# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a071302 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A071302 #56 Nov 07 2022 02:28:06 %S A071302 1,4,24,576,51840,13063680,9170703360,19808719257600, %T A071302 131569513308979200,2600339861038664908800, %U A071302 152915585868239728626892800,27051378802435080953011843891200,14395932257291877030764312963579904000 %N A071302 a(n) = (1/2) * (number of n X n 0..2 matrices M with MM' mod 3 = I, where M' is the transpose of M and I is the n X n identity matrix). %C A071302 Also, number of n X n orthogonal matrices over GF(3) with determinant 1. - _Max Alekseyev_, Nov 06 2022 %H A071302 Jianing Song, Structure of the group SO(2,Z_n). %H A071302 László Tóth, Counting solutions of quadratic congruences in several variables revisited, arXiv:1404.4214 [math.NT], 2014. %H A071302 László Tóth, Counting Solutions of Quadratic Congruences in Several Variables Revisited, J. Int. Seq. 17 (2014), #14.11.6. %H A071302 Jessie MacWilliams, Orthogonal Matrices Over Finite Fields, The American Mathematical Monthly 76:2 (1969), 152-164. %F A071302 a(2k+1) = 3^k * Product_{i=0..k-1} (3^(2k) - 3^(2i)); a(2k) = (3^k + (-1)^(k+1)) * Product_{i=1..k-1} (3^(2k) - 3^(2i)) (see MacWilliams, 1969). - _Max Alekseyev_, Nov 06 2022 %F A071302 a(n+1) = a(n) * A318609(n+1) for n >= 1. - conjectured by _Petros Hadjicostas_, Dec 18 2019; proved based on the explicit formula by _Max Alekseyev_, Nov 06 2022 %e A071302 From _Petros Hadjicostas_, Dec 17 2019: (Start) %e A071302 For n = 2, the 2*a(2) = 8 n X n matrices M with elements in {0, 1, 2} that satisfy MM' mod 3 = I are the following: %e A071302 (a) With 1 = det(M) mod 3: %e A071302 [[1,0],[0,1]]; [[0,1],[2,0]]; [[0,2],[1,0]]; [[2,0],[0,2]]. %e A071302 This is the abelian group SO(2, Z_3). See the comments for sequence A060968. %e A071302 (b) With 2 = det(M) mod 3: %e A071302 [[0,1],[1,0]]; [[0,2],[2,0]]; [[1,0],[0,2]]; [[2,0],[0,1]]. %e A071302 Note that, for n = 3, we have 2*a(3) = 2*24 = 48 = A264083(3). (End) %o A071302 (PARI) { a071302(n) = my(t=n\2); prod(i=0,t-1,3^(2*t)-3^(2*i)) * if(n%2,3^t,1/(3^t+(-1)^t)); } \\ _Max Alekseyev_, Nov 06 2022 %Y A071302 Cf. A003053, A003920, A060968, A071303, A071304, A071305, A071306, A071307, A071308, A071309, A071310, A071900, A087784, A208895, A264083, A318609. %K A071302 nonn %O A071302 1,2 %A A071302 _R. H. Hardin_, Jun 11 2002 %E A071302 Terms a(8) onward from _Max Alekseyev_, Nov 06 2022 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE