Name ARB_fragment_shader_interlock Name Strings GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock Contact Slawomir Grajewski, Intel (slawomir.grajewski 'at' Contributors Contributors to INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering Contributers to NV_fragment_shader_interlock Notice Copyright (c) 2015 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at Status Complete. Approved by the ARB on June 26, 2015. Ratified by the Khronos Board of Promoters on August 7, 2015. Version Last Modified Date: May 7, 2015 Revision: 2 Number ARB Extension #177 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile) Specification. This extension is written against version 4.50 (revision 5) of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. OpenGL 4.2 or ARB_shader_image_load_store is required; GLSL 4.20 is required. Overview In unextended OpenGL 4.5, applications may produce a large number of fragment shader invocations that perform loads and stores to memory using image uniforms, atomic counter uniforms, buffer variables, or pointers. The order in which loads and stores to common addresses are performed by different fragment shader invocations is largely undefined. For algorithms that use shader writes and touch the same pixels more than once, one or more of the following techniques may be required to ensure proper execution ordering: * inserting Finish or WaitSync commands to drain the pipeline between different "passes" or "layers"; * using only atomic memory operations to write to shader memory (which may be relatively slow and limits how memory may be updated); or * injecting spin loops into shaders to prevent multiple shader invocations from touching the same memory concurrently. This extension provides new GLSL built-in functions beginInvocationInterlockARB() and endInvocationInterlockARB() that delimit a critical section of fragment shader code. For pairs of shader invocations with "overlapping" coverage in a given pixel, the OpenGL implementation will guarantee that the critical section of the fragment shader will be executed for only one fragment at a time. There are four different interlock modes supported by this extension, which are identified by layout qualifiers. The qualifiers "pixel_interlock_ordered" and "pixel_interlock_unordered" provides mutual exclusion in the critical section for any pair of fragments corresponding to the same pixel. When using multisampling, the qualifiers "sample_interlock_ordered" and "sample_interlock_unordered" only provide mutual exclusion for pairs of fragments that both cover at least one common sample in the same pixel; these are recommended for performance if shaders use per-sample data structures. Additionally, when the "pixel_interlock_ordered" or "sample_interlock_ordered" layout qualifier is used, the interlock also guarantees that the critical section for multiple shader invocations with "overlapping" coverage will be executed in the order in which the primitives were processed by the GL. Such a guarantee is useful for applications like blending in the fragment shader, where an application requires that fragment values to be composited in the framebuffer in primitive order. This extension can be useful for algorithms that need to access per-pixel data structures via shader loads and stores. Such algorithms using this extension can access such data structures in the critical section without worrying about other invocations for the same pixel accessing the data structures concurrently. Additionally, the ordering guarantees are useful for cases where the API ordering of fragments is meaningful. For example, applications may be able to execute programmable blending operations in the fragment shader, where the destination buffer is read via image loads and the final value is written via image stores. New Procedures and Functions None. New Tokens None. Modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.50 Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the language features described in this extension: #extension GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock : where is as specified in section 3.3. New preprocessor #defines are added to the OpenGL Shading Language: #define GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock 1 Modify Section, Fragment Shader Inputs (p. 63) (add to the list of layout qualifiers containing "early_fragment_tests", p. 63, and modify the surrounding language to reflect that multiple layout qualifiers are supported on "in") layout-qualifier-id pixel_interlock_ordered pixel_interlock_unordered sample_interlock_ordered sample_interlock_unordered (add to the end of the section, p. 63) The identifiers "pixel_interlock_ordered", "pixel_interlock_unordered", "sample_interlock_ordered", and "sample_interlock_unordered" control the ordering of the execution of shader invocations between calls to the built-in functions beginInvocationInterlockARB() and endInvocationInterlockARB(), as described in section 8.13.3. A compile or link error will be generated if more than one of these layout qualifiers is specified in shader code. If a program containing a fragment shader includes none of these layout qualifiers, it is as though "pixel_interlock_ordered" were specified. Add to the end of Section 8.13, Fragment Processing Functions (p. 170) 8.13.3, Fragment Shader Execution Ordering Functions By default, fragment shader invocations are generally executed in undefined order. Multiple fragment shader invocations may be executed concurrently, including multiple invocations corresponding to a single pixel. Additionally, fragment shader invocations for a single pixel might not be processed in the order in which the primitives generating the fragments were specified in the OpenGL API. The paired functions beginInvocationInterlockARB() and endInvocationInterlockARB() allow shaders to specify a critical section, inside which stronger execution ordering is guaranteed. When using the "pixel_interlock_ordered" or "pixel_interlock_unordered" qualifier, ordering guarantees are provided for any pair of fragment shader invocations X and Y triggered by fragments A and B corresponding to the same pixel. When using the "sample_interlock_ordered" or "sample_interlock_unordered" qualifier, ordering guarantees are provided for any pair of fragment shader invocations X and Y triggered by fragments A and B that correspond to the same pixel, where at least one sample of the pixel is covered by both fragments. No ordering guarantees are provided for pairs of fragment shader invocations corresponding to different pixels. Additionally, no ordering guarantees are provided for pairs of fragment shader invocations corresponding to the same fragment. When multisampling is enabled and the framebuffer has sample buffers, multiple fragment shader invocations may result from a single fragment due to the use of the "sample" auxiliary storage qualifier, OpenGL API commands forcing multiple shader invocations per fragment, or for other implementation-dependent reasons. When using the "pixel_interlock_unordered" or "sample_interlock_unordered" qualifier, the interlock will ensure that the critical sections of fragment shader invocations X and Y with overlapping coverage will never execute concurrently. That is, invocation X is guaranteed to complete its call to endInvocationInterlockARB() before invocation Y completes its call to beginInvocationInterlockARB(), or vice versa. When using the "pixel_interlock_ordered" or "sample_interlock_ordered" layout qualifier, the critical sections of invocations X and Y with overlapping coverage will be executed in a specific order, based on the relative order assigned to their fragments A and B. If fragment A is considered to precede fragment B, the critical section of invocation X is guaranteed to complete before the critical section of invocation Y begins. When a pair of fragments A and B have overlapping coverage, fragment A is considered to precede fragment B if * the OpenGL API command producing fragment A was called prior to the command producing B, or * the point, line, triangle, [[compatibility profile: quadrilateral, polygon,]] or patch primitive producing fragment A appears earlier in the same strip, loop, fan, or independent primitive list producing fragment B. When [[compatibility profile: decomposing quadrilateral or polygon primitives or]] tessellating a single patch primitive, multiple primitives may be generated in an undefined implementation-dependent order. When fragments A and B are generated from such unordered primitives, their ordering is also implementation-dependent. If fragment shader X completes its critical section before fragment shader Y begins its critical section, all stores to memory performed in the critical section of invocation X using a pointer, image uniform, atomic counter uniform, or buffer variable qualified by "coherent" are guaranteed to be visible to any reads of the same types of variable performed in the critical section of invocation Y. If multisampling is disabled, or if the framebuffer does not include sample buffers, fragment coverage is computed per-pixel. In this case, the "sample_interlock_ordered" or "sample_interlock_unordered" layout qualifiers are treated as "pixel_interlock_ordered" or "pixel_interlock_unordered", respectively. Syntax: void beginInvocationInterlockARB(void); void endInvocationInterlockARB(void); Description: The beginInvocationInterlockARB() and endInvocationInterlockARB() may only be placed inside the function main() of a fragment shader and may not be called within any flow control. These functions may not be called after a return statement in the function main(), but may be called after a discard statement. A compile- or link-time error will be generated if main() calls either function more than once, contains a call to one function without a matching call to the other, or calls endInvocationInterlockARB() before calling beginInvocationInterlockARB(). Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None. Errors None. New State None. New Implementation Dependent State None. Issues (1) When using multisampling, the OpenGL specification permits multiple fragment shader invocations to be generated for a single fragment. For example, per-sample shading using the "sample" auxiliary storage qualifier or the MinSampleShading() OpenGL API command can be used to force per-sample shading. What execution ordering guarantees are provided between fragment shader invocations generated from the same fragment? RESOLVED: We don't provide any ordering guarantees in this extension. This implies that when using multisampling, there is no guarantee that two fragment shader invocations for the same fragment won't be executing their critical sections concurrently. This could cause problems for algorithms sharing data structures between all the samples of a pixel unless accesses to these data structures are performed atomically. When using per-sample shading, the interlock we provide *does* guarantee that no two invocations corresponding to the same sample execute the critical section concurrently. If a separate set of data structures is provided for each sample, no conflicts should occur within the critical section. Note that in addition to the per-sample shading options in the shading language and API, implementations may provide multisample antialiasing modes where the implementation can't simply run the fragment shader once and broadcast results to a large set of covered samples. (2) What performance differences are expected between shaders using the "pixel" and "sample" layout qualifier variants in this extension (e.g., "pixel_invocation_ordered" and "sample_invocation_ordered")? RESOLVED: We expect that shaders using "sample" qualifiers may have higher performance, since the implementation need not order pairs of fragments that touch the same pixel with "complementary" coverage. Such situations are fairly common: when two adjacent triangles combine to cover a given pixel, two fragments will be generated for the pixel but no sample will be covered by both. When using "sample" qualifiers, the invocations for both fragments can run concurrently. When using "pixel" qualifiers, the critical section for one fragment must wait until the critical section for the other fragment completes. (3) What performance differences are expected between shaders using