Smaller member p of a twin prime pair (p, p+2) such that the sum p+(p+2) is a fifth power: 2*(p+1) = k^5 for some integer k.
4076863487, 641194278911, 16260080320511, 174339220049999, 420586798122287, 388931440807883087, 1715002302605720111, 2051821692518399999, 4617724356355049999, 5873208011345484287, 58698987193722272687, 76578949263222449999, 180701862444484649999, 562030251929933709311
Since k^5 = 2*(p+1) is even, k is also even.
The lesser of twin primes p (except for 3) are congruent to -1 modulo 3 (see third comment in A001359), the greater of twin primes p+2 (except for 5) are congruent to 1 modulo 3. Therefore p+1 is a multiple of 3. Since k^5 = 2*(p+1) is a multiple of 3, k is also a multiple of 3. Hence k is divisible by 2 and by 3, i.e. a multiple of 6.
The lesser of twin primes except for 3 (A001359) are congruent to 1, 7 or 9 modulo 10; this applies also to the terms of the present sequence, a subsequence of A001359.
p = 4076863487 and p+2 form a twin prime pair, their sum 8153726976 = 96^5 is a fifth power. Hence 4076863487 is in the sequence.
p = 641194278911 and p+2 form a twin prime pair, their sum 1282388557824 = 264^5 is a fifth power. Hence 641194278911 is in the sequence.
p = 388931440807883087 and p+2 form a twin prime pair, their sum 777862881615766176 = 3786^5 is a fifth power. Hence 388931440807883087 is in the sequence.
3786 is the smallest value of k that gives a prime when divided by 6, it corresponds to a(6): 3786 = 6*631 and 631 is prime. The next value of k that gives a prime when divided by 6 is 10326 and corresponds to a(11): 10326 = 6*1721 and 1721 is prime.
If p is a term and k^5 the corresponding fifth power, then a fifth-power multiple c^5*k^5 does not necessarily correspond to a term q. The fifth power 96^5 corresponds to a(1), but q = 2^5*96^5/2-1 = 130459631615 = 5*7607*3429989 is not prime, much less is (q, q+2) a twin prime pair.
If p is a term and k^5 the corresponding fifth power, and if k^5 is the product c^5*d^5 of two fifth powers where d is even, then d^5 does not necessarily correspond to a term q. The fifth power 3786^5 = 3^5*1262^5 corresponds to a(6), but q = 1262^5/2-1 = 1600540908674415 = 3*5*577*55171*3351883 is not prime, much less is (q, q+2) a twin prime pair.
Select[Range[2, 10^5, 2]^5/2 - 1, And@@PrimeQ[# + {0, 2}] &] (* Amiram Eldar, Dec 24 2019 *)
(Magma) /* gives triples <p, k^5, k> */ [ <p, k^5, k>: k in [2..10500 by 2] | IsPrime(p) and IsPrime(p+2) where p is (k^5 div 2)-1 ];
Ulrich Krug (leuchtfeuer37(AT)gmx.de), Feb 14 2010
Edited, non-specific references and keywords base, hard removed, MAGMA program added and listed terms verified by the Associate Editors of the OEIS, Feb 26 2010
More terms from Amiram Eldar, Dec 24 2019