Name EXT_window_rectangles Name Strings GL_EXT_window_rectangles Contact Mark J. Kilgard, NVIDIA Corporation (mjk 'at' Contributors Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Mark Callow, Khronos Chris Dalton, NVIDIA Arthur Huillet, NVIDIA Ilia Mirkin Marek Olsak, AMD Brian Paul, VMware Inc. Brian Salomon, Google Walt Steiner, NVIDIA Status Complete Implemeneted in NVIDIA late-2016 drivers Version Last Modified Date: 2016/06/27 Public Revision: 2 Number OpenGL Extension #490 OpenGL ES Extension #263 Dependencies Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) specification. This extension requires OpenGL 3.0 (for glGet*i_v queries) or EXT_draw_buffers2 (for glGet*IndexedvEXT queries). This extension interacts with EXT_direct_state_access. Also written based on the wording of the OpenGL ES 3.2 specification. This extension requires OpenGL ES 3.0 (for glGet*i_v queries) or ES 2.0 with EXT_multiview_draw_buffers (for glGet*i_vEXT queries). Overview This extension provides additional orthogonally aligned "window rectangles" specified in window-space coordinates that restrict rasterization of all primitive types (geometry, images, paths) and framebuffer clears. When rendering to the framebuffer of an on-screen window, these window rectangles are ignored so these window rectangles apply to rendering to non-zero framebuffer objects only. From zero to an implementation-dependent limit (specified by GL_MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT) number of window rectangles can be operational at once. When one or more window rectangles are active, rasterized fragments can either survive if the fragment is within any of the operational window rectangles (GL_INCLUSIVE_EXT mode) or be rejected if the fragment is within any of the operational window rectangles (GL_EXCLUSIVE_EXT mode). These window rectangles operate orthogonally to the existing scissor test functionality. This extension has specification language for both OpenGL and ES so EXT_window_rectangles can be implemented and advertised for either or both API contexts. New Procedures and Functions void WindowRectanglesEXT(enum mode, sizei count, const int box[]); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of WindowRectanglesEXT: INCLUSIVE_EXT 0x8F10 EXCLUSIVE_EXT 0x8F11 Accepted by the parameter of GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v, GetBooleani_v, GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, GetFloatIndexedvEXT, GetDoubleIndexedvEXT, GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, and GetIntegeri_vEXT: WINDOW_RECTANGLE_EXT 0x8F12 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: WINDOW_RECTANGLE_MODE_EXT 0x8F13 MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT 0x8F14 NUM_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT 0x8F15 Additions to Chapter 14 of the OpenGL 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Fixed-Function Primitive Assembly and Rasterization) -- Change the second and third paragraph of section 14.9 "Early Per-Fragment Tests" to read: "Up to five operations are performed on each fragment, in the following order: * the pixel ownership test (see section 17.3.1); * the window rectangles test (see section 17.3.X); * the scissor test (see section 17.3.2); * the stencil test (see section 17.3.5); * the depth buffer test (see section 17.3.6); and * occlusion query sample counting (see section 17.3.7). The pixel ownership, window rectangles test, and scissor tests are always performed." Additions to Chapter 17 of the OpenGL 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Writing Fragments and Samples to the Framebuffer) -- Update figure 7.1 "Per-fragment operations" to insert a box labeled "Window Rectangles Test" with an arrow from the "Pixel Ownership Test" box and an arrow to the "Scissor Test" box. -- Insert section 17.3.X "Window Rectangles Test" after section 17.3.1 "Pixel Ownership Test" "The window rectangles test determines if window-space fragment position (xw,yw) is inclusive or exclusive to a set of window-space rectangles. The window rectangles are set with void WindowRectanglesEXT(enum mode, sizei n, const int box[]); where /mode/ is either INCLUSIVE_EXT or EXCLUSIVE_EXT (and otherwise generates INVALID_ENUM), /n/ is a count of active window rectangles (and generates INVALID_VALUE when /n/ is less than zero or greater than the implementation-dependent value of MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT), and an array of 4*/n/ elements. When the WindowRectanglesEXT command is processed without error, the /i/th window rectangle box is set to the corresponding four parameters (box[4*i],box[4*i+1],box[4*i+2],box[4*i+3) for values of /i/ less then /n/. For values of /i/ greater than /n/, each window rectangle box is set to (0,0,0,0). Each four elements (x_i,y_i,w_i,h_i) corresponds to the /i/th window rectangle indicating a box of pixels specified with window-space coordinates. Each window rectangle box /i/ has a lower-left origin at (x_i,y_i) and upper-right corner at (x_i+w_i,y_i+h_i). The INVALID_VALUE error is generated if any element w_i or h_i, corresponding to each box's respective width and height, is negative. Each rasterized or cleared fragment with a window-space position (xw,yw) is within the /i/th window rectangle box when both of these equations are satisfied for all /i/ less than /n/: x_i <= xw < x_i+w_i y_i <= yw < y_i+h_i, When the window rectangles mode is INCLUSIVE_EXT mode and the bound framebuffer object is non-zero, a fragment passes the window rectangles test if the fragment's window-space position is within at least one of the current /n/ active window rectangles; otherwise the window rectangles test fails and the fragment is discarded. When the window rectangles mode is EXCLUSIVE_EXT mode and the bound framebuffer object is non-zero, a fragment fails the window rectangles test and is discarded if the fragment's window-space position is within at least one of the current /n/ active window rectangles; otherwise the window rectangles test passes and the fragment passes the window rectangles test. When the bound framebuffer object is zero, the window rectangles test always passes. The state required for the window rectangles test is a bit indicating if the mode is inclusive or exclusive, an array with /max/ elements, each element consisting of 2 integers for (x,y) and 2 non-negative integers for width & height where /max/ is the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT, and a non-negative integer indicating the number of active window rectangles. This initial state is EXCLUSIVE_EXT for the bit, all zero for each integer in the array of window rectangles, and zero for the count." -- Update section 17.4.3 "Clearing the Buffers" Replace the first sentence of the seventh paragraph with: "When Clear is called, the only per-fragment operations that are applied (if enabled) are the pixel ownership test, the window rectangles test (17.3.X), the scissor test, sRGB conversion (see section 17.3.9), and dithering." -- Update section "Clearing the Multisample Buffer" Replace the final paragraph with: "Masking, window rectangle testing, and scissoring affect clearing the multisample buffer in the same way as they affect clearing the corresponding color, depth, and stencil buffers." -- Update section 18.1.2 "Conversion to Fragments" Change the third sentence of the second paragraph to read: "However, the histogram and minmax tables are updated even if the corresponding fragments are later rejected by the pixel ownership (section 17.3.1), window rectangles test (section 17.3.X), or scissor (section 17.3.2) tests." -- Update section 18.1.4 "Writing to the Stencil or Depth/Stencil Buffers" Change the third sentence to read: "Each pair is then treated as a fragment for purposes of the pixel ownership, window rectangle tests, and scissor tests; all other per-fragment operations are bypassed." -- Update section 18.3.2 "Blitting Pixel Rectangles" Update the second sentence of the fourteenth paragraph to read: "The only fragment operations which affect a blit are the pixel ownership test, the window rectangles test, the scissor test, and sRGB conversion (see section 17.3.9)." Additions to Chapter 7 of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification (Programs and Shaders) -- Change the second bullet in section 7.11.1 "Shader Memory Access Ordering" to read: "For each fragment generated by the GL, the number of fragment shader invocations depends on a number of factors. If the fragment fails the pixel ownership test (see section 13.8.1), window rectangles test (see section 13.8.X), scissor test (see section 13.8.2), or is discarded by any of the multisample fragment operations (see section 13.8.3), the fragment shader will not be executed." Additions to Chapter 13 of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification (Fixed-Function Primitive Assembly and Rasterization) -- Update figure 13.1 "Rasterization, early per-fragment tests, and fragment shading" to insert a box labeled "Window Rectangles Test" with an arrow from the "Pixel Ownership Test" box and an arrow to the "Scissor Test" box. -- Change the beginning of the second of section 13.8 "Early Per-Fragment Tests" to read: "Four fragment operations are performed, and a further three are optionally performed on each fragment, in the following order: * the pixel ownership test (see section 13.8.1); * the window rectangles test (see section 13.8.X); * the scissor test (see section 13.8.2); * multisample fragment operations (see section 13.8.3); If early per-fragment operations ..." -- Insert section 13.8.X "Window Rectangles