Name GLX_ARB_robustness_isolation Name Strings GLX_ARB_robustness_application_isolation GLX_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation Contributors Tim Johansson, Opera (timj 'at' Bill Licea-Kane (bill.licea-kane 'at' Contact Kenneth Russell, Google (kbr 'at' Notice Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at Status Complete. Approved by the ARB on 2012/06/12. Version Last Modified Date: August 13, 2012 Version: 6 Number ARB Extension #142 Dependencies GLX 1.4 is required. GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness is required. Overview GL_ARB_robustness and GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness allow creating an OpenGL context supporting graphics reset notification behavior. GLX_ARB_robustness_application_isolation and GLX_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation provide stronger guarantees about the possible side-effects of a graphics reset. IP Status No known IP claims. New Procedures and Functions None. New Types None. New Tokens Accepted as a bit in the attribute value for GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB in the <*attrib_list> argument to glXCreateContextAttribsARB: GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_ISOLATION_BIT_ARB 0x00000008 Additions to the OpenGL / AGL / WGL Specifications None. This specification is written for GLX. Additions to the GLX specification Add the following new paragraphs to the description of glXCreateContextAttribsARB, after that added by GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness: "If the application creates all of its OpenGL contexts with the GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB attribute set to GLX_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB, and the GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_ISOLATION_BIT_ARB bit set, then: If the graphics driver advertises the GLX_ARB_robustness_application_isolation extension string, then the driver guarantees that if a particular application causes a graphics reset to occur: 1. No other application on the system is affected by the graphics reset. 2. No other application on the system receives any notification that the graphics reset occurred. If the graphics driver advertises the GLX_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation extension string, then the driver guarantees that if a context in a particular share group causes a graphics reset to occur: 1. No other share group within the application, nor any other application on the system, is affected by the graphics reset. 2. No other share group within the application, nor any other application on the system, receives any notification that the graphics reset occurred. The GLX_ARB_robustness_application_isolation and GLX_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation extensions do not provide guarantees for graphics resets caused by applications which did not create their contexts with both the LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB reset notification strategy and the GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_ISOLATION_BIT_ARB bit." Add a new context creation error to glXCreateContextAttribsARB: "* If the reset isolation bits of and the newly created context are different, BadMatch is generated." GLX Errors None GLX Protocol None Errors GLXBadFBConfig is generated if GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_ISOLATION_BIT_ARB is set in attribute GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, and no GL context supporting the GL_ARB_robustness_isolation extension with either application or share group isolation can be created. BadMatch is generated if the reset isolation bit of does not match the reset isolation bit of the context being created. New State None New Implementation Dependent State None Conformance Tests TBD Sample Code TBD Issues 1) Do GPU vendors all agree that the share_group_isolation variant is supportable? If so, we could drop the application_isolation variant, which would simplify the spec. 2) How will these extension strings be handled and exposed on EGL and Mac OS? Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- ------------ --------- ---------------------------------------- 1 18 Apr 2011 kbr Initial version 2 28 Apr 2011 kbr Renamed context_isolation to share_group_isolation 3 08 Jun 2011 kbr Made guarantees conditional on using LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB 4 17 Aug 2011 kbr Renamed file to GLX_ARB_robustness_isolation 5 24 Apr 2012 kbr Added GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_ISOLATION_BIT_ARB on feedback from Bill Licea-Kane 6 08 Aug 2012 Jon Leech Renumbered from #145 to #142