Name ARB_base_instance Name Strings GL_ARB_base_instance Contact Graham Sellers, AMD (graham.sellers 'at' Contributors Daniel Koch, NVIDIA Notice Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at Status Complete. Approved by the ARB on 2011/06/20. Approved by the Khronos Promoters on 2011/07/29. Version Last Modified Date: June 13, 2014 Author Revision: 7 Number ARB Extension #107 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL Specification, Version 4.1 (Core Profile). OpenGL 3.1 or ARB_draw_instanced is required. Overview This extension allows the offset within buffer objects used for instanced rendering to be specified. This is congruent with the parameter in glDrawArrays and the parameter in glDrawElements. When instanced rendering is performed (for example, through glDrawArraysInstanced), instanced vertex attributes whose vertex attribute divisors are non-zero are fetched from enabled vertex arrays per-instance rather than per-vertex. However, in unextended OpenGL, there is no way to define the offset into those arrays from which the attributes are fetched. This extension adds that offset in the form of a parameter to several new procedures. The parameter is added to the index of the array element, after division by the vertex attribute divisor. This allows several sets of instanced vertex attribute data to be stored in a single vertex array, and the base offset of that data to be specified for each draw. Further, this extension exposes the parameter as the final and previously undefined structure member of the draw-indirect data structure. IP Status None. New Procedures and Functions void DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(enum mode, int first, sizei count, sizei primcount, uint baseinstance); void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices, sizei primcount, uint baseinstance); void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices, sizei primcount, int basevertex, uint baseinstance); New Tokens None. Modifications to Chapter 2 of the the OpenGL 4.1 (Core Profile) Specification (OpenGL Operation) Modification to Section 2.8.3, "Drawing Commands" Modify the definition of DrawArraysOneInstance on p.33. The command void DrawArraysOneInstance(enum mode, int first, sizei count, int instance, uint baseinstance); does not exist in the GL, but is used to describe functionality in the rest of this section. This command constructs a sequence of geometric primitives by transferring elements through + - 1 of each enabled array to the GL. specifies what kind of primitives are constructed, as defined in section 2.6.1. If is not a valid primitive type, an INVALID_ENUM error is generated. If is negative, an INVALID_VALUE error is generated. For any vertex attribute whose divisor is non-zero as set by VertexAttribDivisor, the value is used to determine the element of the enabled instanced attribute arrays that will be transferred for all vertices transferred by this function. If an array corresponding to a generic attribute required by a vertex shader is not enabled, then the corresponding element is taken from the current generic attribute state (see section 2.7). If an array corresponding to a generic attribute required by a vertex shader is enabled, the corresponding current generic attribute value is unaffected by the execution of DrawArraysOneInstance. Specifying < 0 results in undefined behavior. Generating the error INVALID_VALUE is recommended in this case. The command void DrawArrays( enum mode, int first, sizei count ); is equivalent to the command sequence DrawArraysOneInstance(mode, first, count, 0, 0); Replace the description of DrawArraysInstanced with the following (p.35): The command void DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(enum mode, int first, sizei count, sizei primcount, uint baseinstance); behaves identically to DrawArrays, except that instances of the range of elements are executed and the value of advances for each iteration. Those attributes that have divisor N where N is other than zero (as specified by VertexAttribDivisor) advance once every N instances. Additionally, the first element within those instanced vertex attributes is specified in . Thus, the element transferred from instanced vertex attributes is given by: ( / ) + DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance has the same effect as: if ( or is invalid) generate appropriate error else { for (i = 0; i < ; i++) { instanceID = i; DrawArraysOneInstance(, , , i, ); } instanceID = 0; } The command void DrawArraysInstanced(enum mode, int first, sizei count, sizei primcount); Is equivalent to calling DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance with set to zero. Update the definition of DrawArraysIndirect as follows (p.35): The command void DrawArraysIndirect(enum mode, const void *indirect); has the same effect as: typedef struct { uint count; uint primCount; uint first; uint baseInstance; } DrawArraysIndirectCommand; const DrawArraysIndirectCommand *cmd = (const DrawArraysIndirectCommand *)indirect; DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(mode, cmd->first, cmd->count, cmd->primCount, cmd->baseInstance); Remove the sentence "Results are undefined if reservedMustBeZero is non- zero, but must not lead to GL interruption or termination." Update the definition of DrawElementsOneInstance, p.36: The command void DrawElementsOneInstance(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices, int instance, uint baseinstance); does not exist in the