Name ARB_tessellation_shader Name Strings GL_ARB_tessellation_shader Contact Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at' Contributors Barthold Lichtenbelt, NVIDIA Bill Licea-Kane, AMD Bruce Merry, ARM Chris Dodd, NVIDIA Eric Werness, NVIDIA Graham Sellers, AMD Greg Roth, NVIDIA Ignacio Castano, NVIDIA Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Nick Haemel, AMD Pierre Boudier, AMD Piers Daniell, NVIDIA Notice Copyright (c) 2010-2015 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at Status Complete. Approved by the ARB at the 2010/01/22 F2F meeting. Approved by the Khronos Board of Promoters on March 10, 2010. Version Last Modified Date: April 20, 2015 Revision: 22 Number ARB Extension #91 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification. This extension is written against Version 1.50 (Revision 09) of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. OpenGL 3.2 and GLSL 1.50 are required. This specification interacts with the core profile of OpenGL 3.2. This specification interacts with ARB_gpu_shader5. This specification interacts with ARB_gpu_shader_fp64. This specification interacts with NV_gpu_shader5. This specification interacts with NV_primitive_restart. Overview This extension introduces new tessellation stages and two new shader types to the OpenGL primitive processing pipeline. These pipeline stages operate on a new basic primitive type, called a patch. A patch consists of a fixed-size collection of vertices, each with per-vertex attributes, plus a number of associated per-patch attributes. Tessellation control shaders transform an input patch specified by the application, computing per-vertex and per-patch attributes for a new output patch. A fixed-function tessellation primitive generator subdivides the patch, and tessellation evaluation shaders are used to compute the position and attributes of each vertex produced by the tessellator. When tessellation is active, it begins by running the optional tessellation control shader. This shader consumes an input patch and produces a new fixed-size output patch. The output patch consists of an array of vertices, and a set of per-patch attributes. The per-patch attributes include tessellation levels that control how finely the patch will be tessellated. For each patch processed, multiple tessellation control shader invocations are performed -- one per output patch vertex. Each tessellation control shader invocation writes all the attributes of its corresponding output patch vertex. A tessellation control shader may also read the per-vertex outputs of other tessellation control shader invocations, as well as read and write shared per-patch outputs. The tessellation control shader invocations for a single patch effectively run as a group. A built-in barrier() function is provided to allow synchronization points where no shader invocation will continue until all shader invocations have reached the barrier. The tessellation primitive generator then decomposes a patch into a new set of primitives using the tessellation levels to determine how finely tessellated the output should be. The primitive generator begins with either a triangle or a quad, and splits each outer edge of the primitive into a number of segments approximately equal to the corresponding element of the outer tessellation level array. The interior of the primitive is tessellated according to elements of the inner tessellation level array. The primitive generator has three modes: "triangles" and "quads" split a triangular or quad-shaped patch into a set of triangles that cover the original patch; "isolines" splits a quad-shaped patch into a set of line strips running across the patch horizontally. Each vertex generated by the tessellation primitive generator is assigned a (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate indicating its relative location in the subdivided triangle or quad. For each vertex produced by the tessellation primitive generator, the tessellation evaluation shader is run to compute its position and other attributes of the vertex, using its (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate. When computing final vertex attributes, the tessellation evaluation shader can also read the attributes of any of the vertices of the patch written by the tessellation control shader. Tessellation evaluation shader invocations are completely independent, although all invocations for a single patch share the same collection of input vertices and per-patch attributes. The tessellator operates on vertices after they have been transformed by a vertex shader. The primitives generated by the tessellator are passed further down the OpenGL pipeline, where they can be used as inputs to geometry shaders, transform feedback, and the rasterizer. The tessellation control and evaluation shaders are both optional. If neither shader type is present, the tessellation stage has no effect. If no tessellation control shader is present, the input patch provided by the application is passed directly to the tessellation primitive generator, and a set of default tessellation level parameters is used to control primitive generation. In this extension, patches may not be passed beyond the tessellation evaluation shader, and an error is generated if an application provides patches and the current program object contains no tessellation evaluation shader. IP Status No known IP claims. New Procedures and Functions void PatchParameteri(enum pname, int value); void PatchParameterfv(enum pname, const float *values); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of Begin and all vertex array functions that implicitly call Begin: PATCHES 0xE Accepted by the parameter of PatchParameteri, GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetFloatv, GetIntegerv, and GetInteger64v: PATCH_VERTICES 0x8E72 Accepted by the parameter of PatchParameterfv, GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetFloatv, and GetIntegerv, and GetInteger64v: PATCH_DEFAULT_INNER_LEVEL 0x8E73 PATCH_DEFAULT_OUTER_LEVEL 0x8E74 Accepted by the parameter of GetProgramiv: TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_VERTICES 0x8E75 TESS_GEN_MODE 0x8E76 TESS_GEN_SPACING 0x8E77 TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER 0x8E78 TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE 0x8E79 Returned by GetProgramiv when is TESS_GEN_MODE: TRIANGLES QUADS ISOLINES 0x8E7A Returned by GetProgramiv when is TESS_GEN_SPACING: EQUAL FRACTIONAL_ODD 0x8E7B FRACTIONAL_EVEN 0x8E7C Returned by GetProgramiv when is TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER: CCW CW Returned by GetProgramiv when is TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE: FALSE TRUE Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetFloatv, GetIntegerv, and GetInteger64v: MAX_PATCH_VERTICES 0x8E7D MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL 0x8E7E MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS 0x8E7F MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS 0x8E80 MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS 0x8E81 MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS 0x8E82 MAX_TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS 0x8E83 MAX_TESS_PATCH_COMPONENTS 0x8E84 MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS 0x8E85 MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS 0x8E86 MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_BLOCKS 0x8E89 MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_BLOCKS 0x8E8A MAX_TESS_CONTROL_INPUT_COMPONENTS 0x886C MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_INPUT_COMPONENTS 0x886D MAX_COMBINED_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS 0x8E1E MAX_COMBINED_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS 0x8E1F Accepted by the parameter of GetActiveUniformBlockiv: UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER 0x84F0 UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER 0x84F1 Accepted by the parameter of CreateShader and returned by the parameter of GetShaderiv: TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER 0x8E87 TESS_CONTROL_SHADER 0x8E88 Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (OpenGL Operation) Modify Section 2.6.1, Begin and End, p. 22 (insert before the last paragraph, p. 27) Separate Patches Separate patches are specified with mode PATCHES. A patch is an ordered collection of vertices used for primitive tessellation (section 2.X). The vertices comprising a patch have no implied geometric ordering. The vertices of a patch are used by tessellation shaders and a fixed-function tessellator to generate new point, line, or triangle primitives. Each patch in the series has a fixed number of vertices, which is specified by calling void PatchParameteri(enum pname, int value); with set to PATCH_VERTICES. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is less than or equal to zero or is greater than the implementation-dependent maximum patch size, MAX_PATCH_VERTICES. The patch size is initially three vertices. If the number of vertices in a patch is given by , the *+1st through *+th vertices (in that order) determine a patch for each i = 0, 1, ..., n-1, where there are *+ vertices. is in the range [0,-1]; if is not zero, the final vertices are ignored. (modify second paragraph, p. 29) The state required for Begin and End consists of a sixteen-valued integer indicating either one of the fifteen possible Begin/End modes, or that no Begin/End mode is being processed. Modify Section 2.14, Vertex Shaders, p. 82 (modify fourth paragraph, p. 82) In addition to vertex shaders, tessellation control shaders, tessellation evaluation shaders, geometry shaders, and fragment shaders can be created, compiled, and linked into program objects. Tessellation control and evaluation shaders are used to control the operation of the tessellator, and are described in section 2.X. Geometry shaders affect the processing of primitives assembled from vertices (see section 2.15). Fragment shaders affect the processing of fragments during rasterization (see section 3.12). A single program object can contain vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, and fragment shaders. Modify Section 2.14.2, Program Objects, p. 84 (insert before third paragraph, p. 85) Linking will fail if the program object contains objects to form a tessellation control shader (see section 2.X.1), and * the program contains no objects to form a vertex shader; * the output patch vertex count is not specified in any compiled tessellation control shader object; or * the output patch vertex count is specified differently in multiple tessellation control shader objects. Linking will fail if the program object contains objects to form a tessellation evaluation shader (see section 2.X.3), and * the program contains no objects to form a vertex shader; * the tessellation primitive mode is not specified in any compiled tessellation evaluation shader object; or * the tessellation primitive mode, spacing, vertex order, or point mode is specified differently in multiple tessellation evaluation shader objects. Modify Section 2.14.4, Uniform Variables, p, 89 (modify sixth paragraph, p. 93) If is UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER, UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER, or UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER, then a boolean value indicating whether the uniform block identified by is referenced by the vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, or fragment shaders of , respectively, is returned. (modify next-to-last paragraph, p. 101) There is a set of implementation-dependent maximums for the number of active uniform blocks used by each shader. If the number of uniform blocks used by any shader in the program exceeds its corresponding limit, the program will fail to link. The limits for vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, and fragment shaders can be obtained by calling GetIntegerv with pname values of MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, and MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, respectively. Modify Section 2.14.6, Varying Variables, p. 106 (modify three paragraphs starting with the last paragraph, p. 106, to refer less specifically to geometry shaders) ... These varying variables are used as the mechanism to communicate values to the next active stage in the vertex processing pipeline: either the tessellation control shader, the tessellation evaluation shader, the geometry shader, or the fixed-function vertex processing stages leading to rasterization. If the varying variables are passed directly to the vertex processing stages leading to rasterization, the values of all varying and special variables are expected to be interpolated across the primitive being rendered, unless flatshaded. Otherwise, the values of all varying and special variables are collected by the primitive assembly stage and passed on to the subsequent pipeline stage once enough data for one primitive has been collected The number of components (individual scalar numeric values) of varying and special variables that can be written by the vertex shader, whether or not a tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, or geometry shader is active, is given by the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS. Outputs declared as vectors, matrices, and arrays will all consume multiple components. (modify next-to-last paragraph, p. 107) Each program object can specify a set of output variables from one shader to be recorded in transform feedback mode (see section 2.19). If a geometry shader is active, its output variables are the ones that can be recorded. Otherwise, tessellation evaluation shader outputs will be recorded, if that shader is active. Otherwise, tessellation control shader outputs will be recorded, if that shader is active. Otherwise, vertex shader outputs will be recorded. The values to record are specified with the command ... (modify bullet list, p. 108) * the count specified by TransformFeedbackVaryings is non-zero, but the program object has no vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, or geometry shader; * any variable name specified in the varyings array is not declared as an output in the shader stage whose outputs can be recorded; ... Modify Section 2.14.7, Shader Execution, p. 109 (Modify the part of the section describing what is and is not done for processing vertices when vertex shaders are active, p. 109 and 110. This rewrite is intended to apply to all programmable vertex processing pipeline stages. Ideally, we should refactor the spec to first have a general programmable shading section describing common shader functionality and this pipeline, followed by sections containing domain-specific items.) If a successfully linked program object that contains a vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, or geometry shader is made current by calling UseProgram, the executable version of these shaders are used to process incoming vertex values, rather than the fixed-function vertex processing described in sections 2.16 through 2.13. In particular, (keep list of fixed-function operations that are not performed) Instead, the following sequence of operations is performed: * Vertices are processed by the vertex shader (section 2.14) and assembled into primitives as described in sections 2.6 through 2.10. * If the current program contains a tessellation control shader, each individual patch primitive is processed by the tessellation control shader (section 2.X.1). Otherwise, primitives are passed through unmodified. If active, the tessellation control shader consumes its input patch and produces a new patch primitive, which is passed to subsequent pipeline stages. * If the current program contains a tessellation evaluation shader, each individual patch primitive is processed by the tessellation primitive generator (section 2.X.2) and tessellation evaluation shader (section 2.X.3). Otherwise, primitives are passed through unmodified. When a tessellation evaluation shader is active, the tessellation primitive generator produces a new collection of point, line, or triangle primitives to be passed to subsequent pipeline stages. The vertices of these primitives are processed by the tessellation evaluation shader. The patch primitive passed to the tessellation primitive generator is consumed by this process. * If the current program contains a geometry shader, each individual primitive is processed by the geometry shader (section 2.15). Otherwise, primitives are passed through unmodified. If active, the geometry shader consumes its input patch. However, each geometry shader invocation may emit new vertices, which are arranged into primitives and passed to subsequent pipeline stages. * The primitives reaching this stage in the pipeline are then processed by the following fixed-function operations: (NOTE: This change rearranges the order of some of the operations, and adds explicit references to transform feedback and rasterization. The pipeline stages have been in the wrong order since OpenGL 2.0 -- in particular, clipping logically happens before perspective division and viewport transformations.) * Color clamping or masking (section 2.13.6). * Transform feedback (section 2.19). * Flatshading (section 2.21). * Clipping, including client-defined clip planes (section 2.22). * Perspective division on clip coordinates (section 2.16). * Viewport mapping, including depth range scaling (section 2.16.1). * Front face determination (section 2.13.1). * Color, texture coordinate, fog, point-size and generic attribute clipping (section 2.22.1). * Final color processing (section 2.23). * Rasterization (chapter 3). Modify Section 2.14.7, Shader Execution, p. 109 (modify last paragraph, p. 110) This section describes texture functionality that is only accessible through vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, or fragment shaders. ... (modify first paragraph under "Texture Access", p. 112) Shaders have the ability to do a lookup into a texture map. The maximum number of texture image units available to vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, or fragment shaders are the values of the implementation-dependent constants * MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (vertex), * MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (tessellation control), * MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (tessellation evaluation), * MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (geometry), and * MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (fragment). The vertex shader, tessellation control and evaluation shader, geometry shader, and fragment processing combined cannot use more than the value of MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS texture image units. If more than one pipeline stage accesses the same texture image unit, each such access counts separately against the MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS limit. (modify next-to-last paragraph p. 112) When a texture lookup is performed in a shader, the filtered ... (modify last paragraph p. 112) In shaders other than fragment shaders, it is not possible... (modify last paragraph before "Shader Inputs", p. 113) If a shader uses a sampler where the associated ... Insert a new section immediately after Section 2.14, Vertex Shaders. Section 2.X, Tessellation Tessellation is a process that reads a patch primitive and generates new primitives used by subsequent pipeline stages. The generated primitives are formed by subdividing a single triangle or quad primitive according to fixed or shader-computed levels of detail and transforming each of the vertices produced during this subdivision. Tessellation functionality is controlled by two types of tessellation shaders: tessellation control shaders and tessellation evaluation shaders. Tessellation is considered active if and only if there is an active program object, and that program object contains a tessellation control or evaluation shader. The tessellation control shader is used to read an input patch provided by the application, and emit an output patch. The tessellation control shader is run once for each vertex in the output patch and computes the attributes of that vertex. Additionally, the tessellation control shader may compute additional per-patch attributes of the output patch. The most important per-patch outputs are the tessellation levels, which are used to control the number of subdivisions performed by the tessellation primitive generator. The tessellation control shader may also write additional per-patch attributes for use by the tessellation evaluation shader. If no tessellation control shader is active, the patch provided is passed through to the tessellation primitive generator stage unmodified. If a tessellation evaluation shader is active, the tessellation primitive generator subdivides a triangle or quad primitive into a collection of points, lines, or triangles according to the tessellation levels of the patch and the set of layout declarations specified in the tessellation evaluation shader text. The tessellation levels used to control subdivision are normally written by the tessellation control shader. If no tessellation control shader is active, default tessellation levels are instead used. When a tessellation evaluation shader is active, it is run on each vertex generated by the tessellation primitive generator to compute the final position and other attributes of the vertex. The tessellation evaluation shader can read the relative location of the vertex in the subdivided output primitive, given by an (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate, as well as the position and attributes of any or all of the vertices in the input patch. Tessellation operates only on patch primitives. If tessellation is active, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Begin (or vertex array commands that implicitly call Begin) if the primitive mode is not PATCHES. Patch primitives are not supported by pipeline stages below the tessellation evaluation shader. If there is no active program object or the active program object does not contain a tessellation evaluation shader, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Begin (or vertex array commands that implicitly call Begin) if the primitive mode is PATCHES. A program object that includes a tessellation shader of any kind must also include a vertex shader, and will fail to link if no vertex shader is provided. Section 2.X.1, Tessellation Control Shaders The tessellation control shader consumes an input patch provided by the application and emits a new output patch. The input patch is an array of vertices with attributes corresponding to output variables written by the vertex shader. The output patch consists of an array of vertices with attributes corresponding to per-vertex output variables written by the tessellation control shader and a set of per-patch attributes corresponding to per-patch output variables written by the tessellation control shader. Tessellation control output variables are per-vertex by default, but may be declared as per-patch using the "patch" qualifier. The number of vertices in the output patch is fixed when the program is linked, and is specified in tessellation control shader source code using the output layout qualifier "vertices", as described in the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. A program will fail to link if the output patch vertex count is not specified by any tessellation control shader object attached to the program, if it is specified differently by multiple tessellation control shader objects, if it is less than or equal to zero, or if it is greater than the implementation-dependent maximum patch size. The output patch vertex count may be queried by calling GetProgramiv with the symbolic constant TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_VERTICES. Tessellation control shaders are created as described in section 2.14.1, using a of TESS_CONTROL_SHADER. When a new input patch is received, the tessellation control shader is run once for each vertex in the output patch. The tessellation control shader invocations collectively specify the per-vertex and per-patch attributes of the output patch. The per-vertex attributes are obtained from the per-vertex output variables written by each invocation. Each tessellation control shader invocation may only write to per-vertex output variables corresponding to its own output patch vertex. The output patch vertex number corresponding to a given tessellation control point shader invocation is given by the built-in variable gl_InvocationID. Per-patch attributes are taken from the per-patch output variables, which may be written by any tessellation control shader invocation. While tessellation control shader invocations may read any per-vertex and per-patch output variable and write any per-patch output variable, reading or writing output variables also written by other invocations has ordering hazards discussed below. Section 2.X.1.1, Tessellation Control Shader Variables Tessellation control shaders can access uniforms belonging to the current program object. The amount of storage available for uniform variables in the default uniform block accessed by a tessellation control shader is specified by the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS. The total amount of combined storage available for uniform variables in all uniform blocks accessed by a tessellation control shader (including the default uniform block) is specified by the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_COMBINED_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS. These values represent the numbers of individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held in uniform variable storage for a tessellation evaluation shader. A link error is generated if an attempt is made to utilize more than the space available for tessellation control shader uniform variables. Uniforms are manipulated as described in section 2.14.4. Tessellation control shaders also have access to samplers to perform texturing operations, as described in sections 2.14.5. Tessellation control shaders can access the transformed attributes of all vertices for their input primitive using input variables. A vertex shader writing to output variables generates the values of these input varying variables, including values for built-in as well as user-defined varying variables. Values for any varying variables that are not written by a vertex shader are undefined. Additionally, tessellation control shaders can write to one or more output variables, including per-vertex attributes for the vertices of the output patch and per-patch attributes of the patch. Tessellation control shaders can also write to a set of built-in per-vertex and per-patch outputs defined in the OpenGL Shading Language. The per-vertex and per-patch attributes of the output patch are used by the tessellation primitive generator (section 2.X.2) and may be read by tessellation evaluation shader (section 2.X.3). Section 2.X.1.2, Tessellation Control Shader Execution Environment If a successfully linked program object that contains a tessellation control shader is made current by calling UseProgram, the executable version of the tessellation control shader is used to process patches resulting from the primitive assembly stage. When tessellation control shader execution completes, the input patch is consumed. A new patch is assembled from the per-vertex and per-patch output variables written by the shader and is passed to subsequent pipeline stages. There are several special considerations for tessellation control shader execution described in the following sections. Texture Access The Shader-Only Texturing subsection of section 2.14.7 describes texture lookup functionality accessible to a vertex shader. The texel fetch and texture size query functionality described there also applies to tessellation control shaders. Tessellation Control Shader Inputs Section 7.1 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification describes the built-in variable array gl_in[] available as input to a tessellation control shader. gl_in[] receives values from equivalent built-in output variables written by the vertex shader (section 2.14.7). Each array element of gl_in[] is a structure holding values for a specific vertex of the input patch. The length of gl_in[] is equal to the implementation-dependent maximum patch size (gl_MaxPatchVertices). Behavior is undefined if gl_in[] is indexed with a vertex index greater than or equal to the current patch size. The members of each element of the gl_in[] array are gl_Position, gl_PointSize, gl_ClipDistance[], gl_ClipVertex, gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor, gl_BackSecondaryColor, gl_TexCoord[], and gl_FogFragCoord[]. Tessellation control shaders have available several other special input variables not replicated per-vertex and not contained in gl_in[], including: * The variable gl_PatchVerticesIn holds the number of vertices in the input patch being processed by the tessellation control shader. * The variable gl_PrimitiveID is filled with the number of primitives processed since the last time Begin was called (directly or indirectly via vertex array functions). The first primitive generated after a Begin is numbered zero, and the primitive ID counter is incremented after every individual point, line, or triangle primitive is processed. Restarting a primitive topology using the primitive restart index has no effect on the primitive ID counter. * The variable gl_InvocationID holds an invocation number for the current tessellation control shader invocation. Tessellation control shaders are invoked once per output patch vertex, and invocations are numbered beginning with zero. Similarly to the built-in varying variables, each user-defined input varying variable has a value for each vertex and thus needs to be declared as arrays or inside input blocks declared as arrays. Declaring an array size is optional. If no size is specified, it will be taken from the implementation-dependent maximum patch size (gl_MaxPatchVertices). If a size is specified, it must match the maximum patch size; otherwise, a compile or link error will occur. Since the array size may be larger than the number of vertices found in the input patch, behavior is undefined if a per-vertex input variable is accessed using an index greater than or equal to the number of vertices in the input patch. The OpenGL Shading Language doesn't support multi-dimensional arrays; therefore, user-defined tessellation control shader inputs corresponding to vertex shader outputs declared as arrays must be declared as array members of an input block that is itself declared as an array. (Note: minor restructuring in the following paragraph relative to the equivalent geometry shader language.) Similarly to the limit on vertex shader output components (see section 2.14.6), there is a limit on the number of components of built-in and user-defined input varying variables that can be read by the tessellation control shader, given by the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_TESS_CONTROL_INPUT_COMPONENTS. When a program is linked, all components of any varying and special variable read by a tessellation control shader will count against this limit. A program whose tessellation control shader exceeds this limit may fail to link, unless device-dependent optimizations are able to make the program fit within available hardware resources. Tessellation Control Shader Outputs Section 7.1 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification describes the built-in variable array gl_out[] available as an output for a tessellation control shader. gl_out[] passes values to equivalent built-in input variables read by subsequent shader stages or to subsequent fixed functionality vertex processing pipeline stages. Each array element of gl_out[] is a structure holding values for a specific vertex of the output patch. The length of gl_out[] is equal to the output patch size specified in the tessellation control shader output layout declaration (gl_VerticesOut). The members of each element of the gl_out[] array are gl_Position, gl_PointSize, gl_ClipDistance[], gl_ClipVertex, gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor, gl_BackSecondaryColor, gl_TexCoord[], and gl_FogFragCoord[], and behave identically to equivalently named vertex shader outputs (section 2.14.7). Tessellation shaders additionally have two built-in per-patch output arrays, gl_TessLevelOuter[] and gl_TessLevelInner[]. These arrays are not replicated for each output patch vertices and are not members of gl_out[]. gl_TessLevelOuter[] is an array of four floating-point values specifying the approximate number of segments that the tessellation primitive generator should use when subdividing each outer edge of the primitive it subdivides. gl_TessLevelInner[] is an array of two floating-point values specifying the approximate number of segments used to produce a regularly-subdivided primitive interior. The values written to gl_TessLevelOuter and gl_TessLevelInner need not be integers, and their interpretation depends on the type of primitive the tessellation primitive generator will subdivide and other tessellation parameters, as discussed in the following section. A tessellation control shader may also declare user-defined per-vertex output variables. User-defined per-vertex output variables are declared with the qualifier "out" and have a value for each vertex in the output patch. Such variables must be declared as arrays or inside output blocks declared as arrays. Declaring an array size is optional. If no size is specified, it will be taken from the output patch size (gl_VerticesOut) declared in the shader. If a size is specified, it must match the maximum patch size; otherwise, a compile or link link error will occur. The OpenGL Shading Language doesn't support multi-dimensional arrays; therefore, user-defined per-vertex tessellation control shader outputs with multiple elements per vertex must be declared as array members of an output block that is itself declared as an array. While per-vertex output variables are declared as arrays indexed by vertex number, each tessellation control shader invocation may write only to those outputs corresponding to its output patch vertex. Tessellation control shaders must use the special variable gl_InvocationID as the vertex number index when writing to per-vertex output variables. Additionally, a tessellation control shader may declare per-patch output variables using the qualifier "patch out". Unlike per-vertex outputs, per-patch outputs do not correspond to any specific vertex in the patch, and are not indexed by vertex number. Per-patch outputs declared as arrays have multiple values for the output patch; similarly declared per-vertex outputs would indicate a single value for each vertex in the output patch. User-defined per-patch outputs are not used by the tessellation primitive generator, but may be read by tessellation evaluation shaders. There are several limits on the number of components of built-in and user-defined output variables that can be written by the tessellation control shader. The number of components of active per-vertex output variables may not exceed the value of MAX_TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS. The number of components of active per-patch output variables may not exceed the value of MAX_TESS_PATCH_COMPONENTS. The built-in outputs gl_TessLevelOuter[] and gl_TessLevelInner[] are not counted against the per-patch limit. The total number of components of active per-vertex and per-patch outputs is derived by multiplying the per-vertex output component count by the output patch size and then adding the per-patch output component count. The total component count may not exceed MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS. When a program is linked, all components of any varying and special variables written by a tessellation control shader will count against this limit. A program exceeding any of these limits may fail to link, unless device-dependent optimizations are able to make the program fit within available hardware resources. Tessellation Control Shader Execution Order For tessellation control shaders with a declared output patch size greater than one, the shader is invoked more than once for each input patch. The order of execution of one tessellation control shader invocation relative to the other invocations for the same input patch is largely undefined. The built-in function barrier() provides some control over relative execution order. When a tessellation control shader calls the barrier() function, its execution pauses until all other invocations have also called the same function. Output variable assignments performed by any invocation executed prior to calling barrier() will be visible to any other invocation after the call to barrier() returns. Shader output values read in one invocation but written by another may be undefined without proper use of barrier(); full rules are found in the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. The barrier() function may only be called inside the main entry point of the tessellation control shader and may not be called in potentially divergent flow control. In particular, barrier() may not be called inside a switch statement, in either sub-statement of an if statement, inside a do, for, or while loop, or at any point after a return statement in the function main(). Section 2.X.2, Tessellation Primitive Generation If a tessellation evaluation shader is present, the tessellation primitive generator consumes the input patch and produces a new set of basic primitives (points, lines, or triangles). These primitives are produced by subdividing a geometric primitive (rectangle or triangle) according to the per-patch tessellation levels written by the tessellation control shader, if present, or taken from default patch parameter values. This subdivision is performed in an implementation-dependent manner. If no tessellation evaluation shader is present, the tessellation primitive generator passes incoming primitives through without modification. The type of subdivision performed by the tessellation primitive generator is specified by an input layout declaration in the tessellation evaluation shader using one of the identifiers "triangles", "quads", and "isolines". For "triangles", the primitive generator subdivides a triangle primitive into smaller triangles. For "quads", the primitive generator subdivides a rectangle primitive into smaller triangles. For "isolines", the primitive generator subdivides a rectangle primitive into a collection of line segments arranged in strips stretching horizontally across the rectangle. Each vertex produced by the primitive generator has an associated (u,v,w) or (u,v) position in a normalized parameter space, with parameter values in the range [0,1], as illustrated in Figure X.1. For "triangles", the vertex position is a barycentric coordinate (u,v,w), where u+v+w==1, and indicates the relative influence of the three vertices of the triangle on the position of the vertex. For "quads" and "isolines", the position is a (u,v) coordinate indicating the relative horizontal and vertical position of the vertex relative to the subdivided rectangle. The subdivision process is explained in more detail in subsequent sections. (0,1) OL3 (1,1) (0,1,0) (0,1) (1,1) +--------------+ + ^ + + | | / \ | | +--------+ | / \ | +--------------+ | | IL0 | | OL0 / + \ OL2 | OL0| |IL1 | |OL2 / / \ \ | +--------------+ | | | | / /IL0\ \ OL0 | +--------+ | / +-----+ \ | +--------------+ | | / \ | +--------------+ +---------------+ v +--------------+ (0,0) OL1 (1,0) (0,0,1) OL1 (1,0,0) (0,0) OL1 (1,0) quads triangles isolines Figure X.1: Domain parameterization for tessellation generator primitive modes (triangles, quads, or isolines). The coordinates illustrate the value of gl_TessCoord at the corners of the domain. The labels on the edges indicate the inner (IL0 and IL1) and outer (OL0 through OL3) tessellation level values used to control the number of subdivisions along each edge of the domain. When no tessellation control shader is present, the tessellation levels are taken from default patch tessellation levels. These default levels are set by calling void PatchParameterfv(enum pname, const float *values); If is PATCH_DEFAULT_OUTER_LEVEL, specifies an array of four floating-point values corresponding to the four outer tessellation levels for each subsequent patch. If is PATCH_DEFAULT_INNER_LEVEL, specifies an array of two floating-point values corresponding to the two inner tessellation levels. A patch is discarded by the tessellation primitive generator if any relevant outer tessellation level is less than or equal to zero. Patches will also be discarded if any outer tessellation level corresponds to a floating-point NaN (not a number) in implementations supporting NaN. When patches are discarded, no new primitives will be generated and the tessellation evaluation program will not be run. For "quads", all four outer levels are relevant. For "triangles" and "isolines", only the first three or two outer levels, respectively, are relevant. Negative inner levels will not cause a patch to be discarded; they will be clamped as described below. Each of the tessellation levels is used to determine the number and spacing of segments used to subdivide a corresponding edge. The method used to derive the number and spacing of segments is specified by an input layout declaration in the tessellation evaluation shader using one of the identifiers "equal_spacing", "fractional_even_spacing", or "fractional_odd_spacing". If no spacing is specified in the tessellation evaluation shader, "equal_spacing" will be used. If "equal_spacing" is used, the floating-point tessellation level is first clamped to the range [1,], where is implementation-dependent maximum tessellation level (MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL). The result is rounded up to the nearest integer , and the corresponding edge is divided into segments of equal length in (u,v) space. If "fractional_even_spacing" is used, the tessellation level is first clamped to the range [2,] and then rounded up to the nearest even integer . If "fractional_odd_spacing" is used, the tessellation level is clamped to the range [1,-1] and then rounded up to the nearest odd integer . If is one, the edge will not be subdivided. Otherwise, the corresponding edge will be divided into -2 segments of equal length, and two additional segments of equal length that are typically shorter than the other segments. The length of the two additional segments relative to the others will decrease monotonically with the value of -, where is the clamped floating-point tessellation level. When - is zero, the additional segments will have equal length to the other segments. As - approaches 2.0, the relative length of the additional segments approaches zero. The two additional segments should be placed symmetrically on opposite sides of the subdivided edge. The relative location of these two segments is undefined, but must be identical for any pair of subdivided edges with identical values of . When the tessellation primitive generator produces triangles (in the "triangles" or "quads" modes), the orientation of all triangles can be specified by an input layout declaration in the tessellation evaluation shader using the identifiers "cw" and "ccw". If the order is "cw", the vertices of all generated triangles will have a clockwise ordering in (u,v) or (u,v,w) space, as illustrated in Figure X.1. If the order is "ccw", the vertices will be specified in counter-clockwise order. If no layout is specified, "ccw" will be used. For all primitive modes, the tessellation primitive generator is capable of generating points instead of lines or triangles. If an input layout declaration in the tessellation evaluation shader specifies the identifier "point_mode", the primitive generator will generate one point for each distinct vertex produced by tessellation. Otherwise, the primitive generator will produce a collection of line segments or triangles according to the primitive mode. When tessellating triangles or quads in point mode with fractional odd spacing, the tessellation primitive generator may produce "interior" vertices that are positioned on the edge of the patch if an inner tessellation level is less than or equal to one. Such vertices are considered distinct from vertices produced by subdividing the outer edge of the patch, even if there are pairs of vertices with identical coordinates. The points, lines, or triangles produced by the tessellation primitive generator are passed to subsequent pipeline stages in an implementation-dependent order. Section 2.X.2.1, Triangle Tessellation If the tessellation primitive mode is "triangles", an equilateral triangle is subdivided into a collection of triangles covering the area of the original triangle. First, the original triangle is subdivided into a collection of concentric equilateral triangles. The edges of each of these triangles are subdivided, and the area between each triangle pair is filled by triangles produced by joining the vertices on the subdivided edges. The number of concentric triangles and the number of subdivisions along each triangle except the outermost is derived from the first inner tessellation level. The edges of the outermost triangle are subdivided independently, using the first, second, and third outer tessellation levels to control the number of subdivisions of the u==0 (left), v==0 (bottom), and w==0 (right) edges, respectively. The second inner tessellation level and the fourth outer tessellation level have no effect in this mode. If the first inner tessellation level and all three outer tessellation levels are exactly one after clamping and rounding, only a single triangle with (u,v,w) coordinates of (0,0,1), (1,0,0), and (0,1,0) is generated. If the inner tessellation level is one and any of the outer tessellation levels is greater than one, the inner tessellation level is treated as though it were originally specified as 1+epsilon and will result in a two- or three-segment subdivision depending on the tessellation spacing. When used with fractional odd spacing, the three-segment subdivision may produce "inner" vertices positioned on the edge of the triangle. If any tessellation level is greater than one, tessellation begins by producing a set of concentric inner triangles and subdividing their edges. First, the three outer edges are temporarily subdivided using the clamped and rounded first inner tessellation level and the specified tessellation spacing, generating segments. For the outermost inner triangle, the inner triangle is degenerate -- a single point at the center of the triangle -- if is two. Otherwise, for each corner of the outer triangle, an inner triangle corner is produced at the intersection of two lines extended perpendicular to the corner's two adjacent edges running through the vertex of the subdivided outer edge nearest that corner. If is three, the edges of the inner triangle are not subdivided and is the final triangle in the set of concentric triangles. Otherwise, each edge of the inner triangle is divided into -2 segments, with the -1 vertices of this subdivision produced by intersecting the inner edge with lines perpendicular to the edge running through the -1 innermost vertices of the subdivision of the outer edge. Once the outermost inner triangle is subdivided, the previous subdivision process repeats itself, using the generated triangle as an outer triangle. This subdivision process is illustrated in Figure X.2. (0,1,0) + / \ (0,1,0) O. .O + / + \ / \ O. / \ .O O. .O / O. .O \ / + \ / / + \ \ O. / \ .O / / / \ \ \ / O. .O \ O. / / \ \ .O / / O \ \ / O. / \ .O \ O. / . \ .O / / O-------O \ \ / O----O----O \ O. / . . \ .O / . . . \ / O----O-------O----O \ O----O----O----O----O / . . . . \ (0,0,1) (1,0,0) O----O----O-------O----O----O (0,0,1) (1,0,0) Figure X.2, Inner Triangle Tessellation with inner tessellation levels of four and five (not to scale). This figure depicts the vertices along the bottom edge of the concentric triangles. The edges of inner triangles are subdivided by intersecting the edge with segments perpendicular to the edge passing through each inner vertex of the subdivided outer edge. Once all the concentric triangles are produced and their edges are subdivided, the area between each pair of adjacent inner triangles is filled completely with a set of non-overlapping triangles. In this subdivision, two of the three vertices of each triangle are taken from adjacent vertices on a subdivided edge of one triangle; the third is one of the vertices on the corresponding edge of the other triangle. If the innermost triangle is degenerate (i.e., a point), the triangle containing it is subdivided into six triangles by connecting each of the six vertices on that triangle with the center point. If the innermost triangle is not degenerate, that triangle is added to the set of generated triangles as-is. After the area corresponding to any inner triangles is filled, the primitive generator generates triangles to cover area between the outermost triangle and the outermost inner triangle. To do this, the temporary subdivision of the outer triangle edge above is discarded. Instead, the u==0, v==0, and w==0 edges are subdivided according to the first, second, and third outer tessellation levels, respectively, and the tessellation spacing. The original subdivision of the first inner triangle is retained. The area between the outer and first inner triangles is completely filled by non-overlapping triangles as described above. If the first (and only) inner triangle is degenerate, a set of triangles is produced by connecting each vertex on the outer triangle edges with the center point. After all triangles are generated, each vertex in the subdivided triangle is assigned a barycentric (u,v,w) coordinate based on its location relative to the three vertices of the outer triangle. The algorithm used to subdivide the triangular domain in (u,v,w) space into individual triangles is implementation-dependent. However, the set of triangles produced will completely cover the domain, and no portion of the domain will be covered by multiple triangles. The order in which the generated triangles passed to subsequent pipeline stages and the order of the vertices in those triangles are both implementation-dependent. However, when depicted in a manner similar to Figure X.2, the order of the vertices in the generated triangles will be either all clockwise or all counter-clockwise, according to the vertex order layout declaration. Section 2.X.2.2, Quad Tessellation If the tessellation primitive mode is "quads", a rectangle is subdivided into a collection of triangles covering the area of the original rectangle. First, the original rectangle is subdivided into a regular mesh of rectangles, where the number of rectangles along the u==0 and u==1 (vertical) and v==0 and v==1 (horizontal) edges are derived from the first and second inner tessellation levels, respectively. All rectangles, except those adjacent to one of the outer rectangle edges, are decomposed into triangle pairs. The outermost rectangle edges are subdivided independently, using the first, second, third, and fourth outer tessellation levels to control the number of subdivisions of the u==0 (left), v==0 (bottom), u==1 (right), and v==1 (top) edges, respectively. The area between the inner rectangles of the mesh and the outer rectangle edges are filled by triangles produced by joining the vertices on the subdivided outer edges to the vertices on the edge of the inner rectangle mesh. If both clamped inner tessellation levels and all four clamped outer tessellation levels are exactly one, only a single triangle pair covering the outer rectangle is generated. Otherwise, if either clamped inner tessellation level is one, that tessellation level is treated as though it were originally specified as 1+epsilon and will result in a two- or three-segment subdivision depending on the tessellation spacing. When used with fractional odd spacing, the three-segment subdivision may produce "inner" vertices positioned on the edge of the rectangle. If any tessellation level is greater than one, tessellation begins by subdividing the u==0 and u==1 edges of the outer rectangle into segments using the clamped and rounded first inner tessellation level and the tessellation spacing. The v==0 and v==1 edges are subdivided into segments using using the second inner tessellation level. Each vertex on the u==0 and v==0 edges are joined with the corresponding vertex on the u==1 and v==1 edges to produce a set of vertical and horizontal lines that divide the rectangle into a grid of smaller rectangles. The primitive generator emits a pair of non-overlapping triangles covering each such rectangle not adjacent to an edge of the outer rectangle. The boundary of the region covered by these triangles forms an inner rectangle, the edges of which are subdivided by the grid vertices that lie on the edge. If either or is two, the inner rectangle is degenerate, and one or both of the rectangle's "edges" consist of a single point. This subdivision is illustrated in Figure X.3. (0,1) (1,1) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | . . . . . . | (0,1) (1,1) | . . . . . . | +--+--+--+--+ +..O--O--O--O--O--O..+ | . . . | | |**|**|**|**|**| | | . . . | | |**|**|**|**|**| | +..O--O--O..+ +..O--+--+--+--+--O..+ | . . . | | |**|**|**|**|**| | | . . . | | |**|**|**|**|**| | +--+--+--+--+ +..O--O--O--O--O--O..+ (0,0) (1,0) | . . . . . . | | . . . . . . | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ (0,0) (1,0) Figure X.3, Inner Quad Tessellation with inner tessellation levels of (4,2) and (7,4). The areas labeled with "*" on the right depict the 10 inner rectangles, each of which will be subdivided into two triangles. The points labeled "O" depict vertices on the boundary of the inner rectangle, where the inner rectangle on the left side is degenerate (a single line segment). The dotted lines (".") depict the horizontal and vertical edges connecting corresponding points on the outer rectangle edge. After the area corresponding to the inner rectangle is filled, the primitive generator must produce triangles to cover area between the inner and outer rectangles. To do this, the subdivision of the outer rectangle edge above is discarded. Instead, the u==0, v==0, u==1, and v==1 edges are subdivided according to the first, second, third, and fourth outer tessellation levels, respectively, and the tessellation spacing. The original subdivision of the inner rectangle is retained. The area between the outer and inner rectangles is completely filled by non-overlapping triangles. Two of the three vertices of each triangle are adjacent vertices on a subdivided edge of one rectangle; the third is one of the vertices on the corresponding edge of the other triangle. If either edge of the innermost rectangle is degenerate, the area near the corresponding outer edges is filled by connecting each vertex on the outer edge with the single vertex making up the inner "edge". The algorithm used to subdivide the rectangular domain in (u,v) space into individual triangles is implementation-dependent. However, the set of triangles produced will completely cover the domain, and no portion of the domain will be covered by multiple triangles. The order in which the generated triangles passed to subsequent pipeline stages and the order of the vertices in those triangles are both implementation-dependent. However, when depicted in a manner similar to Figure X.3, the order of the vertices in the generated triangles will be either all clockwise or all counter-clockwise, according to the vertex order layout declaration. Isoline Tessellation If the tessellation primitive mode is "isolines", a set of independent horizontal line segments is drawn. The segments are arranged into connected strips called "isolines", where the vertices of each isoline have a constant v coordinate and u coordinates covering the full range [0,1]. The number of isolines generated is derived from the first outer tessellation level; the number of segments in each isoline is derived from the second outer tessellation level. Both inner tessellation levels and the third and fourth outer tessellation levels have no effect in this mode. As with quad tessellation above, isoline tessellation begins with a rectangle. The u==0 and u==1 edges of the rectangle are subdivided according to the first outer tessellation level. For the purposes of this subdivision, the tessellation spacing mode is ignored and treated as equal_spacing. An isoline is drawn connecting each vertex on the u==0 rectangle edge to the corresponding vertex on the u==1 rectangle edge, except that no line is drawn between (0,1) and (1,1). If the number of isolines on the subdivided u==0 and u==1 edges is , this process will result in equally spaced lines with constant v coordinates of 0, 1/, 2/, ..., and (-1)/. Each of the isolines is then subdivided according to the second outer tessellation level and the tessellation spacing, resulting in line segments. Each segment of each line is emitted by the tessellation primitive generator, as illustrated in Figure X.4. (0,1) (1,1) + + (0,1) (1,1) + + O---O---O---O---O---O---O O---O---O---O---O---O---O O---O---O---O---O---O---O O-----O-----O-----O O---O---O---O---O---O---O (0,0) (1,0) (0,0) (1,0) Figure X.4, Isoline Tessellation with the first two outer tessellation levels of (4,6) and (1,3), respectively. The lines connecting the vertices labeled "O" are emitted by the primitive generator. The vertices labeled "+" correspond to (u,v) coordinates of (0,1) and (1,1), where no line segments are generated. The order in which the generated line segments are passed to subsequent pipeline stages and the order of the vertices in each generated line segment are both implementation-dependent. Section 2.X.3, Tessellation Evaluation Shaders If active, the tessellation evaluation shader takes the (u,v) or (u,v,w) location of each vertex in the primitive subdivided by the tessellation primitive generator, and generates a vertex with a position and associated attributes. The tessellation evaluation shader can read any of the vertices of its input patch, which is the output patch produced by the tessellation control shader (if present) or provided by the application and transformed by the vertex shader (if no control shader is used). Evaluating the bivariate polynomials described in Section 5.1 (Evaluators) using the vertices of the provided patch as control points is one example of the type of computations that a tessellation evaluation shader might be expected to perform. Tessellation evaluation shaders are created as described in section 2.14.1, using a of TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER. Each invocation of the tessellation evaluation shader writes the attributes of exactly one vertex. The number of vertices evaluated per patch depends on the tessellation level values computed by the tessellation control shaders (if present) or specified as patch parameters. Tessellation evaluation shader invocations run independently, and no invocation can access the variables belonging to another invocation. All invocations are capable of accessing all the vertices of their corresponding input patch. If a tessellation control shader is present, the number of the vertices in the input patch is fixed and is equal to the tessellation control shader output patch size parameter in effect when the program was last linked. If no tessellation control shader is present, the input patch is provided by the application can have a variable number of vertices, as specified by the PatchParameteri function. Section 2.X.3.1, Tessellation Evaluation Shader Variables Tessellation evaluation shaders can access uniforms belonging to the current program object. The amount of storage available for uniform variables in the default uniform block accessed by a tessellation evaluation shader is specified by the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS. The total amount of combined storage available for uniform variables in all uniform blocks accessed by a tessellation evaluation shader (including the default uniform block) is specified by the value of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_COMBINED_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS. These values represent the numbers of individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held in uniform variable storage for a tessellation evaluation shader. A link error is generated if an attempt is made to utilize more than the space available for tessellation evaluation shader uniform variables. Uniforms are manipulated as described in section 2.14.4. Tessellation evaluation shaders also have access to samplers to perform texturing operations, as described in sections 2.14.5. Tessellation evaluation shaders can access the transformed attributes of all vertices for their input primitive using input variables. If active, a tessellation control shader writing to output variables generates the values of these input varying variables, including values for built-in as well as user-defined varying variables. If no tessellation control shader is active, input variables will be obtained from vertex shader outputs. Values for any varying variables that are not written by a vertex or tessellation control shader are undefined. Additionally, tessellation evaluation shaders can write to one or more built-in or user-defined output variables that will be passed to subsequent programmable shader stages or fixed functionality vertex pipeline stages. Section 2.X.3.2, Tessellation Evaluation Shader Execution Environment If a successfully linked program object that contains a tessellation evaluation shader is made current by calling UseProgram, the executable version of the tessellation evaluation shader is used to process vertices produced by the tessellation primitive generator. During this processing, the shader may access the input patch processed by the primitive generator. When tessellation evaluation shader execution completes, a new vertex is assembled from the output variables written by the shader and is passed to subsequent pipeline stages. There are several special considerations for tessellation evaluation shader execution described in the following sections. Texture Access The Shader-Only Texturing subsection of section 2.14.7 describes texture lookup functionality accessible to a vertex shader. The texel fetch and texture size query functionality described there also applies to tessellation evaluation shaders. Tessellation Evaluation Shader Inputs Section 7.1 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification describes the built-in variable array gl_in[] available as input