# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a120994 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A120994 #8 Aug 29 2019 17:36:39 %S A120994 1,16,192,4096,16384,262144,1048576,268435456,3221225472,17179869184, %T A120994 68719476736,13194139533312,17592186044416,281474976710656, %U A120994 1125899906842624,1152921504606846976,4611686018427387904 %N A120994 Numerators of rationals related to John Wallis' product formula for Pi/2 from his 'Arithmetica infinitorum' from 1659. %C A120994 The corresponding denominators are given in A120995. %C A120994 The normalized sequence of rationals r(n):=(3/4)*W(n), with r(1)=1, converges to 3*Pi/8 = 1.178097245... %C A120994 The product formula for Pi/2 of Wallis can be written like lim_{n to infinity} W(n) with the rationals W(n):=(((2*n)!!/(2*n-1)!!)^2)/(2*n+1) with the double factorials (2*n)!! = A000165(n) and (2*n-1)!! = A001147(n). %H A120994 W. Lang: Rationals r(n) and limit. %F A120994 a(n) = numerator((3/4)*W(n)), n>=1, with the rationals W(n) given above. An equivalent form is W(n) = (((4^n)/binomial(2*n,n))^2)/(2*n+1). %e A120994 Rationals r(n)=((3/4)*W(n)): [1, 16/15, 192/175, 4096/3675, %e A120994 16384/14553, 262144/231231, 1048576/920205, 268435456/234652275,...] %K A120994 nonn,easy,frac %O A120994 1,2 %A A120994 _Wolfdieter Lang_, Aug 01 2006 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE