Name ARB_vertex_shader Name Strings GL_ARB_vertex_shader Contributors Kurt Akeley Allen Akin Dave Baldwin Pat Brown Matt Craighead Cass Everitt Evan Hart Phil Huxley Dale Kirkland John Kessenich Steve Koren Jon Leech Bill Licea-Kane Benjamin Lipchak Barthold Lichtenbelt Kent Lin Jeremy Morris Teri Morrison Glenn Ortner Randi Rost Jeremy Sandmel Folker Schamel Eskil Steenberg The ARB_vertex_program working group members. Several concepts and chunks of text are copied from the ARB_vertex_program specification. Contact Barthold Lichtenbelt, 3Dlabs, Inc. (barthold 'at' Randi Rost, 3Dlabs, Inc. (rost 'at' Notice Copyright (c) 2003-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at IP Status As described in the Contributor License, which can be found at . Status Complete. Approved by the ARB on June 11, 2003. Updated revision 0.81 approved by the ARB on June 17, 2004. Version Last Modified Date: December 14, 2009 Author Revision: 0.83 Number ARB Extension #31 Dependencies OpenGL 1.0 is required. This extension is written against version 1.10 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. The extension is written against the OpenGL 1.4 Specification. The ARB_shader_objects extension is required. Overview This extension adds programmable vertex level processing to OpenGL. The application can write vertex shaders in a high level language as defined in the OpenGL Shading Language specification. The language itself is not discussed here. A vertex shader replaces the transformation, texture coordinate generation and lighting parts of OpenGL, and it also adds texture access at the vertex level. Furthermore, management of vertex shader objects and loading generic attributes are discussed. A vertex shader object, attached to a program object, can be compiled and linked to produce an executable that runs on the vertex processor in OpenGL. This extension also defines how such an executable interacts with the fixed functionality vertex processing of OpenGL 1.4. Issues 1) What does need to be said about invariance (Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.4 spec)? DISCUSSION: Numerous rules and proposals have been discussed. In the end, simplicity is an important goal. It is always possible to later add more invariance rules, if it turns out to be desirable. RESOLUTION: The same shader will produce the same result when run multiple times with the same input. The wording 'the same shader' means a program object that is populated with the same source strings, which are compiled and then linked, possibly multiple times. This program object is executed using the same GL state vector. Position invariance between a vertex shader and the fixed functionality pipeline is important for certain applications. Therefore there must be a way to guarantee that a vertex shader produces the exact same position for a vertex as the fixed function pipeline does. This is achieved by using the built-in function ftransform in a vertex shader, and assign it to the output variable gl_Position. The shader does this instead of computing the product of the ModelViewProjection matrix with the vertex position. See section 2.15.6 for more. 2) Should we take the API commands to load generic vertex attributes from ARB_vertex_program? DISCUSSION: At first glance these commands, for example VertexAttrib3fvARB, look like exactly what this extension needs. However, if we re-use these commands here, how does the GL implementation decide where attributes go when using shaders written using ARB_vertex_program or this extension? What happens to the attribute value when switching between an ARB_vertex_program and an ARB_vertex_shader shader? How does this resolve with respect to undefined aliasing defined in ARB_vertex_program and the no aliasing defined in this extension? RESOLUTION: Resolved, we will re-use these entry points. It is very convenient for an ISV to be able to re-use the entry points to load data, and only have to switch shaders when it wants to go from an ARB_vertex_program shader to an ARB_vertex_shader shader. This extension allows for no aliasing among generic attributes and standard vertex attributes, whereas ARB_vertex_program has the concept of undefined aliasing. In order to resolve this the interactions section extends ARB_vertex_program to expose this no aliasing approach. Note that we do not lift the restriction in the grammar on invalid attribute binding pairs, see Table X.2.1 in the ARB_vertex_program specification. 3) Should we take the API commands to load generic vertex arrays from ARB_vertex_program? DISCUSSION: See issue 2. RESOLUTION: Resolved, yes we will re-use these entry points. See also the previous issue resolution. 4) Should we take the API commands to query the values of generic attributes from ARB_vertex_program? DISCUSSION: This goes hand in hand with issue 2. RESOLUTION: Yes we will. 5) Do we need to specify how Evaluators and AUTO_NORMAL generation interacts? DISCUSSION: ARB_vertex_program specifies that for evaluated normals the normal is no longer automatically normalized when a vertex shader is active. This is discussed in detail in issue 92 in the ARB_vertex_program specification. RESOLUTION: We will follow ARB_vertex_program. 6) What should the initial value of the generic vertex attributes be? DISCUSSION: ARB_vertex_program leaves their initial values undefined. It seems to make sense to do so, because of the undefined aliasing. In this extension there is no aliasing among conventional and generic attributes. Hence it could be desirable to define the initial values to be (0, 0, 0, 1). RESOLUTION: The initial values are (0, 0, 0, 1). 7) Do generic attributes push and pop? DISCUSSION: There has been some concern that adding more state than strictly necessary is a performance issue for applications that push and pop a lot. Conventional attributes are pushed and popped, as well as generic attributes, by ARB_vertex_program. RESOLUTION: YES, they are part of GL state, and such should push and pop under the 'current' bit. Note that an OpenGL implementation could track if a generic attribute has been set, and as long as it has not, never push/pop that attribute. 8) How does user clipping work? DISCUSSION: The OpenGL Shading Language provides a gl_ClipVertex built-in variable in the vertex shading language. This variable provides a place for vertex shaders to specify a coordinate to be used by the user clipping plane stage. The user must ensure that the clip vertex and user clipping planes are defined in the same coordinate space. Note that this is different than ARB_vertex_program, where user clipping is ignored unless the position invariant option is enabled (where all vertex transformation options are performed by the fixed functionality pipeline). Here are some tips on how to use user clipping in a vertex shader: 1) When using a traditional transform in a vertex shader, compute the eye coordinates and store the result in gl_ClipVertex. 2) If clip planes are enabled with a vertex shader, gl_ClipVertex must be written to, otherwise results will be undefined. 3) When doing object-space clipping, keep in mind that the clip planes are automatically transformed to eye coordinates (see section 2.11 of the GL 1.4 spec). Use an identity modelView matrix to avoid this transformation. RESOLUTION: Resolved. See also section 2.11. 9) Do we need a vertex shader point size enable? DISCUSSION: ARB_vertex_program provides an enable, VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB. This extension uses the same enable. If VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE mode is enabled, and a vertex shader is active, then the point size is taken from the vertex shader's point size result, otherwise it is taken from the PointSize command. The OpenGL Shading Language provides a built-in gl_PointSize that a vertex shader can write to, to specify the point size in pixels. If gl_PointSize is not written while the point size mode is enabled then the point size used in the rasterization stage is undefined. This point size enable is convenient for the majority of applications who do not change the point size. Not setting the enable means the point size is picked up automatically, instead of having to write a shader which always outputs the same point size. RESOLUTION: Yes. 10) How to handle the color sum stage? DISCUSSION: It is the vertex shader's responsibility to write a primary and secondary color into the appropriate built in varying variables, if subsequent stages in the pipeline use these. Otherwise results are undefined. Section 3.9 of the OpenGL 1.4 spec states that the color sum stage is always applied when lighting is enabled, ignoring the value of the COLOR_SUM enable bit. Should we take out this automatic enable when lighting is enabled? RESOLUTION: This automatic enable will only have effect when no vertex shader is active. This behavior is the same in ARB_vertex_program. 11) Does generic attribute zero also provoke (signal the end of a vertex), or just the glVertex command? DISCUSSION: To be more compatible with ARB_vertex_program this would be desirable. It may be that no attribute directly expresses a vertex position. The shader may derive the position based on multiple attributes, where there is no clear attribute that can be marked as "the vertex". On the other hand, it is mandatory in a vertex shader to write to gl_Vertex. Thus it makes some sense that the glVertex API has to be used to signal the end of a vertex. RESOLUTION: Resolved. For compatibility reasons, attribute zero will also provoke. 12) How to handle texture access from a vertex shader? DISCUSSION: The OpenGL Shading Language allows for texture access from a vertex shader. What is the OpenGL support necessary to make that actually happen? Two approaches seem feasible. 1) Virtualize the number of texture image units available in OpenGL. Deprecate the concept of binding a texture object to a texture image unit. Instead, bind a texture object directly to a sampler. 2) A not so drastic approach that makes a maximum number of texture image units available to a vertex shader as well as to the fragment processing part of the OpenGL pipeline. The sum of the available texture image units cannot exceed the constant MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. RESOLUTION: Option 2) is what is used in this specification. Option 1) is a more invasive approach, and left for a future extension. This approach allows for two types of hardware. One where the hardware resources to perform the functions associated with a texture image unit are not shared between a vertex and fragment shader, and one type of hardware where they are shared. The maximum number of texture image units available to a vertex shader is MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. The maximum number of texture image units available to the fragment stage of OpenGL is MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. Now consider, for example, an implementation that supports up to 16 texture stages and shares its texture mapping resources between the vertex shader and fragment shader. For this implementation MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB, MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB and MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB would all be set to 16. A hardware implementation which does not share its texture mapping resources, and who can support 2 texture stages for a vertex shader and 16 texture stages for the fragment processing, would set MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB to 18, MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB to 2 and MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB to 16. A vertex shader cannot use more than MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB texture image units. The fragment processing part of OpenGL cannot use more than MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB texture image units. Both the vertex shader and fragment processing combined cannot use more than MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB texture image units. If a vertex shader and fragment processing part of OpenGL both use the same texture image unit, then that counts as separate units against the above mentioned limits. Automatic LOD calculation does not happen during vertex processing in a vertex shader, hence there is no automatic selection of an image array level. Minification or magnification of a texture map is controlled by a LOD value passed as an argument in some of the built-in texture lookup functions. These built-in texture lookup functions, defined in the OpenGL Shading Language, come in two flavors. One set of lookup functions that take a LOD value as an input, and one set that does not take a LOD value. If the former set of functions is used, then the LOD value passed in is used directly as the LOD value lambda' in section 3.8.8 equation 3.16 on page 140 of the OpenGL 1.4 spec. This in turn defines lambda, which then is used as usual to determine magnification or minification and, when mipmapping, which mipmap array(s) to select. If the latter set of functions is used, then lambda, the result of equation 3.16, is set to zero. This effectively means a texture object is considered magnified, and only paragraph 3.8.9 applies. 