Education Secretary Betsy DeVos whether administration officials have been in contact with a conservative think tank working to bring climate change skepticism into the nation’s schools.
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