Test" after section 13.8.1 "Pixel Ownership Test" "The window rectangles test determines if window-space fragment position (xw,yw) is inclusive or exclusive to a set of window-space rectangles. The window rectangles are set with void WindowRectanglesEXT(enum mode, sizei n, const int box[]); where /mode/ is either INCLUSIVE_EXT or EXCLUSIVE_EXT (and otherwise generates INVALID_ENUM), /n/ is a count of active window rectangles (and generates INVALID_VALUE when /n/ is less than zero or greater than the implementation-dependent value of MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT), and an array of 4*/n/ elements. When the WindowRectanglesEXT command is processed without error, the /i/th window rectangle box is set to the corresponding four parameters (box[4*i],box[4*i+1],box[4*i+2],box[4*i+3) for values of /i/ less then /n/. For values of /i/ greater than /n/, each window rectangle box is set to (0,0,0,0). Each four elements (x_i,y_i,w_i,h_i) corresponds to the /i/th window rectangle indicating a box of pixels specified with window-space coordinates. Each window rectangle box /i/ has a lower-left origin at (x_i,y_i) and upper-right corner at (x_i+w_i,y_i+h_i). The INVALID_VALUE error is generated if any element w_i or h_i, corresponding to each box's respective width and height, is negative. Each rasterized or cleared fragment with a window-space position (xw,yw) is within the /i/th window rectangle box when both of these equations are satisfied for all /i/ less than /n/: x_i <= xw < x_i+w_i y_i <= yw < y_i+h_i, When the window rectangles mode is INCLUSIVE_EXT mode and the bound framebuffer object is non-zero, a fragment passes the window rectangles test if the fragment's window-space position is within at least one of the current /n/ active window rectangles; otherwise the window rectangles test fails and the fragment is discarded. When the window rectangles mode is EXCLUSIVE_EXT mode and the bound framebuffer object is non-zero, a fragment fails the window rectangles test and is discarded if the fragment's window-space position is within at least one of the current /n/ active window rectangles; otherwise the window rectangles test passes and the fragment passes the window rectangles test. When the bound framebuffer object is zero, the window rectangles test always passes. The state required for the window rectangles test is a bit indicating if the mode is inclusive or exclusive, an array with /max/ elements, each element consisting of 2 integers for (x,y) and 2 non-negative integers for width & height where /max/ is the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT, and a non-negative integer indicating the number of active window rectangles. This initial state is EXCLUSIVE_EXT for the bit, all zero for each integer in the array of window rectangles, and zero for the count." Additions to Chapter 15 of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification (Writing Fragments and Samples to the Framebuffer) -- Update section 15.2.3 "Clearing the Buffers" Replace the first sentence of the sixth paragraph with: "When Clear is called, the only per-fragment operations that are applied (if enabled) are the pixel ownership test, the window rectangles test (13.8.X), the scissor test, sRGB conversion (see section 15.1.6), and dithering." -- Update section "Clearing the Multisample Buffer" Replace the final paragraph with: "Masking, window rectangle testing, and scissoring affect clearing the multisample buffer in the same way as they affect clearing the corresponding color, depth, and stencil buffers." Additions to Chapter 16 of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification (Reading and Copying Pixels) -- Update section 16.2.1 "Blitting Pixel Rectangles" Update the second sentence of the thirteenth paragraph to read: "The only fragment operations which affect a blit are the pixel ownership test, the window rectangles test, the scissor test, and sRGB conversion (see section 15.1.6)." Interactions with the EXT_draw_buffers2 specification If EXT_draw_buffers2 is NOT supported, ignore references to GetIntegerIndexedvEXT and GetBooleanIndexedvEXT. Interactions with the EXT_direct_state_access specification If EXT_direct_state_access is NOT supported, ignore references to GetFloatIndexedvEXT and GetDoubleIndexedvEXT. Interactions with the EXT_multiview_draw_buffers If EXT_multiview_draw_buffers is NOT supported, ignore references to GetIntegeri_vEXT. Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None GLX Protocol A new GL rendering command is added. The following command is sent to the server as part of a glXRender request: WindowRectanglesEXT 2 12+4*n rendering command length 2 XXX rendering command opcode 4 ENUM mode 4 CARD32 count 4*n LISTofINT32 box Errors The error INVALID_ENUM is generated by WindowRectanglesEXT if mode is not INCLUSIVE_EXT or EXCLUSIVE_EXT. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by WindowRectanglesEXT if count is negative. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by WindowRectanglesEXT if count is greater than the value of the implementation-dependent limit MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by WindowRectanglesEXT if any of the w_i or h_i elements of the box array are negative. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v, GetBooleani_v, GetFloati_v, and GetDoublei_v when pname is WINDOW_RECTANGLE_EXT and index is greater or equal to the implementation-dependent value of MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT. New State (table 23.26, p724) add the following entry: Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute ------------------------- ------- ------------- ------------- ------------------------ ------ --------- NUM_WINDOW_RECTANGLE_EXT Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Active window rectangles 17.3.X scissor count WINDOW_RECTANGLE_EXT 8*x4xZ+ GetIntegeri_v 8*x(0,0,0,0) Window rectangle box 17.3.X scissor WINDOW_RECTANGLE_MODE_EXT Z2 GetIntegerv EXCLUSIVE_EXT Window rectangle mode 17.3.X scissor New Implementation Dependent State (table 23.66, p764) add the following entry: Get Value Type Get Command Minimum Value Description Sec Attribute ------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- ----------------- ------ -------------- MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT Z+ GetIntegerv 4 Maximum num of 17.3.X - window rectangles Issues 1) What should this extension be called? RESOLVED: EXT_window_rectangles as this extension introduces a new per-fragment test, called the window rectangles test, that operates on (x,y) window-space coordinates of the fragment, testing those coordinates against a set of rectangles. We avoid the term "scissor" because that describes preexisting OpenGL functionality orthogonal to this extension's functionality. We also avoid the term "clip" because clipping operates on primitives (triangles, lines, points) rather than fragments as the window rectangles test does. The "window" in the name does not refer to the often rectangular surface for managing application rendering within a desktop user interface metaphor. "window" refers to window-space following the precedent of the ARB_window_pos extension. Each rectangle is specified as a box in (integer) window-space coordinates. Multiple such rectangles are supported hence "rectangles" in the name. Intuitively, we can think of the rectangles carving out by exclusion (or selecting by inclusion) rectangular boxes in the region of window space either not allowed (or allowed) for rasterization. 2) Should there be an enable? RESOLVED: No, configuring zero exclusive window rectangles is the same as disabling window rectangles. Example: // disable window rectangles glWindowRectanglesEXT(GL_EXCLUSIVE, 0, NULL); 3) Should all the window rectangles be specified in a single call with the mode? RESOLVED: Yes. The expectation is that the configuration of window rectangles is typically updated once per frame. Hence it makes sense to have a single API call that takes an array of window rectangle boxes rather than requiring one call to specify each window rectangle box. This means all the window rectangles must be specified "as a unit" but this is likely an advantage. 4) What performance expectations should applications have when window rectangles are configured? RESOLVED: Applications should assume window rectangles discard work (rasterized fragments) and there is effectively no cost to enable the window rectangles, even including the implementation-dependent limit number of window rectangles. 5) How does this extension's window rectangles interact with OpenGL's existing scissor test functionality? RESOLVED: The scissor test and window rectangles are orthogonal. In window rectangle inclusive mode, a fragment survives the scissor test and window rectangles when the fragment's window space position is within any one of the window rectangles and also inside the scissor box. In window rectangle exclusive mode, a fragment survives the scissor test and window rectangles when the fragment's window space position is within the scissor box and NOT within any of the window rectangles. 6) What should an application do if it needs more than the implementation-dependent maximum number of window rectangles? RESOLVED: The application can use stencil testing as a way to simulate more than the implementation-dependent maximum. The application may find it is possible to express a more complex clipping region by merging or overlapping window rectangles. 