to a tessellation evaluation shader. gl_in[] receives values from equivalent built-in output variables written by a previous shader (section 2.14.7). If a tessellation control shader active, the values of gl_in[] will be taken from tessellation control shader outputs. Otherwise, they will be taken from vertex shader outputs. Each array element of gl_in[] is a structure holding values for a specific vertex of the input patch. The length of gl_in[] is equal to the implementation-dependent maximum patch size (gl_MaxPatchVertices). Behavior is undefined if gl_in[] is indexed with a vertex index greater than or equal to the current patch size. The members of each element of the gl_in[] array are gl_Position, gl_PointSize, gl_ClipDistance[], gl_ClipVertex, gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor, gl_BackSecondaryColor, gl_TexCoord[], and gl_FogFragCoord[]. Tessellation evaluation shaders have available several other special input variables not replicated per-vertex and not contained in gl_in[], including: * The variables gl_PatchVerticesIn and gl_PrimitiveID are filled with the number of the vertices in the input patch and a primitive number, respectively. They behave exactly as the identically named inputs for tessellation control shaders. * The variable gl_TessCoord is a three-component floating-point vector consisting of the (u,v,w) coordinate of the vertex being processed by the tessellation evaluation shader. The values of u, v, and w are in the range [0,1], and vary linearly across the primitive being subdivided. For tessellation primitive modes of "quads" or "isolines", the w value is always zero. The (u,v,w) coordinates are generated by the tessellation primitive generator in a manner dependent on the primitive mode, as described in section 2.X.2. gl_TessCoord is not an array; it specifies the location of the vertex being processed by the tessellation evaluation shader, not of any vertex in the input patch. * The variables gl_TessLevelOuter[] and gl_TessLevelInner[] are arrays holding outer and inner tessellation levels of the patch, as used by the tessellation primitive generator. If a tessellation control shader is active, the tessellation levels will be taken from the corresponding outputs of the tessellation control shader. Otherwise, the default levels provided as patch parameters are used. Tessellation level values loaded in these variables will be prior to the clamping and rounding operations performed by the primitive generator as described in Section 2.X.2. For triangular tessellation, gl_TessLevelOuter[3] and gl_TessLevelInner[1] will be undefined. For isoline tessellation, gl_TessLevelOuter[2], gl_TessLevelOuter[3], and both values in gl_TessLevelInner[] are undefined. A tessellation evaluation shader may also declare user-defined per-vertex input variables. User-defined per-vertex input variables are declared with the qualifier "in" and have a value for each vertex in the input patch. User-defined per-vertex input varying variables have a value for each vertex and thus need to be declared as arrays or inside input blocks declared as arrays. Declaring an array size is optional. If no size is specified, it will be taken from the implementation-dependent maximum patch size (gl_MaxPatchVertices). If a size is specified, it must match the maximum patch size; otherwise, a compile or link error will occur. Since the array size may be larger than the number of vertices found in the input patch, behavior is undefined if a per-vertex input variable is accessed using an index greater than or equal to the number of vertices in the input patch. The OpenGL Shading Language doesn't support multi-dimensional arrays; therefore, user-defined tessellation evaluation shader inputs corresponding to vertex shader outputs declared as arrays must be declared as array members of an input block that is itself declared as an array. Additionally, a tessellation evaluation shader may declare per-patch input variables using the qualifier "patch in". Unlike per-vertex inputs, per-patch inputs do not correspond to any specific vertex in the patch, and are not indexed by vertex number. Per-patch inputs declared as arrays have multiple values for the input patch; similarly declared per-vertex inputs would indicate a single value for each vertex in the output patch. User-defined per-patch input variables are filled with corresponding per-patch output values written by the tessellation control shader. If no tessellation control shader is active, all such variables are undefined. (Note: minor restructuring in the following paragraph relative to the equivalent geometry shader language.) Similarly to the limit on vertex shader output components (see section 2.14.6), there is a limit on the number of components of built-in and user-defined per-vertex and per-patch input variables that can be read by the tessellation evaluation shader, given by the values of the implementation-dependent constants MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_INPUT_COMPONENTS and MAX_TESS_PATCH_COMPONENTS, respectively. The built-in inputs gl_TessLevelOuter[] and gl_TessLevelInner[] are not counted against the per-patch limit. When a program is linked, all components of any varying and special variable read by a tessellation evaluation shader will count against this limit. A program whose tessellation evaluation shader exceeds this limit may fail to link, unless device-dependent optimizations are able to make the program fit within available hardware resources. Tessellation Evaluation Shader Outputs Tessellation evaluation shaders have a number of built-in output variables used to pass values to equivalent built-in input variables read by subsequent shader stages or to subsequent fixed functionality vertex processing pipeline stages. These variables are gl_Position, gl_PointSize, gl_ClipDistance[], gl_ClipVertex, gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor, gl_BackSecondaryColor, gl_TexCoord[], and gl_FogFragCoord[], and all behave identically to equivalently named vertex shader outputs (section 2.14.7). A tessellation evaluation shader may also declare user-defined per-vertex output variables. (Note: minor restructuring in the following paragraph relative to the equivalent geometry shader language.) Similarly to the limit on vertex shader output components (see section 2.14.6), there is a limit on the number of components of built-in and user-defined output variables that can be written by the tessellation evaluation shader, given by the values of the implementation-dependent constant MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS. When a program is linked, all components of any varying and special variable written by a tessellation evaluation shader will count against this limit. A program whose tessellation evaluation shader exceeds this limit may fail to link, unless device-dependent optimizations are able to make the program fit within available hardware resources. Modify Section 2.19, Transform Feedback, p. 130 (modify fourth paragraph, p. 131) When transform feedback is active, all geometric primitives generated must be compatible with the value of ... If a tessellation evaluation or geometry shader is active, the type of primitive emitted by that shader is used instead of the parameter passed to drawing commands. If tessellation evaluation and geometry shaders are both active, the output primitive type of the geometry shader will be used for the purposes of this error. Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Rasterization) None. Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) None. Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Special Functions) None. Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (State and State Requests) Modify Section 6.1.16, Shader and Program Queries, p. 384 (modify second paragraph, p. 385) If is SHADER TYPE, VERTEX SHADER, TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, GEOMETRY_SHADER, or FRAGMENT_SHADER is returned if is a vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, or fragment shader, respectively. ... (modify the next-to-last paragraph, p. 385) The command void GetProgramiv(uint program, enum pname, int *params); returns integer-valued properties of the program object... (add two paragraphs after the first paragraph, p. 385) If is TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_VERTICES, the number of vertices in the tessellation control shader output patch is returned. If TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_VERTICES is queried for a program which has not been linked successfully, or which does not contain objects to form a tessellation control shader, then an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated. If is TESS_GEN_MODE, QUADS, TRIANGLES, or ISOLINES is returned, depending on the primitive mode declaration in the tessellation evaluation shader. If is TESS_GEN_SPACING, EQUAL, FRACTIONAL_EVEN, or FRACTIONAL_ODD is returned, depending on the spacing declaration in the tessellation evaluation shader. If is TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER, CCW or CW is returned, depending on the vertex order declaration in the tessellation evaluation shader. If is TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE, TRUE is returned if point mode is enabled in a tessellation evaluation shader declaration; FALSE is returned otherwise. If any of the values in this paragraph are queried for a program which has not been linked successfully, or which does not contain objects to form a tessellation evaluation shader, then an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated. Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Invariance) Insert new section before Section A.4, What this All Means (p. 457) Section A.X, Tessellation Invariance When using a program containing tessellation evaluation shaders, the fixed-function tessellation primitive generator consumes the input patch specified by an application and emits a new set of primitives. The following invariance rules are intended to provide repeatability guarantees. Additionally, they are intended to allow an application with a carefully crafted tessellation evaluation shader to ensure that the sets of triangles generated for two adjacent patches have identical vertices along shared patch edges, avoiding "cracks" caused by minor differences in the positions of vertices along shared edges. Rule 1: When processing two patches with identical outer and inner tessellation levels, the tessellation primitive generator will emit an identical set of point, line, or triangle primitives as long as the active program used to process the patch primitives has tessellation evaluation shaders specifying the same tessellation mode, spacing, vertex order, and point mode input layout qualifiers. Two sets of primitives are considered identical if and only if they contain the same number and type of primitives and the generated tessellation coordinates for the vertex numbered of the primitive numbered are identical for all values of and . Rule 2: The set of vertices generated along the outer edge of the subdivided primitive in triangle and quad tessellation, and the tessellation coordinates of each, depends only on the corresponding outer tessellation level and the spacing input layout qualifier in the tessellation evaluation shader of the active program. Rule 3: The set of vertices generated when subdividing any outer primitive edge is always symmetric. For triangle tessellation, if the subdivision generates a vertex with tessellation coordinates of the form (0,x,1-x), (x,0,1-x), or (x,1-x,0), it will also generate a vertex with coordinates of exactly (0,1-x,x), (1-x,0,x), or (1-x,x,0), respectively. For quad tessellation, if the subdivision generates a vertex with coordinates of (x,0) or (0,x), it will also generate a vertex with coordinates of exactly (1-x,0) or (0,1-x), respectively. For isoline tessellation, if it generates vertices at (0,x) and (1,x) where is not zero, it will also generate vertices at exactly (0,1-x) and (1,1-x), respectively. Rule 4: The set of vertices generated when subdividing outer edges in triangular and quad tessellation must be independent of the specific edge subdivided, given identical outer tessellation levels and spacing. For example, if vertices at (x,1-x,0) and (1-x,x,0) are generated when subdividing the w==0 edge in triangular tessellation, vertices must be generated at (x,0,1-x) and (1-x,0,x) when subdividing an otherwise identical v==0 edge. For quad tessellation, if vertices at (x,0) and (1-x,0) are generated when subdividing the v==0 edge, vertices must be generated at (0,x) and (0,1-x) when subdividing an otherwise identical u==0 edge. Rule 5: When processing two patches that are identical in all respects enumerated in rule 1 except for vertex order, the set of triangles generated for triangle and quad tessellation must be identical except for vertex and triangle order. For each triangle produced by processing the first patch, there must be a triangle produced when processing the second patch each of whose vertices has the same tessellation coordinates as one of the vertices in . Rule 6: When processing two patches that are identical in all respects enumerated in rule 1 other than matching outer tessellation levels and/or vertex order, the set of interior triangles generated for triangle and quad tessellation must be identical in all respects except for vertex and triangle order. For each interior triangle produced by processing the first patch, there must be a triangle produced when processing the second patch each of whose vertices has the same tessellation coordinates as one of the vertices in . A triangle produced by the tessellator is considered an interior triangle if none of its vertices lie on an outer edge of the subdivided primitive. Rule 7: For quad and triangle tessellation, the set of triangles connecting an inner and outer edge depends only on the inner and outer tessellation levels corresponding to that edge and the spacing input layout qualifier. Rule 8: The value of all defined components of gl_TessCoord will be in the range [0,1]. Additionally, for any defined component of gl_TessCoord, the results of computing (1.0-) in a tessellation evaluation shader will be exact. Some floating-point values in the range [0,1] may fail to satisfy this property, but such values may never be used as tessellation coordinate components. Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None. Additions to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, version 1.50 (Revision 09) Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the language features described in this extension: #extension GL_ARB_tessellation_shader : where is as specified in section 3.3. A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL Shading Language: #define GL_ARB_tessellation_shader 1 Modify Chapter 2, Overview of OpenGL Shading, p. 5 (modify first two introductory paragraphs) The OpenGL Shading Language is actually several closely related languages. These languages are used to create shaders for the programmable processors contained in the OpenGL processing pipeline. Currently, these processors are the vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, and fragment processors. Unless otherwise noted in this paper, a language feature applies to all languages, and common usage will refer to these languages as a single language. The specific languages will be referred to by the name of the processor they target: vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evalution, geometry, or fragment. (Insert two new sections after Section 2.1, Vertex Processor, p. 5.) Section 2.X, Tessellation Control Processor The tessellation control processor is a programmable unit that operates on a patch of incoming vertices and their associated data, emitting a new output patch. Compilation units written in the OpenGL Shading Language to run on this processor are called tessellation control shaders. When a complete set of tessellation control shaders are compiled and linked, they result in a tessellation control shader executable that runs on the tessellation control processor. The tessellation control processor spawns a separate shader invocation for each vertex of the output patch. Each invocation can read the attributes of any vertex in the input or output patches, but can only write per-vertex attributes for the corresponding output patch vertex. The shader invocations collectively produce a set of per-patch attributes for the output patch. After all tessellation control shader invocations have completed, the output vertices and per-patch attributes are assembled to form a patch to be used by subsequent pipeline stages. Tessellation control shader invocations run mostly independently, with undefined relative execution order. However, the built-in function barrier() can be used to control execution order by synchronizing invocations, effectively dividing tessellation control shader execution into a set of phases. Tessellation control shaders will get undefined results if one invocation reads a per-vertex or per-patch attribute written by another invocation at any point during the same phase, or if two invocations attempt to write different values to the same per-patch output in a single phase. Section 2.Y, Tessellation Evaluation Processor The tessellation evaluation processor is a programmable unit that evaluates the position and other attributes of a vertex generated by the tessellation primitive generator, using a patch of incoming vertices and their associated data. Compilation units written in the OpenGL Shading Language to run on this processor are called tessellation evaluation shaders. When a complete set of tessellation evaluation shaders are compiled and linked, they result in a tessellation evaluation shader executable that runs on the tessellation evaluation processor. The tessellation evaluation processor operates to compute the position and attributes of a single vertex generated by the tessellation primitive generator. The executable can read the attributes of any vertex in the input patch, plus the tessellation coordinate, which is the relative location of the vertex in the primitive being tessellated. The executable writes the position and other attributes of the vertex. Modify Section 3.6, Keywords, p. 14 (add the following to the keyword list) patch Modify Section 4.2, Scoping, p. 27 (remove "(vertex, geometry, or fragment)" from the last paragraph of p. 28) Modify Section 4.3, Storage Qualifiers, p. 29 (add two new qualifiers to the first table, p. 29) Qualifier Meaning --------- ------------------------------------------------------------- patch in linkage of per-patch attributes into a shader from a previous stage (tessellation evaluation shaders only) patch out linkage out of a shader to a subsequent stage (tessellation control shaders only) Modify Section 4.3.4, Inputs, p. 31 (modify second paragraph, p. 31) Shader input variables are declared with the "in", "centroid in", or "patch in" storage qualifiers. They form the input interface between previous stages of the OpenGL pipeline and the declaring shader. ... (modify third paragraph, p. 31) Vertex shader input variables (or attributes) ... It is an error to use "centroid in" or "patch in" in a vertex shader. ... (modify next-to-last paragraph, p. 31, and subsequent paragraphs, making geometry shader language apply to tessellation control and evaluation shaders as well) Tessellation control, evaluation, and geometry shader input variables get the per-vertex values written out to output variables of the same names in the previous active shader stage. They are typically declared with the "in" or "centroid in" storage qualifier. For these inputs, "centroid in" and interpolation qualifiers are allowed, but have no effect. Since tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, and geometry shaders operate on a primitive comprising multiple vertices, each input varying variable (or input block, see interface blocks below) needs to be declared as an array. For example, in float foo[]; // input for previous-stage output "out float foo" Each element of such an array corresponds to one vertex of the primitive being processed. Each array can optionally have a size declared. The array size will be set by, (or if provided must be consistent with) the input layout declaration(s) establishing the type of input primitive, as described later in section Input Layout Qualifiers. For the interface from a previous shader stage to a tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, or geometry shader, output variables from the previous stage must match input variables of the same name in type and qualification, except perhaps that the inputs must be declared as an array indexed by vertex number. If any variables fail to match, a link error will occur. If the output of the previous shader is itself an array with multiple values per vertex, it must appear in an output block (see interface blocks below) in the