Numbers k such that the fractional part of (1024/1000)^k is greater than 1-(1/k).

%I #10 Aug 25 2016 03:36:28

%S 1,29,82,134,277,1306,2036,2349,6393,9389,9816,21689,34477,145984,

%T 171954,956357,2746739

%N Numbers k such that the fractional part of (1024/1000)^k is greater than 1-(1/k).

%C Numbers k such that fract((1024/1000)^k) > 1-(1/k), where fract(x) = x-floor(x).

%C The next such number must be greater than 5*10^5.

%e a(2) = 29, since fract((1024/1000)^29) = 0.98929... > 0.9655... = 1 - (1/29), but fract((1024/1000)^k) <= 1 - (1/k) for 1 < k < 29.

%t Select[Range[1000], FractionalPart[(1024/1000)^#] >= 1 - (1/#) &] (* _G. C. Greubel_, Aug 24 2016 *)

%Y Cf. A153664, A153672, A153684, A154130, A153688, A153696, A153704, A153712, A153720.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,2

%A _Hieronymus Fischer_, Jan 06 2009

%E a(16)-a(17) from _Hagen von Eitzen_, May 16 2009