7) What are some intended applications for this extension? RESOLVED: There are several envisioned applications: a) For a simple user interface managed in OpenGL, the window rectangles in exclusive mode can be used to avoid rendering into one or more rectangular sub-windows, dialog boxes, or menus "overlapping" some rendering window. While stencil testing could be used in this application, that requires rendering the extents of all the windows into the stencil buffer. Managing exclusive window rectangles is simpler for simple configurations and leaves the stencil buffer for other purposes. b) Minimizing rasterization to non-animating regions of a framebuffer. Say much of the background of a game is not actually updating; for example, a board game or puzzle game where rendering updates are highly localized. Inclusive rectangles can restrict rendering to just the rectangles of the screen that require updates. The scissor could be used for this purpose but would only represent a single rectangle so the application would have to repeat the rendering process multiple times at different scissor locations. 8) Does the window rectangles test affect rasterization of geometric primitive (polygons, lines, points), image rectangles (glBitmap, glDrawPixels, glCopyPixels), and path rendering? RESOLVED: Yes. 9) Does the window rectangles test affect clears? RESOLVED: Yes. 10) If you specify a subset (or none) of the window rectangles, what happens to the state of the unspecified window rectangles? RESOLVED: The state of such boxes is set to (0,0,0,0). This only matters to the extent that you can query that state with glGetIntegerv_i, etc. and get reliable values returned. 11) What if negative values are specified for box coordinates? RESOLVED: The values of the window rectangles box elements are typed GLint, however the width and height parameters of each box are required to be non-negative (otherwise GL_INVALID_VALUE results). This matches the behavior of existing commands such as glScissorArrayv and glViewportArrayv, part of the ARB_viewport_array extension. 12) What about really huge values for the box coordinates? RESOLVED: That should be fine. In theory, OpenGL has an implementation-dependent limit GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS so there is a bound on the (xw,yw) of rasterized fragments. There is not any implicit or explicit clamping of the box coordinates. 13) What happens when the window rectangles mode is GL_INCLUSIVE_EXT but zero window rectangles are specified? RESOLVED: All rasterization and clearing is discarded. Effectively there's no way for a fragment to be "inside" the window clips if there are none. This is just one of many ways to throw away all rasterized fragments in OpenGL. A similiar effect could be accomplished with a zero width or height scissor (or zero width and height inclusive window rectangles for that matter). This behavior is why GL_EXCLUSIVE_EXT is the initial context state. 14) Should this work when rendering to windows? RESOLVED: No, the hardware functionality for window rectangles may be used by the window system for pixel-ownership tests. Instead this functionality is limited to FBOs. 15) Should this work when rendering to non-FBO off-screen rendering resources such pbuffers, GLX bitmaps, and Windows device-independent bitmaps? RESOLVED: No. For simplicity of specification, the language is written to refer only to non-zero framebuffer objects supporting the window rectangles test so pbuffers, etc. wouldn't support the window rectangles test. Off-screen rendering mechanisms such as pbuffers are legacy mechanisms that predated FBOs so it makes sense to not aggrandize them. This eases the implementation and testing burden for supporting the window rectangles test. 16) Should the viewport index index into an array of window rectangle arrays, similar to viewport and scissor arrays? RESOLVED: No. This functionality is disconnected from the viewport index (see ARB_viewport_array) but orthogonal to that functionality. The current set of window rectangles applies to rasterization independent of the viewport index. 17) Does the window rectangles test affect glBlitFramebuffer and similar blit operations? RESOLVED: Yes. One of the key applications is limiting opaque compositing so clipping blit framebuffer operations is important to support. 18) Does the window rectangles test affect glAccum operations? RESOLVED: No, because framebuffer objects do not support accumulation buffer attachments and the window rectangles test only operates on FBOs (see issue 15). If support for accumulation buffer bindings were supported for FBOs (as unlikely though would be), it would make sense for language to be added to support window rectangles on FBOs. That language would read: -- Update section 17.4.5 "The Accumulation Buffer" Change the second paragraph's first sentence to read: "When the scissor test is enabled (section 17.3.2), then only those pixels within the current scissor box are updated by any Accum operation; otherwise, all pixels in the window that survive the window rectangles test (section 17.3.X) are updated." Change the second sentence of the fifth paragraph to read: "If fragment color clamping is enabled, the results are then clamped to the range [0,1]. The resulting color value is placed in the buffers currently enabled for color writing as if it were a fragment produced from rasterization, except that the only per-fragment operations that are applied (if enabled) are the pixel ownership test, the window rectangles test (section 17.3.X), the scissor test (section 17.3.2), sRGB conversion (see section 17.3.9), and dithering (section 17.3.10)." 19) Is glInvalidateSubFramebuffer affected by window rectangles test? RESOLVED: No. The window rectangles test applies to rasterization, and invalidating a region of the framebuffer is not a rasterization operation. 20) Should the window rectangles state be subject to glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib? RESOLVED: Yes, as part of the GL_SCISSOR_BIT state. Being able to push/pop window rectangles is a natural notion for hierachical clipping. The scissor state group is most similar to window rectangles. 21) Since shader memory accesses are possible from a fragment shader, can side effects from shader execution occur before the window rectangles test discards fragments? RESOLVED: No. No changes are made to section 7.12.1 "Shader Memory Access Ordering" when the window rectangles test is supported. An implementation could implement the window rectangles test as a fragment shader prologue, but if so, it needs to happen before any fragment shader side-effects that might occur if the fragment was not discarded by the window rectangles test. 22) Can a software rasterizer efficiently exploit this functionality? RESOLVED: Yes. For an existing software rasterizer, the window rectangles test could be implementing naively, just testing every pixel position against all the active inclusive or exclusive window rectanges. For a bit more sophisticated software rasterizer, the nice thing is the window rectangles are "known up front" so they can be statically Y-sorted and then X-sorted for primitives bounding boxes to minimize the window rectangle intersection costs. In a smart scan-line rasterizer, once you detect and excluded pixel position, you can skip over pixels to advance past exclusive window rectangles rather than naively testing every fragment. MMX should be useful for it. 23) Is this functionality useful for rendering virtual reality eye views? RESOLVED: Yes. Often when rendering to a view frustum for a virtual reality eye view, the edges of the field of view are not do not contribute to the warped version of the image to be displayed on the Head Mounted Display (HMD). By overlapping multiple inclusive window rectangles, the shape of an stair-stepped approximate circle or ellipse can be formed so rasterization to the corners is skipped. 24) Can the glWindowRectanglesEXT command be compiled into a display list? RESOLVED: Yes (as the specification language does not say otherwise) and the command is a rendering state command logically similar to glScissor and glViewport. 25) How does the window rectangles test operated in layered framebuffer (see section 9.8) rendering? RESOLVED: The window rectangles test affects rendering to any and all layers. The test itself just depends on the window coordinates of a pixel, not its layer. 26) Does the window rectangles state affect glReadPixels or the reading of pixels by glCopyPixels or glBlitFramebuffer? RESOLVED: No. The window rectangles test is a fragment operation for pixel updates. Pixel values are read irrespective of the window rectangles test state. This is matches the behavior of the existing scissor test. That said, the window rectangles test does affect the blitted/copied pixel written by glBlitFramebuffer and glCopyPixels operations. This could allow an implementation to skip reading pixels that will be discarded by the window rectangles test on the pixel update operations that are discarded by the window rectangles test on a blit or copy operation. 27) Is this extension functionally and interface identical in its OpenGL and ES versions? RESOLVED: Yes, the API and functionality is identical. 28) What should the minimum implementation-dependent limit for GL_MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT be? RESOLVED: 4 (was 8 originally). While NVIDIA GPUs can support 8 window rectangles, feedback from AMD is they could support the extension if the limit was 4. Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- -------- --------- ------------------------------------------------ 1 06/09/16 mjk Public release 2 06/27/16 mjk Change limit to 4 based on AMD feedback