Name NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples Name Strings GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples GL_EXT_raster_multisample Contact Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Corporation (jbolz 'at' Contributors Pat Brown, NVIDIA Mathias Heyer, NVIDIA Status Shipping Version Last Modified Date: March 27, 2015 Revision: 2 Number OpenGL Extension #469 OpenGL ES Extension #231 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) and OpenGL ES 3.0.3 (December 18, 2013) specification. This extension is written as a superset of EXT_raster_multisample, since so many of the edits overlap each other and it is not expected for an implementation to support NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples but not EXT_raster_multisample. This extension interacts with NV_fragment_coverage_to_color. This extension interacts with EXT_depth_bounds_test. This extension interacts with OES_sample_shading This extension interacts with OES_sample_variables This extension interacts with NV_framebuffer_multisample This extension interacts with the OpenGL ES 3.1 specification. Overview This extension allows multisample rendering with a raster and depth/stencil sample count that is larger than the color sample count. Rasterization and the results of the depth and stencil tests together determine the portion of a pixel that is "covered". It can be useful to evaluate coverage at a higher frequency than color samples are stored. This coverage is then "reduced" to a collection of covered color samples, each having an opacity value corresponding to the fraction of the color sample covered. The opacity can optionally be blended into individual color samples. In the current hardware incarnation both depth and stencil testing are supported with mixed samples, although the API accommodates supporting only one or the other. Rendering with fewer color samples than depth/stencil samples can greatly reduce the amount of memory and bandwidth consumed by the color buffer. However, converting the coverage values into opacity can introduce artifacts where triangles share edges and may not be suitable for normal triangle mesh rendering. One expected use case for this functionality is Stencil-then-Cover path rendering (NV_path_rendering). The stencil step determines the coverage (in the stencil buffer) for an entire path at the higher sample frequency, and then the cover step can draw the path into the lower frequency color buffer using the coverage information to antialias path edges. With this two-step process, internal edges are fully covered when antialiasing is applied and there is no corruption on these edges. The key features of this extension are: - It allows a framebuffer object to be considered complete when its depth or stencil samples are a multiple of the number of color samples. - It redefines SAMPLES to be the number of depth/stencil samples (if any); otherwise, it uses the number of color samples. SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one if there are multisample depth/stencil attachments. Multisample rasterization and multisample fragment ops are allowed if SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one. - It replaces several error checks involving SAMPLE_BUFFERS by error checks directly referencing the number of samples in the relevant attachments. - A coverage reduction step is added to Per-Fragment Operations which converts a set of covered raster/depth/stencil samples to a set of covered color samples. The coverage reduction step also includes an optional coverage modulation step, multiplying color values by a fractional opacity corresponding to the number of associated raster/depth/stencil samples covered. New Procedures and Functions void RasterSamplesEXT(uint samples, boolean fixedsamplelocations); void CoverageModulationTableNV(sizei n, const float *v); void GetCoverageModulationTableNV(sizei bufsize, float *v); void CoverageModulationNV(enum components); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of Enable, Disable, IsEnabled: RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT 0x9327 COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_NV 0x9331 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv: RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT 0x9328 MAX_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT 0x9329 RASTER_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_EXT 0x932A MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT 0x932B EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT 0x932C // COLOR_SAMPLES_NV is shared with NV_multisample_coverage COLOR_SAMPLES_NV 0x8E20 DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV 0x932D STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV 0x932E MIXED_DEPTH_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV 0x932F MIXED_STENCIL_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV 0x9330 COVERAGE_MODULATION_NV 0x9332 COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_SIZE_NV 0x9333 Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Textures and Samplers) Modify the error list for CopyTex(Sub)Image in Section 8.6 (Alternate Texture Image Specification Commands), p. 228. [This language redefines one error condition in terms of the sample count of the targeted color buffer instead of SAMPLE_BUFFERS.] An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by CopyTexSubImage3D, CopyTexImage2D, CopyTexSubImage2D, CopyTexImage1D, or CopyTexSubImage1D if * the value of READ_BUFFER is NONE. * the value of READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING is non-zero, and - the read buffer selects an attachment that has no image attached, or - the number of samples in the read buffer is greater than one. Additions to Chapter 9 of the OpenGL 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Framebuffers and Framebuffer Objects) Edit Section 9.4.2 (Whole Framebuffer Completeness), p. 314 - The number of samples in an attached image is determined by the value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES for renderbuffer images, and by the value of TEXTURE_SAMPLES for texture images. All attached color images must have the same number of samples. If the depth and stencil attachments are both populated, those two images must have the same number of samples. If any color attachments are populated and either the depth or stencil attachments are populated, the following rules apply. If there is an image attached to the depth (stencil) attachment, it must have the same number of samples as the color attachments if the value of MIXED_DEPTH_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV (MIXED_STENCIL_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV) is FALSE. If the value of MIXED_DEPTH_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV (MIXED_STENCIL_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV) is TRUE, then the number of samples in the depth (stencil) image must be an integer multiple of the number of samples in the color attachments. { FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE } ... The values of SAMPLE_BUFFERS, SAMPLES, COLOR_SAMPLES_NV, DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV, and STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV are derived from the attachments of the currently bound draw framebuffer object. If the current DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING is not framebuffer complete, then all these values are undefined. Otherwise, COLOR_SAMPLES_NV is equal to the the value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES or TEXTURE_SAMPLES (depending on the type of the attached images) of the attached color images, which must all have the same value. DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV and STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV are equal to the number of samples in the corresponding attached images. If there are no corresponding attachments, these values are equal to zero. SAMPLES is equal to the first non-zero value from the list of STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV, DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV, and COLOR_SAMPLES_NV. SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one if any attachment has more than one sample. Otherwise, SAMPLE_BUFFERS is zero. Additions to Chapter 14 of the OpenGL 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Rasterization) Modify Section 14.3.1 (Multisampling), p. 478 (replace the introductory language at the beginning of the section to account for the new ability to use multisample rasterization without having multisample storage) Multisampling is a mechanism to antialias all GL primitives: points, lines, polygons, bitmaps, and images. The technique is to sample all primitives multiple times at each pixel. The color sample values are resolved to a single, displayable color. For window system-provided framebuffers, this occurs each time a pixel is updated, so the antialiasing appears to be automatic at the application level. For application-created framebuffers, this must be requested by calling the BlitFramebuffer command (see section 18.3.1). Because each sample includes color, depth, and stencil information, the color (including texture operation), depth, and stencil functions perform equivalently to the single-sample mode. When the framebuffer includes a multisample buffer, separate color, depth, and stencil values are stored in this buffer for each sample location. Samples contain separate color values for each fragment color. Framebuffers including a multisample buffer do not include non-multisample depth or stencil buffers, even if the multisample buffer does not store depth or stencil values. Color buffers do coexist with the multisample buffer, however. The color sample values are resolved to a single, displayable color each time a pixel is updated, so the antialiasing appears to be automatic at the application level. Because each sample includes color, depth, and stencil information, the color (including texture operation), depth, and stencil functions perform equivalently to the single-sample mode. Multisample antialiasing is most valuable for rendering polygons, because it requires no sorting for hidden surface elimination, and it correctly handles adjacent polygons, object silhouettes, and even intersecting polygons. If only points or lines are being rendered, the "smooth" antialiasing mechanism provided by the base GL may result in a higher quality image. This mechanism is designed to allow multisample and smooth antialiasing techniques to be alternated during the rendering of a single scene. If the value of MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE, the rasterization of all primitives is changed, and is referred to as multisample rasterization. Otherwise, primitive rasterization is referred to as single-sample rasterization. The value of MULTISAMPLE- _RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is queried by calling GetIntegerv with pname set to MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT. During multisample rendering the contents of a pixel fragment are changed in two ways. First, each fragment includes a coverage value with EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT bits. The value of EFFECTIVE_RASTER_- SAMPLES_EXT is an implementation-dependent constant, and is queried by calling GetIntegerv with pname set to EFFECTIVE_RASTER- _SAMPLES_EXT. Multisample rasterization may also be enabled without introducing additional storage for the multisample buffer, by calling Enable with a of RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT. The command: void RasterSamplesEXT(uint samples, boolean fixedsamplelocations); selects the number of samples to be used for rasterization. represents a request for a desired minimum number of samples. Since different implementations may support different sample counts, the actual sample pattern used is implementation-dependent. However, the resulting value for RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to and no more than the next larger sample count supported by the implementation. If is TRUE, identical sample locations will be used for all pixels. The sample locations chosen are a function of only the parameters to RasterSamplesEXT and not of any other state. If RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, then the sample pattern chosen by RasterSamplesEXT will be used instead of sampling at the center of the pixel. The sample locations can be queried with GetMultisamplefv with a of SAMPLE_POSITION, similar to normal multisample sample locations. The value MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE if SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one or if RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled. The value EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT is equal to RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT if RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, otherwise is equal to SAMPLES. Explicit multisample rasterization is not allowed if the raster sample count is less than the color sample count, or if the raster sample count does not match the depth or stencil sample counts when depth or stencil testing is performed. If RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, the error INVALID_OPERATION will be generated by Draw, Bitmap, DrawPixels, and CopyPixels commands if - the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT is zero; - the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT is less than the value of COLOR_SAMPLES_NV; - the depth or depth bounds test is enabled, the draw framebuffer includes a depth buffer, and the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT does not equal the value of DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV; or - the stencil test is enabled, the draw framebuffer includes a stencil buffer, and the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT does not equal the value of STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV; Errors - An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if is greater than the value of MAX_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT. Add to the end of Section (Sample Shading), p. 479 If RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, the number of unique samples to process is implementation-dependent and need not be more than one. Modify Section 14.4.3 (Point Multisample Rasterization) If MULTISAMPLE is enabled and MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE, then points are rasterized using the following algorithm, regardless of whether point antialiasing (POINT_SMOOTH) is enabled or disabled. Modify Section 14.5.4 (Line Multisample Rasterization) If MULTISAMPLE is enabled and MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE, then lines are rasterized using the following algorithm, regardless of whether line antialiasing (LINE_SMOOTH) is enabled or disabled. Modify Section 14.6.6 (Polygon Multisample Rasterization) If MULTISAMPLE is enabled and MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE, then polygons are rasterized using the following algorithm, regardless of whether polygon antialiasing (POLYGON_SMOOTH) is enabled or disabled. Modify Section (Bitmap Multisample Rasterization) If MULTISAMPLE is enabled and MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE, then bitmaps are rasterized using the following algorithm. Additions to Chapter 15 of the OpenGL 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Programmable Fragment Processing) Modify Section 15.2.2 (Shader Inputs), p. 512 The built-in variable gl_SampleMaskIn is an integer array holding bitfields indicating the set of fragment samples covered by the primitive corresponding to the fragment shader invocation. The number of elements in the array is ceil(s/32), where is the maximum number of color or raster samples supported by the implementation. Bit of element in the array is set if and only if the raster sample numbered 32 + is considered covered for this fragment shader invocation. Modify Section 15.2.3 (Shader Outputs), p. 513 The built-in integer array gl_SampleMask can be used to change the sample coverage for a fragment from within the shader. The number of elements in the array is ceil(s/32), where is the maximum number of color or raster samples supported by the implementation. Additions to Chapter 17 of the OpenGL 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Writing Fragments and Samples to the Framebuffer) Modify Figure 17.1 (Per-fragment operations) Add a new stage called "Coverage Reduction" between "Occlusion Query" and "Blending". (note: If NV_fragment_coverage_to_color is supported, the "Coverage Reduction" stage is after the "Fragment coverage to