# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a265603 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A265603 #19 Jun 27 2018 02:47:16 %S A265603 1,1,1,1,6,1,1,30,2,1,1,42,20,1,1,1,30,63,12,3,1,1,66,1260,504,12,2,1, %T A265603 1,2730,495,360,72,4,2,1,1,6,900900,5940,432,2,30,3,1,1,510,15015, %U A265603 1351350,990,80,6,10,1,1,1,798,5105100,360360,154440,1056,80,12,2,2,1 %N A265603 Triangle read by rows, the denominators of the Bell transform of B(2n,1) where B(n,x) are the Bernoulli polynomials. %C A265603 For the definition of the Bell transform see A264428 and the link given there. %e A265603 1, %e A265603 1, 1, %e A265603 1, 6, 1, %e A265603 1, 30, 2, 1, %e A265603 1, 42, 20, 1, 1, %e A265603 1, 30, 63, 12, 3, 1, %e A265603 1, 66, 1260, 504, 12, 2, 1, %e A265603 1, 2730, 495, 360, 72, 4, 2, 1, %e A265603 1, 6, 900900, 5940, 432, 2, 30, 3, 1, %e A265603 1, 510, 15015, 1351350, 990, 80, 6, 10, 1, 1. %p A265603 A265603_triangle := proc(n) local B,C,k; %p A265603 B := BellMatrix(x -> bernoulli(2*x,1), n); # see A264428 %p A265603 for k from 1 to n do %p A265603 C := LinearAlgebra:-Row(B,k): %p A265603 print(seq(denom(C[j]), j=1..k)) %p A265603 od end: %p A265603 A265603_triangle(10); %t A265603 BellMatrix[f_, len_] := With[{t = Array[f, len, 0]}, Table[BellY[n, k, t], {n, 0, len - 1}, {k, 0, len - 1}]]; %t A265603 rows = 12; %t A265603 B = BellMatrix[BernoulliB[2#, 1]&, rows]; %t A265603 Table[B[[n, k]] // Denominator, {n, 1, rows}, {k, 1, n}] // Flatten (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Jun 27 2018, from Maple *) %Y A265603 Cf. A265602 for the numerators, A265314 and A265315 for B(n,1). %Y A265603 Cf. A002445 (column 1). %K A265603 nonn,tabl,frac %O A265603 0,5 %A A265603 _Peter Luschny_, Jan 21 2016 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE