a(n) = the digit that is repeated exactly n times in the string A243151(n)^n.

%I #13 Jun 01 2014 00:10:11

%S 1,1,6,3,9,4,1,1,6,0,8,5,4,8,7,1,4,1,6,0,6,3,8,9,3,4,9,6,7,6,7,4,6,0,

%T 3,9,6,0,9,5,1,3,1,6,2,7,7,9,4,8,9,2,7,7,7,9,9,4,9,9,1,0,9,5,9,5,5,6,

%U 4,3,2,6,3,7,4,7,2,0,1,2,8,1,9,6,9,9,1,9,3,0

%N a(n) = the digit that is repeated exactly n times in the string A243151(n)^n.

%C In the event of a tie, choose the smaller integer.

%e A243151(2) = 11. So A243151(2)^2 = 121. Since the digit 1 is the one repeated two times, a(2) = 1.

%o (Python)

%o def c(n):

%o ..for k in range(10**7):

%o ....if k % 10 == 0:

%o ......lst = []

%o ......count = 0

%o ......for i in range(10):

%o ........if str(k**n).count(str(i)) == n:

%o ..........return i

%o n = 1

%o while n < 100:

%o ..print(c(n),end=', ')

%o ..n+=1

%Y Cf. A243151.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,3

%A _Derek Orr_, May 31 2014