previous shader and in an input block in the tessellation control, evaluation, or geometry shader with a block instance name declared as an array. Use of blocks are required because two-dimensional arrays are not supported. Additionally, tessellation evaluation shaders support per-patch input variables declared with the "patch in" qualifier. Per-patch input variables are filled with the values of per-patch output variables written by the tessellation control shader. Per-patch inputs may be declared as one-dimensional arrays, but are not indexed by vertex number. Input variables may not be declared using the "patch in" qualifier in tessellation control or geometry shaders. As with other input variables, per-patch inputs must be declared using the same type and qualifiers as per-patch outputs from the previous (tessellation control) shader stage. (modify third paragraph, p. 32) Fragment shader ... deprecated "varying" and "centroid varying" modifiers. It is an error to use "patch in" in a fragment shader. ... (modify last paragraph of the section) The fragment shader inputs form an interface with the last active shader in the vertex processing pipeline. For this interface, the prior stage shader output variables and fragment shader input variables of the same name must match in type and qualification (other than out matching to in). Modify Section 4.3.6, Outputs, p. 33 (modify first paragraph of the section, p. 33) Shader output variables are declared with the "out", "centroid out", or "patch out" storage qualifiers. ... (modify third paragraph of the section, p. 33) Vertex, tessellation evaluation, and geometry shader output variables output per-vertex data ... deprecated varying storage qualifier. It is an error to use "patch out" in a vertex, tessellation evaluation, or geometry shader. ... (modify the fourth paragraph of the section, p. 33) Individual vertex, tessellation evaluation, and geometry outputs are ... (insert prior to the last paragraph, p. 33) Tessellation control shader output variables may be used to output per-vertex and per-patch data. Per-vertex output variables are declared using the "out" or "centroid out" storage qualifiers; per-patch output variables are declared using the "patch out" storage qualifier. Per-vertex and per-patch output variables can only be float, floating-point vectors, matrices, signed or unsigned integers or integer vectors, or arrays or structures of any these. Since tessellation control shaders produce a primitive comprising multiple vertices, each per-vertex output variable (or output block, see interface blocks below) needs to be declared as an array. For example, out float foo[]; // feeds next-stage input "in float foo[]" Each element of such an array corresponds to one vertex of the primitive being produced. Each array can optionally have a size declared. The array size will be set by (or if provided must be consistent with) the output layout declaration(s) establishing the number of vertices in the output patch, as described later in section, Output Layout Qualifiers. If a per-vertex output of the tessellation control shader is itself an array with multiple values per vertex, it must appear in an output block (see interface blocks below) in the tessellation control shader with a block instance name declared as an array. Use of blocks are required because two-dimensional arrays are not supported. Each tessellation control shader invocation has a corresponding output patch vertex, and may assign values to per-vertex outputs only if they belong to that corresponding vertex. If a per-vertex output variable is used as an l-value, it is an error if the expression indicating the vertex number is not the identifier "gl_InvocationID". The order of execution of a tessellation control shader invocation relative to the other invocations for the same input patch is undefined unless the built-in function barrier() is used. This provides some control over relative execution order. When a shader invocation calls the barrier() function, its execution pauses until all other invocations have called the same function. Output variable assignments performed by any invocation executed prior to calling barrier() will be visible to any other invocation after the call to barrier() returns. Because tessellation control shader invocations may execute in undefined order between barriers, the values of per-vertex or per-patch output variables will sometimes be undefined. If the beginning and end of shader execution and each call to barrier() are considered synchronization points, the value of an output variable will be undefined in any of the three following cases: (1) at the beginning of execution; (2) at each synchronization point, unless: * the value was well-defined after the previous synchronization point and was not written by any invocation since; * the value was written by exactly one shader invocation since the previous synchronization point; or * the value was written by multiple shader invocations since the previous synchronization point, and the last write performed by all such invocations wrote the same value; or (3) when read by a shader invocation, if: * the value was undefined at the previous synchronization point and has not been writen by the same shader invocation since; or * the output variable is written to by any other shader invocation between the previous and next synchronization points, even if that assignment occurs in code following the read. If the value of an output variable is undefined at the end of shader execution, the value passed to subsequent pipeline stages will be likewise undefined. (modify last paragraph, p. 33) Fragment outputs ... "out" storage qualifier. It is an error to use "centroid out" or "patch out" in a fragment shader. ... Modify Section, Input Layout Qualifiers, p. 37 (modify first paragraph of the section) Vertex and tessellation control shaders do not have any input layout qualifiers. (insert after first paragraph of the section) Tessellation evaluation shaders allow input layout qualifiers only on the interface qualifier in, not on an input block, block member, or variable declarations. The input layout qualifier identifiers allowed for tessellation evaluation shaders are: layout-qualifier-id triangles quads isolines equal_spacing fractional_even_spacing fractional_odd_spacing cw ccw point_mode One group of identifiers is used to specify a tessellation primitive mode to be used by the tessellation primitive generator. To specify a primitive mode, the identifier must be one of "triangles", "quads", or "isolines", which specify that the tessellation primitive generator should subdivide a triangle into smaller triangles, a quad into triangles, or a quad into a collection of lines, respectively. A second group of identifiers is used to specify the vertex spacing used by the tessellation primitive generator when subdividing an edge. To specify vertex spacing, the identifier must be one of: * "equal_spacing", signifying that edges should be divided into a collection of equal-sized segments; * "fractional_even_spacing", signifying that edges should be divided into an even number of equal-length segments plus two additional shorter "fractional" segments; or * "fractional_odd_spacing", signifying that edges should be divided into an odd number of equal-length segments plus two additional shorter "fractional" segments. A third group of identifiers specifies whether the tessellation primitive generator produces triangles in clockwise or counter-clockwise order, according to the coordinate system depicted in the OpenGL specification. The identifiers "cw" and "ccw" indicate clockwise and counter-clockwise triangles, respectively. If the tessellation primitive generator does not produce triangles, the order is ignored. The identifier "point_mode" specifies that the tessellation primitive generator should produce one point for each distinct vertex in the subdivided primitive, rather than generating lines or triangles. Any or all of these identifiers may be specified one or more times in a single input layout declaration. At least one tessellation evaluation shader (compilation unit) in a program must declare a primitive mode in its input layout; declarations spacing, vertex order, and point mode qualifiers are optional. It is not required that all tessellation evaluation shaders in a program declare a primitive mode. If spacing or vertex order declarations are omitted, the tessellation primitive generator will use equal spacing or counter-clockwise vertex ordering, respectively. If a point mode declaration is omitted, the tessellation primitive generator will produce lines or triangles according to the primitive mode. If primitive mode, spacing, or vertex order is declared more than once in the tessellation evaluation shaders of a program, all such declarations must use the same identifier. (modify third paragraph, p. 38) All unsized tessellation control and evaluation shader input array declations will be sized to match the implementation-dependent maximum patch size (gl_MaxPatchVertices). All unsized geometry shader input declarations ... (modify fourth paragraph, p. 38) The intrinsically declared input array gl_in[] will also be sized according to the maximum patch size or a geometry shader input layout declaration. Hence, the expression gl_in.length() will return the maximum patch size or a value from the table above. Modify Section, Output Layout Qualifiers, p. 40 (modify first paragraph, p. 40) Vertex, tessellation evaluation, and fragment shaders cannot have output layout qualifiers. (insert after first paragraph of the section) Tessellation control shaders allow output layout qualifiers only on the interface qualifier out, not on an output block, block member, or variable declarations. The output layout qualifier identifiers allowed for tessellation control shaders are: layout-qualifier-id vertices = integer-constant The identifier "vertices" specifies the number of vertices in the output patch produced by the tessellation control shader, which also specifies the number of times the tessellation control shader is invoked. It is an error for the output vertex count to be less than or equal to zero, or greater than the implementation-dependent maximum patch size. The intrinsically declared tessellation control output array gl_out[] will also be sized by any output layout declaration. Hence, the expression gl_out.length() will return the output patch vertex count specified in a previous output layout qualifier. For outputs declared without an array size, including intrinsically declared outputs (i.e., gl_out), a layout must be declared before any use of the method length() or other array use that requires its size to be known. It is a compile-time error if the output patch vertex count specified in an output layout qualifier does not match the array size specified in any output variable declaration in the same shader. All tessellation control shader layout declarations in a program must specify the same output patch vertex count. There must be at least one layout qualifier specifying an output patch vertex count in any program containing tessellation control shaders; however, such a declaration is not required in all tessellation control shader compilation units. (Coalesce Sections 7.1., 7.2, and 7.6 into a single section, as described below.) Section 7.1, Built-In Shader Special Inputs and Outputs Some OpenGL operations occur in fixed functionality and need to provide values to or receive values from shader executables. Shaders communicate with fixed-function OpenGL pipeline stages, and optionally with other shaders, through the use of built-in input and output variables. In the vertex language, built-in input and output variables are intrinsically declared as: in int gl_VertexID; in int gl_InstanceID; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; }; The variable gl_VertexID is a vertex shader input variable that holds an integer index for the vertex, as defined under Shader Inputs in section 2.11.7 in the OpenGL Graphics System Specification. While the variable gl_VertexID is always present, its value is not always defined. The variable gl_InstanceID is a vertex shader input variable that holds the integer index of the current primitive in an instanced draw call (see Shader Inputs in section 2.11.7 in the OpenGL Graphics System Specification). If the current primitive does not come from an instanced draw call, the value of gl_InstanceID is zero. The variable gl_Position is intended for writing the homogeneous vertex position. It can be written at any time during shader execution. This value will be used by primitive assembly, clipping, culling, and other fixed functionality operations, if present, that operate on primitives after vertex processing has occurred. Its value is undefined after the vertex processing stage if the vertex shader executable does not write gl_Position, and it is undefined after geometry processing if the geometry executable calls EmitVertex() without having written gl_Position since the last EmitVertex() (or hasn't written it at all). The variable gl_PointSize is intended for a shader to write the size of the point to be rasterized. It is measured in pixels. If gl_PointSize is not written to, its value is undefined in subsequent pipe stages. (note: Changed the wording of this a bit from 1.50, to remove the mention of maintaining clip planes and computing distances, which isn't required to use the feature. Also tweaked a reference to gl_MaxVaryingComponents in the following paragraph.) The variable gl_ClipDistance provides the forward compatible mechanism for controlling user clipping. gl_ClipDistance[i] specifies a clip distance for each plane i. A distance of 0 means the vertex is on the plane, a positive distance means the vertex is inside the clip plane, and a negative distance means the point is outside the clip plane. The clip distances will be linearly interpolated across the primitive and the portion of the primitive with interpolated distances less than 0 will be clipped. The gl_ClipDistance array is predeclared as unsized and must be sized by the shader either redeclaring it with a size or indexing it only with integral constant expressions. This needs to size the array to include all the clip planes that are enabled via the OpenGL API; if the size does not include all enabled planes, results are undefined. The size can be at most gl_MaxClipDistances. The number of input or output components consumed by gl_ClipDistance will match the size of the array, no matter how many planes are enabled. The shader must also set all values in gl_ClipDistance that have been enabled via the OpenGL API, or results are undefined. Values written into gl_ClipDistance for planes that are not enabled have no effect. In the tessellation control language, built-in input and output variables are intrinsically declared as: in gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; } gl_in[gl_MaxPatchVertices]; in int gl_PatchVerticesIn; in int gl_PrimitiveID; in int gl_InvocationID; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; } gl_out[gl_VerticesOut]; patch out float gl_TessLevelOuter[4]; patch out float gl_TessLevelInner[2]; The input variables gl_Position, gl_PointSize, and gl_ClipDistance read corresponding outputs written by the vertex shader. The output variables of the same names behave as described for the identical vertex shader outputs. The variable gl_PatchVerticesIn is available only in the tessellation control and evaluation languages. It is an integer specifying the number of vertices in the input patch being processed by the shader. A single tessellation control or evaluation shader can read patches of differening sizes, so the value of gl_PatchVerticesIn may differ between patches. The input variable gl_PrimitiveID is available only in the tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, and fragment languages. For tessellation control and evaluation shaders, it is filled with the number of primitives processed by the shader since the current set of rendering primitives was started. For fragment shaders, it is filled with the value written to the gl_PrimitiveID geometry shader output if a geometry shader is present. Otherwise, it is assigned in the same manner as with tessellation control and evaluation shaders. The input variable gl_InvocationID is available only in the tessellation control and geometry language. In the tessellation control shader, it identifies the number of the output patch vertex assigned to the tessellation control shader invocation. In the geometry shader, it identifies the invocation number assigned to the geometry shader invocation. In both cases, gl_InvocationID is assigned integer values in the range [0, -1], where is the number of output patch vertices or geometry shader invocations per primitive. The output variables gl_TessLevelOuter[] and gl_TessLevelInner[] are available only in the tessellation control language. The values written to these variables are assigned to the corresponding outer and inner tessellation levels of the output patch. They are used by the tessellation primitive generator to control primitive tessellation and may be read by tessellation evaluation shaders. In the tessellation evaluation language, built-in input and output variables are intrinsically declared as: in gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; } gl_in[gl_MaxPatchVertices]; in int gl_PatchVerticesIn; in int gl_PrimitiveID; in vec3 gl_TessCoord; patch in float gl_TessLevelOuter[4]; patch in float gl_TessLevelInner[2]; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; }; The input variables gl_Position, gl_PointSize, gl_ClipDistance read corresponding outputs written by the previous shader (vertex or tessellation control). The output variables of the same names behave as described for the identical vertex shader outputs. The input variables gl_PatchVerticesIn and gl_PrimitiveID behave as in the identically-named tessellation control shader inputs. The variable gl_TessCoord is available only in the tessellation evaluation language. It specifies a three-component (u,v,w) vector identifying the position of the vertex being processed by the shader relative to the primitive being tessellated. The input variables gl_TessLevelOuter[] and gl_TessLevelInner[] are available only in the tessellation evaluation shader. If a tessellation control shader is active, these variables are filled with corresponding outputs written by the tessellation control shader. Otherwise, they are assigned with default tessellation levels specified in the OpenGL API. In the geometry language, built-in input and output variables are intrinsically declared as: in gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; } gl_in[]; in int gl_PrimitiveIDIn; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; }; out int gl_PrimitiveID; out int gl_Layer; The input variables gl_Position, gl_PointSize, gl_ClipDistance read corresponding outputs written by the previous shader (vertex or tessellation control). The output variables of the same names behave as described for the identical vertex shader outputs. The input variable gl_PrimitiveIDIn behaves identically to the tessellation control and evaluation shader input variable gl_PrimitiveID. The output variable gl_PrimitiveID is available only in the geometry language and provides a single integer that serves as a primitive identifier. This is then available to fragment shaders as the fragment input gl_PrimitiveID, which will select the written primitive ID from the provoking vertex in the primitive being shaded. If a fragment shader using gl_PrimitiveID is active and a geometry shader is also active, the geometry shader must write to gl_PrimitiveID or the fragment shader input gl_PrimitiveID is undefined. See section 2.12.4 (under Geometry Shader Outputs) and section 3.9.2 (under Shader Inputs) of the OpenGL Graphics System Specification for more information. The output variable gl_Layer is available only in the geometry language, and is used to select a specific layer of a multi-layer framebuffer attachment. The actual layer used will come from one of vertices in the primitive being shaded. Which vertex the layer comes from is undefined, so it is best to write the same layer value for all vertices of a primitive. If a shader statically assigns a value to gl_Layer, layered rendering mode is enabled. See section 2.12.4 (under Geometry Shader Outputs) and section 4.4.7 Layered Framebuffers of the OpenGL Graphics System Specification for more information. If a shader statically assigns a value to gl_Layer, and there is an execution path through the shader that does not set gl_Layer, then the value of gl_Layer is undefined for executions of the shader that take that path. In the fragment language, built-in input and output variables are intrinsically declared as: in vec4 gl_FragCoord; in bool gl_FrontFacing; in float gl_ClipDistance[]; in vec2 gl_PointCoord; in int gl_PrimitiveID; out vec4 gl_FragColor; // deprecated out vec4 gl_FragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers]; // deprecated out float gl_FragDepth; (copy the variable descriptions verbatim from Section 7.2) Section 7.1.1, Compatibility Profile Built-In Shader Special Variables When using the compatibility profile, the GL can provide fixed functionality behavior for the vertex and fragment programmable pipeline stages. For example, mixing a fixed functionality vertex stage with a programmable fragment stage. The following built-in vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, and geometry output variables are available to specify inputs for the subsequent programmable shader stage or the fixed functionality fragment stage. A particular one should be written to if any functionality in a corresponding shader or fixed pipeline uses it or state derived from it. Otherwise, behavior is undefined. The following members are added to the output gl_PerVertex block in these languages: out gl_PerVertex { // in addition to other gl_PerVertex members... vec4 gl_ClipVertex; vec4 gl_FrontColor; vec4 gl_BackColor; vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor; vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor; vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; float gl_FogFragCoord; }; The variable gl_ClipVertex provides a place for vertex and geometry shaders to write the coordinate to be used with the user clipping planes. The user must ensure the clip vertex and user clipping planes are defined in the same coordinate space. User clip planes work properly only under linear transform. It is undefined what happens under nonlinear transform. If a linked set of shaders forming a program contains no static write to gl_ClipVertex or gl_ClipDistance, but the application has requested clipping against user clip planes through the API, then the coordinate written to gl_Position is used for comparison against the user clip planes. Writing to gl_ClipDistance is the preferred method for user clipping. It is an error for the set of shaders forming a program to statically read or write both gl_ClipVertex and gl_ClipDistance. gl_FrontColor, glFrontSecondaryColor, gl_BackColor, and glBackSecondaryColor assigns primary and secondary colors for front and back faces of primitives containing the vertex being processed. gl_TexCoord assigns texture coordinates for the vertex being processed. For gl_FogFragCoord, the value written will be used as the "c" value in section 3.11 of the OpenGL Graphics System Specification, by the fixed functionality pipeline. For example, if the z-coordinate of the fragment in eye space is desired as "c", then that's what the vertex shader executable should write into gl_FogFragCoord. As with all arrays, indices used to subscript gl_TexCoord must either be an integral constant expressions, or this array must be re-declared by the shader with a size. The size can be at most gl_MaxTextureCoords. Using indexes close to 0 may aid the implementation in preserving varying resources. In the tessellation control, evaluation, and geometry shaders, the outputs of the previous stage described above are also available in the input gl_PerVertex block in these languages. in gl_PerVertex { // in addition to other gl_PerVertex members... vec4 gl_ClipVertex; vec4 gl_FrontColor; vec4 gl_BackColor; vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor; vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor; vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; float gl_FogFragCoord; } gl_in[]; The following fragment inputs are also available in a fragment shader when using the compatibility profile: in vec4 gl_Color; in vec4 gl_SecondaryColor; in vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; in float gl_FogFragCoord; The values in gl_Color and gl_SecondaryColor will be derived automatically by the system from gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor, and gl_BackSecondaryColor based on which face is visible in the primitive producing the fragment. If fixed functionality is used for vertex processing, then gl_FogFragCoord will either be the z-coordinate of the fragment in eye space, or the interpolation of the fog coordinate, as described in section 3.11 of the OpenGL Graphics System Specification. The gl_TexCoord[] values are the interpolated gl_TexCoord[] values from a vertex shader or the texture coordinates of any fixed pipeline based vertex functionality. Indices to the fragment shader gl_TexCoord array are as described above in the vertex shader text. Modify Section 7.4, Built-In Constants, p. 74 (add to the list of constants at the bottom of p. 74) const int gl_MaxTessControlInputComponents = 128; const int gl_MaxTessControlOutputComponents = 128; const int gl_MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits = 16; const int gl_MaxTessControlUniformComponents = 1024; const int gl_MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = 4096; const int gl_MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents = 128; const int gl_MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = 128; const int gl_MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = 16; const int gl_MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = 1024; const int gl_MaxTessPatchComponents = 120; const int gl_MaxPatchVertices = 32; const int gl_MaxTessGenLevel = 64; (modify the minimum value for one other constant) const int gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 80; Modify Section 8.7, Texture Lookup Functions, p. 90 (modify first paragraph, accounting for all the new shader types) Texture lookup functions are available to all shaders. However, automatic level of detail computations are only performed for fragment shaders; other shaders operate as though the base level of detail were computed as zero. The functions in the table below ... (modify first paragraph, p. 91) In all functions below, the bias parameter is optional for fragment shaders. The bias parameter is not accepted in any other shader type. For ... (Also, make miscellaneous modifications elsewhere in the spec to account for the fact that vertex and fragment shaders are not the only two supported shader types.) Insert a new section after Section 8.10, Geometry Shader Functions, p. 103. Section 8.X, Shader Invocation Control Functions Shader invocation control functions are available only in tessellation control shaders. These functions are used to control the relative execution order of the multiple shader invocations used to process a patch, which are otherwise executed with an undefined relative order. The function barrier() provides a partially defined order of execution between shader invocations. This ensures that values written by one invocation prior to the call to barrier() can be safely read by other invocations after the call to barrier(). Because invocations may execute in undefined order between barriers, the values of a per-vertex or per-patch output variable will be undefined in a number of cases enumerated in Section 4.3.6. The barrier() function may only be called inside the main entry point of the tessellation control shader and may not be called within any control flow. Barriers are also disallowed after a return statement in function main(). Syntax Description ------------- -------------------------------------------------- void barrier(void) For any given static instance of barrier(), all tessellation control shader invocations for a single input patch must enter it before any will be allowed to continue beyond it. Modify Section 9, Shading Language Grammar, p. 105 !!! TBD GLX Protocol None. Errors The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by PatchParameteri if is PATCH_VERTICES and is less than or equal to zero or is greater than the implementation-dependent maximum patch size. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Begin (or vertex array commands that implicitly call Begin) if the active program contains a tessellation control or evaluation shader and the primitive mode is not PATCHES. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Begin (or vertex array commands that implicitly call Begin) if the primitive mode is PATCHES if either: * the active program contains no tessellation evaluation shader, or * no program is active. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetProgramiv if identifies a tessellation control or evaluation shader-specific property and has not been linked successfully, or does not contain objects to form a shader whose type corresponds to . Dependencies on OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) If only the core profile of OpenGL 3.2 is supported, references to functionality deprecated by OpenGL 3.0 (built-in input/output variables corresponding to fixed-function vertex attributes, glBegin, fixed-function vertex processing) should be removed and/or replaced with functionality supported in the core profile. In such an environment, the PATCHES primitive type is not supported by the deleted Begin() function but will still be supported by vertex array draw calls such as DrawArrays() and DrawElements(). Dependencies on ARB_gpu_shader5 If ARB_gpu_shader5 is not supported, references to the input variable gl_InvocationID in the geometry shader language should be deleted. This spec references gl_InvocationID in order to provide a complete set of language for implementations supporting GLSL 1.50 and both extensions. Dependencies on ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 If ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 is supported, discussion of the maximum number of input, output, and uniform components supported by the implementation for tessellation control and evaluation shaders should note each double-precision floating-point value is counted as two components. Dependencies on NV_gpu_shader5 If NV_gpu_shader5 is supported, discussion of the maximum number of input, output, and uniform components supported by the implementation for tessellation control and evaluation shaders should note each 64-bit integer value is counted as two components. Dependencies on NV_primitive_restart If primitive restart is enabled, sending a vertex with the restart index will start a new patch at the beginning. Any vertices specified prior to the restart index that form a partial patch will be discarded. New State Add the following state to Table 6.5, Current Values and Associated Data, p. 343 Default Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attr. ------------------------ ---- -------------- --------- ------------------------ ------ ------- PATCH_VERTICES Z+ GetIntegerv 3 Number of vertices in 2.6.1 current input patch PATCH_DEFAULT_OUTER_ 4xR GetFloatv 4 x 1.0 Default outer tessellation 2.X.2 - LEVEL level w/o control shader PATCH_DEFAULT_INNER_ 2xR GetFloatv 2 x 1.0 Default outer tessellation 2.X.2 - LEVEL level w/o control shader Add the following state to Table 6.40, Program Object State, p. 378 Default Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attr. ------------------------ ---- -------------- --------- ------------------------ ------ ----- TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_ Z+ GetProgramiv 0 Output patch size 2.X.1 - VERTICES for tess. control shader TESS_GEN_MODE Z+ GetProgramiv QUADS Base primitive type for 2.X.2 - tess. prim. generator TESS_GEN_SPACING Z+ GetProgramiv EQUAL Spacing of tess. prim. 2.X.2 - generator edge subdivision TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER Z+ GetProgramiv CCW Order of vertices in 2.X.2 - primitives generated by tess. prim generator TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE Z+ GetProgramiv FALSE Tess prim. generator 2.X.2 - emits points? UNIFORM_BLOCK_REF- B GetActive- 0 True if uniform block is ERENCED_BY_TESS_ UniformBlockiv actively referenced by 2.14.4 - CONTROL_SHADER tess. control stage UNIFORM_BLOCK_REF- B GetActive- 0 True if uniform block is 2.14.4 - ERENCED_BY_TESS_ UniformBlockiv actively referenced by EVALUTION_SHADER tess evaluation stage New Implementation Dependent State Minimum Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. ------------------------- ---- ----------- ------- -------------------------- ------ MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL Z+ GetIntegerv 64 maximum tessellation level 2.X.2 supported by tessellation primitive generator MAX_PATCH_VERTICES Z+ GetIntegerv 32 maximum patch size 2.6.1 MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ Z+ GetIntegerv 1024 number of words for tess. 2.X.1.1 UNIFORM_COMPONENTS control shader uniforms MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ Z+ GetIntegerv 1024 number of words for tess. 2.X.3.1 UNIFORM_COMPONENTS evaluation shader uniforms MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TEXTURE_ Z+ GetIntegerv 16 number of tex. image units 2.14.7 IMAGE_UNITS for tess. control shaders MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ Z+ GetIntegerv 16 number of tex. image units 2.14.7 TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS for tess. eval. shaders MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ Z+ GetIntegerv 128 num. components for per- 2.X.1.2 OUTPUT_COMPONENTS vertex outputs in tess. control shaders MAX_TESS_PATCH_ Z+ GetIntegerv 120 num. components for per- 2.X.1.2 COMPONENTS patch output varyings for tess. control shaders MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_ Z+ GetIntegerv 4096 Total num components for 2.X.1.2 OUTPUT_COMPONENTS tess. control shader outputs MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ Z+ GetIntegerv 128 num. components for per- 2.X.3.2 OUTPUT_COMPONENTS vertex outputs in tess. evaluation shaders MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ Z+ GetIntegerv 128 num. components for per- 2.X.1.2 INPUT_COMPONENTS vertex inputs in tess. control shaders MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ Z+ GetIntegerv 128 num. components for per- 2.X.3.2 INPUT_COMPONENTS vertex inputs in tess. evaluation shaders MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ Z+ GetIntegerv 12 num. of supported uniform 2.14.4 UNIFORM_BLOCKS blocks for tess. control shaders MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ Z+ GetIntegerv 12 num. of supported uniform 2.14.4 UNIFORM_BLOCKS blocks for tess. evaluation shaders MAX_COMBINED_TESS_ Z+ GetIntegerv * number of words for tess. 2.X.1.1 CONTROL_UNIFORM_ control uniform variables COMPONENTS in all uniform blocks (including default) MAX_COMBINED_TESS_ Z+ GetIntegerv * number of words for tess. 2.X.3.1 EVALUATION_UNIFORM_ evaluation uniform vari- COMPONENTS ables in all uniform blocks (including default) The minimum values for MAX_COMBINED_*_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS by computing the value of: MAX_*_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS + MAX_*_UNIFORM_BLOCKS * (MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE/4) using the minimum values of the corresponding terms. Also, increase the minimum for MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS to 60 (12 blocks per stage, five stages) and MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS to 80 (16 image units per stage, five stages). Issues (1) How does tessellation fit into the existing GL pipeline? RESOLVED: The following diagram illustrates how tessellation shaders fit into the "vertex processing" portion of the GL (Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.2 Specification). First, vertex attributes are specified via immediate-mode commands or through vertex arrays. They can be conventional attributes (e.g., glVertex, glColor, glTexCoord) or generic (numbered) attributes. Vertices are then transformed, either using a vertex shader or fixed-function vertex processing. Fixed-function vertex processing includes position transformation (modelview and projection matrices), lighting, texture coordinate generation, and other calculations. The results of either method are a "transformed vertex", which has a position (in clip coordinates), front and back colors, texture coordinates, generic attributes (vertex shader only), and so on. Note that on many current GL implementations, vertex processing is performed by executing a "fixed function vertex shader" generated by the driver. After vertex transformation, vertices are assembled into primitives, according to the topology (e.g., TRIANGLES, QUAD_STRIP) provided by the call to glBegin(). Primitives are points, lines, triangles, quads, polygons, lines or triangles with adjacency, or patches. Many GL implementations do not directly support quads or polygons, but instead decompose them into triangles as permitted by the spec. After initial primitive assembly, patch primitives are processed by the tessellation control shader, if present. The tessellation control shader reads the vertices of the incoming patch and generates a new patch, consisting of a set of vertices and per-patch data. The tessellation control shader runs with multiple invocations, one per vertex in the output patch. Each invocation computes the properties of its own vertex; the invocations collectively compute any per-patch data. The vertices and per-patch data are then assembled into a new patch primitive. If a tessellation evaluation shader is present, the tessellation primitive generator and the tessellation evaluation shader will convert an incoming patch into a new set of point, line, or triangle primitives. The tessellation primitive generator uses the per-patch tessellation levels and output layout qualifiers to appropriately subdivide a triangle or quadrilateral into point, line, or triangle primitives. For each vertex in the subdivided surface, the tessellation evaluation shader is run to compute its position and other attributes, given a (u,v) or (u,v,w) location within the subdivided primitive, the vertices of the patch, and any per-patch data produced by the tessellation control shader. The results are assembled into primitives for processing by subsequent stages. After vertex transformation and tessellation, a geometry shader is executed on each individual point, line, triangle, or patch primitive, if one is active. It can read the attributes of each transformed vertex in the primitive, perform arbitrary computations, and emit new transformed vertices. These emitted vertices are themselves assembled into primitives according to the output primitive type of the geometry shader. Then, the colors of the vertices of each primitive are clamped to [0,1] (if color clamping is enabled), and flat shading may be performed by taking the color from the provoking vertex of the primitive. Each primitive is clipped to the view volume, and to any enabled user-defined clip planes. Color, texture coordinate, and other attribute values are computed for each new vertex introduced by clipping. After clipping, the position of each vertex (in clip coordinates) is converted to normalized device coordinates in the perspective division (divide by w) step, and to window coordinates in the viewport transformation step. At the same time, color values may be converted to normalized fixed-point values according to the "Final Color Processing" portion of the specification. After the vertices of the primitive are transformed to window coordinate, the GL determines if the primitive is front- or back-facing. That information is used for two-sided color selection, where a single set of colors is selected from either the front or back colors associated with each transformed vertex. When all this is done, the final transformed position, colors (primary and secondary), and other attributes are used for rasterization (Chapter 3 in the OpenGL 2.0 Specification). When the raster position is specified (via glRasterPos), it goes through the entire vertex processing pipeline as though it were a point. However, tessellation and geometry shaders are never run on the raster position. |generic |conventional |vertex |vertex |attributes |attributes | | | +-------------------+ | | | V V V vertex fixed-function shader vertex | processing | | | | +<-------------------+ | |position, color, |other vertex data | V Begin/ primitive patch tessellation (control point, End -----> assembly -----------> control parallel patch, State | shaders final patch) | | | | vertices| |per-patch | | |data | | | | | | V patch V V +<------------- primitive | assembly | | patch +-------+-+---------------+ output | | | |tess layout | vert-| |per-patch |levels qualifiers | ices | |data | | | | | V | | | | (u,v,w) tessellation | | | | +------ primitive <--------+ | | | | generator | V V V | | tessellation | | evaluation |connectivity | shader | | | V | +--------> primitive | vertex assembly V | +<-------------------------+ | Output |position, color, Primitive |other vertex data Type | | | geometry primitive | +----------> shader ------> assembly <-+ | | V | +<------------------------------+ | | | color flat +----------> clamping -----> shading | | V | +<------------------------------+ | clipping | perspective viewport +------> divide ----> transform | | | +---+-----+ | V | | final facing | +------> color determination | | processing | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+ +----+ | | | | | | V V | | two-sided | | coloring | | | | | | | +------------------+ | +-------------+ | | | V V V rasterization | | V (2) Should we introduce new "patch" primitive types, or should tessellation be allowed to operate on patches assembled from a point list or other primitive types? RESOLVED: Provide new patch primitives. (3) Unlike other primitive types, patches don't have a definite number of vertices. How should the number of vertices in a patch be specified? RESOLVED: Use a piece of "patch parameter" context state specified by the PatchParameteri entry point to indicate a patch size. Several other options were considered, including creating a new set of APIs to draw patches, having the input patch size be a (GLSL) program parameter, or providing a separate "patch" enum for each supported patch size (e.g., "PATCH16" for a 16-vertex patch). The new API was rejected because the new calls may need to interact with a wide variety of vertex APIs (e.g., multi-draw array calls, instancing, ranged element arrays); a patch size parameter is orthogonal to all of these. Having a fixed input patch size in a GLSL program may be fine in some cases. We expect that some tessellation control shaders may want handle input patches with a variable number of extraordinary vertices, which would be incompatible with a fixed patch size in the program. Handling many different "patch" enums in a frequently invoked draw calls didn't seem to make sense, either. (4) Should we support "overlap" of patches -- strips where some points in one patch are reused in neighboring ones? If so, how should the overlap be specified? Using a separate GL call? Using a parameter in the program specifying a strip? Using an overlap parameter that says how many vertices from one patch are carried over to the next one? Something else? RESOLVED: We will not support patch strips in this extension. Regular strips of patches can be drawn efficiently using DrawElements and an index buffer. (5) May patches be specified in immediate mode, and if so, how? RESOLVED: Yes; this support falls out of the API definition. Immediate mode may be useful in the compatibility profile to allow Begin/End-based applications to use tessellation without changing the way they specify vertices. For the core profile, immediate mode is not supported for any primitive type, including patches. (6) How are the vertices of patch primitives interpreted when compiled into display lists (compatibility profile)? RESOLVED: During compilation, the vertices are simply stored into the display list as-is. During execution, they are interpreted according to the current patch size values specified by PatchParameteri. To interpret patches according to values determined at display list compile time, compile PatchParameteri calls to set the size and stride into the display list. One downside of this choice is that making the interpretation of patch vertices dependent on run-time state means that the display list compiler may not be able to determine the number of vertices in a patch primitive, and would be unable to perform any operations that require knowing the patch structure. (7) What should these shaders be called? RESOLVED: The shader that converts an input patch to an output patch is called a "tessellation control shader" (TCS). The use of "control" has several connotations -- the vertices of the input and output patches are often called "control points" and the tessellation levels computed are used to control the tessellation primitive generator. The shader that takes the (u,v,w) or (u,v) points generated by the tessellation primitive generator are called tessellation evaluation shaders (TES), as they evaluate the position and other attributes of all the vertices of the tessellated primitive. Other options considered for TCS include "patch shaders" or "primitive shaders". These choices seemed too general; the existing geometry shaders are arguably already primitive shaders. The term "tessellation shader" was also considered for TES, but that choice also seemed too general -- TCS is strongly related to tessellation as well. Other APIs may refer to the tessellation control and evaluation shaders as "hull shaders" and "domain shaders", respectively. (8) Should coupling of tessellation control and evaluation shaders be required? RESOLVED: No. A tessellation control shader without an evaluation shader might be used in conjunction with transform feedback to generate regular transformed patches. Also, if the set of patches provided by the application is already in a form usable by the tessellator, the tessellation control shader may be bypassed. In this use case, the application would be required to provide default tessellation levels via the PatchParameterfv API, since no shader would be available to compute them. It may be useful to have a patch produced by a tessellation control shader to be fed directly to a geometry shader that performs some operation on full patches, rather than individual triangles of a tessellated patch. However, such capability is not provided in this extension. (9) What measures are provided to ensure crack-free tessellation, where the results of tessellating multiple adjacent meshes produce the same vertices along the edges? RESOLVED: The most likely cause of cracking is due to shared patch edges being subdivided differently. In order to get consistent tessellation along shared edges, the tessellation control shaders (or default levels) must be constructed so that outer tessellation level corresponding to the shared edge must be exactly the same in both patches. Hardware implementations should guarantee that the same set of vertices is produced when subdividing a shared patch edge where the corresponding outer tessellation level matches. Hardware implementations of this extension should also guarantee that the (u,v,w) parameters generated are complementary. Walking along a shared patch edge may take you from a u/v/w coordinate of 0.0 to 1.0 in one patch, and from 1.0 to 0.0. In this case, the u/v/w coordinates generated for any given vertex along this edge should sum to *exactly* 1.0. Even with proper hardware support, tessellation evaluation shaders need to be crafted carefully to avoid arithmetic errors caused by the order of operations. For example, errors in floating-point math mean that it's not always the case that: ((A + B) + C) + D = A + (B + (C + D)) An evaluation shader walking a shared edge in opposite directions could easily run into errors such as this. The "precise" qualifier provided by the ARB_gpu_shader5 extension can be used to reduce the risk of cracking due to compiler optimizations. The full details of how to guarantee crack-free tessellation are beyond the scope of this specification. (10) Should we provide special built-ins or other mechanisms to assist in crack-free tessellation or other common tessellation shader usages? If so, what should be provided? RESOLVED: Options considered include: * a test if a vertex is at the edge of a patch (for some common patch topologies); * a special directive to ensure that certain math operations requiring precise results are not adversely affected by compiler optimizations (e.g, reordering of operations, using asymmetric floating-point multiply-add operations); * special "lerp" intrinsics to ensure exact results for "complementary" weights; and * special built-ins for commonly used attribute evaluations (e.g., linear, bicubic, and other polynomial evaluations) This extension doesn't provide any such mechanisms; however, the "precise" qualifier in ARB_gpu_shader5 addresses the second issue. (11) Should we provide specific invariance guarantees to ensure crack-free tessellation? If so, what would they be? RESOLVED: Formulating guarantees of this sort is difficult. The "precise" qualifier can be used to guarantee that expressions are evaluated in the manner specified in the shader code. (12) In what domain should position parameters for tessellation shaders be provided? RESOLVED: We will provide tessellation coordinates in a standard [0,1] parameterization. Two-dimensional (u,v) coordinates with components in [0,1] is a standard parameterization; for example, it is what is used for OpenGL evaluators. A [-1,+1] parameterization has some advantages; in particular, the equivalent of "1-u" in this scheme is simply "-u". Floating-point calculations involving these terms would result in values of identical magnitude, but opposite sign. This advantage is not particularly important if the [0,1] parameterization is computed in a way that ensures that u+(1-u) == 1.0, with no floating-point rounding error. Three-dimensional barycentric coordinates are provided for triangular patches, where each coordinate is a linear weight for one of the corners of the subdivided primitive. Four-dimensional barycentric coordinates may be useful quad patches, but can be computed easily enough by a tessellation evaluation shader if required. (13) What type of patches are supported by the tessellation primitive generator? RESOLVED: The primitive generator will subdivide triangular and rectangular patches into triangles, and will also subdivide a rectangular patch into line strips (called "isolines"). Triangular and rectangular patches are useful for direct rendering of higher-order surfaces; isolines are useful for a number of things, including realistic hair rendering. Note that the notion of a patch in the tessellation API is simply an ordered collection of vertices of a fixed size. There is no requirement that the vertices of the patch be arranged in a triangular or rectangular pattern at all. Even for "normal" patches, there is no required vertex ordering. Applications should be careful that the vertices of the patches they provide are ordered in the manner expected by the tessellation shaders they use. (14) Should the tessellation control and evaluation shaders be provided in a single compliation unit, or in multiple units? RESOLVED: Separate units. While tessellation control and evaluation shaders might often be tightly coupled, they can exist separately. With the current GLSL program object API, all shader types are linked together into a single "program" unit, regardless. A future API may allow decoupled shaders, in which case the tessellation control and evaluation shaders may want to be packaged separately. (15) Should the tessellation control shader be provided in a single compilation unit with a single entry point, a single compilation unit with multiple entry points, or in multiple compilation units? RESOLVED: The extension packages the tessellation control shader into a single entry point that is run once per output vertex. The barrier() function is provided to divide the tessellation control shader into execution phases that allow the separate threads to communicate via shared output variables. We considered an approach that explicitly packages the different phases of execution into separate functions. Such a shader might have a "control point entrypoint" run independently in parallel and would be responsible for computing per-vertex attributes for each control point of the output patch. The shader might also have one or more "patch entrypoints" run independently that would be responsible for per-patch attributes. Restrictions on the capabilities might also be provided to limit the communication between threads and entrypoints to specific well-defined points. For example, the control point entrypoint might be allowed to write per-vertex outputs, but could be forbidden to read outputs written by other threads. Patch entrypoints could be guaranteed to run after control point entrypoints, forbidden from writing per-vertex outputs, and restricted to reading and writing disjoint per-patch outputs. Because shader outputs are defined at global scope in GLSL, enforcing such restrictions in a single shader executable would be difficult. For example, the compiler might be required to forbid calls to utility functions reading/writing global outputs in a specific manner. Such a restriction might need to apply to a lengthy call chain (i.e., an entrypoint calls function A, which calls function B, which calls function C, which performs specific operations on an output). We also considered an approach with completely separate shader types in separate compilation units. For example, we might provide separate "tessellation control point shaders" and one or more types of "tessellation control patch shaders". The linker would build a single tessellation control executable from one or more of these shaders. The languages for these different shader types could be constrained to enforce restrictions. For example, tessellation control point shaders could be forbidden from declaring per-patch outputs, and per-vertex outputs would be non-arrays to prevent threads from reading the outputs of other control point shaders. Per-vertex attributes of the output patch could be declared as inputs to the tessellation control patch shaders to forbid writes. Another option considered provided a single shader entry point called once per patch and have an optimizing compiler extract the same sort of parallel execution units provided by the explicitly parallel shader model. However, we didn't want to depend on "compiler magic" to get acceptable performance. (17) Tessellation control shaders have a shared output patch, where individual threads can read and write these shared outputs. Should we do anything to prevent multiple theads from reading and writing the same output? If not, what should happen if they do? RESOLVED: We are currently enforcing no compile-time restrictions on these cases. The built-in function barrier() can be used by the shader writer to segregate shader execution into phases. No problems should arise as long as no two threads access the same shared output in the same phase. Reading outputs written by other threads would not be a problem as long as the output was written in a previous phase. The relative execution order of the shader threads within a single phase is undefined; a single phase may be run fully in parallel or fully serially. If multiple threads write different values to the same output in the same phase, the thread that "wins" is undefined -- and for vectors, different components may have a different "winning thread". If one thread reads an output written by another thread in the same phase, the newly written value may or may not be available at the time the read is executed. In some of the alternate programming models considered in the discussion of the previous issue, it might be possible for the compiler to avoid read/write and write/write hazards. For example, the compiler might allow an output variable to be written by only a single entrypoint, and could allow only those entrypoints logically "after" the entry point to read it. Such enforcement would prevent undefined behavior, but would have some drawbacks of its own. In particular, it doesn't solve the problem of multiple threads computing a single per-patch attribute. One very natural use would be to use a patch entrypoint to compute the four outer tessellation levels in parallel. If all threads only write to gl_TessLevelOuter[gl_InvocationID], there are no hazards. However, detecting and preventing hazards are problematic if more complicated array indexing is used. Also, there would be a problem if a parallel shader was structured in such a way that one output might be written by exactly one thread, but it wasn't obvious to the compiler which thread actually would write it. (19) How should we name the parameters that control the degree of tessellation along edges of a given patch and the (u,v) or (u,v,w) parameter driving the tessellation shader evaluation? RESOLVED: The parameters controlling subdivision are called "tessellation levels". The ones controlling subdivision of the outer edges of the patch are called "outer tessellation levels"; the ones controlling the interior are called "inner tessellation levels". The built-in variables are called "gl_TessLevelOuter[]" and "gl_TessLevelInner[]". Both are declared as arrays of floating-point scalars, rather than vectors, so they can be accessed with indexing. The (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate used by the tessellation evaluation shader is referred to as the "tessellation coordinate", giving the relative coordinates of the vertex in the primitive being tessellated. The built-in input variable holding this value is called "gl_TessCoord". (20) How would applications handle attributes that may want to be sampled with different frequency? For example, OpenGL evaluators can specify evaluator maps of different order for different attributes? For example, evaluating (u,v) with a cubic 2D map (order == 4) requires 16 control points, while a linear map (order == 2) only requires 4. RESOLVED: Tessellation evaluation shaders can read from any vertex or per-patch attribute, so they can read whatever the tessellation control shader throws at them. Tessellation control shaders may choose to compute attributes sampled at a different frequency than per-control point in one of several ways: * Compute and output the attribute in only a subset of the tessellation control shader threads; for example, only compute the "linear" attributes in threads 0-3. * Encode the attribute across multiple control points. For example, four vec4 values could be passed out as a float for each vertex if 16 control point shader threads were used. Doing this may be tricky in some cases. * Compute the "linear" attributes as four-element per-patch outputs. If using this technique, it would be desirable to compute these independently in the tessellation control shader, if possible. (21) To what level should we enforce that different shader types in a program match exactly, and to what level does the current program need to match the topology enums (e.g., GL_POINTS) provided by the application? RESOLVED: If the tessellator is being used, we will require a patch primitive as input and throw an INVALID_OPERATION error if any other primitive type is provided. This is consistent with geometry shaders requiring primitives consistent with their input topology. If no tessellation evaluation shader is present, a patch primitive would need to be passed through to the geometry shader, or potentially transform feedback and rasterization. That capability will not be provided by this extension, but may be provided in the future or in a vendor-specific extension. (22) If we have a notion of a "patch" as a random (though possibly fixed-size) blob of vertices, should we extend this concept to encompass geometry shaders as well? RESOLVED: No, we will not allow geometry shaders to receive patches in this extension. That limitation may be relaxed in a future extension. Such a mechanism would allow patches to be used by geometry shaders in settings other than tessellation. For example, QUADS primitives are subdivided into two triangles when passed to geometry shaders. However, this mechanism allows applications to pass 4-vertex PATCHES primitives to geometry shaders, which can treat the four vertices as a quad. Note also that the only way one could get patches to geometry shaders is if no tessellation evaluation shader is present, because the tessellation primitive generator will consume an input patch. (23) Should we support a programming model where the tessellation control shader can be written serially rather than explicitly requiring parallel execution? RESOLVED: Not in this extension. The parallel programming model allows for improved efficiency. While an optimizing compiler could refactor the code to execute in parallel, depending on this refactoring would run the risk of major performance pitfalls. (24) Should the use of tessellation shaders be allowed with fixed-function vertex processing, or should we require the use of a vertex shader? RESOLVED: When using tessellation control or evaluation shaders, programmable vertex shaders will be required. This follows the precedent established by EXT_geometry_shader4 that requires that if you use a programmable shader for any stage prior to rasterization, you can't mix that with fixed-function vertex processing. (25) Should we support variable-size input patches in the tessellation control or evaluation shaders? If so, how can one get at the number of vertices in the input patch? RESOLVED: Yes, variable-size input patches are supported, though the input size can not be changed within a single draw call or Begin/End pair. The vertex count for a specific input patch can be obtained in a shader using the input variable "gl_PatchVerticesIn". Additionally, the maximum patch size supported by the implementation, used for sizing unsigned per-vertex input arrays, is given by the constant "gl_MaxPatchVertices". The EXT_geometry_shader4 provided a constant "gl_VerticesIn" corresponding to the fixed input primitive size set by the input primitive type. This variable was dropped