GL ... If an enabled vertex attribute array is instanced (it has a non-zero attribute divisor as specified by VertexAttribDivisor), the element that is transferred to the GL is given by: floor( / ) + Update the text describing DrawElements: The command void DrawElements(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices); behaves identically to DrawElementsOneInstance with the and parameters set to zero; the effect of calling DrawElements(mode, count, type, indices); is equivalent to the command sequence: if (, or is invalid) generate appropriate error else DrawElementsOneInstance(mode, count, type, indices, 0, 0); Replace the description of DrawElementsInstanced with the following (p.37) The command void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices, sizei primcount, uint baseinstance); behaves identically to DrawElements except that instances of the set of elements are executed, the value of instanceID advances between each set, and the instance advances between each set. Instanced attributes are advanced as they do during execution of DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstace, and has the same effect. It has the same effect as: if (, , or is invalid) generate appropriate error else { for (int i = 0; i < ; i++) { instanceID = i; DrawElementsOneInstance(, , , , i, ); } instanceID = 0; } Add to the list of functions which include DrawElementsBaseVertex, DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex, and DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex (p.39): void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices, sizei primcount, int basevertex, uint baseinstance); Append to the paragraph describing DrawElementsBaseVertex, DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex, and DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex (p.40): For DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance, is used to offset the element from which instanced vertex attributes (those with a non-zero divisor as specified by VertexAttribDivisor) are taken. Update the definition of DrawElementsIndirect as follows (p.39): The command void DrawElementsIndirect(enum mode, enum type, const void *indirect ); has the same effect as: typedef struct { uint count; uint primCount; uint firstIndex; int baseVertex; uint baseInstance; } DrawElementsIndirectCommand; if (no element array buffer is bound) { generate appropriate error } else { const DrawElementsIndirectCommand *cmd = (const DrawElementsIndirectCommand *)indirect; DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance( mode, cmd->count, type, cmd->firstIndex * size-of-type, cmd->primCount, cmd->baseVertex, cmd->baseInstance); } Remove the sentence "Results are undefined if reservedMustBeZero is non- zero, but must not lead to GL interruption or termination." Modifications to Chapter 3 of the the OpenGL 4.1 (Core Profile) Specification (Rasterization) None. Modifications to Chapter 4 of the the OpenGL 4.1 (Core Profile) Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer) None. Modifications to Chapter 5 of the the OpenGL 4.1 (Core Profile) Specification (Special Functions) None. Modifications to Chapter 6 of the the OpenGL 4.1 (Core Profile) Specification (State and State Requests) None. Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None. GLX Protocol None. Errors None. New State None. New Implementation Dependent State None. Conformance Testing TBD. Issues 1) Does offset gl_InstanceID? RESOLVED: No. gl_InstanceID always starts from zero and counts up by one for each instance rendered. If the shader author requires the actual value of the instance index, including the base instance, they must pass the base instance as a uniform. In OpenGL, the vertex attribute divisors are not passed implicitly to the shader anyway, so the shader writer will need to take care of this regardless. 2) Is per-attribute, or global? RESOLVED: It is global. The same base is used for all instanced attribute arrays. 3) Do we need any more entry points? DISCUSSION: Maybe. Technically, we could specify a base vertex to any drawing command and any instanced vertex attributes would be taken from that offset within their respective buffers. OpenGL already has enough entry points. Another possibility is to actually make OpenGL state. The application would set it before any draw call (even non- instanced ones) and this would affect the base used for any instanced vertex attributes. However, this would introduce performance overhead and would not work well with Draw{Arrays|Elements}Indirect. 4) DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance? Really? The length of entry point names is starting to get silly. Can we clean this up? RESOLVED: Yes, we can, but not here. 5) What happens if baseInstance is > 2^31-1 (i.e., negative as a signed integer)? Need to check with hardware vendors. Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- ---------- -------- ----------------------------------------- 7 06/13/2014 dkoch fix typos in overview. 6 01/18/2011 Jon Leech Use floor() in computing element transferred to the GL to match change in core spec. 5 01/10/2011 gsellers Address bugzilla 7185. Make baseinstance API parameter unsigned to match structure member. Add issue 5. 4 01/05/2011 Jon Leech Fix typos from Bug 7202. 3 11/09/2010 gsellers Address bugzilla 7011. Elaborate in overview and issues. Add placeholder for conformance test plan. 2 11/08/2010 gsellers Did some TODOs. Check in to SVN. 1 11/04/2010 gsellers Initial revision.