13) Do we split a texture unit into a texture image unit and a texture coordinate set? DISCUSSION: This is what ARB_fragment_program does, and ARB_fragment_shader as well. The OpenGL Shading Language allows for texture lookups in a vertex shader. This means that a vertex shader should have access to a texture image unit (texture maps and associated parameters). A vertex shader also has access to state stored with a texture coordinate set, which encompasses vertex texture coordinate attributes, as well as the texture matrix stack and texture generation state. The number of supported texture image units and texture coordinate sets is not necessarily the same on a particular implementation. RESOLUTION: Yes 14) Do we need to specify different texture coordinate sets for a vertex shader and fragment processing? DISCUSSION: So far there are MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB texture coordinate sets. This constant is defined in ARB_fragment_program, and re-used in ARB_fragment_shader as well as the OpenGL Shading Language (see built-in constants, section 7.4). Only a vertex shader has access to vertex texture coordinate attributes. But both an ARB vertex and fragment shader has access to the other state associated with a texture coordinate set. That state is texture generation and the texture matrix stack. RESOLUTION: NO. 15) What is the minimum value for MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB? DISCUSSION: Should this be zero, or more? RESOLUTION: Resolved, zero. 16) Do we also need a built in function to guarantee position invariance with respect to user clip planes? DISCUSSION: Issue 1 discusses invariance with respect to the vertex position. A vertex shader however can also output coordinates used for subsequent user clipping, by writing to gl_ClipVertex. In other words, do we need something like gl_ClipVertex = ftransformClip()? RESOLUTION: NO, position invariance with respect to user clipping seems like a rarely needed feature. The OpenGL Shading Language does not have a ftransformClip() built-in function. If this functionality is ever needed, it is easy to add later. 17) What happens to the point size when a vertex shader is active? DISCUSSION: The point size is taken from the built-in gl_PointSize when VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB is enabled, but what to do with distance attenuation and point fade (see Section 3.3)? RESOLUTION: Resolved. The vertex shader should compute distance attenuation. Fixed function computes it as a function of, among others, eyeZ. It is not required for a vertex shader to compute eyeZ, and the fixed function eyeZ might have nothing to do with the vertex position computed in the vertex shader. Point fade, however, should still be fixed function. The vertex shader could compute a point fade, but it'll produce incorrect results if the application issues the following commands: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL); glPolygonMode(GL_BACK, GL_POINT); In this case you would want to fade if a vertex belonged to a back-facing triangle, but not if it could belong to a front-facing one. 18) What is the deal with range and precision of colors once output from the vertex shader? DISCUSSION: Section 2.13.6 of the GL 1.4 spec specifies that all components of both the primary and secondary colors be clamped to the range [0,1]. Section 2.13.9 furthermore specifies that each color component be converted to a fixed-point value with enough bits to satisfy the frame buffer depth. Section 2.1.1 says that the maximum representable magnitude of a floating-point number for colors must be at least 2^10. It is desirable to bypass clamping of colors when an ARB_fragment_shader shader is also active. It has utility to be able to exceed the range [0,1] and deal with extended range colors in a fragment shader. Varying variables, including the built-in color variables, are declared as floating point vectors in the OpenGL Shading Language, and interpolated as floating-point values. It does not seem to make much sense to specify a conversion to fixed-point after the ARB vertex shader writes colors, then interpolate those fixed-point colors, then convert the interpolated values back to floating point for input in the ARB fragment shader. ARB_fragment_program leaves the primary and secondary colors as the only varying variables that have less range (2^10) than any other varying. It promoted texture coordinates to full citizens with a maximum representable magnitude of at least 2^32. There are three cases to consider: 1) An ARB_vertex_shader shader writing colors that are consumed by an ARB_fragment_shader shader. 2) An ARB_vertex_shader shader writing colors that are consumed by an ARB_fragment_program shader. 3) An ARB_vertex_shader shader writing colors that are consumed by fixed-function fragment processing. An argument can be made that a shader writer can bypass the clamping and conversion to fixed-point by defining its own varying variables, and use that to interpolate colors. It can then use the built-in gl_FrontFacing in a fragment shader for front or back face color selection. This is certainly true, but it bypasses the (fixed-function) front and back face color selection, which happens in a stage after the vertex shader. This front/back face selection stage can only be used when writing to the vertex shader built-in gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor and gl_BackSecondaryColor. RESOLUTION: We anticipate future extensions will generalize the final color-processing clamp with an enable/disable clamp. Therefore, this specification will leave the final color clamp and conversion to fixed-point in place for gl_FrontColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor, gl_BackColor, and gl_BackSecondaryColor. 19) How do I get a list of all attributes and their types used by a shader and when do I bind generic vertex attributes? DISCUSSION: GetActiveAttribARB will return the name of an attribute and its type declared and actually used in the shader, as determined by the compiler and linker. Looping over all attributes and calling GetActiveAttribARB will generate the list of attribute names and types used in a shader. This list is called the active attributes list. GetActiveAttribARB can be called after a link attempt. It is not necessary for the link to have succeeded. After all, one of the reasons the link failed could be that there are too many active attributes. It is not required to call BindAttribLocationARB before issuing GetActiveAttribARB. BindAttributeLocationARB can be called any time. In order to have a BindAttribLocationARB command take effect, the program object will have to be (re)linked. Thus the order of commands to get the list of active attributes could be: Link the program object, call GetActiveAttribARB as many times as needed, call BindAttribLocationARB one or more times, then call link again. It is allowed to issue BindAttribLocationARB before any vertex shader objects are attached to a program object. Hence it is allowed to bind any name to a location, including a name that is never used as an attribute in any vertex shader object. RESOLUTION: Resolved, call GetActiveAttribARB. 20) Who assigns vertex attribute variable names to indices used in the VertexAttrib*ARB commands? DISCUSSION: Both the GL and the application can do this. The linker will assign indices to vertex attributes declared in a vertex shader. These values can be queried by the application and used to load values for the generic vertex attributes. Alternatively the application can override this assignment, and bind attribute variable names to any generic vertex attribute index of their choice, within the range 0 to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. An application would have to do this when building a display list, for example. In this case it is possible to generate the display list before the program object has even been created. Only indices for generic attributes can be queried, or set. Conventional attributes are handled by the GL, and guaranteed to not alias with generic attributes. RESOLUTION: Both the GL and the application. 21) How should this extension handle changes to material state within Begin/End? DISCUSSION: Supporting per-vertex material properties places additional pressure on the number of per-vertex bindings an OpenGL implementation can support, which already is a scarce resource. RESOLUTION: Materials are declared as uniforms in the OpenGL Shading Language. Any changes to the material properties inside a Begin/End through Material commands, or indirectly through ColorMaterial and Color commands, are not guaranteed to actually update material state until the next End command. At that point, all material property state is guaranteed to be updated. In practice, material properties are usually not changed within Begin/End. Applications needing to change material properties inside a Begin/End in a vertex shader can work around this limitation by storing the color in a conventional or generic vertex attribute and modifying the vertex shader accordingly. 22) What space are gl_Position and gl_ClipVertex in? DISCUSSION: The GL treats the values in the built-in output variable gl_Position as being in clip space, for the purpose of clipping against the clip volume. See Section 2.11 of the OpenGL 1.4 specification. The GL treats the values in the (optional) built-in output variable gl_ClipVertex as being in eye-space for clipping against a client-defined clip plane. RESOLUTION: clip-space and eye-space respectively. 23) What texture operations are not affected by a vertex shader performing a texture lookup? RESOLUTION: Whether or not a vertex shader is active, the following operations still behave as specified: * texture image specification (pp. 119-128) * alternate texture image specification (pp. 128-132) * compressed texture image specification (pp. 132-135) * texture parameters behave as specified even when a texture is accessed from within a vertex shader (pp. 135-147) * texture state and proxy state (pp. 148-149) * texture object specification (pp. 149-152) * texture comparison modes (p. 157) New Procedures and Functions void VertexAttrib1fARB(uint index, float v0) void VertexAttrib1sARB(uint index, short v0) void VertexAttrib1dARB(uint index, double v0) void VertexAttrib2fARB(uint index, float v0, float v1) void VertexAttrib2sARB(uint index, short v0, short v1) void VertexAttrib2dARB(uint index, double v0, double v1) void VertexAttrib3fARB(uint index, float v0, float v1, float v2) void VertexAttrib3sARB(uint index, short v0, short v1, short v2) void VertexAttrib3dARB(uint index, double v0, double v1, double v2) void VertexAttrib4fARB(uint index, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) void VertexAttrib4sARB(uint index, short v0, short v1, short v2, short v3) void VertexAttrib4dARB(uint index, double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3) void VertexAttrib4NubARB(uint index, ubyte x, ubyte y, ubyte z, ubyte w) void VertexAttrib1fvARB(uint index, const float *v) void VertexAttrib1svARB(uint index, const short *v) void VertexAttrib1dvARB(uint index, const double *v) void VertexAttrib2fvARB(uint index, const float *v) void VertexAttrib2svARB(uint index, const short *v) void VertexAttrib2dvARB(uint index, const double *v) void VertexAttrib3fvARB(uint index, const float *v) void VertexAttrib3svARB(uint index, const short *v) void VertexAttrib3dvARB(uint index, const double *v) void VertexAttrib4fvARB(uint index, const float *v) void VertexAttrib4svARB(uint index, const short *v) void VertexAttrib4dvARB(uint index, const double *v) void VertexAttrib4ivARB(uint index, const int *v) void VertexAttrib4bvARB(uint index, const byte *v) void VertexAttrib4ubvARB(uint index, const ubyte *v) void VertexAttrib4usvARB(uint index, const ushort *v) void VertexAttrib4uivARB(uint index, const uint *v) void VertexAttrib4NbvARB(uint index, const byte *v) void VertexAttrib4NsvARB(uint index, const short *v) void VertexAttrib4NivARB(uint index, const int *v) void VertexAttrib4NubvARB(uint index, const ubyte *v) void VertexAttrib4NusvARB(uint index, const ushort *v) void VertexAttrib4NuivARB(uint index, const uint *v) void VertexAttribPointerARB(uint index, int size, enum type, boolean normalized, sizei stride, const void *pointer) void EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index) void DisableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index) void BindAttribLocationARB(handleARB programObj, uint index, const charARB *name) void GetActiveAttribARB(handleARB programObj, uint index, sizei maxLength, sizei *length, int *size, enum *type, charARB *name) GLint GetAttribLocationARB(handleARB programObj, const charARB *name) void GetVertexAttribdvARB(uint index, enum pname, double *params) void GetVertexAttribfvARB(uint index, enum pname, float *params) void GetVertexAttribivARB(uint index, enum pname, int *params) void GetVertexAttribPointervARB(uint index, enum pname, void **pointer) New Tokens Accepted by the argument of CreateShaderObjectARB and returned by the parameter of GetObjectParameter{if}vARB: VERTEX_SHADER_ARB 0x8B31 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB 0x8B4A MAX_VARYING_FLOATS_ARB 0x8B4B MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x8869 MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8872 MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8B4C MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8B4D MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB 0x8871 Accepted by the parameter of Disable, Enable, and IsEnabled, and by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB 0x8642 VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB 0x8643 Accepted by the parameter GetObjectParameter{if}vARB: OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB 0x8B89 OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB 0x8B8A Accepted by the parameter of GetVertexAttrib{dfi}vARB: VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB 0x8622 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB 0x8623 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB 0x8624 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB 0x8625 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB 0x886A CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB 0x8626 Accepted by the parameter of GetVertexAttribPointervARB: VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB 0x8645 Returned by the parameter of GetActiveAttribARB: FLOAT 0x1406 FLOAT_VEC2_ARB 0x8B50 FLOAT_VEC3_ARB 0x8B51 FLOAT_VEC4_ARB 0x8B52 FLOAT_MAT2_ARB 0x8B5A FLOAT_MAT3_ARB 0x8B5B FLOAT_MAT4_ARB 0x8B5C Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (OpenGL Operation) Modify Section 2.1.1, Floating-Point Computation (p. 6) (modify first paragraph, p. 6) ... are accurate to about 1 part in 10^5. The maximum representable magnitude of a floating-point number used to represent positional, normal or texture coordinates must be at least 2^32. The maximum representable magnitude for colors must be at least 2^10. The maximum representable magnitude for all other floating-point values must be at least 2^32. Modify Section 2.6, Begin/End Paradigm (p. 12) (modify last paragraph, p. 12) Each vertex is specified with two, three, or four coordinates. In addition, a current normal, multiple current texture coordinate sets, multiple current generic vertex attributes, current color ... Generic vertex attributes can be accessed from within vertex shaders (section 2.15) and used to compute values for consumption by later processing stages. Modify Section 2.6.3, GL Commands within Begin/End (p. 19) (modify first paragraph of section, p. 19) The only GL commands that are allowed within any Begin/End pairs are the commands for specifying vertex coordinates, vertex colors, normal coordinates, texture coordinates, generic vertex attributes and fog coordinates (Vertex, Color, SecondaryColor, Index, Normal, TexCoord and MultiTexCoord, VertexAttrib*ARB, FogCoord), ... Modify Section 2.7, Vertex Specification (p. 19) (modify second paragraph, p. 20) Implementations support more than one set of texture coordinates. The commands void MultiTexCoord{1234}{sifd}(enum texture, T coords) void MultiTexCoord{1234}{sifd}v(enum texture, T coords) take the coordinate set to be modified as the parameter. is a symbolic constant of the form TEXTUREi, indicating that texture coordinate set i is to be modified. The constants obey TEXTUREi = TEXTURE0 + i (i is in the range 0 to k-1, where k is the implementation-dependent number of texture coordinate sets defined by MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB). (remove the "Finally" from the second paragraph on p. 21) (add the following prior to the last paragraph in the section, p. 21) Vertex shaders (see Section 2.15) can be written to access an array of 4-component generic vertex attributes in addition to the conventional attributes specified previously. The first slot of this array is numbered 0, and the length of the array is specified by the implementation-dependent constant MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The commands void VertexAttrib{1234}{sfd}ARB(uint index, T values) void VertexAttrib{123}{sfd}vARB(uint index, T values) void VertexAttrib4{bsifd ubusui}vARB(uint index, T values) can be used to load the given value(s) into the generic attribute at slot , whose components are named , , , and . The VertexAttrib1*ARB family of commands sets the coordinate to the provided single argument while setting and to 0 and to 1. Similarly, VertexAttrib2*ARB commands set and to the specified values, to 0 and to 1; VertexAttrib3*ARB commands set , , and , with set to 1, and VertexAttrib4*ARB commands set all four coordinates. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The commands void VertexAttrib4NubARB(uint index, T values) void VertexAttrib4N{bsi ubusui}vARB(uint index, T values) also specify vertex attributes with fixed-point coordinates that are scaled to a normalized range, according to Table 2.6. The VertexAttrib*ARB entry points defined earlier can also be used to load attributes declared as a 2x2, 3x3 or 4x4 matrix in a vertex shader. Each column of a matrix takes up one generic 4-component attribute slot out of the MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB available slots. Matrices are loaded into these slots in column major order. Matrix columns need to be loaded in increasing slot numbers. Setting generic vertex attribute zero specifies a vertex; the four vertex coordinates are taken from the values of attribute zero. A Vertex2, Vertex3, or Vertex4 command is completely equivalent to the corresponding VertexAttrib*ARB command with an index of zero. Setting any other generic vertex attribute updates the current values of the attribute. There are no current values for vertex attribute zero. There is no aliasing among generic attributes and conventional attributes. In other words, an application can set all MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB generic attributes and all conventional attributes without fear of one particular attribute overwriting the value of another attribute. (Change the first half of the last paragraph in the section, p. 21, to) The state required to support vertex specification consists of four floating-point numbers per texture coordinate set to store the current texture coordinates s, t, r, and q, three floating-point numbers to store the three coordinates of the current normal, one floating-point number to store the current fog coordinate, four floating- point values to store the current RGBA color, four floating-point values to store the current RGBA secondary color, one floating-point value to store the current color index, and MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB-1 four-component floating-point vectors for generic vertex attributes. There is no notion of a current vertex, so no state is devoted to vertex coordinates or generic vertex attribute zero. The initial texture coordinates are (S,T,R,Q) = (0,0,0,1) for each texture coordinate set. The initial current normal has coordinates (0,0,1). The initial fog coordinate is zero. The initial RGBA color is (R,G,B,A) = (1,1,1,1) and the initial RGBA secondary color is (0, 0, 0, 1). The initial color index is 1. The initial values for all generic vertex attributes are (0, 0, 0, 1). Modify Section 2.8, Vertex Arrays (p. 23) (modify first paragraph of section, p.23) The vertex specification commands described in section 2.7 accept data in almost any format, but their use requires many command executions to specify even simple geometry. Vertex data may also be placed into arrays that are stored in the client's address space. Blocks of data in these arrays may then be used to specify multiple geometric primitives through the execution of a single GL command. The client may specify up to 7 plus the values of MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB and MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB arrays: One each to store vertex coordinates, edge flags, colors, secondary colors, color indices, normals, fog coordinates, one or more texture coordinate sets, and one or more generic vertex attributes. The commands ... void VertexAttribPointerARB(uint index, int size, enum type, boolean normalized, sizei stride, const void *pointer) describe the locations and organizations... (add after the first paragraph, p.24) The parameter in the VertexAttribPointerARB command identifies the generic vertex attribute array being described. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The parameter in the VertexAttribPointerARB command identifies whether fixed-point types should be normalized when converted to floating-point. If is TRUE, fixed-point data are converted as specified in Table 2.6; otherwise, the fixed-point values are converted directly. (add to the beginning of the page, p. 25) An individual generic vertex attribute array is enabled or disabled by calling one of void EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index) void DisableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index) where identifies the generic vertex attribute array to enable or disable. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. (modify Table 2.4, p.24) Normal Command Sizes ized? Types ---------------------- ------- ------ --------------------------- VertexPointer 2,3,4 no short, int, float, double NormalPointer 3 yes byte, short, int, float, double ColorPointer 3,4 yes byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, float, double SecondaryColorPointer 3 yes byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, float, double IndexPointer 1 no ubyte, short, int, float, double FogCoordPointer 1 n/a float, double TexCoordPointer 1,2,3,4 no short, int, float, double EdgeFlagPointer 1 no boolean VertexAttribPointerARB 1,2,3,4 flag byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, float, double Table 2.4: Vertex array sizes (values per vertex) and data types. The "normalized" column indicates whether fixed-point types are accepted directly or normalized to [0,1] (for unsigned types) or [-1,1] (for signed types). For generic vertex attributes, fixed-point data are normalized if and only if the flag is set. (modify first paragraph, p. 25) The command void ClientActiveTexture(enum texture) is used to select the vertex array client state parameters to be modified by the TexCoordPointer command and the array affected by EnableClientState and DisableClientState with parameter TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY. This command sets the client state variable CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE. Each texture coordinate set has a client state vector which is selected when this command is invoked. This state vector includes the vertex array state. This call also selects the texture coordinate set state used for queries of client state. (modify third paragraph, p. 25) The command void ArrayElement(int i); transfers the ith element of every enabled array to the GL. The effect of ArrayElement(i) is the same as the effect of the command sequence if (normal array enabled) { Normal3[type]v(normal array element i); } if (color array enabled) { Color[size][type]v(color array element i); } if (secondary color array enabled) { SecondaryColor3[type]v(secondary color array element i); } if (fog coordinate array enabled) { FogCoord[type]v(fog coordinate array element i); } for (j = 0; j < textureUnits; j++) { if (texture coordinate set j array enabled) { MultiTexCoord[size][type]v(TEXTURE0 + j, texture coordinate set j array element i); } if (color index array enabled) { Index[type]v(color index array element i); } if (edge flag array enabled) { EdgeFlagv(edge flag array element i); } for (j = 1; j < genericAttributes; j++) { if (generic vertex attribute j array enabled) { if (generic vertex attribute j array normalization flag is set, and type is not FLOAT or DOUBLE) { VertexAttrib[size]N[type]vARB(j, generic vertex attribute j array element i); } else { VertexAttrib[size][type]vARB(j, generic vertex attribute j array element i); } } } if (generic attribute array 0 enabled) { if (generic vertex attribute 0 array normalization flag is set, and type is not FLOAT or DOUBLE) { VertexAttrib[size]N[type]vARB(0, generic vertex attribute 0 array element i); } else { VertexAttrib[size][type]vARB(0, generic vertex attribute 0 array element i); } } else if (vertex array enabled) { Vertex[size][type]vARB(vertex array element i); } where and give the number of texture coordinate sets and generic vertex attributes supported by the implementation, respectively. "[size]" and "[type]" correspond to the size and type of the corresponding array. For generic vertex attributes, it is assumed that a complete set of vertex attribute commands exists, even though not all such functions are provided by the GL. (modify the first paragraph on p. 26) ...with one exception: The current edge flag, texture coordinates, color, secondary color, color index, fog coordinate, normal coordinates and generic attributes are each indeterminate after execution of DrawArrays, if the corresponding array is enabled. (modify the first paragraph on p. 27) ...with one exception: The current edge flag, texture coordinates, color, secondary color, color index, fog coordinate, normal coordinates and generic attributes are each indeterminate after execution of DrawElements, if the corresponding array is enabled. (modify last paragraph of section, p. 30) If the number of supported texture coordinate sets (the value of MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB) is m and the number of supported generic vertex attributes (the value of MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB) is n, then the client state required to implement vertex arrays consists of 7+m+n Boolean values, 7+m+n memory pointers, 7+m+n integer stride values, 7+m+n symbolic constants representing array types, 3+m+n integers representing