Name EXT_buffer_age Name Strings GLX_EXT_buffer_age Notice Copyright 2011,2012 Intel Cooperation. All rights reserved. Contributors Robert Bragg Neil Roberts James Jones Contacts Robert Bragg, Intel (robert.bragg 'at' Status Draft Version 8 - Sept 20, 2012 Number 427 Dependencies Requires GLX 1.4 This extension is written against the wording of the GLX 1.4 Specification. GLX_OML_swap_method trivially interacts with this extension. Overview The aim of this extension is to expose enough information to applications about how the driver manages the set of front and back buffers associated with a given surface to allow applications to re-use the contents of old frames and minimize how much must be redrawn for the next frame. There are lots of different ways for a driver to manage these buffers, from double buffering, different styles of triple buffering and even n-buffering or simply single buffer rendering. We also need to consider that power management events or memory pressure events might also result in some of the buffers not currently in-use being freed. This extension lets applications query the age of the back buffer contents for a GLX surface as the number of frames elapsed since the contents were most recently defined. The back buffer can either be reported as invalid (has an age of 0) or it may be reported to contain the contents from n frames prior to the current frame. Once the application has queried the buffer age, the age of contents remains valid until the end of the frame for all pixels that continue to pass the pixel ownership test. For example if you consider a double buffered application drawing a small spinning icon, but everything else in the scene is static. If we know that 2 buffers are continuously being recycled each time glXSwapBuffers is called then even though 100s of frames may need to be drawn to animate the icon it can be seen that the two buffers are remaining unchanged except within the bounds of the icon. In this scenario ideally the application would simply perform an incremental update of the old buffer instead of redundantly redrawing all the static parts of the scene. The problem up until now though has been that GLX doesn't report how buffers may be recycled so it wasn't safe for applications to try and reuse their contents. Now applications can keep track of all the regions that have changed over the last n frames and by knowing the age of the buffer they know how to efficiently repair buffers that are re-cycled instead of redrawing the entire scene. New Procedures and Functions None New Tokens GLX_BACK_BUFFER_AGE_EXT 0x20F4 Additions to Section 3.3.6 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Querying Attributes) Add the following text to the description for glXQueryDrawable Querying GLX_BACK_BUFFER_AGE_EXT returns the age of the color contents of the current back-buffer as the number of frames elapsed since it was most recently defined. Applications can, under certain conditions described below, use this age to safely rely on the contents of old back-buffers to potentially reduce the amount of redrawing they do each frame. A frame is the period between calls to any of the functions in table 3.X, hereafter referred to as "frame boundaries." Function name -------------------- glXSwapBuffers glXSwapBuffersMscOML Table 3.X, Frame Boundary Functions Buffers' ages are initialized to 0 at buffer creation time. When a frame boundary is reached, the following occurs before any exchanging or copying of color buffers: * The current back buffer's age is set to 1. * Any other color buffers' ages are incremented by 1 if their age was previously greater than 0. For the purposes of buffer age tracking, a buffer's content is considered defined when its age transitions to a value greater than 0. For example, with a double buffered surface and an implementation that swaps via buffer exchanges, the age would usually be 2. With a triple buffered surface the age would usually be 3. An age of 1 means the previous swap was implemented as a copy. An age of 0 means the buffer has only just been initialized and the contents are undefined. Single buffered drawables have no frame boundaries and therefore always have an age of 0. Frame boundaries are the only events that can set a buffer's age to a positive value. Once GLX_BACK_BUFFER_AGE_EXT has been queried then it can be assumed that the age will remain valid until the next frame boundary. GLX implementations are permitted, but not required, to reset the buffer age in response to pixel ownership test changes for any pixels within the drawable, or if new pixels are added to or removed from the drawable, i.e., the drawable is resized. A reset of this nature does not affect the age of pixels that pass the pixel ownership test before and after the event that caused the reset. In other words, applications can assume that no event will invalidate the content of pixels that continuously pass the pixel test between when the buffer age was queried and the following frame boundary. It is up to applications to track pixel ownership using data collected from window configuration, expose, and any other relevant X events. If the GLX implementation decides to free un-used back-buffers when the system is under memory pressure or in response to power-management events then GLX will return an age of 0 when it allocates a new buffer at the start of a new frame. GLX_BACK_BUFFER_AGE_EXT state, while a property of the GLX drawable that owns the buffers, lives in the address space of the current GL server context. That is, if a GLX drawable is used with multiple direct-rendering contexts in separate processes, the buffer age is not guaranteed to be synchronized across the processes. Similarly, if a GLX drawable is used with both an indirect and a direct context, the buffer age may depend on which context the drawable is bound to when it is queried. However, binding and unbinding a drawable to and from one or more contexts in the same address space will not affect the ages of any buffers in that drawable. Add the following text to the last paragraph of the description for glXQueryDrawable describing error conditions. If querying GLX_BACK_BUFFER_AGE_EXT and is not bound to the calling thread's current context a GLXBadDrawable error is generated. Dependencies on OpenGL None Dependencies on GLX_OML_sync_control If GLX_OML_sync_control is not supported, glXSwapBuffersMscOML is removed from Table 3.X. Issues 1) How can an application know that all pixels of a re-usable buffer were originally owned by the current context? RESOLVED: It is up to the application to track pixel ownership using existing X11 events, such as expose or configure notify events. 2) What are the semantics if the buffer age attribute is queried for a drawable that isn't bound to the calling thread's context? RESOLVED: we report an GLXBadDrawable error. 3) Is the buffer age tracked in the GLX client or the GLX server? RESOLVED: Querying the buffer age needs to be a fast operation, so it makes sense to track it in the GLX client. However, GLX implementations without support for direct rendering likely won't have any per-drawable client state. Therefore, the buffer age is tracked in the same address space as the current GL server context. For direct rendering, this is the GLX client. For indirect rendering, it is the GLX server. The buffer age is not synchronized between the two when changing contexts. 4) What is the buffer age of a single buffered drawable? RESOLVED: 0. This falls out implicitly from the buffer age calculations, which dictate that a buffer's age starts at 0, and is only incremented by frame boundaries. Since frame boundary functions do not affect single buffered drawables, their age will always be 0. 5) What guarantees are provided after querying the buffer age? RESOLVED: The buffer age of pixels which continue to pass the pixel ownership test must remain valid until the next frame boundary otherwise applications can't be absolutely sure of the consistency of their rendered content. Implementations may reset the queryable age of the buffer when pixel ownership changes occur. This is further clarified in section 3.3.6 Revision History Version 1, 07/02/2012 - First draft Version 2, 08/03/2012 - Document that once the age is queried it remains valid until the end of the frame. Version 3, 08/03/2012 - Clarify that only buffers who's contents were fully owned by the context are tracked. Version 4 21/03/2012 - Document that an error will be generated if querying the age for a drawable not bound to the current context. Version 5 21/08/2012 - Relax pixel ownership requirements - Slightly tweak and explicitly document buffer age calculation - Note that buffer age is tracked in the GLX client when using direct rendering. Version 6 11/09/2012 - Clarify guarantees once the age has been queried Version 7 17/09/2012 - Further clarify pixel age vs. buffer age - Rename GLX_BUFFER_AGE_EXT to GLX_BACK_BUFFER_AGE_EXT - Assign value to GLX_BACK_BUFFER_AGE_EXT Version 8 20/09/2012 - Remove overly precise definition of buffer age