Name ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments Name Strings GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments Contact Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at' Contributors Members of the Khronos OpenGL ARB TSG Notice Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at Status Complete. Approved by the ARB on 2012/06/12. Version Last Modified Date: May 7, 2015 Revision: 5 Number ARB Extension #130 Dependencies OpenGL 3.0 or ARB_framebuffer_object is required. This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (January 19, 2012). This extension interacts with OpenGL 3.0 and EXT_texture_array. This extension interacts with EXT_direct_state_access. Overview Framebuffer objects as introduced by ARB_framebuffer_object and OpenGL 3.0 provide a generalized mechanism for rendering to off-screen surfaces. Each framebuffer object may have depth, stencil and zero or more color attachments that can be written to by the GL. The size of the framebuffer (width, height, layer count, sample count) is derived from the attachments of that framebuffer. In unextended OpenGL 4.2, it is not legal to render into a framebuffer object that has no attachments. Such a framebuffer would be considered incomplete with the FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT status. With OpenGL 4.2 and ARB_shader_image_load_store, fragment shaders are capable of doing random access writes to buffer and texture memory via image loads, stores, and atomics. This ability enables algorithms using the conventional rasterizer to generate a collection of fragments, where each fragment shader invocation will write its outputs to buffer or texture memory using image stores or atomics. Such algorithms may have no need to write color or depth values to a conventional framebuffer. However, a framebuffer with no attachments will be considered incomplete and no rasterization or fragment shader exectuion will occur. To avoid such errors, an application may be required to create an otherwise unnecessary "dummy" texture and attach it to the framebuffer (possibly with color writes masked off). If the algorithm requires the rasterizer to operate over a large number of pixels, this dummy texture will needlessly consume a significant amount of memory. This extension enables the algorithms described above to work even with a framebuffer with no attachments. Applications can specify default width, height, layer count, and sample count parameters for a framebuffer object. When a framebuffer with no attachments is bound, it will be considered complete as long as the application has specified non-zero default width and height parameters. For the purposes of rasterization, the framebuffer will be considered to have a width, height, layer count, and sample count derived from its default parameters. Framebuffers with one or more attachments are not affected by these default parameters; the size of the framebuffer will still be derived from the sizes of the attachments in that case. Additionally, this extension provides queryable implementation-dependent maximums for framebuffer width, height, layer count, and sample count, which may differ from similar limits on textures and renderbuffers. These maximums will be used to error-check the default framebuffer parameters and also permit implementations to expose the ability to rasterize to an attachment-less framebuffer larger than the maximum supported texture size. IP Status No known IP claims. New Procedures and Functions void FramebufferParameteri(enum target, enum pname, int param); void GetFramebufferParameteriv(enum target, enum pname, int *params); (the following two commands are supported only if EXT_direct_state_access is supported) void NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT(uint framebuffer, enum pname, int param); void GetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT(uint framebuffer, enum pname, int *params); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of FramebufferParameteri, GetFramebufferParameteriv, NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT, and GetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT: FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_WIDTH 0x9310 FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT 0x9311 FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS 0x9312 FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES 0x9313 FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS 0x9314 Accepted by the parameter of GetIntegerv, GetBooleanv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH 0x9315 MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT 0x9316 MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS 0x9317 MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES 0x9318 Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (OpenGL Operation) None. Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Rasterization) None. Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) Modify Section 4.4.1, Binding and Managing Framebuffer Objects, p. 425 (add to third-to-last bullet, p. 427) * If the attachment sizes are not identical, ... for each attachment). if there are no attachments, rendering will be limited to a rectangle having a lower left of (0,0) and an upper right of (width, height), where and are the framebuffer object's default width and height. (add to next-to-last bullet, p. 427) * If the number of layers of each attachment are not identical, ... of any attachment. If there are no attachments, the number of layers will be taken from the framebuffer object's default layer count. (insert before the last paragraph of the section , p. 428) Parameters of a framebuffer object are set using the command void FramebufferParameteri(enum target, enum pname, int param); must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. specifies the parameter of the framebuffer object bound to target to set. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the default (zero) framebuffer object is bound to . When a framebuffer has one or more attachments, the width, height, layer count (section 4.4.7), sample count, and sample location pattern of the framebuffer are derived from the properties of the framebuffer attachments. When the framebuffer has no attachments, these properties are taken from framebuffer parameters. When is FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_WIDTH, FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT, FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS, FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES, or FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS, the value in specifies the width, height, layer count, sample count, or sample location pattern, repsectively, used when the framebuffer has no attachments. The error INVALID_VALUE will be generated if is less than zero or greater the implementation-dependent limits MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH, MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT, MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS, MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES if is FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_WIDTH, FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT, FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS, or FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES, respectively. When a framebuffer has no attachments, it is considered layered (section 4.4.7) if and only if the value of FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS is non-zero. It is considered to have sample buffers if and only if the value of FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES is non-zero. The number of samples in the framebuffer is derived from the value of FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES in an implementation-dependent manner similar to that described for the command RenderbufferStorageMultisample (section 4.4.2). If the framebuffer has sample buffers, if the value of FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS is non-zero, it is considered to have a fixed sample location pattern as described for TexImage2DMultisample (section 3.10.6). The command void NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT(uint framebuffer, enum pname, int param); operates exactly like FramebufferParameteri, except that it modifies parameters of the framebuffer object named by instead of a specified bound framebuffer object. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is not a name returned by GenFramebuffers. If a framebuffer object named does not yet exist, it will be created. Modify Section 4.4.4, Framebuffer Completeness, p. 439 (modify second bullet in the list of required conditions for attachment completeness in "Framebuffer Attachment Completeness", p. 440) * The width and height of are greater than zero and are less than or equal to the implementation-dependent limits MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH and MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT, respectively. (delete the third and fourth bullets in the list, replacing with new bullets at the end of the list) (add new bullets to the end of the list, p. 441) * If is a three-dimensional, one- or two-dimensional array, or cube map array texture and the attachment is not layered, the selected layer is less than the depth or layer count of the texture. * If is a three-dimensional, one- or two-dimensional array, or cube map array texture and the attachment is layered, the depth or layer count of the texture is less than or equal to the implementation-dependent limit MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS. * If has multiple samples, its sample count is less than or equal to the implementation-dependent limit MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES. (modify third bullet of "Whole Framebuffer Completeness", p. 441) * There is at least one image attached to the framebuffer, or the framebuffer's FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_WIDTH and FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT parameters are both non-zero. { FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT } Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Special Functions) None. (NOTE: GetFramebufferParameteriv is not compiled in a display list, but no spec language is required due to the blanket language covering all Get* commands.) Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (State and State Requests) Modify Section 6.1.19, Framebuffer Object Queries, p. 501 (add to end of the section, p. 504) The command void GetFramebufferParameteriv(enum target, enum pname, int *params) returns the values of the framebuffer parameter of the framebuffer object bound to . must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. specifies the parameter of the framebuffer object bound to target to return. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the default (zero) framebuffer object is bound to . The command void GetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT(uint framebuffer, enum pname, int *params); operates exactly like GetFramebufferParameteriv, except that it queries parameters of the framebuffer object named by instead of a specified bound framebuffer object. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if is not a name returned by GenFramebuffers. If a framebuffer object named does not yet exist, it will be created. Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Invariance) None. Additions to Appendix D of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (Shared Objects and Multiple Contexts) None. Additions to the AGL/EGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None GLX Protocol TBD Dependencies on OpenGL 3.0 and EXT_texture_array If OpenGL 3.0 and EXT_texture_array are not supported, references to the framebuffer parameter FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS should be removed. Dependencies on EXT_direct_state_access If EXT_direct_state_access is not supported, the commands NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT and GetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT are not supported. Errors The error INVALID_ENUM is generated by FramebufferParameteri and GetFramebufferParameteriv if is not DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or FRAMEBUFFER. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by FramebufferParameteri and GetFramebufferParameteriv if the default (zero) framebuffer is bound to target. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by FramebufferParameteri and NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT if is less than zero or greater the implementation-dependent limits MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH, MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT, MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS, MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES if is FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_WIDTH, FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT, FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS, or FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES, respectively. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT and GetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT if is not a name returned by GenFramebuffers. New State Add to Table 6.33, Framebuffer (state per framebuffer object), p. 537 Initial Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attrib. ---------------------------- ---- --------------- ------- ------------------------ ----- --------- FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_WIDTH Z+ GetFramebuffer- 0 default width of frame- 4.4.1 - Parameteriv buffer w/o attachments FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT Z+ GetFramebuffer- 0 default height of frame- 4.4.1 - Parameteriv buffer w/o attachments FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS Z+ GetFramebuffer- 0 default layer count of 4.4.1 - Parameteriv framebuffer w/o attachments FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES Z+ GetFramebuffer- 0 default sample count of 4.4.1 - Parameteriv framebuffer w/o attachments FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_FIXED_ B GetFramebuffer- FALSE default sample location 4.4.1 - SAMPLE_LOCATIONS Parameteriv pattern of framebuffer w/o attachments New Implementation Dependent State Get Value Type Get Command Minimum Value Description Sec. ----------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH Z+ GetIntegerv 16384 (*) maximum width for 4.4.1 framebuffer object MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT Z+ GetIntegerv 16384 (*) maximum height for 4.4.1 framebuffer object MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS Z+ GetIntegerv 2048 (*) maximum layer count for 4.4.1 layered framebuffer object MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES Z+ GetIntegerv 4 (*) maximum sample count for 4.4.1 framebuffer object (*) Note: These minimum values are the ones applicable to this extension on top of OpenGL 4.2 and higher. The minimum values may be lower on implementations supporting only older versions of OpenGL. For implementations supporting this extension on older versions, the minimums can be determined from the table below. the minimum for is the minimum defined for ----------------------- -------------------------- MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES MAX_SAMPLES Issues (1) Should we specify the default framebuffer parameters in one command or via separate FramebufferParameter* commands? RESOLVED: Separate parameters provide for a more future-proof API, in case we need new defaults in the future. (2) Should the default framebuffer parameters affect only framebuffers with no attachments? RESOLVED: As specified, they affect only framebuffers with no attachments. Alternately, one could have treated these default parameters as specifying an extra unusable attachment whose values would be used in various intersection/consistency tests. In that approach, if a framebuffer had a single attachment and default parameters were also specified: * the renderable area would be the intersection of the rectangle/layer count derived from the attachment and the rectangle/layer count from the framebuffer defaults; * the sample count and fixed sample location state would have to match between the attachment and framebuffer default. This specification is not using such an "intersection" approach, which doesn't seem to introduce significant value. (3) Should we check the default framebuffer parameters against implementation-dependent limits when they are specified, when testing for completeness, or both? RESOLVED: We will expose implementation-dependent limits on the maximum framebuffer width, height, layer count, and sample count, and check the values passed the FramebufferParameteri against them. As specified, implementations are required to support all legal combinations of default framebuffer width, height, sample count, and layer count as long as they are under their respective implementation limits. This requirement could be a problem if a hypothetical implementation could support larger values for one default parameter as long as others stayed small. For example, if an implementation could support a 64Kx64K single-sample framebuffer, but could only support a 16Kx16K framebuffer with 8 samples, this extension would only permit them to expose a maximum width/height of 16K. The most obvious way to support this would be to add a feature allowing larger default sizes, but treating a framebuffer with an unsupported combination (e.g., 64Kx64K at 8xAA) as incomplete. Such a capability will not be incorporated into this extension, however. (4) How do the new implementation-dependent limits for maximum framebuffer width, height, layer count, and sample count affect framebuffers with attachments? RESOLVED: If implementation limits permit the creation of attachable surfaces larger than the maximum framebuffer size, such images will be considered not to be framebuffer attachment complete. We don't expect this to be a common case, as the minimum maximums for framebuffer sizes equals the minimum maximums for texture sizes. (5) The ClampColor setting FIXED_ONLY depends on the framebuffer. How is this value intepreted in a framebuffer with no attachments? RESOLVED: Given current spec language, clamping should be enabled in this case, as there are no enabled color buffers with non-fixed-point components: If clamp is FIXED_ONLY, fragment color clamping is enabled if all enabled color buffers have fixed-point components. This isn't really a new issue in this extension; it could also arise when using a complete framebuffer with no color attachments. Note that this issue has no effect on the core profile of OpenGL. CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR and CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR are compatibility-only. CLAMP_READ_COLOR has no effect as ReadPixels will always generate an error due to the lack of framebuffer attachments. (6) What should be returned on the compatibility profile queries of RED_BITS, GREEN_BITS, BLUE_BITS, and ALPHA_BITS on a framebuffer with no attachments? RESOLVED: Zero should be returned, which is also the case for DEPTH_BITS and STENCIL_BITS. As in issue (5), this isn't a new issue in this spec. Revision History Revision 5, May 7, 2015 (Jon Leech) - Restore missing cube map arrays to new framebuffer attachment completeness conditions (Bug 11201). Revision 4, September 12, 2012 (Jon Leech) - Clarify legal values (Bug 9344). Revision 3, June 4, 2012 (pbrown) - Mark issues (4) through (6) as resolved. Revision 2, June 1, 2012 (pbrown) - Add new implementation-dependent limits on framebuffer width, height, layer count, and sample count. - Assign enumerant values for all the new tokens. - Specify that the default framebuffer parameters are error-checked against the new implementation limits. - Add new checks treating framebuffer attachments as incomplete in the unlikely event that they exceed the new implementation limits. - Mark issues (1) through (3) as resolved. - Add new issues (4) through (6). - Add overview text. Revision 1, May 14, 2012 (pbrown) - Initial revision, for discussion purposes.