when geometry shaders were included in GLSL 1.50 because the value of this constant couldn't be known at CompileShader() time. Using GLSL 1.50, a shader could extract the same value using "gl_in.length()" as long as the input primitive type was declared prior to the use of "length()". This spec initially repurposed "gl_VerticesIn" for tessellation shaders to refer to the input "gl_PatchVerticesIn", but having a variable that was a constant in some shaders/#extension configurations and an input in others was confusing. (26) Must per-vertex input variables be declared as arrays indexed by vertex number? What syntax should be used in the declaration? RESOLVED: Yes, they must be declared as arrays or members of blocks declared as arrays. We strongly recommend that shaders simply omit the vertex size; a default size will be injected automatically by the compiler. For example, if each input patch vertex a vec3 named position an array of four vec2 values called "texcoords" and the implementation's maximum patch size is 32, any of the following declarations are legal. in vec3 position[]; in vec3 position[gl_MaxPatchVertices]; in vec3 position[32]; in TexCoords { vec2 coords[4]; } tex[]; in TexCoords { vec2 coords[4]; } tex[gl_MaxPatchVertices]; in TexCoords { vec2 coords[4]; } tex[32]; Shaders using the "32" form won't be portable; they will break when run on any implementation that has a different patch size limit. Shaders using "gl_MaxPatchVertices" will be portable, but there's no point in specifying a vertex count. Just say no. (27) Can tessellation shaders be run on primitives such as triangles or triangle strips? RESOLVED: Not directly. However, if an application is drawing independent triangles using DrawElements, it can pass the same set of indices using PATCHES and a patch size of 3 vertices and use the tessellator normally. (29) How does tessellation interact with PolygonMode? Edge flags? RESOLVED: When the tessellation primitive generator decomposes a patch and emits triangles, each triangle will be drawn with all edge flags set to TRUE (as with regular TRIANGLE_STRIP primitives). If the polygon mode is not FILL, each triangle will be drawn using points or lines, as with any other primitive. PolygonMode and edge flags have no effect on point or line primitives, and will thus have no effect if a patch is used to generate points or isolines, or if the patch makes it to the rasterizer. (30) Are any of the clamped/filtered gl_TessLevel values computed by the tessellation primitive generator available to tessellation evaluation shaders? RESOLVED: No, the only tessellation levels directly available to the tessellation evaluation shaders will be the raw values written by the tessellation control shaders or taken from default tessellation levels. If a tessellation evaluation shader requires clamped or rounded levels, it can perform the clamping itself. Alternately, the clamped levels can be computed in the tessellation control patch shaders and passed to the evaluation shader using a per-patch output declared as "patch out". (31) Should any of the patch parameters or the maximum input patch size parameter have a "TESS_" prefix? RESOLVED: No. These are properties of patches, not any tessellation units. While patches may be commonly used for tessellation, they might also be used in the future by geometry shaders or transform feedback with no tessellation shaders present. (32) How are primitives generated by the tessellator wound in (u,v) space? Can we wind in either direction, or is only one way supported? At the very least, we should guarantee that the winding is internally consistent. RESOLVED: We will support both clockwise and counter-clockwise winding in the normalized (u,v) space, where the winding can be specified using a layout qualifier. Note that the final position of the vertices are computed in the tessellation evaluation shader, and a triangle that is counter-clockwise in (u,v) space may end up clockwise in screen space. (35) Tessellation evaluation shaders have a fixed input patch size if a tessellation control shader is present, but a variable input patch size otherwise. Is that a problem? RESOLVED: No, we don't think so. (36) How do patches interact with primitive restart indices? RESOLVED: Primitive restart terminates the existing patch and start a new one, just like any other primitive. Since we only support independent patch primitives, primtive restart with patches is every bit as pointless as it is with independent point, line, triangle, and quad primitives. (37) Should the default tessellation levels be used automatically if they are not written by the tessellation control shader? RESOLVED: No. If you don't write tessellation levels in a tessellation control patch shader, they will be undefined. If an application really want a "default" tessellation level in conjunction with the tessellation control shader, it can simply copy one from a uniform. (40) How does tessellation interact with rasterization features such as flat shading and stippled lines? How are the vertices produced by the tessellator presented to the geometry shader, if one is present? RESOLVED: For quad and triangle tessellation, a set of independent triangles is generated by the tessellation primitive generator. For isoline tessellation, a set of independent lines is generated. In both cases, the order in which the triangles or lines are drawn is undefined. Additionally, the order of vertices in the triangles or lines are also undefined. The only thing that is defined is that when triangles are generated, their winding will be consistent with the "cw" or "ccw" layout qualifer. As a result, using flat shading and line stipple with tessellation shaders may not produce regular results given that the first vertex (resetting stipple) and last vertex (provoking vertex for flat shading) of each primitive are undefined. Additionally, the order of vertices presented to a geometry shader will not be predictable. All of these features will work with tessellation; they just won't produce results that are as regular as what you'd get decomposing a patch into a set of triangle strips. Note that for the isoline tessellation, while the line segments appear to be arranged in strips, they are rendered as independent segments and have their stipple reset at the beginning of each segment. (41) Tessellation control shaders declare per-vertex outputs as arrays or members of block arrays indexed by vertex number. However, we only allow each thread to write per-vertex outputs for its own vertex. How should we impose this restriction? RESOLVED: The current specification requires that the value of the expression used as a vertex input must be the identifier "gl_InvocationID". This does mean that even trivially equivalent expressions such as "(gl_InvocationID)" or "glInvocationID + 0" should not be accepted by the compiler. We considered allowing compilers to accept equivalent expressions like "(gl_InvocationID)", "(gl_InvocationID + 0)", or a temporary variable assigned the value of "gl_InvocationID". We also considered allowing any expression, with undefined behavior if the value of the index turned out to not be equal to "gl_InvocationID". We chose to have a stronger restriction to avoid undefined behavior and errors that depending on specific compiler behavior. Applications not wishing to use the string "gl_InvocationID" can use the #define preprocessor feature to define an alternate name. (42) What restrictions should apply to the barrier() built-in? RESOLVED: Given that the barrier() function must be reached by all threads before any thread continues, it would be possible for shader thread groups to hang if any thread in the group never reaches the barrier because of conditional flow control. We would prefer not to provide a mechanism allowing improperly-coded shaders to hang, so it would be necessary to rely on compiler analysis to prevent the use of barrier() in places where it isn't safe, which would include: * calls within "if" or "else" substatements of an if statement, * calls within "do", "for", or "while" loops if the number of loop iterations is not known to be uniform, or if any thread may execute a "continue" or "break" statement, * calls within functions called directly or indirectly by main() in cases any call in the chain is in conditional code, and * calls within the main() entrypoint issued after one or more threads have executed a "return" statement. Relying on such analysis on fully general shader code may be fragile and difficult to replicate uniformly across all compiler implementations. As a result, we choose a heavy-handed approach in which we only allow calls to barrier() inside main(). Even within main, barrier() calls are forbidden inside loops (even those that turn out to have constant loop counts and don't execute "break" or "continue" statements), if statements, or after a return statement. (43) Why provide a limit on the maximum number of components (both per-vertex and per-patch) emitted by a tessellation control shader, i.e. MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS? RESOLVED: We expect that some implementations of this extension might have a fixed limit on output buffering that may not not allow the combined use of a maximum number of per-patch and per-vertex attributes. (44) What is the meaning of a "vertex shader" inside a pipeline with tessellation enabled? RESOLVED: There are two different types of "vertex" when tessellation is involved. We have the vertices of the input patch, and we have the vertices generated by the tessellation primitive generator. If one considers "vertices" to be points used to control rasterized primitives, the former may be more reasonably considered "control points", since they typically won't be used as-in in primitives sent to the rasterizer. Additionally, operations typically performed in a vertex shader (lighting, texture coordinate generation) may instead be performed by a after evaluating the position and normal in the tessellation evaluation shader. In such a world view, one might rename the pipeline stage typically called "vertex shader" when tessellation is disabled to be a "control point shader" stage. A logically separate pipeline stage with a lot in common with existing vertex shaders would be run after the tessellation evaluation shader. This extension chooses not to adopt the above approach, however. While a post-tessellation vertex shader may have a lot in common with the vertex shader used without tessellation, it's not likely that the shader code used in these two cases will be completely identical. In particular, the vertex positions and normals computed by the tessellation coordinate shader will likely be in a different coordinate system than the "object space" positions and normals used for vanilla vertex shaders. The linkage between the two types of vertex shader and the previous stage are also very different -- post-tessellation vertex shaders would get their inputs from the outputs of the tessellation evaluation shader; "normal" vertex shaders get their inputs from vertex attribute arrays specified with the OpenGL API. Additionally, allowing a vertex shader to live at the beginning or middle of the pipeline would have problems if/when OpenGL releases the monolithic single program model in the current GLSL API. In such an API, it would be necessary to generate code for a vertex shader without knowledge of whether it would be run with or without tessellation. In the model we do expose, developers need to keep in mind that with tessellation: * vertex shaders are run on control points, not post-tessellation vertices, and * many of the vertex processing operations typically performed by the vertex shader will be performed by the tessellation evaluation shader. It may be possible to share some or all portions of existing vertex shader code verbatim with the tessellation evaluation shaders via clever use of #ifdefs or multiple shader objects. Additionally, higher-level shader or effects libraries may be able to expose a different pipeline configuration as long as they generate code and shader/program objects that fit the existing pipeline. (45) Should we provide the ability for the implementation to automatically generate a "pass-through" vertex shader, effectively making vertex shaders optional when tessellating. In some tessellation algorithms, the bulk of the work will be done in the tessellation control and evaluation shaders, and the vertex shader will have little or no interesting work to do. RESOLVED: Not in this extension. This functionality might be useful, but making such a change would have significant impact. First, there would be quite a bit of text to rewrite regarding vertex attributes, all of which is now in the "vertex shader" section but might want to be done more neutrally. Additionally, the input variables for tessellation/geometry shaders would presumably now receive vertex attributes. However, TCS/TES/GS can have inputs that are not supported as equivalent vertex shader inputs. In particular, structures are allowed as inputs in TCS/TES/GS, but not in VS. This probably has further impact on the vertex attribute language. We chose to leave out this functionality for simplicity. (46) Should we reserve "patch" as a keyword for per-patch input qualifiers, or use something more obscure, such as "per_patch"? Whatever keyword we choose, should it be reserved in all languages or just tessellation control and evaluation? RESOLVED: This extension uses "patch". (47) Should we allow tessellation control or evaluation inputs and outputs to be declared as "centroid in" or "centroid out", or with interpolation modifiers, even if those variables aren't being interpolated? RESOLVED: Yes. This allows for mix-and-match linkage where you can feed an output from a single vertex shader to a fragment shader in one program and a tessellation/geometry shader in another. The shading language requires that variables on each interface match in type and qualification. Therefore, if a fragment shader input is declared as "centroid in", the vertex shader output must be declared similarly. When used on inputs in tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, and geometry shaders, "centroid" and any other interpolation modifiers have no effect. (48) Should we provide a tessellation spacing mode where the tessellation levels are snapped to powers of two? RESOLVED: No. Such a mode would be useful to avoid motion of generated vertices as the tessellation levels change. When using a power of two, an increasing tessellation level snaps from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16. In each transition, the existing points generated by the tessellator on each edge don't move -- new vertices are introduced at the midpoint of each old edge in the subdivision. Applications can implement this behavior themselves by manually snapping the levels of detail they compute in the tessellation control shader. (49) Should we make clockwise/counter-clockwise winding of tessellation output program state or context state? RESOLVED: Program state, for simplicity. Making it program state means that if an application wants to use the same tessellation evaluation shader with different winding orders, it would need to generate two separate programs/tessellation evaluation shaders. This doesn't seem to be a significant enough usage case to justify the overhead of having to program a separate piece of tessellation state. Note that applications that want to use the same program with different windings can work around this limitation by toggling the FrontFace API state as required. Counter-clockwise primitives with FrontFace set to CCW will generally be indistinguishable from clockwise primitives with FrontFace set to CW. The only limitation of this approach is that it doesn't affect the winding of primitives captured by transform feedback. (50) Tessellation using "point_mode" is supposed to emit each distinct vertex produced by the tessellation primitive generator exactly once. Are there cases where this can produce multiple vertices with the same position? RESOLVED: Yes. If fractional odd spacing is used, we have outer tessellation levels that are greater than 1.0, and inner tessellation levels less than or equal to 1.0, this can occur. If any outer level is greater than 1.0, we will subdivide the outer edges of the patch, and will need a subdivided patch interior to connect to. We handle this by treating inner levels less than or equal to 1.0 as though they were slightly greater than 1.0 ("1+epsilon"). With fractional odd spacing, inner levels between 1.0 and 3.0 will produce a three-segment subdivision, with one full-size interior segment and two smaller ones on the outside. The following figure illustrates what happens to quad tessellation if the horizontal inner LOD (IL0) goes from 3.0 toward 1.0 in fractional odd mode: IL0==3 IL0==2 IL0=1.5 IL0=1.2 +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | | | | | | | | | +---+ | | +-----+ | | +-------+ | |+---------+| | | | | | | | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | | | | | | || || | +---+ | | +-----+ | | +-------+ | |+---------+| | | | | | | | | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ As the inner level approaches 1.0, the vertical inner edges in this example get closer and closer to the outer edge. The distance between the inner and outer vertical edges approaches zero for an inner level of 1+epsilon, and the positions of vertices produced by subdividing such edges may be numerically indistinguishable. Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- -------- --------- ----------------------------------------- 22 04/21/15 Jon Leech Allow user-defined TCS input and output, and TES input variable array size mismatches to be detected at compile as well as link time (Bug 12185). 21 04/20/15 Jon Leech Remove "per-patch" part of description of MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS (Bug 13765). 20 04/25/14 pbrown Clarify that the tessellation primitive generator may produce multiple vertices with the same gl_TessCoord values in point mode when fractional odd spacing is used with an inner tessellation level less than or equal to 1.0 (bug 11979). 19 10/25/12 pbrown Update spec language describing tessellation of isolines. Fix the inconsistent/incorrect language describing the handling of tessellation levels -- outer level 0 controls the number of isolines generated and outer level 1 controls the number of segements in each isoline (bug 9195/9607). Minor isoline tessellation wording fixes for improved clarity. 18 03/29/10 pbrown Update issues (42), (46), and (47). 17 03/22/10 pbrown Minor corrections to the Dependencies section. 16 01/29/10 pbrown Updates from ARB review (bug 5905). In particular, we again allow only the token "gl_Invocation" for indexing TCS outputs, reversing changes in version 7. Added some clarifications to barrier(). Increased minimum value of gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits. 15 01/26/10 pbrown Reflow some ragged paragraphs. 14 01/20/10 Jon Leech Make behavior, not just results undefined when reading gl_in beyond the number of vertices in the input patch (Bug 5880). 13 01/20/10 pbrown Clarify the required minimum values for MAX_COMBINED_*_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS (bug 5919). 12 01/14/10 Jon Leech Remove erroneous reference to triangles from tesselation control shader input language (Bug 5881). 11 01/14/10 pbrown Minor clarifications from spec reviews. Add missing edits for gl_InvocationID changes from version 7. 10 12/14/09 pbrown Rename "gl_VerticesIn" to "gl_PatchVerticesIn" to avoid collision with the EXT_geometry_shader4 variable of the same name. Add language clarifying the size applied to unsized input arrays for tessellation control and evaluation shaders. 9 12/10/09 pbrown Rename the layout qualifiers for vertex order to "cw" and "ccw". Minor changes to invariance rules, including addition of a rule guaranteeing that + (1-) is exactly 1.0 for gl_TessCoord components. 8 12/10/09 pbrown Convert from EXT to ARB. 7 12/09/09 pbrown Miscellaneous fixes from spec review: Added a new invariance section describing a set of hopefully useful rules for tessellation. Slightly relaxed the rules requiring gl_InvocationID for TCS per-vertex outputs. Cleaned up language on primitive generation and when outputs are defined in TCS w.r.t. barrier. General typo fixes and language clarifications. 6 11/02/09 pbrown Fix cut-and-paste error in the definition of gl_PrimitiveID. 5 10/23/09 pbrown Change the name of one GLSL constant to gl_MaxTessPatchComponents (was "TessControl") to match the API constant name. This limit also applies to evaluation shaders. 4 10/13/09 pbrown Minor typo fixes. 3 10/01/09 pbrown Renamed some of the tessellation evaluation shader input layout qualifiers to more closely match geometry shader conventions. Renamed gl_ThreadID to gl_InvocationID. Fixed one reference to an old layout qualifier name. 2 09/28/09 pbrown Typo fix. 1 pbrown Internal revisions.