color" stage.) Modify Section 17.3.3 (Multisample Fragment Operations) First paragraph: ...No changes to the fragment alpha or coverage values are made at this step if MULTISAMPLE is disabled or MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is FALSE. ... If SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE is enabled, a temporary coverage value is generated where each bit is determined by the alpha value at the corresponding sample location. The coverage value has EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT bits. Modify Section 17.3.7 (Occlusion Queries), p.538 When an occlusion query is started with target SAMPLES_PASSED, the samples- passed count maintained by the GL is set to zero. When an occlusion query is active, the samples-passed count is incremented for each fragment that passes the depth test. If MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is FALSE, then the samples-passed count is incremented by 1 for each fragment. If MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE, then the samples-passed count is incremented by the number of samples whose coverage bit is set. However, implementations, at their discretion, may instead increase the samples-passed count by the value of EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT if any sample in the fragment is covered. Additionally, if RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, implementations may instead increase the samples-passed count by one for the entire fragment if any sample is covered. Add a new Section 17.3.Y (Coverage Reduction) after 17.3.7. If the value of EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT is greater than the value of COLOR_SAMPLES_NV, a fragment's coverage is reduced from EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT bits to COLOR_SAMPLES_NV bits. There is an implementation-dependent association of raster samples to color samples. The reduced "color coverage" is computed such that the coverage bit for each color sample is 1 if any of the associated bits in the fragment's coverage is on, and 0 otherwise. Blending and writes to the framebuffer are not performed on samples whose color coverage bit is zero. For each color sample, the associated bits of the fragment's coverage are counted and divided by the number of associated bits to produce a modulation factor R in the range (0,1] (a value of zero would have been killed due to a color coverage of 0). Specifically: N = value of EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT; M = value of COLOR_SAMPLES_NV; R = popcount(associated coverage bits) / (N / M); If COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_NV is enabled, the value R is mapped through a programmable lookup table to produce another value. The lookup table has a fixed, implementation-dependent, size according to the value of COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_SIZE_NV. S = value of COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_SIZE_NV I = max(1, int(R*S)); R = table[I-1]; Note that the table does not have an entry for R=0, because such samples would have been killed. The table is controlled by the command: CoverageModulationTableNV(sizei n, const float *v); where contains S floating point values. The values are rounded on use to an implementation dependent precision, which is at least as fine as 1 / N, and clamped to [0,1]. Initially, COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_NV is disabled, and the table is initialized with entry i = ((i+1) / S). An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if is not equal to COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_SIZE_NV. The command GetCoverageModulationTableNV(sizei bufsize, float *v); obtains the coverage modulation table. min(bufsize/sizeof(float),S) floating point values are written to , in order. For each draw buffer with a floating point or normalized color format, the fragment's color value is replicated to M values which may each be modulated (multiplied) by that color sample's associated value of R. This modulation is controlled by the function: CoverageModulationNV(enum components); may be RGB, RGBA, ALPHA, or NONE. If is RGB or RGBA, the red, green, and blue components are modulated. If components is RGBA or ALPHA, the alpha component is modulated. The initial value of COVERAGE_MODULATION_NV is NONE. Each sample's color value is then blended and written to the framebuffer independently. Additions to Chapter 18 of the OpenGL 4.3 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Drawing, Reading, and Copying Pixels) Modify Section 18.1.3 (Pixel Rectangle Multisample Rasterization) If MULTISAMPLE is enabled and MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT is TRUE, then pixel rectangles are rasterized using the following algorithm. Modify Section 18.2 (Reading Pixels) Replace the error check for ReadPixels, redefining one error condition in terms of the sample count of the targeted color buffer instead of SAMPLE_BUFFERS: An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the value of READ_- FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING (see section 9) is non-zero, the read framebuffer is framebuffer complete, and the number of samples in the read buffer is greater than one. Modify Section 18.3 (Copying Pixels) Replace the second error check for CopyPixels, redefining one error condition in terms of the sample count of the targeted color buffer instead of SAMPLE_BUFFERS: An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the object bound to READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING is framebuffer complete and the number of samples in the read buffer is greater than one. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the value of READ_- FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING (see section 9) is non-zero, the read framebuffer is framebuffer complete, and the number of samples in the read buffer is greater than one. Modify Section 18.3.1 (Blitting Pixel Rectangles), p. 580 (redefine various language in terms of sample counts in individual buffers instead of SAMPLE_BUFFERS) If the number of samples in the source buffer is greater than one and the number of samples in the destination buffers is equal to one, the samples corresponding to each pixel location in the source are converted to a single sample before being written to the destination. If the number of samples in the source buffer is one and the number of samples in the destination buffers are greater than one, the value of the source sample is replicated in each of the destination samples. If the number of samples in the source buffer or in any of the destination buffers is greater than one, no copy is performed and an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the dimensions of the source and destination rectangles provided to BlitFramebuffer are not identical, or if the formats of the read and draw framebuffers are not identical. If the number of samples in the source and destination buffers are equal and greater than zero, the samples are copied without modification from the read framebuffer to the draw framebuffer. Otherwise, no copy is performed and an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated. New Implementation Dependent State Minimum Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. --------- ------- ----------- ------- ------------------------ ------ MAX_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT Z+ GetIntegerv 2 Maximum number of raster 14.3.1 samples MIXED_DEPTH_SAMPLES_- B GetBooleanv FALSE(*)Support for number of depth 9.4.2 SUPPORTED_NV samples not equal to number of color samples MIXED_STENCIL_SAMPLES_- B GetBooleanv FALSE(*)Support for number of depth 9.4.2 SUPPORTED_NV samples not equal to number of color samples COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_- Z+ GetIntegerv 2(**) Number of entries in the table 17.3.Y SIZE_NV (*) footnote: Either MIXED_DEPTH_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV or MIXED_STENCIL_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV must be TRUE for this extension to be useful. (**) Must be at least as large as MAX_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT. New State Get Value Get Command Type Initial Value Description Sec. Attribute --------- ----------- ---- ------------- ----------- ---- --------- RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT IsEnabled B FALSE Multisample Rasterization 14.3.1 enable/multisample without multiple color samples RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT GetIntegerv Z+ 0 Number of raster samples 14.3.1 multisample RASTER_FIXED_SAMPLE_- GetBooleanv B FALSE Require same sample 14.3.1 multisample LOCATIONS_EXT locations MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_- GetBooleanv B FALSE Whether MS rasterization 14.3.1 - ALLOWED_EXT can be used EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT GetIntegerv Z+ 0 How many samples are used 14.3.1 - for rasterization and fragment operations COLOR_SAMPLES_NV GetIntegerv Z+ 0 Number of color samples 9.4.2 - DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV GetIntegerv Z+ 0 Number of depth samples 9.4.2 - STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV GetIntegerv Z+ 0 Number of stencil samples 9.4.2 - GetCoverage- R^k[0,1] (i+1)/S Lookup table for coverage 17.3.Y - ModulationTableNV values COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_NV IsEnabled B FALSE Enable lookup table for 17.3.Y - coverage values COVERAGE_MODULATION_NV GetIntegerv E NONE Which components are 17.3.Y - multiplied by coverage fraction Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None. GLX Protocol None. Modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.30 Modify Section 7.1 (Built-In Language Variables), p. 118 For both the input array gl_SampleMaskIn[] and the output array gl_SampleMask[], bit B of mask M (gl_SampleMaskIn[M] or gl_SampleMask[M]) corresponds to sample 32*M+B. These arrays have ceil(s/32) elements, where s is the maximum number of color or raster samples supported by the implementation. Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.0 For OpenGL ES, remove references to images, bitmaps and GetDoublev. Disregard references to POINT_SMOOTH, LINE_SMOOTH and POLYGON_SMOOTH. Omit changes to Section (Bitmap Multisample Rasterization). Also, omit changes to Section 18.1.3 (Pixel Rectangle Multisample Rasterization) and Section 18.3 (Copying Pixels). Since OpenGL ES does not support enabling/disabling MULTISAMPLE rasterization via MULTISAMPLE, read all occurrences of MULTISAMPLE as if it was enabled. Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.1 If this extension is implemented on OpenGL ES and OpenGL ES 3.1 is not supported, remove any language referring to TEXTURE_SAMPLES. Dependencies on NV_framebuffer_multisample If this extension is implemented on OpenGL ES and NV_framebuffer_multisample is not supported, disregard changes to glBlitFramebuffer where the number of samples in the draw framebuffer is greater than one. Dependencies on OES_sample_shading If this extension is implemented on OpenGL ES and if OES_sample_shading is not supported, omit changes to Section 3.3.1 (Sample Shading). Dependencies on OES_sample_variables If this extension is implemented on OpenGL ES and if OES_sample_variables is not supported, omit changes to Section 3.9.2 (Shader Inputs; Shader Outputs). Dependencies on EXT_depth_bounds_test If EXT_depth_bounds_test is not supported, remove the error check when DBT is enabled. Errors Various errors prohibiting read/copy operations involving multisample color buffers are redefined to refer to the sample count of the targeted color buffer instead of a whole-framebuffer RASTER_SAMPLES. This extension allows a single-sample color buffer to be combined with a multisample depth/stencil buffer and defines RASTER_SAMPLES to be 1 in that case. The error INVALID_OPERATION is be generated by Draw, Bitmap, DrawPixels, and CopyPixels commands if RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, and any of the following is true: - the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT is zero; - the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT is less than the value of COLOR_SAMPLES_NV; - the depth or depth bounds test is enabled, the draw framebuffer includes a depth buffer, and the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT does not equal the value of DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV; or - the stencil test is enabled, the draw framebuffer includes a stencil buffer, and the value of RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT does not equal the value of STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by RasterSamplesEXT if is greater than the value of MAX_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by CoverageModulationTableNV if is not equal to COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_SIZE_NV. Issues (1) How is coverage modulation intended to be used? RESOLVED: Coverage modulation allows the coverage to be converted to "opacity", which can then be blended into the color buffer to accomplish antialiasing. This is similar to the intent of POLYGON_SMOOTH. For example, if non-premultiplied alpha colors are in use (common OpenGL usage): glCoverageModulationNV(GL_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); or if using pre-multiplied alpha colors (common in 2D rendering): glCoverageModulationNV(GL_RGBA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); (2) How is the coverage modulation table intended to be used? RESOLVED: It could be used to accomplish the coverage modulation "downsample" in a modified color space (akin to an sRGB downsample). It could also be used (in conjunction with blending) to kill any partially covered color samples. Note that for lower ratios of N/M, the table's entries are used sparsely. For example, if N=16, M=4, and S=16, the initial calculation of R would produce values of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1. Then I = 4, 8, 12, or 16, and entries 3, 7, 11, and 15 would be used. The intent is that the table should be treated like a function from (0,1] to [0,1]. (3) What combinations of AA modes are supported? RESOLVED: Depth/stencil samples being an integer multiple of color samples is a necessary condition, but is not sufficient. There may be other implementation-dependent limitations that cause certain combinations not to be supported and report as an incomplete framebuffer. (4) What errors should be generated when RasterSamples and depth/stencil sample counts mismatch? RESOLVED: Commands that do any sort of rasterization, including Draw, Bitmap, DrawPixels, and CopyPixels, should have errors if the depth/stencil buffer may be touched (depth test, stencil test, depth bounds test enabled). Clear does not rasterize, so should not have any such errors. (5) When using both NV_fragment_coverage_to_color and EXT_raster_multisample or NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples, how do these features interact? RESOLVED: Both may be used simultaneously, and the coverage_to_color functionality is applied before coverage reduction in the pipeline. This means the full raster sample mask will be written to the color buffer, not the reduced color sample mask. (6) How do EXT_raster_multisample and NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples interact? Why are there two extensions? RESOLVED: The functionality in EXT_raster_multisample is equivalent to "Target-Independent Rasterization" in Direct3D 11.1, and is expected to be supportable today by other hardware vendors. It allows using multiple raster samples with a single color sample, as long as depth and stencil tests are disabled, with the number of raster samples controlled by a piece of state. NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples is an extension/enhancement of this feature with a few key improvements: - Multiple color samples are allowed, with the requirement that the number of raster samples must be a multiple of the number of color samples. - Depth and stencil buffers and tests are supported, with the requirement that the number of raster/depth/stencil samples must all be equal for any of the three that are in use. - The addition of the coverage modulation feature, which allows the multisample coverage information to accomplish blended antialiasing. Using mixed samples does not require enabling RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT; the number of raster samples can be inferred from the depth/stencil attachments. But if it is enabled, RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT must equal the number of depth/stencil samples. Revision History Revision 2, 2015/03/27 - Add ES interactions Revision 1 - Internal revisions.