values per element and n boolean values indicating normalization. In the initial state, the boolean values are each disabled, the memory pointers are each null, the strides are each zero, the array types are each FLOAT, and the integers representing values per element are each four. Modify Section 2.10, Coordinate Transformations (p. 31) (add at the beginning of the section) This section and the discussion through section 2.13 describe the state values and operations necessary for transforming vertex attributes according to a fixed-functionality method. An alternate method for transforming vertex attributes is described in section 2.15. Modify Section 2.10.2, Matrices (p. 33) (modify first paragraph, p. 37) For each texture coordinate set, a 4x4 matrix is applied to the corresponding texture coordinates. This matrix is applied as... (modify third and fourth paragraphs, p. 37) The command void ActiveTexture(enum texture) specifies the active texture unit selector, ACTIVE_TEXTURE. Each texture unit contains up to two distinct sub-units: a texture coordinate processing unit (consisting of a texture matrix stack and texture coordinate generation state) and a texture image unit (consisting of all the texture state defined in Section 3.8). In implementations with a different number of supported texture coordinate sets and texture image units, some texture units may consist of only one of the two sub-units. The active texture unit selector specifies the texture coordinate set accessed by commands involving texture coordinate processing. Such commands include those accessing the current matrix stack (if MATRIX_MODE is TEXTURE), TexGen (section 2.10.4), Enable/Disable (if any texture coordinate generation enum is selected), as well as queries of the current texture coordinates and current raster texture coordinates. If the texture coordinate set number corresponding to the current value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is greater than or equal to the implementation-dependent constant MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by any such command. The active texture unit selector also selects the texture image unit accessed by commands involving texture image processing (section 3.8). Such commands include all variants of TexEnv, TexParameter, and TexImage commands, BindTexture, Enable/Disable for any texture target (e.g., TEXTURE_2D), and queries of all such state. If the texture image unit number corresponding to the current value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is greater than or equal to the implementation-dependent constant MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by any such command. ActiveTexture generates the error INVALID_ENUM if an invalid is specified. is a symbolic constant of the form TEXTUREi, indicating that texture unit i is to be modified. The constants obey TEXTUREi = TEXTURE0 + i (i is in the range 0 to k-1, where k is the larger of the MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB and MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB). For compatibility with old OpenGL specifications, the implementation-dependent constant MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS specifies the number of conventional texture units supported by the implementation. Its value must be no larger than the minimum of MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB and MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. (modify third paragraph, p. 38) The state required to implement transformations consists of a 4-valued integer indicating the current matrix mode, one stack of at least two 4x4 matrices for each of COLOR, PROJECTION, each texture coordinate set, and TEXTURE and a stack of at least 32 4x4 matrices for MODELVIEW. Each matrix stack has an associated stack pointer. Initially, there is only one matrix on each stack, and all matrices are set to the identity. The initial matrix mode is MODELVIEW. The initial value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is TEXTURE0. Modify Section 2.11, Clipping (p. 42) (Add a new paragraph between the first and second paragraph on page 43) When a vertex shader is active, the vector (Xe Ye Ze We)T is no longer computed by the GL. Instead, the OpenGL Shading Language provides a gl_ClipVertex built-in variable, which is used in the dot product with the client-defined clip planes. The user must ensure that the clip vertex and client-defined clip planes are defined in the same coordinate space. Note that the value in gl_ClipVertex is undefined if it is not written by the vertex shader. Modify Section 2.12, Current Raster Position (modify fourth paragraph, p.44) The coordinates are treated as if they were specified in a Vertex command. If a vertex shader is active, this vertex shader is executed using the x, y, z, and w coordinates as the object coordinates of the vertex. Otherwise, the x, y, z, and w coordinates are transformed by the current model-view and projection matrices. These coordinates, along with current values, are used to generate primary and secondary colors and texture coordinates just as is done for a vertex. The colors and texture coordinates produced using either method replace the colors and texture coordinates stored in the current raster position's associated data. If a vertex shader is active then the current raster distance is set to the value of the shader built in varying gl_FogFragCoord. Otherwise, if the value of the fog source (see section 3.10) is FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE, then the current raster distance is set to the value of the current fog coordinate. Otherwise, the current raster distance is set to the distance from the origin of the eye coordinate system to the vertex as transformed by only the current model-view matrix. This distance may be approximated as discussed in section 3.10. Since vertex shaders may be executed when the raster position is set, any attributes not written by the shader will result in undefined state in the current raster position. Vertex shaders should output all varying variables that would be used when rasterizing pixel primitives using the current raster position. Modify section 2.13.1, Lighting (add just before the first paragraph on page 53) Additionally, vertex shaders can operate in two-sided color mode. When a vertex shader is active, front and back colors can be computed by the vertex shader and written to the gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor and gl_BackSecondaryColor outputs. If VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB is enabled, the GL chooses between front and back colors, as described later. Otherwise, the front color output is always selected. Two-sided color mode is enabled and disabled by calling Enable or Disable with the symbolic value VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB. The selection between back color and front color depends ... Modify section 2.13.2, Lighting Parameter Specification (p. 53) (add a new paragraph between paragraph 2 and 3 on page 54) Material properties can be changed inside a Begin/End pair by calling Material. However, when a vertex shader is active such property changes are not guaranteed to update material parameters, defined in Table 2.8, until the following End command. Modify section 2.13.3, ColorMaterial (add a paragraph after the last paragraph, page 57) Material properties can be changed inside a Begin/End pair indirectly by enabling ColorMaterial mode and making Color calls. However, when a vertex shader is active such property changes are not guaranteed to update material parameters, defined in Table 2.8, until the following End command. Rename and Modify Section 2.13.8, Color and Texture Coordinate Clipping (p.59) (modify second paragraph, p. 60) Texture coordinates, varying variables, fog coordinates and point sizes computed on a per vertex basis must also be clipped when a primitive is clipped. The method is exactly analogous to that used for color clipping. Add Section 2.15 Vertex Shaders The sequence of operations described in Sections 2.10 through 2.13 is a fixed- functionality method for processing vertex data. Applications can more generally describe the operations that occur on vertex values and their associated data by using a "vertex shader". A vertex shader is an array of strings containing source code for the operations that are meant to occur on each vertex that is processed. The language used for vertex shaders is described in the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. Section 2.15.1 Creating and Using a Vertex Shader In order to create a vertex shader, use CreateShaderObjectARB with a of VERTEX_SHADER_ARB. The source code for the vertex shader can be specified in one call using the ShaderSourceARB command. A vertex shader is compiled by issuing CompileShaderARB and attached to a program object by calling AttachObjectARB. When LinkProgramARB is issued, all of the attached shader objects of type VERTEX_SHADER_ARB are linked together to create an executable program that can be used to process vertex values and their associated data. This executable program will become part of current state and used to process subsequent vertex data when UseProgramObjectARB is called. CreateShaderObjectARB will set the object specific parameter OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB to VERTEX_SHADER_ARB. Section 2.15.2 Vertex Attributes Conventional vertex attributes are communicated to the vertex shader via the Vertex, Normal, Color, etc. API commands (or their vertex array equivalents). Generic attributes are communicated via the VertexAttrib*ARB and VertexAttribPointerARB commands. The binding of the name of an attribute variable to a generic attribute index is assigned by the GL and can be queried. This generic attribute index can be used in the VertexAttrib*ARB and VertexAttribPointerARB commands. Alternatively, this binding can be overridden and specified explicitly, if so desired. These mechanisms make it possible for a vertex shader to use descriptive names for attribute variables rather than having generic variables numbered from 0 to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB - 1. For example, an application can specify that the attribute variable "tangentVec" in a vertex shader will be mapped to generic vertex attribute number 6. When an attribute variable declared as a float, vec2, vec3 or vec4 is bound to a generic attribute index , its value(s) are stored in the , , or components of the generic attribute at slot . Recall that the VertexAttrib*ARB commands will set unused components to default values (either 0 or 1, see section 2.7). An attribute (either conventional or generic) is considered "active" if it is determined by the compiler and linker that the attribute may be accessed when the executable code is executed. The program object will fail to link if the sum of the active generic and active conventional attributes exceeds MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. Attribute variables that are declared in a vertex shader but never used will not count against the limit. In cases where the compiler and linker cannot make a conclusive determination, the attribute will be considered active. To determine which of the declared vertex attribute variables an executable program uses and to determine their types, use the command: void GetActiveAttribARB(handleARB programObj, uint index, sizei maxLength, sizei *length, int *size, enum *type, charARB *name) This command provides information about the attribute selected by . The of 0 selects the first active attribute, and of OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB-1 selects the last active attribute. The value of OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB can be queried with GetObjectParameter{if}vARB (see Section 6.1.12). If is greater than or equal to OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated. The parameter is a handle to a program object for which the command LinkProgramARB has been issued in the past. It is not necessary for to have been linked successfully. The link could have failed because the number of active attributes exceeded the limit. If is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. For the selected attribute, the attribute name is returned into . The string will be null terminated. The actual number of characters written by the GL into is returned in . This count excludes the null termination. If is NULL then the GL ignores this parameter. The maximum number of characters the GL is allowed to write into is passed in by . The returned attribute name can be the name of a generic attribute or a conventional attribute (which begin with the prefix "gl_", see the OpenGL Shading Language specification for a complete list). The length of the longest attribute name in is given by OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB, which can be queried with GetObjectParameter{if}vARB (see Section 6.1.12). For the selected attribute, the type of the attribute is returned into . The size of the attribute is returned into . The value in is in units of the type returned in . The type returned can be any of FLOAT, FLOAT_VEC2_ARB, FLOAT_VEC3_ARB, FLOAT_VEC4_ARB, FLOAT_MAT2_ARB, FLOAT_MAT3_ARB, or FLOAT_MAT4_ARB. If an error occurred, the return parameters , , and will be unmodified. This command will return as much information about active attributes as possible. If no information is available, will be set to zero and will be an empty string. This situation could arise if GetActiveAttribARB is issued after a failed link. After a program object has been linked successfully, the bindings of attribute variable names to indices can be queried. The command GLint GetAttribLocationARB(handle programObj, const charARB *name) will return the generic attribute index that the attribute variable named is bound to. has to be a null terminated string. is a handle to a program object that has been successfully linked. If is not an active attribute, or if is a conventional attribute, -1 will be returned. If is an attribute matrix, and it is active, then GetAttribLocationARB returns the index of the first column of that matrix. If has not been successfully linked, or if is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. The binding of an attribute variable to a generic attribute index can also be specified explicitly. The command void BindAttribLocationARB(handleARB programObj, uint index, const charARB *name) binds the attribute variable named to generic vertex attribute for the program object . If was bound previously, that binding information is lost. has to be a null terminated string. If is declared as an attribute matrix, indicates the first column of that matrix. The other matrix columns are then automatically bound to locations + 1 for a mat2, + 1 and + 2 for a mat3 and + 1, + 2 and + 3 for a mat4. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is equal or greater than MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if starts with the reserved "gl_" prefix. If is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. Applications cannot bind any conventional attributes (the attributes starting with "gl_" defined in the OpenGL Shading Language specification). Conventional attributes used in a vertex shader will be bound automatically. In order to have attribute bindings take effect the program object needs to be linked after issuing the BindAttribLocationARB command. The linker will bind any active attributes not already explicitly specified through BindAttribLocationARB. After a successful link the complete list of bindings can be queried using the command GetAttribLocationARB. It is generally not known to the GL until link time if is declared as an attribute matrix. Therefore LinkProgramARB can fail because binding of a matrix to a generic attribute index caused one or more columns of the matrix to be bound to indices outside the MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB range. LinkProgramARB can also fail because BindAttribLocationsARB commands have been issued leaving not enough contiguous indices for a matrix to be fitted in by the linker. It is allowed to issue BindAttribLocationARB before any vertex shader objects are attached to a program object. Hence it is allowed to bind any name (except a name starting with "gl_") to an index, including a name that is never used as an attribute in any vertex shader object. The values of generic attributes sent to generic attribute index are part of current GL state, just like the conventional attributes. If a new program object has been made active, then these values will be tracked by the GL in such a way that the same values will be observed by attributes in the new program object that are also bound to index . It is a link error to have a vertex shader statically consume the conventional attribute gl_Vertex and have the same vertex shader statically consume a generic vertex attribute that is bound to index zero. This would result in aliasing between a generic vertex attribute and the conventional attribute gl_Vertex, which is disallowed (see the description of VertexAttrib*ARB in Section 2.7). It is possible for an application to bind more than one attribute name to the same location. This is referred to as "aliasing". This will only work if only one of the aliased attributes is active in the executable program, or if no path through the shader consumes more than one attribute of a set of attributes aliased to the same location. OpenGL implementations are not required to detect violations of this rule. The compiler and linker are allowed to assume that no aliasing is done, and are free to employ optimizations that work only in the absence of aliasing. It is not possible to alias generic attributes with conventional ones. When a vertex shader is active, more (or less) vertex attributes might be sent to OpenGL than the vertex shader uses. When fewer attributes than the current vertex shader uses are sent, the vertex shader uses the values in the current state for the attributes not provided. In the case of a generic vertex attribute that current value comes from the slot index number the generic attribute is bound to. When more attributes are provided than the vertex shader uses the vertex shader ignores the extra attributes but these extra attributes continue to modify the current vertex attribute state. Section 2.15.3 Uniform Variables A vertex shader may define one or more "uniform" variables. These values are to remain constant over a primitive or a sequence of primitives. The OpenGL Shading Language specification defines a set of built-in uniform variables for vertex shaders that correspond to the state that GL manages for the purpose of processing vertices. The amount of storage that is available for vertex shader uniform variables is specified by the implementation dependent constant MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB. This value represents the number of individual floating point values, or individual integer values or individual Boolean values that can be held in uniform variable storage for a vertex shader. A link error will be generated if an attempt is made to utilize more than the space available for vertex shader uniform variables. Section 2.15.4 Varying Variables A vertex shader may define one or more "varying" variables (see the OpenGL Shading Language specification). These values are expected to be interpolated across the primitive being rendered. The OpenGL Shading Language specification defines a set of built-in varying variables for vertex shaders that correspond to the values required for the fixed functionality processing that occurs after vertex processing. The number of interpolators that is available for processing varying variables is specified by the implementation dependent constant MAX_VARYING_FLOATS_ARB. This value represents the number of individual floating point values that can be interpolated, therefore interpolating a vertex will consume 4 (x, y, z, w) and interpolating a color will also consume 4 (R, G, B, A). A link error will be generated if an attempt is made to utilize more than MAX_VARYING_FLOATS_ARB interpolators. Section 2.15.5 Texture access Vertex shaders have the ability to do a lookup into a texture map. Zero or more texture image units are available to a vertex shader to access textures. The maximum number of texture image units available to a vertex shader is MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. The maximum number of texture image units available to the fragment stage of OpenGL is MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. Both the vertex shader and fragment processing combined cannot use more than MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB texture image units. If both the vertex shader and the fragment processing stage access the same texture image unit, then that counts as using two texture image units against the MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB limit. When a texture lookup is performed in a vertex shader, the GL computes the filtered texture value tau in the manner described in sections 3.8.8 and 3.8.9, and converts it to a texture source color C_s according to table 3.21 (section 3.8.13). The GL returns a four-component vector (R_s, G_s, B_s, A_s) to the vertex shader. In a vertex shader, it is not possible to perform automatic LOD calculations using partial derivatives of the texture coordinates with respect to window coordinates as described in section 3.8.8. Hence, there is no automatic selection of an image array level. Minification or magnification of a texture map is controlled by a LOD value optionally passed as an argument in the texture lookup functions. If the texture lookup function supplies an explicit LOD value , then the pre-bias LOD value lambda_base(x,y) = l (equation 3.16a). If the texture lookup function does not supply an explicit LOD value, then lambda_base(x,y) = 0. The scale factor rho(x,y) and its approximation function f(x,y), pages 141-142, are ignored. Texture comparison requires the vertex shader to use the shadow versions of the texture lookup functions. This in turn means that samplers of type sampler1DShadow or sampler2DShadow or sampler2DRectShadow need to be used to indicate the texture image unit that has a depth texture bound to it. The results of a texture lookup function are undefined if: * The sampler used in a texture lookup function is of type sampler1D or sampler2D or sampler2DRect, and the texture object's internal format is DEPTH_COMPONENT, and the TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE is not NONE. * The sampler used in a texture lookup function is of type sampler1DShadow or sampler2DShadow or sampler2DRectShadow, and the texture object's internal format is DEPTH_COMPONENT, and the TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE is NONE. * The sampler used in a texture lookup function is of type sampler1DShadow or sampler2DShadow or sampler2DRectShadow, and the texture object's internal format is not DEPTH_COMPONENT. If a vertex shader uses a sampler which associated texture object is not complete, as defined in section 3.8.10, the texture image unit will return (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 0, 1). Section 2.15.6 Position Invariance If a vertex shader uses the built-in function ftransform() to generate a vertex position, then this generally guarantees that the transformed position will be the same whether using this vertex shader or the fixed functionality OpenGL pipeline. This allows for correct mixed multi-pass rendering algorithms. Section 2.15.7 Vertex Shader Execution If a successfully linked program object that contains a vertex shader is made current by calling UseProgramObjectARB, the executable version of the vertex shader is used to process incoming vertex values rather than the fixed functionality vertex processing described in Sections 2.10-2.13. In particular, * The model-view matrix is not applied to vertex coordinates (pp. 31-32) * The projection matrix is not applied to vertex coordinates (pp. 31-32) * The texture matrices are not applied to texture coordinates (p. 37) * Normals are not transformed to eye coordinates (pp. 38-39) * Normals are not rescaled or normalized (pp. 39-40) * Normalization of AUTO_NORMAL evaluated normals is not performed. (p. 191) * Texture coordinates are not generated automatically (pp. 40-42) * Per vertex lighting is not performed (pp. 48-53) * Color material computations are not performed (pp. 54-57) * Color index lighting is not performed (pp. 57-58) * All of the above applies when setting the current raster position (pp. 44-45) The following operations are applied to vertex values that are the result of executing the vertex shader: * Color clamping or masking (p. 56) * Perspective division on clip coordinates (pp. 31-32) * Viewport mapping (pp. 32-33) * Depth range (p. 33) * Clipping, including user clipping (pp. 42-44) * Front face determination (p. 53) * Flat-shading (pp. 58-59) * Color, texture coordinate, fog, point-size and generic attribute clipping (pp. 59-60) * Final color processing (p. 60) Section 2.15.8 Required State Besides the required state outlined in the ARB_shader_objects extension document, the following state is also required: The state required to support vertex shaders consists of: * A bit indicating whether or not vertex program two-sided color mode is enabled, initially disabled. * A bit indicating whether or not vertex program point size mode is enabled, initially disabled. The state required per program object consists of: * An array of strings holding the names of active attributes. * An array of integers holding the sizes of active attributes. * An array of integers holding the types of active attributes. * An integer holding the number of active attributes * An integer holding the length of the longest attribute name. * An array of integers holding the locations of active generic attributes. * An array of MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB words that holds uniform values. Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Rasterization) Modify Section 3.3, Points (p. 66) (replace the first and second paragraph) If a vertex shader is not active, then the rasterization of points is controlled with void PointSize(float size) specifies the requested size of a point. The default value is 1.0. A value less than or equal to zero results in the error INVALID_VALUE. The requested point size is multiplied with a distance attenuation factor, clamped to a specified point size range, and further clamped to the implementation-dependent point size range to produce the derived point size: derived_size = ... (add a paragraph between the third and fourth paragraph) If a vertex shader is active and vertex program point size mode is enabled, then the derived point size is taken from the, potentially clipped, shader built in gl_PointSize and clamped to the implementation-dependent point size range. If the value written to gl_PointSize is less than or equal to zero, results are undefined. If a vertex shader is active and vertex program point size mode is disabled, then the derived point size is taken from the point size state as specified by the PointSize command. In this case no distance attenuation is performed. Vertex program point size mode is enabled and disabled by calling Enable or Disable with the symbolic value VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB. If multisampling is enabled, an implementation ... Modify Section 3.8.8 Texture Minification (p. 140) (modify subsection Scale Factor and Level of Detail. Replace its first paragraph) The choice is governed by a scale factor rho(x,y) and the level of detail parameter lambda(x,y), defined as lambda_base(x,y) = log2[rho(x,y)] 3.16a lambda'(x,y) = lambda_base(x,y) + 3.16b clamp(texobj_bias + texunit_bias) |------- LODmax lambda' > LODmax lambda(x,y) = | lambda' LODmin <= lambda' <= LODmax 3.16c | LODmin lambda' < LODmin |------- undefined LODmin > LODmax texobj_bias is the value of TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS for the bound texture object (as described in section 3.8.4), and texunit_bias is the value of TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS for the current texture unit (as described in section 3.8.13). The sum of these values is clamped to the range [-max_bias, max_bias] where max_bias is the value of the implementation defined constant MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS. Modify Section 3.9 Color Sum (p. 160) (modify third paragraph) Color sum is enabled or disabled using the generic Enable and Disable commands, respectively, with the symbolic constant COLOR_SUM. If lighting is enabled and if a vertex shader is not active, the color sum stage is always applied, ignoring the value of COLOR_SUM. Modify Section 3.10, Fog (p. 160) (modify second paragraph) If a vertex shader is active, or if the fog source, as defined below, is FOG_COORDINATE, then c is the interpolated value of the fog coordinate for this fragment. Otherwise, if the fog source is FRAGMENT_DEPTH, then c is the eye-coordinate distance from the eye, (0, 0, 0, 1) in eye coordinates, to the fragment center. The equation and the fog source, along with either d or e and s, is specified with Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) None Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Special Functions) Modify Section 5.1, Evaluators (p. 188) (modify next-to-last paragraph, p. 191) For MAP_VERTEX_3, let q = p. For MAP_VERTEX_4, let q=(x/w,y/w,z/w), where (x,y,z,w) = p. Then let dq dq m = -- x --. du dv Then the generated analytic normal, n, is given by n=m if a vertex shader is active, or else by n=m/|m|. Modify Section 5.4, Display Lists (p. 198) (change second paragraph, p. 202) Certain commands, when called when compiling a display list, are not compiled into the display list but are executed immediately. These are: IsList,...Flush, Finish, GetAttribLocationARB, GetActiveAttribARB, BindAttribLocationARB, VertexAttribPointerARB, EnableVertexAttribArrayARB, DisableVertexAttribArrayARB as well as IsEnabled and all of the Get commands defined in Section 6.1.12. (add just before the final paragraph of the section on p. 202) When a program object is in use, a display list may be executed whose vertex attribute calls do not match up exactly with what is expected by the vertex shader contained in that program object. How this mismatch is handled is described in section 2.15.2. Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (State and State Requests) Modify Section 6.1.2, Data Conversions (p. 205) (add to end of last paragraph, p. 206) Queries of texture state variables corresponding to texture coordinate processing unit (namely, TexGen state and enables, and matrices) will produce an INVALID_OPERATION error if the value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is greater than or equal to MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB. All other texture state queries will result in an INVALID_OPERATION error if the value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is greater than or equal to MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. Modify section 6.1.12 Generic Object Queries. The commands void GetObjectParameterfvARB(handleARB obj, enum pname, float *params) void GetObjectParameterivARB(handleARB obj, enum pname, int *params) return object specific parameter values for object in . The parameter value to return is specified by . If is OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB, GetObjectParameter{if}vARB returns VERTEX_SHADER_ARB if references a shader object. If is not of type SHADER_OBJECT_ARB, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. If is OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB, GetObjectParameter{if}vARB returns the number of active attributes. If no active attributes exist, 0 or 0.0f is returned. If is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. If is OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB, GetObjectParameter{if}vARB returns the length of the longest active attribute name, including a null termination. If no active attributes exist, 0 or 0.0f is returned. If is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. The commands void GetVertexAttribdvARB(uint index, enum pname, double *params) void GetVertexAttribfvARB(uint index, enum pname, float *params) void GetVertexAttribivARB(uint index, enum pname, int *params) obtain the vertex attribute state named by for the generic vertex attribute numbered and places the information in the array . must be one of VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB, or CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB. Note that all the queries except CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB return client state. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. All but the last query return information about generic vertex attribute arrays. The enable state of a generic vertex attribute array is set by the command EnableVertexAttribArrayARB and cleared by DisableVertexAttribArrayARB. The size, stride, type and normalized flag are set by the command VertexAttribPointerARB. The query CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB returns the current value for the generic attribute . In this case the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if is zero, as there is no current value for generic attribute zero. Note that all the queries except CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB return client state. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The command void GetVertexAttribPointervARB(uint index, enum pname, void **pointer) obtains the pointer named for vertex attribute numbered and places the information in the array . must be VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB. The INVALID_VALUE error is generated if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Invariance) Add to end of Section A.3 (p. 250): The same vertex shader will produce the same result when run multiple times with the same input. The wording 'the same shader' means a program object that is populated with the same source strings, which are compiled and then linked, possibly multiple times. This program object is then executed using the same GL state vector. Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None Interactions with ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program Mixing a high level ARB_vertex_shader shader with a low level ARB_fragment_program shader is allowed. However, a high level ARB_vertex_shader shader and a low level ARB_vertex_program shader cannot be active at the same time. Interactions with ARB_vertex_program Enabling an ARB_vertex_shader shader by issuing the command UseProgramObjectARB(), with a handle which is not zero, results in any low level vertex shader to be ignored and overrides the enable VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB. Note that the value for VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB does not change by installing an ARB_vertex_shader shader. The following enums and entry points are re-used from ARB_vertex_program: MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x8869 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB 0x8622 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB 0x8623 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB 0x8624 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB 0x8625 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB 0x886A CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB 0x8626 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB 0x8645 VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB 0x8643 VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB 0x8642 VertexAttrib*ARB VertexAttribPointerARB EnableVertexAttribArrayARB DisableVertexAttribArrayARB GetVertexAttrib*ARB GetVertexAttribPointervARB The ARB_vertex_program extension is modified to turn undefined vertex attribute aliasing into non-aliasing. That means that generic vertex attributes and conventional attributes do not alias on top of each other. The following edits are against version 36 of the ARB_vertex_program specification. * Section 2.7. Delete the paragraph above Table X.1, Generic and Conventional Attribute Mappings. Add the following sentence in its place: "There is no aliasing among generic attributes and conventional attributes." * Section 2.7. Delete the paragraph below Table X.1 * Section 2.7. Delete Table X.1. * Change the last sentence in Section 2.7 to: "The initial values for all generic vertex attributes are (0, 0, 0, 1)." * Section 2.8. Edit the paragraph below the pseudo code. Change "As described in section 2.7, setting a generic vertex attributes ..." into "As described in section 2.7, there is no aliasing among generic vertex attributes and conventional attributes". * Section Delete the first part of the paragraph above Table X.2.1. The new paragraph becomes "A vertex program will fail to load if it binds both a conventional vertex attribute and a generic vertex attribute listed in the same row of Table X.2.1." Interactions with ARB_fragment_program The following enums are re-used from ARB_fragment_program: MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8872 MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB 0x8871 Interactions with ARB_vertex_blend If ARB_vertex_blend is supported, and if a vertex shader is active, the executable version of the vertex shader is used to process incoming vertex values rather than the fixed functionality vertex blend processing described in ARB_vertex_blend. In particular, * Vertex coordinates are not transformed to eye space as described by the equation in Section 2.10 provided by ARB_vertex_blend. * Normals are not transformed to eye space as described by the equations in Section 2.10.2 provided by ARB_vertex_blend. Interactions with ARB_matrix_palette If ARB_matrix_palette is supported, and if a vertex shader is active, the executable version of the vertex shader is used to process incoming vertex values rather than the fixed functionality matrix processing described in ARB_matrix_palette. In particular, * Vertex coordinates are not transformed to eye space as described by the equation in Section 2.10 of the ARB_matrix_palette specification. * Normals are not transformed to eye space as described by the equations in Section 2.10.3 of the ARB_matrix_palette specification. GLX Protocol The ARB_vertex_program extension defines GLX protocol for the following rendering commands. VertexAttrib1fvARB, VertexAttrib1svARB, VertexAttrib1dvARB, VertexAttrib2fvARB, VertexAttrib2svARB, VertexAttrib2dvARB, VertexAttrib3fvARB, VertexAttrib3svARB, VertexAttrib3dvARB, VertexAttrib4fvARB, VertexAttrib4svARB, VertexAttrib4dvARB, VertexAttrib4ivARB, VertexAttrib4bvARB, VertexAttrib4ubvARB, VertexAttrib4usvARB, VertexAttrib4uivARB, VertexAttrib4NbvARB, VertexAttrib4NsvARB, VertexAttrib4NivARB, VertexAttrib4NubvARB, VertexAttrib4NusvARB, VertexAttrib4NuivARB The following rendering commands are sent to the server as part of a glXRender request: BindAttribLocationARB 2 12+n+p rendering command length 2 265 rendering command opcode 4 CARD32 programObj 4 CARD32 index n LISTofBYTE name, n = strlen(name) + 1 p unused, p = pad(n) The following non-rendering commands are added. GetActiveAttribARB 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 179 GLX opcode 2 5 request length 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 CARD32 programObj 4 CARD32 index 4 CARD32 maxLength => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m reply length, m = (n+p)/4 4 unused 4 CARD32 n 4 INT32 size 4 ENUM type 8 unused n LISTofBYTE name, n = length+1 p unused , p = pad(n) Note that n may be zero, indicating that a GL error occured. GetAttribLocationARB 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 180 GLX opcode 2 (12+n+p)/4 request length, n = strlen(name) + 1 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 CARD32 programObj n LISTofBYTE name p unused, p = pad(n) => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 INT32 return value 20 unused GetVertexAttribdvARB 1 CARD32 opcode (X assigned) 1 181 GLX opcode 2 4 request length 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 CARD32 index 4 ENUM pname => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m reply length, m = ((n == 1) ? 