The positive odd numbers x such that x = c^2 - y and +-x = a +- y, where (a,b,c) is a primitive Pythagorean triple (PPT), a is odd and y is an even positive integer.
11, 87, 137, 309, 431, 667, 845, 1427, 1855, 2081, 2129, 2637, 3619, 3651, 3941, 4737, 5051, 5895, 6377, 7871, 9437, 10441, 10521, 11075, 12367, 14221, 15047, 16371, 17141, 17189, 18577, 19307, 20919, 21079, 24431, 24481, 26331
A combinatorial meaning is that if there are x red socks and y blue socks, then there are 2(mn)^2 more ways to choose a two-colored pair than a single-colored pair, where m and n are the unique relatively prime integers such that a = m^2 - n^2, b = 2mn, c = m^2 + n^2 and m != n (mod 2). The proof is just that xy - binomial(x,2) - binomial(y,2) = (c^2 - a^2)/2 = (b^2)/2, when xy = (c^2 - a)/2 (c^2 + a)/2, and (a,b,c) is a PPT.
Since there are c^2 socks in total, it is also possible to partition them into binomial(c+1,2) red socks and binomial(c,2) blue socks, whence there are as many ways of choosing a single-colored pair or a two-colored pair, because the equation binomial(c+1,2) binomial(c,2) = binomial(binomial(c+1,2),2) + binomial(binomial(c,2),2) is equivalent with the true equation (binomial(c+1,2) - (c,2))^2 = binomial(c+1,2) + binomial(c,2) = c^2.
There is a special relationship between xy and binomial(c+1,2) binomial(c,2), when (a,b,c) is a PPT, namely that xy - binomial(c+1,2) binomial(c,2) = (mn)^2. This is somewhat easy to deduce, because xy - binomial(binomial(c+1,2),2) - binomial(binomial(c,2),2) = (c^2 - a^2)/4 = (b^2)/4, when xy = (c^2 - a)/2 (c^2 + a)/2. Thus, in the partition to x and y, the possible ways of choosing a two-colored pair exceed binomial(c+1,2) binomial(c,2) by (mn)^2, and the possible ways of choosing a single-colored pair undercut it by (mn)^2.
A positive integer can be partitioned into red and blue members with as many ways of choosing a single- or a two-colored pair if and only if it is a perfect square. The 'if' part was already shown with the socks above. The 'only if' part of the proof is as follows: there are A + B socks, of which A are red and B are blue and B > A, then B = A + K for some positive integer K. Suppose that (A-B)^2 = A + B, that is, K^2 = 2A + K, equivalently K^2 - K = 2A, equivalently A = binomial(K,2). Thus B = A + K = (K^2 - K)/2 + K = binomial(K+1,2). Therefore, A + B = binomial(K+1,2) + binomial(K,2) = K^2.
Furthermore, if (a,b,c) is a PPT, and the square c^2 is partitioned into the squares a^2 and b^2, then there are more ways to choose a single-colored pair than a two-colored pair, because (a^2 - b^2)^2 = (a-b)^2*(a+b)^2 >= (a+b)^2 > c^2 = a^2 + b^2.
Also, if there are equal numbers of both colors, then there are always fewer ways to choose a single-color pair, no matter if the total number of socks is a square or not. The proof is that A^2 > 2 binomial(A,2) for any positive integer A.
The formula for PPT using integers m and n is a well-known result. It can be proved using elementary number theory. The proof is omitted here.
x = (c^2 +- a)/2, pick the odd number, one is guaranteed to be odd and the other one is even.
Proof. Since c^2 and a are both odd numbers, and c^2 > a, it follows that c^2 +- a = 2x and c^2 -+ a = 2y, for some positive integers x and y. Thus 2c^2 = 2(x+y), whence c^2 = x + y, making x and y of opposite parity, and 2a = +-2x -+ 2y. Thus +-x = a +- y.
Cf. A020882.
Sequence in context: A243879 A298253 A277465 * A232078 A016222 A081013
Laura Jokinen, Oct 02 2022