a(0)=a(1)=0; thereafter a(n+1) is the index of the earliest as yet unused occurrence of a(n) if a(n) has occurred before; otherwise a(n+1) = a(a(n)-1). Once an occurrence of a(n) has been used it cannot be used again.
0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 4, 1, 3, 0, 6, 2, 5, 0, 10, 3, 9, 1, 8, 4, 7, 0, 14, 5, 13, 2, 12, 6, 11, 0, 22, 7, 21, 4, 20, 8, 19, 1, 18, 9, 17, 3, 16, 10, 15, 0, 30, 11, 29, 6, 28, 12, 27, 2, 26, 13, 25, 5, 24, 14, 23, 0, 46, 15, 45, 10, 44, 16, 43, 3, 42, 17, 41, 9, 40, 18, 39, 1, 38, 19, 37, 8
For n > 2, a(n+1) is either the index or repeat of an earlier term (see Name). Hence terms are referred to here as being "index" or "repeat" respectively. Starting from a(3)=1, index and repeat terms occur alternatively throughout the sequence.
a(n) < n for all n >= 0. For k >= 2, numbers 0,1,...,2^k-2 occur as terms in the interval between a(2^k-2) = 0 and a(2^(k+1)-2) = 0; see Formula (e.g., k = 2 --> 0,1,2 occur between a(2) and a(6); k = 3 --> 0,1,..,6 occur between a(6) and a(14)). Thus every integer >= 0 occurs infinitely many times in the sequence.
There appears to be a proper copy subsequence given by a(4*m+2) = a(m-1); m >0 (noticed by Carl J Love). There may be other (independent) copies to be found (e.g. by selecting terms sequentially, one from each of the above mentioned intervals). A family of sequences similar to this one can be described using the same rule as above, with offset k >= 0 and initial terms a(k) = a(k+1) = k. Conjecture: Every such sequence contains a proper copy of itself as a(4*m+2+k) = a(m+k-1).
Index terms > 0 are 1,2,4,3,6,5,10,9,8,7,14,13,... (see A132666). Repeat terms from a(4)=0 are 0,0,1,0,2,0,3,1,4,0,5,2,6,0,7,... (union of the nonnegative integers interleaved with the copy subsequence described above).
For any n >= 0, a k >= 0 exists such that a^k(n)=0 (e.g., n=5 -> k=2; a^2(5)=0).
Replacing a(a(n)-1) with a(a(n)+1) in the Name produces A025480 with 0 prepended.
Conjectured formulae:
a(2^k-2)=0 = a(3*2^k-2) = 0; (k>=0).
a(5*2^k-2) = 1, a(7*2^k-2) = 2, (k>=0).
a(11*2^(2*k)-2) = a(9*2^(2*k+1)-2) = 3 (k>=0).
a(11*2^(2*k+1)-2) = a(9*2^(2k)-2) = 4 (k>=0).
a(2*k+1) = A132666(k); k >= 1.
a(4*k) = k-1; k >= 1.
1st-level copy subsequence: a(k-1) = a(4*k+2), k >= 1.
(m-th)-level (dependent) copy subsequence: a(k) = a(4^m*(k+2) - 2), m >= 1, k >= 0.
a(2) = 0 since a(1) = 0 was last seen as a(0); a(3) = 1 since a(2) = 0 was last seen as a(1); a(4) = 0 since a(3) = 1 has not been seen before, so a(4) = a(a(3)-1) = a(0) = 0; a(327883)=163736.
# Code by Carl J Love (via Mapleprimes). (This code is derived from Name. An alternative code (same author), based on a recursion deduced from empirical formulae (see above) produces identical output up to 100000 terms.)
a:= module()
pos:= table([0= 0]), nextpos:= table([0= 1]),
used:= table(sparse, [0= 2]),
ModuleApply:= proc(n::nonnegint)
option remember;
local p:= thisproc(n-1), r:= `if`(used[p] > 1, pos[p], thisproc(p-1));
(pos[r], used[r], nextpos[r]):= (nextpos[r], used[r]+1, n);
end proc;
(ModuleApply(0), ModuleApply(1)):= (0, 0)
end module :
seq(a(k), k= 0..100);
Sequence in context: A305796 A347961 A020781 * A007432 A079124 A242071