Forbidden residues of the greedy prime offset sequence.
1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 1, 7, 9, 11, 25, 15, 33, 13, 21, 23, 31, 29, 52, 33, 35, 35, 39, 41, 58, 11, 13, 51, 53, 57, 29, 63, 65, 43, 69, 119, 75, 122, 81, 83, 112, 89, 4, 95, 94, 174, 99, 105, 111, 113, 123, 107, 119, 228, 125, 223, 131, 126, 135, 201, 29, 141, 193
The greedy prime offset sequence, A135311, is the closepacked integer sequence, starting with 0, such that for no prime p does the sequence form a complete system of residues modulo p. Instead, at least one residue must be missing for p, this is the (conjectured to be unique) "forbidden residue" for p. The first few terms of the greedy sequence are 0, 2, 6, 8, 12, 18. For the first three primes: 2, 3, 5, the forbidden residues are, respectively: 1, 1, 4. More generally, a(n) gives the forbidden residue for the n-th prime number. Every prime, it appears, has a unique forbidden residue, but this is unproven as far as I know. If this is true then every prime has an "exhaustion number" which is the number of terms of the greedy sequence needed to exhaust all the other residues and determine which one is forbidden; see A274261.
Note: I discovered the greedy sequence many years ago and did a writeup including discussion of forbidden residues and exhaustion numbers. See LINKS.
b[n_] := Module[{set = {}, m = 0, p, q, r}, p = Prime[n];
While[Length[set] < p - 1, m++; q = Mod[g[m], p];
If[FreeQ[set, q], set = Append[set, q]]];
r = Complement[Range[0, p - 1], set][[1]];
{n, p, r, m}]
(* b[n] returns a 4-element list: {n, Prime[n], forbidden_residue[n], exhaustion_number[n]}. g is the greedy sequence, see A135311 for Mathematica code, where a[n]=g[n].*)
Sequence in context: A316254 A029934 A246665 * A011397 A352692 A339579
R. Michael Perry, Jun 16 2016