the "ordered" and "unordered" layout qualifier variants in this extension (e.g., "pixel_invocation_ordered" and "pixel_invocation_unordered")? RESOLVED: We expect that shaders using "unordered" may have higher performance, since the critical section implementation doesn't need to ensure that all previous invocations with overlapping coverage have completed their critical sections. Some algorithms (e.g., building data structures in order-independent transparency algorithms) will require mutual exclusion when updating per-pixel data structures, but do not require that shaders execute in a specific ordering. (4) Are fragment shaders using this extension allowed to write outputs? If so, is there any guarantee on the order in which such outputs are written to the framebuffer? RESOLVED: Yes, fragment shaders with critical sections may still write outputs. If fragment shader outputs are written, they are stored or blended into the framebuffer in API order, as is the case for fragment shaders not using this extension. (5) What considerations apply when using this extension to implement a programmable form of conventional blending using image stores? RESOLVED: Per-fragment operations performed in the pipeline following fragment shader execution obviously have no effect on image stores executing during fragment shader execution. In particular, multisample operations such as broadcasting a single fragment output to multiple samples or modifying the coverage with alpha-to-coverage or a shader coverage mask output value have no effect. Fragments can not be killed before fragment shader blending using the fixed-function alpha test or using the depth test with a Z value produced by the shader. Fragments will normally not be killed by fixed-function depth or stencil tests, but those tests can be enabled before fragment shader invocations using the layout qualifier "early_fragment_tests". Any required fixed-function features that need to be handled before programmable blending that aren't enabled by "early_fragment_tests" would need to be emulated in the shader. Note also that performing blend computations in the shader are not guaranteed to produce results that are bit-identical to these produced by fixed-function blending hardware, even if mathematically equivalent algorithms are used. (6) For operations accessing shared per-pixel data structures in the critical section, what operations (if any) must be performed in shader code to ensure that stores from one shader invocation are visible to the next? RESOLVED: The "coherent" qualifier is required in the declaration of the shared data structures to ensure that writes performed by one invocation are visible to reads performed by another invocation. In shaders that don't use the interlock, "coherent" is not sufficient as there is no guarantee of the ordering of fragment shader invocations -- even if invocation A can see the values written by another invocation B, there is no general guarantee that invocation A's read will be performed before invocation B's write. The built-in function memoryBarrier() can be used to generate a weak ordering by which threads can communicate, but it doesn't order memory transactions between two separate invocations. With the interlock, execution ordering between two threads from the same pixel is well-defined as long as the loads and stores are performed inside the critical section, and the use of "coherent" ensures that stores done by one invocation are visible to other invocations. (7) Should we provide an explicit mechanisms for shaders to indicate a critical section? Or should we just automatically infer a critical section by analyzing shader code? Or should we just wrap the entire fragment shader in a critical section? RESOLVED: Provide an explicit critical section. We definitely don't want to wrap the entire shader in a critical section when a smaller section will suffice. Doing so would hold off the execution of any other fragment shader invocation with the same (x,y) for the entire (potentially long) life of the fragment shader. Hardware would need to track a large number of fragments awaiting execution, and may be so backed up that further fragments will be blocked even if they don't overlap with any fragments currently executing. Providing a smaller critical section reduces the amount of time other fragments are blocked and allows implementations to perform useful work for conflicting fragments before they hit the critical section. While a compiler could analyze the code and wrap a critical section around all memory accesses, it may be difficult to determine which accesses actually require mutual exclusion and ordering, and which accesses are safe to do with no protection. Requiring shaders to explicitly identify a critical section doesn't seem overwhelmingly burdensome, and allows applications to exclude memory accesses that it knows to be "safe". (8) What restrictions should be imposed on the use of the beginInvocationInterlockARB() and endInvocationInterlockARB() functions delimiting a critical section? RESOLVED: We impose restrictions similar to those on the barrier() built-in function in tessellation control shaders to ensure that any shader using this functionality has a single critical section that can be easily identified during compilation. In particular, we require that these functions be called in main() and don't permit them to be called in conditional flow control. These restrictions ensure that there is always exactly one call to the "begin" and "end" functions in a predictable location in the compiled shader code, and ensure that the compiler and hardware don't have to deal with unusual cases (like entering a critical section and never leaving, leaving a critical section without entering it, or trying to enter a critical section more than once). Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- -------- -------- ----------------------------------------- 1 04/01/15 S.Grajewski Inital version merging INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering with NV_fragment_shader_interlock 2 05/07/15 S.Grajewski Built-in functions beginInvocationInterlockARB() and endInvocationInterlockARB() have now ARB suffixes.