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Object Management Group Issues Request for Information for Disposable Self-Sovereign Identity Standard
Standardizing contextual, disposable self-sovereign Identities for enhanced privacy

BOSTON, MA – JANUARY 21, 2021 – Today, international technology standards organization Object Management Group® (OMG®) issued a request for information (RFI) for a Disposable Self-Sovereign Identity (DSSID) standard. Such a standard would describe contextually constrained, disposable self-sovereign identity (DSSID) applications. It would also build on the existing World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) decentralized identifier (DID) standard – a peer-to-peer standard that establishes a channel and identity between an individual and an organization that does not require a third party.

"The industry standard term of self-sovereign identity describes solutions that people can use to prove their identity without sharing their own personal data to prove eligibility for services or entitlements," said Char Wales, Systems Engineer - Process Specialist, Jackrabbit Consulting, and OMG Co-Chair, Middleware and Related Services (MARS) Platform Task Force. "SSIDs that must be used within a specific limited time frame are known as disposable SSIDs. The significant feature is not that they must expire at a specific time, but that they are expected to be short lived and limited to their specific usage context. A new DSSID standard will address evolving privacy concerns."

An OMG Request for Information is the first step to develop a new standard. The RFI surveys the computing industry, collecting information that OMG members use to form and guide new standards. Any person or company, OMG member or not, may submit material in response to an RFI. 

The Disposable Self-Sovereign Identity RFI seeks information relating to a potential standard for contextual DSSIDs based on the W3C DID standard for self-sovereign identity. The full request and details on how to respond can be found in the Disposable Self-Sovereign Identity RFI. The deadline to respond is March 31, 2021. Responses to the RFI may be submitted by anyone regardless of their OMG membership status.

A public presentation on the Disposable Self-sovereign Identity RFI will be held on February 3, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET.


About OMG
The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium with representation from government, industry and academia. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG's modeling standards enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes. Visit www.omg.org for more information.


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