Search: a255834 -id:a255834
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Number of bipartite partitions of (i,j) with i+j = n into distinct pairs.
1, 2, 4, 10, 19, 38, 73, 134, 242, 430, 749, 1282, 2171, 3622, 5979, 9770, 15802, 25334, 40288, 63560, 99554, 154884, 239397, 367800, 561846, 853584, 1290107, 1940304, 2904447, 4328184, 6422164, 9489940, 13967783, 20480534, 29920277, 43557272, 63194864
G.f.: Product_{k>=1} (1+x^k)^(2*k-1).
1, 1, 3, 8, 15, 34, 67, 133, 255, 486, 901, 1649, 2984, 5312, 9373, 16342, 28221, 48283, 81928, 137858, 230278, 381919, 629156, 1029933, 1675856, 2711288, 4362575, 6983196, 11122327, 17630798, 27820283, 43706461, 68375137, 106534093, 165340844, 255643289
A simple grammar: power set of pairs of sequences.
1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 16, 24, 42, 63, 102, 157, 244, 373, 570, 858, 1290, 1930, 2858, 4228, 6208, 9084, 13216, 19175, 27666, 39804, 57020, 81412, 115820, 164264, 232178, 327220, 459796, 644232, 900214, 1254554, 1743896, 2418071, 3344896, 4616026
Number of multi-trace BPS operators for the quiver gauge theory of the orbifold C^2/Z_2.
1, 3, 11, 32, 90, 231, 576, 1363, 3141, 7003, 15261, 32468, 67788, 138892, 280103, 556302, 1089991, 2108332, 4030649, 7620671, 14261450, 26431346, 48544170, 88393064, 159654022, 286149924, 509137464, 899603036, 1579014769
G.f.: Product_{k>=1} (1+x^k)^(3*k+1).
1, 4, 13, 42, 117, 310, 785, 1896, 4433, 10062, 22248, 48080, 101821, 211682, 432795, 871520, 1730491, 3391894, 6568996, 12580316, 23841774, 44742634, 83193865, 153347110, 280336704, 508499474, 915540681, 1636805438, 2906642396, 5128530946, 8993376689
G.f.: Product_{k>=1} (1+x^k)^(3*k+2).
1, 5, 18, 61, 182, 506, 1338, 3369, 8172, 19197, 43833, 97636, 212748, 454461, 953505, 1968095, 4001627, 8024295, 15885484, 31074351, 60111277, 115071431, 218126868, 409662895, 762679151, 1408172844, 2579599582, 4690277001, 8467363674, 15182486586
Cf. A026007 (k), A219555 (k+1), A052812 (k-1), A255834 (2*k+1), A255835 (2*k-1), A255836 (3*k+1).
Number of partitions of n into distinct parts where there are k^2+1 kinds of part k.
1, 2, 6, 20, 52, 140, 356, 880, 2123, 5016, 11610, 26400, 59130, 130476, 284216, 611592, 1301344, 2740194, 5713930, 11806144, 24184908, 49142504, 99091244, 198360536, 394342884, 778818658, 1528531702, 2982017956, 5784365082, 11158728448, 21413292868

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