0 : 2*n) 4 unused 4 CARD32 n if (n = 1) this follows: 8 FL0AT64 params 8 unused otherwise this follows: 16 unused 8*n LISTofFLOAT64 params The ARB_vertex_program extension defines GLX protocol for the following non-rendering commands. GetVertexAttribfvARB and GetVertexAttribivARB. The following are entirely client-side commands and do not require GLX protocol. GetVertexAttribPointervARB, VertexAttribPointerARB EnableVertexAttribArrayARB, DisableVertexAttribArrayARB Errors The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by any command that takes one or more handles as input, and one or more handles are not an object handle generated by OpenGL. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by any of the VertexAttrib*ARB commands if is equal or greater than MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by VertexAttribPointerARB if is equal or greater than MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by VertexAttribPointerARB if is not one of 1, 2, 3, or 4. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by VertexAttribPointerARB if is negative. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by EnableVertexAttribArrayARB or DisableVertexAttribArrayARB if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by any command accessing texture coordinate processing state if the texture unit number corresponding to the current value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is greater than or equal to the implementation-dependent constant MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by any command accessing texture image processing state if the texture unit number corresponding to the current value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is greater than or equal to the implementation-dependent constant MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetActiveAttribARB if is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetActiveAttribARB if is greater than or equal to OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetAttribLocationARB if is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB or if has not been linked successfully. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BindAttribLocationARB if starts with the reserved "gl_" prefix. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by BindAttribLocationARB if is equal or greater than MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BindAttribLocationARB if is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetObjectParameter{if}vARB if is OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB or OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB and is not of type PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetObjectParameter{if}vARB if is OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB and is not of type SHADER_OBJECT_ARB. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetVertexAttrib*ARB if is zero and is CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetVertexAttrib*ARB if is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetVertexAttribPointervARB if is equal or greater than MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. New State Initial Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute --------- ---- ------------------------- ------- ----------- ---- --------- VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB B IsEnabled False two-sided color mode 2.13.1 enable CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB 16+xR4 GetVertexAttributeARB (0,0,0,1) generic vertex attribute 2.7 current VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB B IsEnabled False point size mode 3.3 enable Table X. New Accessible State Introduced by ARB_vertex_shader Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Section Attribute ------------------------------- ------ ------------- ------------- ------------------ ------- ------------ VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB 16+xB GetVertex- False vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array AttribARB array enable VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB 16+xZ GetVertex- 4 vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array AttribARB array size VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB 16+xZ+ GetVertex- 0 vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array AttributeARB array stride VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB 16+xZ4 GetVertex- FLOAT vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array AttributeARB array type VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ 16+xB GetVertex- False vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array NORMALIZED_ARB AttributeARB array normalized VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB 16+xP GetVertex- NULL vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array AttribPointerARB array pointer Table X New Accessible Client State Introduced by ARB_vertex_shader Initial Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute --------- ----- ----------------------- ------------- ----------- ---- --------- OBJECT_TYPE_ARB Z2 GetObjectParameterivARB SHADER_OBJECT_ARB Type of object 2.15.1 - OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB Z2 GetObjectParameterivARB VERTEX_SHADER_ARB Sub type of object 2.15.1 - Table X Shader object state. Initial Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute --------- ----- ----------------------- -------- ----------- ---- --------- - 0+xZ+ GetActiveAttribARB - Size of active attribute 2.15.2 - - 0+xZ+ GetActiveAttribARB - Type of active attribute 2.15.2 - - 0+xcharARB GetActiveAttribARB "" Name of active attribute 2.15.2 - - 0+xZ GetAttribLocationARB - Location of active generic 2.15.2 - attribute 512+xR GetUniformARB 0 Uniform value 2.15.3 - OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB Z+ GetObjectParameterivARB 0 Number of active attributes 2.15.2 - OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ MAX_LENGTH_ARB Z+ GetObjectParameterivARB 0 Max attribute name length 6.1.12 - Table X Program object state. New Implementation Dependent State Minimum Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attr. --------- ---- ----------- ------- ----------- ---- ----- MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 16 Number of active 2.15.2 - vertex attributes MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 512 Number of words 2.15.3 - for vertex shader uniform variables MAX_VARYING_FLOATS_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 32 Number of floats 2.15.4 - for interpolated (varying) variables MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 2 Number of texture image 2.15.5 - units that can be accessed by a vertex shader and the fragment processing part of OpenGL combined. MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Number of separate 2.15.5 - texture units that can be accessed by a vertex shader. MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 2 Number of separate 2.15.5 - texture units that can be accessed by the fragment processing part of OpenGL. MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 2 Number of texture 2.7 - coordinate sets Table X New Implementation Dependent State Introduced by ARB_vertex_shader Sample Usage GLboolean init(GLcharARB *vertexShader) { GLcharARB *pInfoLog; GLboolean compiled = GL_FALSE; GLboolean linked = GL_FALSE; GLint length, maxLength; // // Create shader and program objects. // ProgramObject = glCreateProgramObjectARB(); VertexShaderObject = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB); length = strlen(vertexShader); glShaderSourceARB(VertexShaderObject, 1, &vertexShader, &length); // // OpenGL made a copy of the shader, we can free our copy // free(vertexShader); // // Compile the vertex shader, and print out the compiler log file. // glCompileShaderARB(VertexShaderObject); glGetObjectParameterivARB(VertexShaderObject, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &compiled); glGetObjectParameterivARB(VertexShaderObject, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &maxLength); pInfoLog = (GLcharARB *) malloc(maxLength * sizeof(GLcharARB)); glGetInfoLogARB(VertexShaderObject, maxLength, &length, pInfoLog); printf("%s\n", pInfoLog); free(pInfoLog); if (!compiled) { printf("Compile failed\n"); return GL_FALSE; } // // Populate the program object with the compiled shader // glAttachObjectARB(ProgramObject, VertexShaderObject); // // We want the shader object to go away as soon as it is detached // from the program object it is attached to. We can call delete now // to achieve that. Note that calling delete on a program object // will result in all shaders attached to that program object to be // detached. If delete has been called for the shader object, // calling delete on the program object will result in the shader // object being deleted as well. // glDeleteObjectARB(VertexShaderObject); // // Bind user attributes before linking the program object. // glBindAttribLocationARB(ProgramObject, 1, "myFirstAttribute"); glBindAttribLocationARB(ProgramObject, 2, "mySecondAttribute"); // // Link the program and print out the linker log file // glLinkProgramARB(ProgramObject); glGetObjectParameterivARB(ProgramObject, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &linked); glGetObjectParameterivARB(ProgramObject, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &maxLength); pInfoLog = (GLcharARB *) malloc(maxLength * sizeof(GLcharARB)); glGetInfoLogARB(ProgramObject, maxLength, &length, pInfoLog); printf("%s\n", pInfoLog); free(pInfoLog); // // If all went well, make the ProgramObject part of the current state // if (linked) { glUseProgramObjectARB(ProgramObject); return GL_TRUE; } else { printf("Link failed\n"); return GL_FALSE; } } GLhandleARB ProgramObject; GLhandleARB VertexShaderObject; void main() { GLcharARB *vertexShader; // Holds source for the shader int location; // Uniform location float uniformData[3] = {0.0, 1.0. 2.0}; float vertexData1[3] = {0.0, 1.0. 2.0}; float vertexData2[3] = {0.0, 1.0. 2.0}; // // Fill in the source in vertexShader // . . // // Create shader and program objects, setup generic attributes, // compile the shader object and link the program object and make it // part of the current state. // init(vertexShader); // // Get the location of someUniformName in the vertex shader, then // load its data. // location = glGetUniformLocationARB(ProgramObject, "someUniformName") glUniform3fvARB(location, 1, &uniformData[0]); // // Render // glBegin(...); . . glVertexAttrib3fvARB(1, vertexData1); glVertexAttrib3fvARB(2, vertexData2); . . glEnd(); } Revision History Revision: 0.5 6/5/2002 - First draft for circulation Revision: 0.51 - Updated API entry points in the New Procedures and Functions section - Named and explained all parameters to all API calls - BindAttributeLocationGL2 and GetActiveAttributesGL2 now have a length argument for their strings - Updated the section that describes state required to support vertex specification - Changed how standard attribute values are preserved across program changes (always preserved) - Changed language describing what happens when too few or too many attributes are provided - Updated the list of OpenGL stages that are and are not replaced by a vertex shader - Added suggestion for what new vertex array functionality to include - Added content to the errors section - Expanded the issues section up to and including number 4. Revision: 0.52 - Generic vertex attributes, except for vertex arrays, are loaded using the exact same API commands as ARB_vertex_program uses. Added discussion of this to the issues section. - Changed the vertex array section to be TBD. Revision: 0.53 - Now references V1.0 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification - Fixed minor typos - Accepted by the GL2 working group Revision: 0.54 10/17/2002 - Removed IsObjectGL2(). - Expanded GetObjectParameter{if}GL2. Added OBJECT_SUBTYPE_GL2. Revision: 0.55 10/18/2002 - The index parameter to BindAttributeLocation is now a uint instead of a ubyte. - Updated Errors section. - Added language disallowing mixing GL2 high level vertex shader with low level ARB vertex program or fragment program. - Documented interaction with ARB_vertex_blend Revision: 0.56 10/18/2002 - Added vertex array interface, and added an issue discussing it. - Changed re-using ARB_vertex_program VertexAttrib*ARB commands issue. Revision: 0.57 10/21/2002 - Changed VA interface to be exactly the same as ARB_vertex_program - Replaced MAX_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_GL2 with MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. - Went back to a different set of VertexAttribute*GL2 calls (instead of re-using the ARB_vertex_program ones). - Updated issues 2 and 3. - Added code to the sample usage section. Revision: 0.58 10/23/2002 - Spelled out GetObjectParameter, instead of using 'T value' in its parameter list. - Fixed usage of const keyword in GetAttributeLocations. - Added GetVertexAttribute{ifd}vGL2 - Added GetVertexAttribPointervARB - Updated interactions with ARB_vertex_program section - Updated errors section. - Moved shader resources section to GL2_shader_objects. - Updated chapter 5, Display Lists. Revision: 0.6 10/29/2002 - Fixed typos. - Changed Issue three to unresolved. - Added issue number four. - Second distribution to the GL2 working group. - Now written against the OpenGL 1.4 specification. Revision: 0.61 11/26/2002 - Minimum for MAX_VARYING_FLOATS reduced from 40 to 32. - Allowed mixing of a high level GL2 vertex shader with a low level ARB_fragment_program shader. Revision: 0.62 12/04/2002 - Resolved Issue 5 the same way as ARB_vertex_program. As a result, added language to section 5.1. Revision: 0.63 1/29/2003 - Marked issues 2 and 4 as unresolved. - Updated list of contributors. - Added issue 6, 7, 8, 9. - Updated the 'state required' section of section 2.7 and 2.8. - Renamed 'user-defined attribute' to 'generic attribute' to match ARB_vertex_program terminology. - Added language to section 2.13.2 and 2.13.3 about material and ColorMaterial handling when a GL2 shader is active. - Added wording to section 3.10 for PointSize and Fog. - Added a two sided lighting enable to section 2.13.1. - Added wording to explain how raster pos works, section 2.12 - Added and resolved issue 10. Added wording to section 3.9. - Added issue 11. - Third working group distribution. Revision: 0.64 2/03/2003 - Added VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB to the new tokens section. - Resolved issue 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and updated the spec to reflect this. - Added wording to section 2.11, clipping - Updated the New State section - Updated the New Tokens section - Changed the VertexAttribute*GL2 entry points to VertexAttrib*ARB, which are the same entry points as defined in ARB_vertex_program. - Made generic attribute zero provoke a vertex - Resolved issue 2,3 and 4. Edited the interactions with ARB_vertex_program section to reflect this. - Consistently used 'conventional attributes' instead of 'standard attributes'. - Tried to clarify the wording in section 2.15.2 regarding attribute tracking. - Updated the Errors section - Added issue 12, texture access - Fourth working group distribution. Revision: 0.65 2/10/2003 - Updated section 5.4, commands excluded from a display list. - Added section 2.15.6, position invariance. Renamed the old section 2.15.6 to 2.15.7. - Added a discussion section to issue 1, invariance - Updated Appendix A, invariance - Added a proposed resolution to issue 12. Related to that are the new issues 13, 14 and 15. - Added language to sections 2.7, 2.8, 2.10.2 and 6.1.2 to support texture access. - Added a new section 2.15.5 to support texture access. - Added MAX_FRAGMENT_TEXTURE_UNITS_GL2, MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_UNITS_GL2 and MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_GL2. - Fifth working group distribution Revision: 0.66 2/11/2003 - Added issue 16. Position invariance with respect to user clipping and closed it. - Closed issue 1. - Updated 'implementation dependent state' section. - Renamed MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_FLOATS_GL2 to MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_WORDS_GL2. - Consistently used 'texture coordinate set' instead of 'texture coordinate unit'. - Distributed to HP Revision: 0.67 2/13/2003 - Added wording about interaction with ARB_matrix_palette. Same applies as the interaction with ARB_vertex_blend. - Sixth working group distribution Revision: 0.68 2/20/2003 - Renamed MAX_FRAGMENT_TEXTURE_UNITS_GL2 to MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB - Renamed MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_UNITS_GL2 to MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_GL2 - Renamed MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_GL2 to MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_GL2 - Added wording to issue 12) explaining how LOD calculation works. - Updated section 2.15.5 with respect to LOD calculations. - Updated section 2.15.5. Accessing the same texture image unit from a vertex shader and fragment processing counts as using two image units against the limit MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_GL2. - Updated the interactions with ARB_vertex and fragment_program section. - Added the 'interactions with ARB_fragment_program' section. Revision: 0.69 2/27/2003 - Updated the interactions with ARB_vertex and fragment_program section, again. - Updated the texture access section 2.15.5. It is more carefully worded and references the relevant texturing sections in chapter 3. - Closed issues 2, 3 and 4. Attribute handling. - Closed issue 9 and modified section 3.3 to reflect the resolution. - Updated texture coordinates to full citizens with respect to their dynamic range. Section 2.1.1. ARB_fragment_program already does this. Revision: 0.70 3/3/2003 - Treatment of PointSize wasn't complete with respect to point attenuation and point fade. Section 3.3. - Added issue 17 explaining what happens to point distance attenuation and point fade. - Texture access now takes the texture object and texture unit bias into account as well. See sections 2.15.5 and Section 3.8.8. - Fixed numerous small typos and tried to clarify wording here and there. - It is no longer a requirement to load and/or compile a vertex shader before specifying its attribute bindings. - Added section 2.15.8 Required State. - Rewrote the overview section. Revision: 0.71 3/3/2003 - Upgraded colors to be full floating point citizens, section 2.1.1. - Added language about undefined results if a vertex shader does not clamp when fixed-function fragment processing is used or an ARB_fragment_program target is active. Section 2.15.7. - Added issue number 18, explaining color clamping and conversion to fixed-point. Revision: 0.72 3/31/2003 - Updated PointSize. Its value is undefined unless written by the shader. - Changed issue 9. We will have a point size enable after all. - Updated IP Status section to point to the contributors agreement. - Renamed BindAttributeLocation to BindAttribLocation to be in line with the rest of the vertex attribute naming (VertexAttrib etc). - Renamed GetActiveAttributes to GetActiveAttribs for the same reason. Revision: 0.73 4/9/2003 - Added to the example usage section. Shows how to use GetActiveAttribs. - GetActiveAttribs no longer returns the length of the strings. They are always null terminated, a length parameter is no longer needed. - GetActiveAttribs no longer returns a Boolean. It was never set. - Added life time to the pointer returned by GetActiveAttribs. - GetActiveAttribs now also returns the type of each attribute. - It is no longer a link error if generic attributes are not bound yet using BindAttribute. - Renamed "handle" to "handleGL2". - Updated section 2.15.8 Revision: 0.74 4/17/2003 - Added issues 19, 20 and 21. - Re-ordered section 2.15.2. Vertex Attributes - The GL will assign an index for an attribute variable in a vertex shader. This index is queriable using the new GetAttribLocationGL2 command. - Clarified BindAttribLocationGL2. It can override any binding assigned by the GL. It can be called at any time. Binding takes effect once a program object is (re)linked. - Added text that clarifies how to load and bind attributes declared as a matrix to section 2.7 and 2.15.2. - Clarified issues 1, 7, 8, 9, 11, 18 based on Pat's feedback. I didn't change their resolution, just tried to make them clearer. - Numerous other small clarifications based on Pat's feedback. Revision: 0.75 4/18/2003 - Made BindAttribLocationGL2 display-listable. - Query of active attributes is still allowed after a failed link. After all the link could fail because there were too many active attributes. - Added a size parameter to GetActiveAttribsGL2. - Clarified when the linker can generate errors based on incorrect user bindings of attributes. - More clarification's based on Pat's feedback, most of them in section 2.15.2 Vertex Attributes. - Re-did section 2.13.1, two sided lighting with a vertex shader enabled. - Refined the section about aliasing attributes in section 2.15.2. - Changed MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_WORDS_GL2 to MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_GL2 Revision: 0.76 4/21/2003 - Changed a few occurances of "char" to charGL2. - GetAttribLocation and BindAttribLocation no longer take a length, just like GetUniformLocation. - Updated the example section to reflect the latest API changes. - Changed the location of the Contributors License to a publicly accessible place on - Version approved by the ARB-GL2 working group. Revision: 0.77 5/09/2003 - Fixed issues 17 and 19 where some language was out of sync with the actual resolution in the spec. - Change 'zero' to NULL in the text describing GetActiveAttribsGL2. - Fixed typo in one of the comments in the example section and in the revision history. - Removed the VertexAttribMatrix*GL2 entry points from the 'new procedures and functions' section. These were never intended to be part of the spec. - Added Kent Lin to the list of contributors. - Added state tables. Not all state defined in the spec was present in the tables. - Section 2.15.8, required state for program objects was incorrect. - Clarified the lifetime of the pointers returned by GetActiveAttribsGL2. - Clarified that you need to pass in three NULL pointers to GetActiveAttribsGL2, to only get the count of active attributes. - Listed (already defined in the Errors section) error conditions to GetActiveUniformsGL2, GetAttribLocationGL2 and BindAttribLocationGL2. - Updated example section to reflect the latest API names. - The first error rule should have been INVALID_VALUE (consistent with GL2_shader_objects). - Added Jon Leech, Evan Hart, Benjamin Lipchak and Jeremy Sandmel to the list of contributors. - Removed the two rules from Appendix A (invariance) and updated Issue 1 to reflect this. Added the same repeatability rule as the fragment shader. - Assigned enum values. Revision: 0.78 5/15/2003 - Deleted reference to AppendShader (this call no longer exist). - Renamed all GL2 occurrences to ARB. - Added SHADER_OBJECT_ARB to the list of new tokens. - Fixed typos. - Added to the contributors list. If anyone is still left out, let Bill Licea Kane, Jon Leech or myself know. Revision: 0.79 6/24/2003 - Changed MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS minimum value to 0 (from 1). Updated issue 15 to reflect this. - Updates issue 18 (color clamping). As a result, updated Section 2.1.1 and 2.15.7. - Changed GetActiveAttrib to no longer return a pointer to GL memory. This call now returns data for one active attribute, instead of all active attributes. As a results, added error conditions to the Errors section. - BindAttribLocationARB is not display-listable. - Added OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB and OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB as a queriable parameter to GetObjectParameter{if}vARB. As a result, changed the New State section, and the Required State section. - Ordered the Errors section in the order of API commands described in the spec. Also split errors in one error per API command. - Updated the examples section. - General language cleanup. - ARB approved version. Revision: 0.80 3/16/2004 - Section 2.15.5 changed that zero or more, and not one or more, texture image units are available to a vertex shader. - Section 2.15.5 Added language (copied from the fragment shader spec) about samplers and depth textures and undefined behavior. Also copied the language that specifies what happens when a texture object is incomplete. Also copied the language that specifies what stays the same with texture operations. - Added ARB extension number (31) and edited the status paragraph. - Removed SHADER_OBJECT_ARB, OBJECT_TYPE_ARB and OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB tokens from the New Tokens section. They are already defined in ARB_shader_objects. Also removed references to these in Chapter 6, GetObjectParameter{fi}v and the Errors section. - Changed MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB to 2 (from 3). - Changed a typo: OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_MAX_LENGTH_ARB should be OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB (without the 'S') - Specified that the return parameters for GetACtiveAttribARB are unmodified when a GL error occurs. - Section 2.13.8. Varying variables, not generic vertex attributes, are clipped. - GetAttribLocationARB() in the 'New Procedures and Functions' section takes a handleARB not a handle. - Explained the meaning of the parameters to GetVertexAttrib*ARB. - Added that the current values of secondary color, fog coord and generic attributes are undefined after a call to DrawArrays or DrawElements, if the respective arrays are enabled. - Added resolution 22. - Added a paragraph to section 2.15.2 that makes it a link error to have both gl_Vertex an a generic attribute bound to index zero be used in a vertex shader. Revision: 0.81 3/30/2004 - Removed ARB from DEPTH_COMPONENT_ARB - GetObjectParameter{if}vARB instead of GetObjectParameter{fi}vARB. - Updated the version of the Shading Language document referenced to 100.53 - Updated description of MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB in the state tables. - Moved spec language related to texture operations not affected by a vertex shader to issue 23. - ARB-GL2 workgroup approved version. Revision 0.82, 12/12/2006 - Fixed spelling of glGetObjectParameterivARB in sample code. Revision 0.83 12/14/2009 - Added GLX protocol.